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         Grossmann Marcel:     more books (17)
  1. Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Proceedings
  2. The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings of the MG11 Meetin
  3. Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2 Volume Set
  4. The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation And Relativistic Field Theories
  5. The Ninth Marcel Grossman Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relavtivity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories (3 Volume Set) by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Rela, 2002-12
  6. Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories (two volume set - Part A & Part B) by Humitaka Sato, 1992-05
  7. The Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Vol 1: Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories
  8. Darstellende geometrie (German Edition) by Marcel. Grossmann, 1921-01-01
  9. Proceedings of the Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Held at the University of Rome LA Sapienza, 17-21 June, 1985/Parts A and B
  10. Proceedings of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity: Part A, 30 August--3 September, 1982, Shanghai, China
  11. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitat by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity 2000 University of Rom; Robert T. Jantzen; Remo Ruffini; V. G. Gurzadyan, 2002
  12. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories: Proceedings of the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-8 July 2000 PART C (PART C)
  13. Darstellende Geometrie by Marcel Grossmann, 1915-01-01
  14. Darstellende Geometrie Leitfaden für den Unterricht an höheren Lehranstalten by Marcel Grossmann, 1906-01-01

61. Books By V.G. Gurzadyan
The Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting On Recent Developments in Theoretical and ExperimentalGeneral Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories, V.G.
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Books by V.G. Gurzadyan
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9 titles
(showing 1-9) The Chaotic Universe : Proceedings of the Second Icra Network Workshop Rome, Pescara, Italy 1-5 February 1999
by V.G. Gurzadyan (Editor), R. Ruffini (Editor)
Hardcover - April 2000
List price: $192.00
Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics : Proceedings of an International Workshop Held at Geneva Observatory University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3 Mar

by V.G. Gurzadyan D. Pfenniger (Editor) Hardcover - April 1994 List price: $78.95 Ergodic Concepts in Stellar Dynamics : Proceeedings of an International Workshop Held at Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3 March 1993 by V.G. Gurzadyan D. Pfenniger Book - January 1994 Fermi and Astrophysics by V.G. Gurzadyan

62. No Title
Rev. D28, 761 (1983). 38. Gerlach, U. H., Blackbody radiation from light cone inflat spacetime, Talk presented at the 3 rd marcel grossmann meeting (1983) 39.
Q. F. T. IN RINDLER AND BLACK HOLE SPACE-TIMES A. General(Published and Archives)
Anderson, P. R., for massive fields in Schwarzschild spacetime Phys. Rev. D
Anderson, P. R., The Boulware state and the generalised second law of thermodynamics Phys. Rev. D
Boulware, D. G., Quantum field theory in Schwarzschild and Rindler spaces Phys. Rev. D
Boulware, D. G., Spin- quantum field theory in Schwarzschild space Phys. Rev. D
Boulware, D. G., Hawking radiation and thin shells Phys. Rev. D
Boulware, D. G., Radiation from a uniformly accelerated charge Ann. Phys.
Boyer, T. H., Thermal effects of acceleration through random classical radiation Phys. Rev. D
Barrabes, C., Frolov, V. and Parentani, R., Stochastically fluctuating black hole geometry, Hawking radiation and the trans-planckian problem , gr-qc/0001002.
Brout, R., Vacuum instability induced by horizons Int. Journ. Mod. Phys. D
Candelas, P., Vacuum polarisation on Schwarzschild spacetime Phys. Rev. D
Candelas, P. and Sciama, D. W., Is there a quantum equivalence principle Phys. Rev. D

63. CH On-line / CH Em Dia
Translate this page o Rio de Janeiro foi a capital mundial da relatividade a cidade hospedou entre 20e 26 de julho a décima edição do Encontro marcel grossmann (MG10), um dos
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Ciência Hoje
... Fale conosco!
Rio, capital mundial da relatividade Cidade foi a primeira da América Latina a sediar evento de cosmologia e astrofísica
Cartaz oficial do 10 o Encontro Marcel Grossmann, realizado no Rio Por uma semana, o Rio de Janeiro foi a capital mundial da relatividade: a cidade hospedou entre 20 e 26 de julho a décima edição do Encontro Marcel Grossmann (MG10), um dos mais importantes eventos internacionais dessa área. Quase 500 cientistas de cerca de 70 países participaram das apresentações realizadas simultaneamente em quatro centros de pesquisa do Rio. O propósito do MG10 é discutir os últimos avanços da relatividade geral, gravitação, astrofísica e áreas afins. "A relatividade geral foi, ao lado da mecânica quântica, a teoria física de maior impacto cultural e filosófico do século 20", avalia o coordenador local do evento, o cosmologista Mario Novello, do Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF). "Ela retirou os conceitos de espaço e tempo do terreno do absoluto e inatingível, como era concebido na física newtoniana, e os transformou em entidades dinâmicas capazes de permitirem seu controle." Esta é a primeira vez que o encontro, que ocorre a cada três anos, é realizado na América Latina. O nome do evento homenageia o matemático húngaro Marcel Grossmann (1878-1936), que foi colega de Albert Einstein e ajudou o alemão a formular matematicamente os conceitos da teoria da relatividade que ele desenvolvera.

