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         Guldin Paul:     more detail
  1. Jésuite Suisse: Anton Anderledy, Paul Guldin, Jean-Baptiste Cysat, Ethelbert Blatter, Theodor Amstad, Nicolas Fiva (French Edition)
  2. Naissance à Saint-Gall: Kurt Furgler, Manuel de Diéguez, Paul Guldin, Ruth Dreifuss, Victor Ruzo, Beat Breu, Georg Joachim Zollikofer (French Edition)
  3. Hochschullehrer (Universität Graz): Erwin Schrödinger, Joseph Schumpeter, Ernst Mach, Ludwig Boltzmann, Paul Guldin, Victor Franz Hess (German Edition)
  4. Personnalité Saint-Galloise: Emil Jannings, Anna Göldin, Pipilotti Rist, Paul Guldin, Heinrich Rohrer, Michael Von Der Heide, Ernst Rüdin (French Edition)
  5. Astronome Suisse: Fritz Zwicky, Paul Wild, Paul Guldin, Michel Mayor, Jean-Baptiste Cysat, Nicolas Fatio de Duillier, Jost Bürgi (French Edition)

41. Paul Guldin - Wikipedia
Translate this page paul guldin. Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nicht dieWikipedia. enpaul guldin ja?·?.
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Paul Guldin
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Paul Guldin , ursprünglich Habakuk Guldin (* 12. Juni in St. Gallen 3. November in Graz ), war Astronom und Professor für Mathematik in Graz und Wien Lernte zuerst die Goldschmiedekunst, trat zum Katholizismus und nahm dabei den Vornamen Paul an. Kurz darauf tratt er in den Jesuitenorden in München ein. Dort erkannte man sein Talent für Mathematik und sandte ihn zur weiteren Ausbildung nach Rom. Anschließend lehrte er in Rom, Wien und Graz. Sein größtes Werk Centrobaryea erschien in 4 Büchern 1635, 1640 und 1641 in Wien und enthält die baryzentrische Regeln , heute Guldinschen Regeln genannt, mit denen man Volumen und Oberflächen von Rotationskörpern berechnen kann. Diese Regeln wurden allerdings schon ca. 300 v.Chr. von Pappos von Alexandria in seinem mathematischen Lehrbuch beschrieben, so dass es sich hier eigentlich um eine Wiederentdeckung handelt.
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42. Report Prospectus
Criterion 7 paul Ellefson, Jim Granskog. Chapter 3 Steverson Moffat, Ruth McWillliams.Chapter 4 Dave Radloff, Brian Czech. Chapter 5 Rich guldin, paul Geissler.
Sustainable Forest Data Working Group Federal Geographic Data Committee Plan to Produce the 2003 National Report on Sustainable Forests (May 16, 2001) The Federal Government of the United States has committed to produce in 2003 a National Report on Sustainable Forests. Interest in the 2003 Report emerged from the continuing international Montreal Process on the Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests ( ) and from the work of the Roundtable on Sustainable Forests ( The Federal role was solidified in an Oct. 16, 2000 memorandum of understanding ( ) signed by 11 agencies. The MOU describes the 2003 Report as “a national report…for the Montreal Process on the state of the Nation’s forests and progress towards sustainable forest management in the United States….” The report will be a major technical contribution to our current understanding of sustainable resource management in the United States as characterized by the Criteria and Indicators. Planned contents of the report include:
Chapter 1 Describing and Measuring Sustainable Forest Management.

