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         Grossmann Marcel:     more books (17)
  1. Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Proceedings
  2. The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings of the MG11 Meetin
  3. Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2 Volume Set
  4. The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation And Relativistic Field Theories
  5. The Ninth Marcel Grossman Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relavtivity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories (3 Volume Set) by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Rela, 2002-12
  6. Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories (two volume set - Part A & Part B) by Humitaka Sato, 1992-05
  7. The Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Vol 1: Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories
  8. Darstellende geometrie (German Edition) by Marcel. Grossmann, 1921-01-01
  9. Proceedings of the Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Held at the University of Rome LA Sapienza, 17-21 June, 1985/Parts A and B
  10. Proceedings of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity: Part A, 30 August--3 September, 1982, Shanghai, China
  11. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitat by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity 2000 University of Rom; Robert T. Jantzen; Remo Ruffini; V. G. Gurzadyan, 2002
  12. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories: Proceedings of the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-8 July 2000 PART C (PART C)
  13. Darstellende Geometrie by Marcel Grossmann, 1915-01-01
  14. Darstellende Geometrie Leitfaden für den Unterricht an höheren Lehranstalten by Marcel Grossmann, 1906-01-01

41. Arlie O. Petters - Mathematicians Of The African Diaspora
Stable Lens Systems, Lensed Image Magnification, and Magnification Cross Sections,Proceedings of the Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, eds
Arlie O. Petters
Birthplace: Dangriga, Belize
citizen. U.S. A. B.A./M.A. (Mathematics and Physics) Hunter College 1986 Ph.D. (Mathematics) Massachusettes Institute of Technology 1991. Area of Research Interests: Mathematical Physics Read articles on Petters:
  • A Journey to Bridge Math and the Cosmos
  • Star Professor Full Professor of Physics and of Mathematics Departments of Duke University and ha Bass Fellow. Petters's book on Gravitational Lensing is considered a tour de force in mathematical physics and he has been called a founder of mathematical astronomy. the first African American tenured faculty in the sciences/mathematics. In 2003, he became a Full Professor at Duke University and is the first black elected
    to Duke's prestigious Bass Society of Fellows.. In November 2002, he became the first recipient of the Blackwell-Tapia Prize acceptance speech His personal home page:
    Email: AWARDS William and Sue Gross Endowed Chair (1998-2003)
    CAREER Grant Award - National Science Foundation (1998-2003)
    Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (1998-2002)
  • 42. Prof. Renato Klippert
    perturbations, VIII marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativityand Gravitation, Jerusalem Israel, June 22 to 26, 1997. .pdf.
    Research Areas Confences Curriculum Vitae Lectures ... Webmaster 1. On perturbation theory for the cosmological standard model VII Brazilian School on Cosmology and Gravitation, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, August 1 to 14, 1993 XV National Meeting on Field Theory and Particle Physics (ENFPC), Angra dos Reis - Brazil, October 4 to 8, 1994 .pdf 2. Minimal closed set of obsrvables in the theory of cosmological perturbations VII Brazilian School on Cosmology and Gravitation, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, August 1 to 14, 1993 XV National Meeting on Field Theory and Particle Physics (ENFPC), Angra dos Reis - Brazil, October 4 to 8, 1994 .pdf 3. Perturbative formalism I. Spatially isotropic

    43. People Relativity
    marcel grossmann A brief biography on marcel grossmann, a classmate of Einsteinwho was the first to find a connection between tensor calculus and the theory
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    44. Albert Einstein Galerie
    Translate this page Einstein (2. von links) marcel grossmann (links) grossmann geb. 9.4.1878 inBudapest gest. Die Rettung verdankte er schließlich marcel grossmann
    Einstein (2. von links)
    Marcel Grossmann (links)
    geb. 9.4.1878 in Budapest
    - Rechte am Archivmaterial liegen beim jeweiligen Urhebe
    r -

    45. Home Page Of Jose A. Font-Roda
    JA Font, JM Martí and JA Miralles Proceedings of the 6th marcel grossmann MEETINGon General Relativity, Kyoto (Japan) 2329 June 1991, pp 341-344, Ed.
    Conference Proceedings
    • Numerical Relativistic Hydrodynamics without Artificial Viscosity: Approximate Riemann Solvers
      Proceedings of the 6th MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING on General Relativity, Kyoto (Japan) 23-29 June 1991, pp 341-344, Ed. World Scientific (H. Sato and T. Nakamura eds.) 341-344
    • Relativistic flows around compact objects
      Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 91 held in Bilbao (Spain) 9-12 September 1991 ( Recent Developments in Gravitation
    • A numerical way to handle multidimensional relativistic hydrodynamics
      Proceedings of the Spanish Relativity Meeting 93 held in Salas, Asturias (Spain), 7-10 September 1993 ( Relativity in General
    • Morphology and dynamics of relativistic jets
    • Hydrodynamical simulations of relativistic jets: morphology, dynamics and propagation
      Proceedings of the Workshop on Energy Transport in Radio-Galaxies and Quasars held in Tuscaloosa, Alabama (USA), September 19-23 1995. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, 100, 149-157, P. Hardee, A. Bridle and A. Zensus, Eds. (1996)
    • A numerical study of relativistic jets
      I.A.U. Symposium 175