64. Daniel Finley: Research Interests
Vector Reductions for ComplexValued, Twisting, Type-N Vacuum Solutions, to bepublished in the proceedings of the 9th marcel grossmann Conference, held in
Daniel Finley (Professor)
Ph.D. 1968, University of California at Berkeley
Brief Description of Research
My current work involves exact descriptions of solutions of the vacuum Einstein field equations, for algebraically-degenerate Petrov types, especially those related to non-trivial (twisting) gravitational waves.
The complexity of the gravitational equations has led me to interests in other sorts of nonlinear physics and in general methods for studying them, the most common being infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of local and/or non-local symmetries of the associated nonlinear PDE's. The main interest is in solutions to Einstein's field equations, and in perturbations of both the solutions themselves and massless field equations defined over the corresponding curved spaces. The approach to solutions is physical in motivation but mathematical in content. I often use the methods of complex differential manifolds, leading to the study of the structure of all possible self-dual spaces (H-spaces) with complex or Euclidean signature. A natural generalization of this is the study of HH-spaces, which may possess Minkowski signature, real, algebraically-degenerate cross-sections. Work on HH-spaces is proceeding by division into distinct Petrov types, leading particularly to the study of gravitational waves. This is being done in active collaboration with Jerzy Plebanski at the Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Politecnico Nacional in Mexico City and the University of Warsaw in Poland.

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marcel grossmann Site Info - Translate - Open New Window A brief biographyon marcel grossmann, a classmate of Einstein who was the first to find a
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66. SPIRES-HEP Conference Database Search Result
1. 10th marcel grossmann Meeting On Recent Developments In Theoretical And ExperimentalGeneral Relativity, Gravitation And Relativistic Field Theories (MG X grossmann&place

67. Relazioni A Convegni
5. G. Esposito e G. Pollifrone, Lorenz Gauge in Quantum Cosmology , Proceedingsof the 9th marcel grossmann Meeting, World Scientific, Editors V. Gurzadyan et
Fisica Teorica
Relazioni a convegni F. Lizzi, "Noncommutative Geometry in Physics: a Point of View", Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 104, 143-149 (2002). P. Aniello, V.I. Man'ko, G. Marmo, A. Porzio, F. Zaccaria e S. Solimeno, "Laser driven ion traps: beyond the standard perturbative limit", to appear in the Proceedings of the Wigner Centennial Conference held in Pecs, Hungay in July 2002 (invited contribution). C. Rubano, "In memory of Ruggiero de Ritis", in: Recent Developments in General Relativity, Genoa 2000, R. Cianci, R. Collina, M. Francaviglia, P. Fre' (Eds.), p. 1, Springer-Verlag, Milano (2002). G. Esposito, "A Theory of Quantum Gravity from First Principles", in: Recent Developments in General Relativity, SIGRAV 2000 Conference, editors R. Cianci et al., Springer, 441-449 (2002). G. Esposito e G. Pollifrone, "Lorenz Gauge in Quantum Cosmology", Proceedings of the 9th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, World Scientific, Editors V. Gurzadyan et al., p. 1371 (2002). G. Esposito, A. Yu.

