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         Guarini Guarino:     more books (27)
  1. Guarino Guarini (Archivi Di Architettura) by Susan Klaiber, 2008-09-25
  2. Guarino Guarini and His Architecture by H. A. Meek, 1990-09-10
  3. La Scuola E Gli Studi Di Guarino Guarini Veronese: (Con 44 Documenti) (Italian Edition) by Remigio Sabbadini, 2010-04-20
  4. Unendlichkeit und Transzendenz in der Sakralarchitektur Guarinis (Studien zur Kunstgeschichte) (German Edition) by Claudia Muller, 1986
  5. Theatiner: Kajetan Von Thiene, Guarino Guarini, Anton Von Herberstein, Giuseppe Piazzi, Laurentius Scupoli, Andreas Avellino, Antonio Spinelli (German Edition)
  6. Guarino Guarini and His Architecture
  7. Guarini, Guarino 13741460 Italian educator: An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>Renaissance: An Encyclopedia for Students</i>
  8. Nel Mondo Magico di Guarino Guarini by Mario Passanti, 1963
  9. Architettura Civile del Padre D. Guarino Guarini. Cherico Regolare opera postume dedicata a Sua Sacre Reale Maestá. by Camillo-Guarino Guarini, 1964
  10. Guarino Guarini and His Architecture by H.A. Meek, 1988
  11. Guarino Guarini: Ungebaute Bauten (German Edition) by Gerd Schneider, 1997
  12. Regola senza regola: Letture dell'architettura medievale in Piemonte da Guarini al Liberty (Italian Edition) by Elena Dellapiana, 1996
  13. Architettura Civile del Padre D. Guarino Guarini. Cherico Regolare opera postume dedicata a Sua Sacre Reale Maest . by Guarini, 1964
  14. Guarino Guarini: The church of the Padri Somaschi for Messina / James Morganstern by James Morganstern, 1964

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Guarino Guarini Listing of 6 Guarino Guarini items available for purchase at our online store. Click here for Guarino Guarini and Guarino Guarini related products. Guarino Guarini Store. Buy Guarino Guarini books and other Mathematician Biographies products online! Choose from 6 Guarino Guarini items in-stock as of 10-5-2003
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2. Guarino Guarini
Guarino Guarini. ( 16241683) Turín, Italia. 1667. Santa Sindone ( Turin) 1668. San Lorenzo ( Turin) 1679. Palacio Cariguano ( Turin) Biografía Arquitecto italiano, que destacó en la época barroca

3. Guarini
Guarino Guarini. Guarini referred to Wallis among the few authoritiesfor his mathematics both were involved in summation to infinity.
Guarino Guarini
Born: 1624 in Modena, Italy
Died: 1683 in Milan, Italy
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In the age-old connections between art and mathematics - however either is defined - no one is more worthy of attention than the Italian Baroque figure of Guarino Guarini. Trained as a theologian in the small but elite order of Counter-Reformation Clerics Regular, commonly known as the Theatines and the immediate model for the Jesuit Order, Guarini was also deeply interested in mathematics following in turn the Jesuit pursuit of all the arts and especially the new discoveries that surrounded the curious-minded of the Age of Discovery. Guarini spent his novitiate in Rome where he learned at first hand what Bernini and Borromini, now recognised as great masters of Baroque architecture, were doing, and their example presumably caused him to practice architecture, then considered as a mathematical art but not strictly a member of the Quadrivium, the mathematical division of the Liberal Arts, still supreme in the world of learning. He then spent years teaching and building in Italy and Paris, all of his structures having now disappeared. In 1666 he was called from Paris by the Duke of Savoy and Prince of Piedmont to his capital Turin, to take over the design of a great dynastic chapel to house the Holy Shroud, located within the Palace but opening into the choir of the adjoining Cathedral. This was to be his masterwork - la Capella dello Sindone, sadly badly damaged by fire in 1997. He remained in Turin for the rest of his life publishing mathematical works and tutoring the ducal family, while the Sindone Chapel was finally completed after his death.