    46. X Marcel Grossmann Meeting (fwd)
    X marcel grossmann Meeting (fwd). From Boud Roukema boud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;Subject X marcel grossmann Meeting (fwd); Date Mon
    cosmo-spotka Thread
    X Marcel Grossmann Meeting (fwd)
    • From Subject : X Marcel Grossmann Meeting (fwd) Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 13:44:33 +0200 (MET DST)
    Forwarded message
    Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 18:43:26 +0100 (MET)
    From: Marek Demianski Marek.Demianski at
    Subject: X Marcel Grossmann Meeting

    Dear Colleague,
    I have been asked to organize a parallel session on "Topology of the
    Universe" at the X Marcel Grossmann Meeting in Rio de Janeiro. July 20
    - 26, 2003. If you are interested to attend the meeting and present
    contribution at this session please let me know. Please spread this
    information among your friends and collaborators.
    More information about the Meeting (and on line registration) you can find at . Please register by March 31 to save 50$ on the conference fee. Sincerely yours, Marek Demianski Reply to message Don't modify either the "follow-up" or the "subject" or else your message may not be threaded.

    47. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
    1168 in Suffolk, England Died 9 Oct 1253 in Buckden, Buckinghamshire, England grossmann,marcel grossmann Born 9 April 1878 in Budapest, Hungary Died 7 Sept

    48. Fiche Document -Proceedings Of The Marcel Grossmann Metting On
    Translate this page Congrès - Cote 00006284 - (consultation sur place) Proceedingsof the marcel grossmann metting on general relativity. Part A

    49. Fiche Document -Proceedings Of The Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
    Translate this page Congrès - Cote 00011515 - (disponible) Proceedings of the fourthmarcel grossmann meeting on general relativity,part a meeting on

    50. Seznam Matematičnih Vsebin - Wikipedija
    funkcije Grahamovo število - Grassmann, Hermann Günter - Green, George - Greenovafunkcija - Gregory, James - grossmann, marcel - Grothendieck, Alexanderčnih_vsebin
    Seznam matematičnih vsebin
    Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije.
    Seznam matematičnih vsebin podaja vse članke, ki se v Wikipediji nanašajo na matematiko in nam prvenstveno služi za nadzorovanje sprememb. Naslovi člankov so izpisani z malo začetnico tam kjer je potrebno, drugače pa z veliko. Sicer Wikipedijin sistem vse članke samodejno zapiše z veliko začetnico.
    B C D ... spremeni
    Abel, Niels Henrik Abelov integral Abelov izrek vsote integralov algebrskih funkcij Abelova enačba ... spremeni
    babilonske Å¡tevilke Babbage, Charles Baker, Alan Balmer, Johann Jakob ... spremeni
    Campanus, Johannes Cantor Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Cantorjev diagonalni dokaz ... spremeni
    daljica de Bruijn-Newmanova konstanta De Morgan, Augustus De Morganovi zakoni ... spremeni
    e (matematična konstanta) edinstveno praštevilo egipčanski ulomek Einstein, Albert ... spremeni
    faktor faktorizacija faktorska grupa fakulteta (funkcija) ... Fermatov veliki izrek - Fermatov zadnji izrek - Fermatova spirala Fermatovo praštevilo Fermatovo število Feuerbachova točka ... spremeni
    Galilei, Galileo