68. Proceedings
1. M.Shibata and Y.Nambu, in proceedings of the Sixth marcel grossmann Meeting onGeneral Relativity, eds.H.Sato and T.Nakamura (World Scientific,Singapore,1992
  • Proceedings
    • 1. M.Shibata and Y.Nambu, in proceedings of the Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, eds.H.Sato and T.Nakamura (World Scientific,Singapore,1992), 660-662.
        Gravitational Radiation by Vacuum Babble Collision
    • 2. M.Shibata and T.Nakamura, in proceedings of the International Symposium on Quantum Physics and the Universe, eds. M.Namiki, A.Aizawa, K.Maeda and I.Ohba (Pergamon Press,1993), 445-447.
        Conformal Time Slicing Condition in Three Dimensional Numerical Relativity
    • 3. M.Shibata, T.Nakamura and K.Oohara, Proceedings of International Symposium on Neutrino Astrophysics, eds. Y.Suzuki and K.Nakamura (Universal Academy Press,Japan,1993),605.
        Coalescence of Spinning Binary Neutron Stars and Gravitational Waves
    • 4. M.Shibata, M.Sasaki, H.Tagoshi and T.Tanaka, in proceeding of seventeenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology (Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.759)(1995), 512-516
        Gravitational waves from a particle orbiting around a rotating black hole: Post-Newtonian expansion
    • 5. M.Shibata

    69. Einstein | American Museum Of Natural History
    School chum and mathematician marcel grossmann helped Einstein findthe mathematical tools needed to describe the universe. Einstein
    Einstein's Masterpiece The success of Einstein's 1905 papers established him as an accomplished physicist. Upon request, he wrote several review articles explaining Special Relativity; in the process he realized that "all natural phenomena could be discussed in terms of special relativity except for the law of gravitation." Einstein struggled to define gravitation in his spare time By 1911, gravity had finally lured Einstein from other topics, and his thoughts culminated in 1916 with his masterpiece General Theory of Relativity . Many scientists did not accept Einstein's ideas at first. But confirmation of his theory came in 1919 when astronomers documented the deflection of starlight by the Sun's gravity. Einstein had predicted this phenomenon, but he could not foresee the fame that would follow. Seeing is Believing Sir Arthur Eddington led a 1919 expedition that captured the eclipse images needed to confirm what General Relativity predicted: the Sun's gravity deflects light. Age-old question Sir Isaac Newton wondered 1704: "Do not Bodies act upon Light at a distance, and by their action bend its Rays; and is not this action strongest at the least distance?"

    70. Neuerwerbungslisten 12/2003 / Astronomisches Recheninstitut
    marcel grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and ExperimentalGeneral Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories 9, 2000, Roma
    Neuerwerbungen im Dezember 2003
    Universität Heidelberg
    Astronomisches Recheninstitut
    Stand: 06.01.2004, 14:00 Zahl der Neuerwerbungen: 24 Bradt, Hale:
    Astronomy methods : a physical approach to astronomical observations / Hale Bradt. - Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge University Press, 2004. - XXIII, 433 S. : graph. Darst.
    Includes bibliographical references and index
    ISBN 0-521-36440-X - ISBN 0-521-53551-4
    • AS/BRA:H-2004

    Includes index. - Derived from The NASA atlas of the solar system / Ronald Greeley, Raymond Batson. [s.l.] : [s.n.], 1997
    ISBN 0-521-80633-X
    • KA 13/GRE:R-2001 SST
    Dopita, Michael A.:
    Planetary nebulae : their evolution and role in the universe ; proceedings of the 209th symposium of the International Astronomical Union held at Canberra, Australia, 19-23 November 2001 / ed. by Sun Kwok, Michael Dopita and Ralph Sutherland. - San Francisco, Calif. : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003. - XXXIV, 651 S. : graph. Darst. - (Proceedings of the ... symposium of the International Astronomical Union / International Astronomical Union ; 209)
    ISBN 1-58381-148-6
    • IAU/SYM-209
    Duric, Nebojsa:

    71. H. Edward Seidel
    Edward Seidel, Normal Mode Excitation from Collapse to Schwarzschild Black Holes ,in Proceedings of the 6th marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
    Prof.Edward Seidel CONTACT INFORMATION
    Haus 5
    14476 Golm, Germany +49 (331) 567-7210 (office)
    +49 (331) 567-7298 (fax)
    WWW URL: EDUCATION Yale University, New Haven, CT
    Ph.D. in Relativistic Astrophysics, 1988. The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
    M.S. in Physics, 1983. The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
    B.S. in Mathematics and Physics with High Honors in Physics, 1981. PRESENT POSITIONS Senior Research Scientist, Albert Einstein Institut, (C3 position),
    Senior Research Scientist, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois, August 1994 - present. Adjunct Associate Professor, Depts. of Astronomy and Physics, U. of IL, September 1996-present. SPECIAL AWARDS Heinz-Billing-Preis, 1998. Yearly award given by the Max-Planck-Society in a competition for work in computational science. RESEARCH INTERESTS I enjoy research on various aspects of general relativity, astrophysics, and computational science. PUBLICATIONS
  • Edward Seidel, G. S. DaCosta and P. Demarque, "Intermediate-Age Core Helium Burning Stars and the Distance to the Magellanic Clouds"
  • 72. General Relativity And Quantum Cosmology Authors/titles Oct 1999 (100 Skipped)
    Also published in Proc. of the 7th marcel grossmann Meeting edited by RTJantzen and GM Keiser (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996), 957976.