43. Definitions Of Rangelands And Forests
Attendees Richard guldin, paul Geissler, Johs Tanaka, Jeff Goebel, H. Gyde Lund,Doug Powell, Don FaberLangendon, Dennis Thompson, Dave Radloff, Allison Hill
Definitions of Rangelands and Forests SUMMARY - April 2, 2002 Conference Call Attendees : Richard Guldin, Paul Geissler, Johs Tanaka, Jeff Goebel, H. Gyde Lund, Doug Powell, Don Faber-Langendon, Dennis Thompson, Dave Radloff, Allison Hill, Mort Kothmann, Nick Brown, and John Helms Purpose of the call : to discuss the elements of a process for addressing the issue of defining forests and rangelands. FGDC 12 Step Process - The group heard an overview of the FGDC 12 step to provide context for this coordinated effort to address the issues with the definition of forests and rangelands. They briefly discussed the role of this group in helping to plan how to proceed with this effort, and talked about general guidelines for the group's decision making. Several participants noted, based on previous experience with FGDC processes, that open inclusive approaches including posting information on the Federal Register, posting meeting minutes on a public website, and active involvement from participants outside of Federal Agencies were integral to the standard setting process. They recognized that, while Federal Agencies were ultimately the decision makers, input from others was an essential part of the process and contributed to better decisions. Progress on Background Research - Paul Geissler provided the group with an update on FGDC Sustainable Forest Data Working Group efforts to summarize the history of this issue as a baseline for proceeding with this effort. He called attention to the background information circulated to the group and posted on the website from H. Gyde Lund, Doug Powell and Mort Kothmann as major contributions to this effort. Near term activities would involve summarizing this information, and determining whether additional research is necessary to form the basis for further discussion on the issues. All participants were encouraged to review the information posted on the website. Gyde, Doug, and Mort provided the group with brief overviews of their postings. Participants on the call discussed the importance of - in this next set of discussions on the definitions - grounding future work on the progress of the past, and minimizing 'reinventing the wheel'.

44. Paul Abel
1721 (paul s children are not listed here Witnesses; Christoph and Catharina Haller,Henrich Gross, Matthis Buki, Margreth Hauin, Maria guldin, Magdalena guldin
Some notes about Paul Abel.
A "Paul Abel" lived in Frederick, Maryland at the right time and age to
be the father of Johannes Abel.
Links at
Note: These familysearch links are broken. You will need to go to their site and search again because I'm not sure how to link to a search result with their new program. CDA March 5 2003
Andreas Andrew Able 1690

Andreas' sons:
Michael Abel/Auble 1719

Paul Abel abt. 1721

(Paul's children are not listed here) Are these Abels related?
Barbara Abelin marries Henry Spalding 10 Sep 1797
St Marys' Maryland Batch number: M507701 and M504181 Elisabeth Abelin marries Gottfried Haller 28 Dec 1777 Witnesses; Christoph and Catharina Haller, Henrich Gross, Matthis Buki, Margreth Hauin, Maria Guldin, Magdalena Guldin, Eva Margreth Hildebrandin. Frederick, Maryland Batch number: M507701 and M504181 Catharina (Abel) Messinger MSA A1161-11-4 Paul Abel born: 25 Jan 1731, Amwell, Hunterdon Co. died 25 Sept 1773, Frederick Co., MD leaving a wife, 3 daughters and a son. He did not lease or buy land in Frederick County

45. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
near Hildesheim), Germany Died 25 Sept 1852 in Münster, Germany guldin, paul guldinBorn 12 June 1577 in St Gall (now Sankt Gallen), Switzerland Died 3 Nov

46. The Galileo Project
guldin, paul 1. Dates Born St. Gall, Switzerland, 12 June 1577 DiedGraz, Austria (Ge), 3 Nov 1643 Dateinfo Dates Certain Lifespan
Guldin, Paul
1. Dates
Born: St. Gall, Switzerland, 12 June 1577
Died: Graz, Austria (Ge), 3 Nov 1643
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Unknown
No information on financial status.
3. Nationality
Birth: St. Gall, Switzerland
Career: Italy and Germany
Death: Graz, Austria
4. Education
Schooling: Collegio Romano, D.D.
1609, he was sent to Rome by the Jesuit order for further education. He studied at the Collegio Romano under Clavius. I assume a B.A. As a Jesuit he would have had a doctorate in theology, even though he does not appear to have advanced to the fourth vow.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Jew, Catholic.
He was of Jewish descent, but his parents were protestant and he was raised as such. But in 1597 he converted to Catholicism and entered the Jesuit order, changing his name from Habakkuk to Paul. It is of interest that the order recognized his talents rather late; although he received the full education, he remained a "spiritual coadjutor" and was not admitted to the fourth vow. Can this mean that the order chose not to recognize the talents of a Jew?
6. Scientific Disciplines