4. - Guarino Guarini (Italy - Italia)
Translate this page Guarino Guarini. History of Guarino Guarini History of Guarino Guarini HISTORYOF GUARINO guarini guarino Guarini was born in 1624 and died in 1683.
Masters (Maestri) Guarino Guarini Modena, Italy 1624 - Milan, Italy 1683 (Modena, Italia 1624 - Milano, Italia 1683) Site Area (Schede nel sito) File Collections by (File selezionati su Works (Lavori) Web Resources (Risorse sul Web) Link Collections by (Link selezionati da Biography (Biografia)
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5. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Guarini Guarino
guarini guarino . Page 1 sur 1.*, Réservé aux abonnés MSN Encarta Premium. 1. Guarini, Guarino*.
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6. WIEM: Guarini Guarino
Architektura, Postacie historyczne, Wlochy guarini guarino (16241683).guarini guarino (Camillo) (1624-1683), wloski architekt
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Guarini Guarino
Guarini Guarino (Camillo ) (1624-1683), w³oski architekt, jeden z g³ównych przedstawicieli architektury pó¼nego baroku , wybitny konstruktor i matematyk, na¶ladowca F.Borrominiego , dzia³a³ g³ównie w Turynie jako in¿ynier nadworny. Dynamicznie kszta³towa³ rzuty budowli i projektowa³ kopu³y o skomplikowanych uk³adach ¿eber, co stanowi³o efekt fascynacji konstrukcjami sklepieñ gotyckich poznanych w Pary¿u. W swej pracy teoretycznej Architettura civile , oprócz wielkiej pochwa³y gotyku , przeciwstawi³ siê krêpowaniu rozwoju architektury przepisami narzucanymi z góry. Prace g³ównie w Turynie: ko¶cio³y S. Lorenzo (1668-1687), S. Andrea (1679-1705), Collegio dei Nobili (od 1678), Palazzo Carignano (1679-pocz±tek), swoj± twórczo¶ci± wywar³ przemo¿ny wp³yw na kszta³towanie siê pó¼nego baroku i 

7. L'origine Dei Cognomi - Gu
Translate this page guarini guarino GUERINI GUERRINI GUERRISI, Guarini sembra essere di origine pugliese,Guarino è panitaliano, Guerini è decisamente lombardo, Guerrini è del
Visite dal 22/04/2004
Assolutamente rarissimo, specifico del sudmilanese, deriva dall'unione di due vocaboli, il longobardo guaita (guardia) e il celtico makos (bosco) e starebbe ad indicare la funzione di guardaboschi. Cognome molto antico, se ne trovano varie tracce nei documenti antichi, in un atto di investitura datato 3 agosto 1279, troviamo: ". ..presbitero Pagano Guaitamacho capellano ecclesia de Bazzanella Mediolanensis diocesis... GUALAZZI GUALBERTI GUALENI
Molto rari, sono tipici della zona tra bresciano e bergamasco, potrebbero derivare da una distorsione del nomen latino Galenus.
integrazioni fornite da Attilio Gualeni
Cognome molto raro, potrebbe essere di origini della zona tra l'alessandrino ed il genovese, deriva dal nome latino Guanus ( su di un'antica lapide latina si legge " ..filius Guani hic jacit ." che significa : " qui giace il figlio di Guano GUARAGNI Sembra essere tipico della bassa bresciana e alto cremonese, potrebbe derivare da una distorsione del nome germanico Grawo o Gairovaldo. GUARALDI GUARDUCCI Di origini dell'areale fiorentino, deriva dal nome medioevale Guardi, ma potrebbe anche derivare dall'aferesi del nome augurale Dioguardi.