    73. Publications Of Jeeva S Anandan
    17. QUANTUM MECHANICAL TESTS OF GENERAL RELATIVITY, J. Anandan, Proceedings of theThird marcel grossmann Meeting on General Rela­tivity, Shanghai, August 1982
    PUBLICATIONS OF JEEVA S. ANANDAN GRAVITATIONAL AND ROTATIONAL EFFECTS IN QUANTUM INTERFERENCE, J. Anandan, Physical Review INVARIANTS AND CLASSIFICATION OF GAUGE FIELD, J. Anandan and Paul Tod, Physical Review SPINORIAL CLASSIFICATION OF YANG-MILLS FIELDS, J. Anandan and Ralph Roskies, Physical Review CLASSICATION OF GAUGE FIELDS, J. Anandan, Journal of Mathematical Physics POLYNOMIAL BASIS FOR YANG-MILLS INVARIANTS, J. Anandan and Ralph Roskies, Journal of Mathematical Physics QUANTUM INTERFERENCE AND THE CLASSICAL LIMIT, J. Anandan, International Journal of Theoretical Physics INTERFERENCE, GRAVITY AND GAUGE FIELDS, J. Anandan, Il Nuovo Cimento QUANTUM INTERFERENCE AND THE GRAVITATIONAL FIELD, J. Anandan, "Quantum Theory and Gravitation", Proceedings of the New Orleans Conference, May 1979, edited by A. R. Marlow, (Academic Press 1980), 157-176, ON THE HYPOTHESES UNDERLYING PHYSICAL GEOMETRY, J. Anandan, Foundations of Physics ON THE QUANTIZATION OF VORTICES IN SUPERFLUID HELIUM, J. Anandan and H. L. Morrison, Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento SAGNAC EFFECT IN RELATIVISTIC AND NON-RELATIVISITIC PHYSICS, J. Anandan, Physical Review

    74. Books - The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm) On Recent
    The Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm) on Recent Developments in Theoreticaland Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field

    75. Registro Completo
    Translate this page NAKAMURA, Takashi, Ed. Título THE SIXTH marcel grossmann MEETING ON GENERALRELATIVITY. Gravitacion. Otros autores marcel grossmann Meeting (6th. 1991.
    Registro completo
    Aquí tiene el registro bibliográfico completo del título que ha seleccionado.
    Autor(es) : SATO, H., Ed. : NAKAMURA, Takashi, Ed. Título : THE SIXTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING ON GENERAL RELATIVITY. Editorial : Singapore [etc.] : World Scientific 1992. Descripción : 2v. : il. ; 26 cm. Notas : On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic field Theories Contiene: Part A. - Part B. Materia : Teoria de la Relatividad. Gravitacion. Otros autores : Marcel Grossmann Meeting (6th. 1991. Kyoto). Ubicación, No. reg. : Biblioteca General. : 07061. : 07843. Signatura : F-J 99.
    Página inicio Principio Página

    76. Publication List
    in Numerical Relativity P. Anninos, G. Daues, J. Masso, E. Seidel, and WM SuenProceedings of the 7th marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Ed.

    77. @mpS - Tagungen
    Translate this page Conference on Atomic Physics GR-n - International Conference on General Relativityand Gravitation MG-n - marcel grossmann Meeting COSPAR - Committee on Space
    @mpS - Tagungskalender
    Tagungstermine Teilnehmer e-mail einem der Webmaster mitzuteilen. Tagungskalender von Physics World
    IQEC - International Quantum Electronics Conference
    QELS - Quantum Electronics and Laser Science
    CLEO - Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics
    EQEC - European Quantum Electronics Conference
    EGAS - Conference of the European Group for Atomic Spectroscopy
    ECAMP - European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics
    ICAP - International Conference on Atomic Physics
    GR-n - International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation
    MG-n - Marcel Grossmann Meeting
    COSPAR - Committee on Space Research
    Aspen Winter Conference on Gravitational Waves and Their Detection Symposium on Fundamental Physics in Space Texas Meeting on General Relativity International LISA Symposium Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave Experiments
    Einstein-Konferenz 5. - 8. April 2005. Golm 37th EGAS Conference 3. - 6. August 2005. Dublin, Irland
    2004 Aspen Winter Conference on Gravitational Waves
    Gravitational Wave Advanced Detectors Workshop (GWADW) 15. - 21. Februar 2004. Aspen, USA