47. 595-596 (Nordisk Familjebok / Uggleupplagan. 10. Gossler - Harris)
Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Guldhornen - Guldhornsinskriften -Guldhydrat - Guldhöna - Guldid - guldin, paul - Guldkalfven (Gyllene kalfven).
Nordisk familjebok Uggleupplagan. 10. Gossler - Harris
(1909) Tema: Reference
Table of Contents / Innehåll
Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Guldhornen - Guldhornsinskriften - Guldhydrat - Guldhöna - Guldid - Guldin, paul - Guldkalfven (Gyllene kalfven)
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Project Runeberg, Sat May 15 18:57:14 2004 (aronsson)

48. 223-224 (Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 6. Grimsby - Hufvudskatt)
guldin, paul, schweizisk matematiker, född af protestantiska föräldrar iSt Gallen1577, var först guldsmed, öfvergick till katolicismen 1597 (hvarvid han
Nordisk familjebok 1800-talsutgåvan. 6. Grimsby - Hufvudskatt
(1883) Tema: Reference
Table of Contents / Innehåll
Project Runeberg Catalog ... Print (PDF) On this page / på denna sida - Guldbrons ...
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This page has never been proofread. / Denna sida har aldrig korrekturlästs.
Project Runeberg, Sat May 15 18:55:08 2004 (aronsson)

49. Paul Guldin Definition Meaning Information Explanation
PDF WORKING GROUP REPORTS Sustainable Forest Data – paul Geissler
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Paul Guldin
Paul Guldin , original name Habakkuk Guldin, born on June 12 in St. Gallen Switzerland , died on November 3 , mathematician and astronomer. Discovered the Guldinus theorem to determine the surface and the volume of a solid of rotation. This theorem was known in ancient times as Pappus's theorem He was a professor of mathematics in Graz and Vienna Books about 'Paul Guldin' at: or Note: This article from Wikipedia is made available under the terms of the GNU FDL
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50. Re: Pappus-Guldinus Theorem By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
by H. Heatherly for ZfM as follows Although many writers on the subject have claimedthe Theorem of Pappus was independently discovered by paul guldin in the
Re: Pappus-Guldinus theorem by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: Re: Pappus-Guldinus theorem Author: Date: The Math Forum

51. Re: Pappus-Guldinus Theorem By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
Re Pappusguldinus theorem Author Julio Gonzalez Cabillon Date Wed, 3 Dec 1997 210501 -0200 Dear Friends, paul guldin (1577-1643
Re: Pappus-Guldinus theorem by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: Re: Pappus-Guldinus theorem Author: Date: The Math Forum

52. Prodex - Der Produktexperte
guldin, paul, Mathematiker und Astronom; von Günderode
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53. Programm Kolloquium 1999
Translate this page 13,30 Reimers, Nikolaus (Raimarus Ursus) (1551 - 1600), OStD Dieter Launert,Meldorf 13,50 guldin, paul (1577 - 1643), Prof. Dr. Detlef
Programm zum wissenschaftlichen Kolloquium: Rechenbücher und mathematische Texte der frühen Neuzeit
Freitag, den 16.04.1999 Samstag, den 17.04.1999 Sonntag, den 18.04.1999 ... Organisation Freitag, den 16.04.1999 nach oben 09,30 Eröffnung
10,00 Amann, Friedrich ( - 1464), Dr. Armin Gerl, Regensburg
10,20 Licht, Balthasar (vor 1490 - nach 1509), Dr. Barbara Gärtner, Heidelberg
10,40 Stromer, Heinrich (1482 - 1542), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lorenz, Annaberg-Buchholz
11,00 Diskussion / Pause 11,30 Stabius, Johann (um 1450 - 1522), Prof. Dr. H. K. Kaiser, Wien
11,50 Tannstetter, Georg (1482 - 1535), Dr. Christa Binder, Wien
12,10 Pock (Bock), Hans (um 1544), Dr. Johann Tomaschek, Admont/Steiermark
12,30 Dürer, Albrecht (1471 - 1528), Dr. habil. Eberhard Schröter, Hirschberg
12,50 Diskussion / Mittagspause 14,00 Möglichkeit zum Besuch der Annenkirche 15,30 Sekgerwitz, Johan (um 1485 - vor 1529) und Schleuper, Caspar (1535 - nach 1598) Dipl.-Ing. Richard Hergenhahn, Unna
15,50 Suevus, Sigismund (1527 - 1596), Dipl.-Ing. Richard Hergenhahn, Unna
16,10 Hocke, Gielies vanden (um 1537), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaunzner, Regensburg

