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         Grossmann Marcel:     more books (17)
  1. Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Proceedings
  2. The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings of the MG11 Meetin
  3. Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2 Volume Set
  4. The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation And Relativistic Field Theories
  5. The Ninth Marcel Grossman Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relavtivity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories (3 Volume Set) by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Rela, 2002-12
  6. Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories (two volume set - Part A & Part B) by Humitaka Sato, 1992-05
  7. The Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Vol 1: Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories
  8. Darstellende geometrie (German Edition) by Marcel. Grossmann, 1921-01-01
  9. Proceedings of the Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Held at the University of Rome LA Sapienza, 17-21 June, 1985/Parts A and B
  10. Proceedings of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity: Part A, 30 August--3 September, 1982, Shanghai, China
  11. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitat by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity 2000 University of Rom; Robert T. Jantzen; Remo Ruffini; V. G. Gurzadyan, 2002
  12. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories: Proceedings of the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-8 July 2000 PART C (PART C)
  13. Darstellende Geometrie by Marcel Grossmann, 1915-01-01
  14. Darstellende Geometrie Leitfaden für den Unterricht an höheren Lehranstalten by Marcel Grossmann, 1906-01-01

81. Publications
Low noise temperature operation of the niobium gravitational wave antenna at theUniversity of Western Australia in The Seventh marcel grossmann Meeting on
Brunel University Sport Sciences Nick's Home Page Biomechanics of Athletics ... Links Publications Journals Conferences Coaching WWW ... Reports International Peer-Reviewed Journals Bridgett L.A. and Linthorne N.P. "The effect of run-up speed on long jump take-off technique" submitted. ( Abstract Linthorne N.P. , Guzman M.S. and Bridgett L.A. "Optimum take-off angle in the long jump" submitted Abstract Linthorne N.P. "Analysis of standing vertical jumps using a force platform" American Journal of Physics Abstract Linthorne N.P. "Optimum release angle in the shot put" Journal of Sports Sciences Abstract Linthorne N.P. "Energy loss in the pole vault take-off and the advantage of the flexible pole" Sports Engineering Abstract J9. Tobar M.E., Blair D.G., Ivanov E.N., van Kann F., Linthorne N.P ., Turner P.J., and Heng I.S. "The University of Western Australia’s resonant-bar gravitational wave experiment" Australian Journal of Physics Abstract Linthorne N.P.

82. Person Marcel Grossmann
Translate this page Person marcel grossmann. Albert Einstein an Arnold Sommerfeld, 15.Juli 1915 Albert Einstein an Arnold Sommerfeld, 28. November 1915.
Person: Marcel Grossmann
Albert Einstein an Arnold Sommerfeld, 15. Juli 1915
Albert Einstein an Arnold Sommerfeld,
28. November 1915 ... Institutionen

83. Gravity Research
A summary preprint version, subsequently published in the proceedings of the NinthMarcel grossmann meeting in Rome ( The gauge group in the AshtekarBarbero