    78. Preface (Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting)
    Title Preface (Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting) Journal In The Ninthmarcel grossmann Meeting. Proceedings of the MGIXMM Meeting
    NASA ADS Astronomy/Planetary Abstract Service
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    Title: Preface (Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting) Journal: In: The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. Proceedings of the MGIXMM Meeting held at The University of Rome "La Sapienza", 2-8 July 2000, Eds.: Vahe G. Gurzadyan, Robert T. Jantzen, Remo Ruffini. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, in 3 volumes, ISBN 981-238-010-8 (set), ISBN 981-238-995-4 (Part A), ISBN 981-238-994-6 (Part B), ISBN 981-238-993-8 (Part C), 2002, XIII - XIV Publication Date: Origin: ARI World Scientific Bibliographic Code: 2002nmgm.meetD..13.
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    79. Inaugural Address (Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting)
    Title Inaugural address (Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting) Authors D Ascenzo,Giuseppe Journal In The Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting.
    NASA ADS Astronomy/Planetary Abstract Service
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    Title: Inaugural address (Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting) Authors: D'Ascenzo, Giuseppe Journal: In: The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting. Proceedings of the MGIXMM Meeting held at The University of Rome "La Sapienza", 2-8 July 2000, Eds.: Vahe G. Gurzadyan, Robert T. Jantzen, Remo Ruffini. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, in 3 volumes, ISBN 981-238-010-8 (set), ISBN 981-238-995-4 (Part A), ISBN 981-238-994-6 (Part B), ISBN 981-238-993-8 (Part C), 2002, XV - XVI Publication Date: Origin: ARI World Scientific Bibliographic Code: 2002nmgm.meetD..15D
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    80. RLI - Mileva Maric (2)
    wurden der gemeinsame Studienkollege marcel grossmann und später in Bern
    FORTSETZUNG DER ANALYSE von Margarete MAURER: Weil nicht sein kann, was nicht sein darf... DIE ELTERN" ODER "DER VATER" DER RELATIVITÄTSTHEORIE? Aus: PC news , Nr. 48, Jg. 11, Heft 3, Wien, Juni 1996, S. 20-27
    Zum Beginn dieses Aufsatzes


    Ein darüberhinaus in vielen Aspekten ausgesprochen negatives Bild zeichnen die beiden frühen Einstein-Biographen Philipp Frank (englisch 1947/1948, deutsch 1979) und Carl Seelig, (1954): Frank erwähnt in seiner ebenfalls von Einstein autorisierten Darstellung zwar das gemeinsame Studium der Werke großer Physiker, bemängelt aber an Maric: "Wenn er ihr als Fachkollegin seine Ideen, von denen er überfloß, mitteilen wollte, war ihre Reaktion so dürftig und schwach, daß er oft nicht recht wußte, ob sie sich dafür interessierte oder nicht." (1979, S.44). Seelig übertrifft dies noch: "Ohne Einstein hätte sie das Abgangszeugnis vielleicht nie erworben. Ihre grüblerische Schwerblütigkeit machten ihr das Studium und das Leben oft sauer. Auf ihre Umgebung wirkte Mileva leicht düster, wortkarg und mißtrauisch." (1954, S. 52-53).
    Dieser zur "Bauerntochter" gut passende Konstruktionsplan für die historische Herabsetzung Marics wurde in der Standardbiographie Ronald Clarks (englisch 1973, deutsch 1981) weiter ausgebaut (vgl. dazu auch Agnes Hüfner 1989): Einstein würde sich laut Clark "physisch verbraucht" haben, "wenn er seine Frau nicht auf eine gewisse Distanz hätte halten können." (1981, S. 40). - Wie will Clark dies aber wissen, wenn er einige Zeilen vorher doch selbst festgestellt hat: "Die Frage, ob Mileva ihrem Mann half, die Leiter des Erfolges zu erklettern, oder ob sie ihn bremste, bleibt ungeklärt" (1981, S.40) ?

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