54. Mathematicians In Richard S. Westfall's Archive
Albert; Grandi, Guido; Gregory, David; Gregory, James; guldin, paul;Gunter, Edmund; Halley, Edmond; Hardy, Claude; Harriot, Thomas; Hérigone
Mathematicians in Richard S. Westfall's archive
Richard Westfall's archive contains concise biographical details of more than 640 members of the Scientific Community of the 16th and 17th Centuries. The mathematicians who have biographies in our archive are listed below.
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  • Angeli, Stephano
  • Arbuthnot, John
  • Arnauld, Antoine
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    JOC/EFR November 1998
  • 55. Centro
    Translate this page paul guldin. guldin, paul (vero nome Habacuc guldin, detto guldino), matematicosvizzero, nacque a San Gallo il 16/6/1577 e morì a Graz il 3/11/1643.
    Teorema di Guldino MathMese Pubblicazione mensile della sezione Mathesis “E. D’Ovidio” – Campobasso DIRETTORE RESPONSABILE Filippo Poleggi CAPO REDAZIONE Sergio De Nuccio SEGRETARIO DI REDAZIONE : Antonio Caserio REDAZIONE :A. Antinucci, A. Aquilino, F. Laudano, E. Lustrato, R. Raucci. REGISTRAZIONE Tribunale di Campobasso n° 276 del 20 maggio 2002 SEDE Scuola elementare “E. D’Ovidio” – via Roma, 41 Campobasso Gli articoli devono essere inviati in triplice copia cartacea e con un dischetto o per e-mail a: De Nuccio Sergio, via IV Novembre 24 – 86100 Campobasso. E-MAIL: Caserio Antonio, via Leopardi Campobasso. E-MAIL: Anno I, Numero 2 Giugno Paul Guldin Il lavoro deve essere scritto in Word e, di norma, non può superare 1 pagina (due colonne). TITOLO: al centro; carattere Arial; dimensione 9; grassetto . AUTORI: al centro; carattere Arial; dimensione 8 – TESTO: giustificato a sinistra e a destra; carattere Times New Roman; dimensione 9; interlinea singola.

    56. Encyclopedia4U - Paul Guldin - Encyclopedia Article
    paul guldin. paul guldin, original name Habakkuk guldin, born on June 12,1577 in St. It uses material from the Wikipedia article paul guldin .
    ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ...
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    Paul Guldin
    Paul Guldin , original name Habakkuk Guldin, born on June 12 in St. Gallen, Switzerland , died on November 3 , mathematician and astronomer. Discovered the Guldinus theorem to determine the surface and the volume of a solid of rotation. This theorem was known in ancient times as Pappus's theorem. He has been a professor of mathematics in Graz and Vienna
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    This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article " Paul Guldin

    57. Full Alphabetical Index
    Translate this page 317*) Grossmann, Marcel (114*) Grothendieck, Alexander (607*) Guccia, Giovanni(78) Gudermann, Christoph (68) Guinand, Andy (529) guldin, paul (210) Gunter
    Full Alphabetical Index
    The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
    Abbe , Ernst (602*)
    , Niels Henrik (2899*)
    bar Hiyya (641)
    Abraham, Max