8. Guarino Guarini - Great Buildings Online
Architect, guarino guarini. Search the RIBA architecture library catalog formore references on guarino guarini. Web Resources, Links on guarino guarini.
Architect Guarino Guarini Great Buildings Search Advanced Search Buildings ... Store Works San Lorenzo, Turin , at Turin, Italy, 1666 to 1679. Sindone Chapel , at Turin, Italy, 1667 to 1690. Biography Guarino Guarini (b. Modena, Italy 1624; d. Milan, Italy 1683) Guarino Guarini was born in Modena, Italy in 1624. He was ordained a Theatine priest in 1648 and consequently generated most of his designs for the Theatine order. One of Europe's leading mathematicians, as evidenced in the geometric elaboration of his buildings, Guarini was deeply influenced by the radical designs of Borromini. Developing a similar design approach, he combined "complexity and inventiveness with a profound feeling for color and light" that was highly unusual, but successful. His early works took him to Sicily, Paris, Portugal and Spain, but his career particularly flourished under the House of Savoy in Turin. Guarini died in Milan, Italy in 1683. References
Dennis Sharp. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Architects and Architecture. New York: Quatro Publishing, 1991. ISBN 0-8230-2539-X. NA40.I45. p70-71. Resources Sources on Guarino Guarini Find books about Guarino Guarini Search the RIBA architecture library catalog for more references on Guarino Guarini
Web Resources Links on Guarino Guarini Search the web for Guarino Guarini We appreciate your suggestions for links about Guarino Guarini.

9. Guarino Guarini --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. guarino guarini. born Jan. 17, 1624, Modena, Duchy of Modena MLA style " guarino guarini." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

10. Guarini, Guarino. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. guarini, guarino. (gwär ´n gwär´n ) (KEY) , 1624–83, Italian architect, mathematician, and writer.
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11. History Of Guarino Guarini
HISTORY OF guarino guarini. guarino guarini was born in 1624 and died in 1683. As a youth, guarini received his teachings in Modena where he was a member of the
Guarino Guarini was born in 1624 and died in 1683. As a youth, Guarini received his teachings in Modena where he was a member of the Theatine order. There, he learned philosophy, theology, astronomy, and mathematics. His study of mathematics led him to a career in architecture. As an architect, Guarini is well known for four buildings: S.Vicenzo in Modena, Sicily, Ste. Anne-la-Royale in Paris, France, S.Lorenzo and Santissima Sindone in Turin, Italy. He is also known for his two architectural treatises entitled Architettura Civile and Disegni d'architettura civile et ecclesiastica as well as other literary works that concentrate on his mathematical knowledge. Moreover, there is a close alliance between his treatises and his architecture. In these works, Guarini discusses the four aforementioned structures and includes plates of drawings and plans for churches that were built and some not built. In addition, Guarini discusses Desargue's projective geometry. " was this new geometry that supplied the scientific basis for Guarini's daring structures, particularly of domes." ( reference 4 ) Furthermore, he mentions the work of his contemporaries as well as periods of architectural history (Gothic) that he favors the most.

12. Sindone Chapel - Guarino Guarini - Great Buildings Online
Architect, guarino guarini. Santa Sindone in Turin, guarini s most dramatic creation,is a Palatine chapel housing the precious relic of the Holy Shroud.
Building Sindone Chapel Great Buildings Online Search Advanced Search Buildings ... ArchitectureWeek Architect Guarino Guarini Location Turin Italy Date 1667 to 1690 Building Type church Construction System masonry Climate mediterranean Context urban Style Baroque Notes crosshatching hexagonal ribs make high, airy dome. Images Available on The GBC CD-ROM Contributions appreciated Discussion Sindone Chapel Commentary "Santa Sindone in Turin, Guarini's most dramatic creation, is a Palatine chapel housing the precious relic of the Holy Shroud. Built between 1667 and 1690, it has an unusual triangular plan, clearly an allusion to the Trinity. The chapel is sheathed in black marble, over which plays the pure white light that floods through the multiple ribbing of the dome." "...Cappella SS. also crowned by an exceptional cupola of pointed profile. The complexity of its structure is mirrored in the three levels of the exterior...The view into the dome from below reveals a realm of soaring height and brilliant luminescence in which float kaleidoscopic images of circles, semicircles, and diminishing hexagons that cut across corners as they rise to the star-shaped base of the lantern." Resources Sources on Sindone Chapel Mitchell Beazley. The World Atlas of Architecture. New York: Portland House, 1988. ISBN 0-517-66875-0. p307.