84. BOLETIM ELETRONICO SAB N. 178 - 06/11/2002
**************************************************************************** BOLETIM ELETRONICO SAB N. 178 - 06/11/2002 **************************************************************************** SECAO: INFORMES * * * Responsavel: Vera Ap. F. Martin * * * **************************************************************************** 1. CONSELHO DELIBERATIVO DO CNPq 2. PRIMEIRA CIRCULAR - MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING 3. CONCURSO PUBLICO PARA CONTRATACAO DE PROF. DOUTOR NO IAG ======================================================================= 1. CONSELHO DELIBERATIVO DO CNPq - mensagem da SBPC `As Sociedades Cientificas Associadas, Informamos que o Ministro da Ciencia e Tecnologia designou, atraves da Portaria n.207 do dia 23 de outubro, o professor JAILSON BITTENCOURT DE ANDRADE, prof. titular de quimica da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBa), para compor o Conselho Deliberativo do CNPq, em substituicao ao prof. Fernando Galembeck. Atenciosamente, Glaci Zancan Presidente ======================================================================== 2. PRIMEIRA CIRCULAR - MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING - mensagem de Mario Novello (CBPF) The TENTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING (MG X) On recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories CBPF-ICRA/Rio Rio de Janeiro July 20-26, 2003 FIRST CIRCULAR The TENTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING will be held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 26 July, 2003. The morning plenary sessions will take place in the auditorium of the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), located on a beautiful spot just below the famous Sugar Loaf mountain. The afternoon parallel sessions will take place close to the IME auditorium, at the Brazilian Center of Physical Research (CBPF) and at the University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). If you intend to participate in this meeting, please complete and return the pre-registration form at the end of this e-mail. Detailed information (registration form, fee, scientific program, visa requirements, etc) will be posted soon at the site ABOUT THE MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING The Marcel Grossmann Meetings were created in order to provide a forum for the discussion of the advances in Gravitation, Cosmology, General Relativity, Relativistic Field Theories, and Astrophysics, emphasizing their mathematical foundations, physical predictions, and experimental tests. MG1 (1975) and MG2 (1979) were held in Trieste, MG3 (1982) in Shangai, MG5 in Perth (1988), MG6 in Kyoto (1991), MG7 in Stanford (1994), MG8 in Jerusalem (1997), and MG4 (1985) and MG9 (2000) in Rome. The list of topics covered by the meetings has gradually broadened due to the extraordinary developments in theory, observations and experiments during these decades, improving substantially fields like Relativistic Astrophysics and Observational Cosmology. Sincerely yours, Mario Novello Chair of the Local Organizing Committee MG10 - PRE-REGISTRATION FORM Name: Institution/Company: Address: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Are you planning to attend the Conference? Yes No Do you plan to take pre/post tours? Yes No Do you intend to bring an accompanying person? Yes No The form should be returned by e-mail to the address with the subject PRE-REGISTRATION MG10 ======================================================================== 3 - CONCURSO PUBLICO PARA CONTRATACAO DE PROF. DOUTOR NO IAG Aberta inscricoes ao concurso de titulos e provas visando a contratacao de um Professor Doutor no Dept. de Astronomia, na area de Cosmologia e Plasma Astrofisico, especialidades: Fisica de Plasma no Universo Primordial e Formacao de Estruturas em Grande Escala (conjunto das disciplinas de Pos- Graduacao "AGA05708 Plasma Astrofisico no Universo Primordial" e "AGA05737 Estrutura do Universo em Larga Escala"). Salario: R$ 4.173,14 Prazo para inscricoes: Ate' 29 de janeiro de 2003, na Assistencia Tecnica Academica, localizada na Rua do Matao, 1226, Sala 304- Cidade Universitaria . Documentos necessarios: - Requerimento dirigido ao Diretor do IAG; - Memorial circunstanciado em portugues (10 copias); - Prova de que e' portador do titulo de Doutor outorgado pela USP, por ela reconhecido ou de validade nacional; - Prova de quitacao com o servico militar, para candidatos do sexo masculino; - Titulo de eleitor. Maiores informacoes e normas do concurso: Assistencia Tecnica Academica do IAG. A integra deste Edital foi publicado no Diario Oficial do Estado de 01-11-02, Secao I, p. 96 ****************************************************************************

85. Conferences
EXPERIMENTAL SIMULATION OF A THREEMODE GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION ANTENNA, SecondMarcel grossmann Meeting on the Recent Developments of General Relativity
Conference Papers
FREQUENCY SHIFT MEASUREMENTS AS A NEW TEST OF GENERAL RELATIVITY, Bull. Am.Phys. Soc. 11, 708 (1966). PRELIMINARY RESULTS ON THE TEST OF A THREE-MODE GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION ANTENNA AT 4.2 K, with C. Cosmelli, Tenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dec. 15 - 19, 1980, Baltimore, Maryland. SUPERCONDUCTING TENSOR GRAVITY GRADIOMETER FOR GEOPHYSICAL AND NAVIGATIONAL APPLICATIONS, with H.A. Chan and H.J. Paik, 1980 Applied Superconductivity Conference, Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 1980, Santa Fe, New Mexico. EXPERIMENTAL SIMULATION OF A THREE-MODE GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION ANTENNA, Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on the Recent Developments of General Relativity, Trieste, Italy, July 5 - 11, 1979. Published in the proceedings, R. Ruffini Editor, North Holland, 1982. TRANSDUCER FOR A THREE-MODE CRYOGENIC GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION DETECTOR, with W. Folkner and M.V. Moody, Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Aug. 30 - Sept. 4, 1982, Shanghai, China. Written and presented by JPR. MULTIMODE ANTENNA FOR THE SEARCH OF GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION, XI Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dec. 13 - 17, 1982, Austin, Texas.