    Abu Kamil
    Shuja (1012)
    Abu Jafar

    al-Buzjani (1115)
    , Wilhelm (205)
    Adams, John Couch

    Adams, J Frank

    of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

    58. Hirsch On Guldin
    So what is guldin s throwaway line? democratic left, look at Fabian Society pamphleteerBen Pimlott s unctuous obituary to the late paul Hirst (Guardian, 6/20
    Correspondence: Response to Bob Guldin
    Michael Hirsch
    [from New Politics , vol. 9, no. 3 (new series),
    whole no. 35, Summer 2003]
    AFTER WRITING HOW "IT HARDLY NEEDS to be said," Bob Guldin says it anyway: "The only way progressives can gain any influence in the electoral arena is through unified mobilization. If, for example, a left formation commanded the allegiance of, say, one million voters nationwide, that would give the group significant clout." It also hardly needs saying that if grandma had wheels, she's be the cross-town bus. Incanting truisms is easy, but answering the tough question how do you effect that mobilization is hard. "Liberals Amid the Wreckage of the 2002 Elections" (New Politics #34) was a stab, or at least a pinprick, at answering the question. Appearing along with two unambiguously supportive pieces on the Greens one of which I solicited and edited it looked for common ground among some of the more astute liberals who, while not full-blooded independent socialists and far from ready to bolt Holy Mother Church, share deep criticisms of the Democratic Party, too. It was an effort to establish a frame of reference for identifying joint interests without letting party pedigrees do all the talking. As much as supporters of independent politics need to collaborate with the Greens a party whose candidates most New Politics editors, including myself, have backed they need to engage left liberal critics and their supporters, too. Because these make many of the same astute distinctions as do radicals: viz, that the national Democratic Party stands for nothing good; that it is a creature of professional operatives and big corporations; and that class struggles, not electoral contests, are the motor force of history.

    59. Bayerische Landesgeschichtliche Zeitschriftenschau
    Translate this page Klostergeschichte - Bildung / Wissenschaft - Kirchengeschichte - Quelle - Scheiner,Christoph - Rader, Matthäus - guldin, paul - Magini, Giovanni Antonio des Hist

    Greiselius, Johann Georg 8. Grüner, Josef Sebastian 597, 598. Guericke, Ottovon 613. guldin, paul 352. Güttler, Emerich 1345. H. Habermehl, Erasmus 368.
    II. Rejstøík osobností [Index of personalities]
    A Absolon, Karel 300, 458 Adamiecki, Karol Agricola, Georgius Albert, Bohuslav Albert, Eduard Albík z Unièova Altschul, Elias Amerling, Karel Archimedes Aristoteles de Arriaga, Rodrigo Artner, Gustav Arzberger, J. Augustin, František Avicenna (Abú Alí ebene Síná) B Babák, Edvard 76, 300, 503 Baildon, John Balbín, Bohuslav Barrande, Joachim Barry, Martin Bašus, Albín Batka, Johann Baptist Bauer, Franz Andreas Bavor Rodovský z Hustiøan 126 Bébr, Richard 371 Becker, Erich Beèváø, Antonín Beer, August 1180, Bìhounek, František Becher, J.J. Bìlehrádek, Jan 300, 388, 754, 926 Bìlohoubek, Antonín Beneš, Edvard Beneš, Jiøí 328 Beneš, Ladislav 409 Benvenista Bergner, Christoph Bernanos, Georges 799 Bernoulliové 347 Bežo, Ján 405 Birkhoff, George David 347 Bláha, I. A. 300 Boetius Böhm, Jan 396, 397, 1084 Böhm, Josef Jiøí 409 Bohr, Niels 312 Bohuš, Oldøich Bolzano, Bernard 58, 65, 139, 255, 301, 350, 370, 468, 469, 624, 694, 1371, 1468, 1510, 1810, 1849 Borbonius, Matyᚠ296 Born, Ignác von 382, 395, 418, 420, 1172, 1454 Borùvka, Otakar

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