13. Guarini Portrait
guarino guarini. JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is © Copyright information.http//
Guarino Guarini.
JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is:

14. Guarini, Guarino
Search Biographies Bio search tips guarini, guarino gwärE'nO gwärE'nE Pronunciation Key. guarini, guarino , 162483, Italian architect, mathematician, and writer
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    Guarini, Guarino E O E E Pronunciation Key Guarini, Guarino , Italian architect, mathematician, and writer. He was one of the first to analyze with perceptivity the structure of medieval architecture, in his Architettura civile, posthumously edited by Vittone in 1737. After studying in Rome, he returned to his birthplace, Modena, where he was ordained in the Theatine order. In 1660 he moved to Messina and designed several important church buildings there. Soon after, he traveled to Paris, where he built the Theatine church of Sainte-Anne-la-Royale (destroyed 1823) and wrote a mathematical-philosophical treatise, Placita philosophica (1665). Settling in Turin, he designed two palaces and three centralized churches; the Sindone Chapel and the Church of San Lorenzo are considered two of the finest examples of baroque architecture. Guarini reached the pinnacle of his achievement in his planning of domes that suggest the loftiness and openwork of the spires of Gothic churches. See study by H. A. Meek (1988).

15. MSN Encarta - Guarini, Guarino
guarini, guarino. guarini, guarino ( 162483), Italian baroque architect, known for his complex and inventive designs Find more about guarini, guarinofrom. Related Items. Other Features
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta
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16. - Guarino Guarini (Italy - Italia)
Translate this page guarino guarini. Modena, Italy 1624 - Milan, Italy 1683 (Modena, Italia 1624- Milano, Italia 1683). guarino guarini, Italy, (Great Building Online).

17. Guarini, Guarino
guarini, guarino gwärE'nO gwärE'nE Pronunciation Key. guarini, guarino , 162483, Italian architect, mathematician, and writer.


Guarini, Guarino E O E E Pronunciation Key Guarini, Guarino , Italian architect, mathematician, and writer. He was one of the first to analyze with perceptivity the structure of medieval architecture, in his Architettura civile, posthumously edited by Vittone in 1737. After studying in Rome, he returned to his birthplace, Modena, where he was ordained in the Theatine order. In 1660 he moved to Messina and designed several important church buildings there. Soon after, he traveled to Paris, where he built the Theatine church of Sainte-Anne-la-Royale (destroyed 1823) and wrote a mathematical-philosophical treatise, Placita philosophica (1665). Settling in Turin, he designed two palaces and three centralized churches; the Sindone Chapel and the Church of San Lorenzo are considered two of the finest examples of baroque architecture. Guarini reached the pinnacle of his achievement in his planning of domes that suggest the loftiness and openwork of the spires of Gothic churches. See study by H. A. Meek (1988). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia

18. Guarino Guarini
Translate this page guarino guarini nasce nel 1624 a Modena, in giovane età entra a far partedell’ordine dei Teatini che lo inviano a Roma per il noviziato.
Guarino Guarini I primi progetti La nuova cupola Guarino Guarini
Nel biennio 1660-1662, durante un soggiorno a Messina, progetta e realizza la chiesa della Santissima Annunziata, la Casa dei Teatini, la chiesa di San Filippo e la chiesa dei Padri Somaschi.
Poco tempo dopo il ritorno a Modena viene inviato a Parigi per occuparsi della costruzione della chiesa di Sainte-Anne-la Royale.
Nel 1666 viene chiamato a Torino dove rimane fino al 1681 come ingegnere e matematico di Carlo Emanuele di Savoia.
Durante il lungo soggiorno torinese compie alcuni viaggi in Europa, a Praga e a Lisbona in particolare, in occasione di richieste di interventi.
Muore a Milano nel 1683. sito realizzato dal
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19. Guarino Guarini
Translate this page guarino guarini (Italia, 1624-1683) Edificios 1667 tambor. Los palaciosproyectados por guarini destacan por sus fachadas ondulantes.

20. Global Arte: Guarino Guarini
Translate this page guarino guarini. A Torino, opera guarino guarini (Modena, 1624 - Milano,1683), validissimo architetto, autore della Chiesa di San
Autori correlati Caravaggio Bernini Borromini I Carracci ... Vermeer
Guarino Guarini
Cappella della Sacra Sìndone,
veduta interna della cupola
Guarino Guarini
Cappella della Sacra Sìndone,
veduta esterna della cupola
Guarino Guarini
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