86. Dennis E. Krause
and M. West, Gravity Experiments in the Casimir Regime, in Proceedings of the NinthMarcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, edited by RT Jantzen, V.
Dennis Krause
Assistant Professor of Physics and Department Chair
at Wabash since 1998
Contact Information
  • Saint Olaf College, BA, 1984 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, MS, 1987 Purdue University, PhD, 1994 Purdue University, Visiting Assistant Professor, 1995 Williams College, Visiting Assistant Professor, 1995-1998 Wabash College, Assistant Professor, 1998- Purdue University, Adjunct Assistant Professor, 1998-
Research interests
Searching for New Spatial Dimensions
If superstring theory is correct, there must exist as many as 7 additional spatial dimensions. Until recently, it was believed that these dimensions were too small to be detected, but many new models have been developed which suggest that these new dimensions could be as large as 0.1 mm. I am working with Ephraim Fischbach at Purdue University to devise ways of detecting small compact extra dimensions by testing Newtonian gravity as sub-millimeter separations.
Other Areas of Interest
I am also very interested in the following topics: Casimir forces, Quantum electrodynamics and effects of the quantum vacuum, quantum mechanics and quantum decoherence, and fundamental spacetime symmetries such as parity and time reversal.

87. Theoretische Astrophysik & Computational Physics Tübingen
In Gurzadyan, VG, Jantzen, RT Ruffini, R. (eds.) Proceedings of the NinthMarcel grossmann Meeting of General Relativity, World Scientific 2002.

Refereed Journals

Other Publications
Other Publications
  • Dreyer, O., Krishnan, B., Schnetter, E., Shoemaker, D.: Introduction to Isolated Horizons in Numerical Relativity, (2002) Preprint: gr-qc abstract
    The visual computer
    Physik Journal

    Kunze, S.: SPH Simulations of Late Superhumps. Proceedings of The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
    Comp. rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci.

    Schnetter, E.: A fast apparent horizon algorithm, (2002), Preprint: gr-qc abstract
    Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series
    Frauendiener, J.: Another view at spin (3/2) equations. In: Further Advances in Twistor theory III , ed. by L.-J. Mason, L.-P. Hughston, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Harlow 2001
    Frauendiener, J.: The Bach equations as an exact set of spinor fields. In: Further Advances in Twistor theory III , ed. by L.-J. Mason, L.-P. Hughston, Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, Harlow 2001
    9th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2001 , Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1

88. InfoDome - Hungarians: Science/Scientists
Gödel, Kurt, 19061978 Mathematician http//, marcel, 1878-1936 Mathematician http//www
About Us
Services Computing ... Information For
Hungarians: Science/Scientists
Language Science/Scientists Music
Nobel Prize

89. Arlie O. Pettters
Cairo University, MathPhysics Colloquium (Egypt, June 30, 1997). Eighth MarcelGrossmann Meeting on General Relativity (Jerusalem, Israel, June 23, 1997).
Colloquium-Seminar-Conference Talks
  • University of Michigan Math Colloquium (Ann Arbor, April 20, 2004).
    University of Miami Math-Physics Colloquium (Miami, April 8, 2004).
    Purdue University Math-Physics Colloquium (Lafayette, March 30, 2004).
  • Duke University Physics Colloquium (Durham, March 3, 2004).
  • University of Massachusetts Lowell, Physics Colloquium (Lowell, October 29, 2003).
  • SACNAS Conference, Keynote Address (Albuquerque, October 4, 2003).
  • MIT, Faculty Lunch Seminar Series (Cambridge, May 1, 2003).
  • Rice University, President's Lecture Series by Diverse Scholars (Houston, March 21, 2003).
  • Harvard University, Mather House Lecture Series (Cambridge, February 20, 2003).
  • Spelman College, NSBP Conference (Atlanta, February 14, 2003).
  • MSRI, Blackwell-Tapia Prize conference (Berkeley, November 2, 2002).
  • Cornell University, TAM-IGERT Colloquium (Ithaca, February 16, 2001).
  • UCLA, NAM/MAA David Blackwell Invited Address: Mathfest 2000 (Los Angeles, August 5, 2000).
  • Univesity of Texas - Dallas, Math-Physics Seminar (Dallas, June 30, 2000).

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