    51. Pub
    1998) . 2000. Mukhopadhyay, B., Nucleosynthesis in accretion disk around compactobject Proceedings of 9th marcel grossmann Meeting, Rome, 2000.
    Next: About this document ...
    List of Publications In Refereed Journals
  • Chakrabarti, S.K. and Mukhopadhyay, B. , Neutron Disks Around Black Holes - Astronomy and Astrophysics , 105, 1999; astro-ph/9904342. Mukhopadhyay, B. and Chakrabarti, S.K., Semi-analytical Solution of Dirac equation in Schwarzschild Geometry - Classical and Quantum Gravity , 3165, 1999; gr-qc/9907100. Mukhopadhyay, B. , Dirac equation in Kerr Geometry - Indian Journal of Physics , 855, 1999; gr-qc/9910018. Mukhopadhyay, B. , Nucleosynthesis around Black Holes - Indian Journal of Physics , 917, 1999; astro-ph/9910080.
    Mukhopadhyay, B. and Chakrabarti, S.K., Nucleosynthesis in Accretion Flows around Black Holes - Astronomy and Astrophysics , 1029, 2000; astro-ph/9912568. Mukhopadhyay, B. , Behaviour of spin-half particle around a charged black hole - Classical and Quantum Gravity , 2017, 2000; gr-qc/0003061. Mukhopadhyay, B. and Chakrabarti, S.K., Solution of Dirac equation around a spinning black hole - Nuclear Physics B , 627, 2000; gr-qc/0007016. Chakrabarti, S.K. and
  • 52. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of GRO
    Translate this page grossmann, Ernst, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 1892. grossmann, marcel,Universität Zürich, 1902. Grossner, Clifford, McGill University, 1995.

    53. La Relativite Générale
    Translate this page Pour résoudre ces difficultés Einstein alla chercher l’inspiration auprèsde son ami mathématicien marcel grossmann, tout deux étant à Zurich et à
    La théorie de la Relativité Un principe général La relativité générale (I) Avis au lecteur. Le texte qui suit fait moult usage de la symbolique mathématique dans une version très abrégée qui nécessite un niveau de formation universitaire spécialisé en la matière. Le texte néanmoins est accessible à toute personne un tant soit peu intéressée par les mathématiques et pour laquelle le terme de tenseur n'est pas inconnu. Si toutefois ce côté formel vous rebute, passer de suite aux exemples concrets Ainsi que le rapporte ses biographes la démarche critique d’Einstein s'est élevée dans deux religions : la foi (juive et catholique, “mosaïque” comme il disait) et le tenseur Riemann-Christoffel. De 1907 à 1911, Einstein s'était penché sur l'aspect cinématique de la gravitation. En 1912 il s'attaqua à un sujet plus difficile encore, la dynamique de la gravitation ainsi qu’à la covariance. A l’instar de Lorentz, Einstein croyait en un cadre de référence général qui ne devait privilégier aucun référentiel puisque telle était à ses yeux la réalité de l’univers. Comme le disait Eddington

    54. La Suisse Entre 1933 Et 1945 -- Bibliographie 20
    Translate this page Studien und Quellen 13/14//1987/1988, S. 120-161. grossmann, marcel Istdie Schweiz ein Marschallplan-Land? In Schweizer Monatshefte 1948/49.
    CH 1933 bis 1945 - La Suisse entre 1933 et 1945 Bibliographie
    zusammengestellt von der Schweizerischen Landesbibliothek, 3003 Bern
    20) Die Zeit danach
    Depuis lors
    Akmann-Bodenmann, Ursula:
    Amonn, Alfred:
    Bauhofer, Oskar:
    Rechenschaft der Demokratie. Essays und Studien zu den politischen Problemen der Gegenwart. Luzern 1946 (P 21 687/4) Blocher, Christoph:
    La Suisse et la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Une mise au point. Discours. Zurich 1997 (Nbq 27 949) La Svizzera e la Seconda guerra mondiale. Un chiarimento. Discorso. Zurigo 1997 (Nbq 27 950) Switzerland and the Second World War. A clarification. Speech. Zurich 1997 (Nbq 27 948) Bretscher-Spindler, Katharina:
    Bretscher, Willi:
    Bundesrat, Schweizerischer:
    Dejung, Christoph:
    Schweizer Geschichte seit 1945. Frauenfeld 1984 (N 170 473) Diamant im Spiegel der Presse. Zitate, Presseratikel. Bern EMD 1989 (Nq 132 365) Du Bois, Pierre: Fleury, Antoine: The participation of Switzerland and the Role of Neutral States at the Conference of Genoa. In: Genoa, Rapallo, and the reconstruction of Europe. Washington, Cambridge (...) 1991 Frech, Mauro:

    55. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of GRO
    Translate this page 1986. grossmann, Ignacio, grossmann, marcel, Universität Zürich,1902. grossmann, Jeremias, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 1913.

    56. SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result
    Prepared for 9th marcel grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoreticaland Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Matos, T

    57. Astroparticle Physics
    10th marcel grossmann Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2003. 10thmarcel grossmann Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2003.
    Astroparticle Physics
    Cosmic ray facilities such as the Pierre Auger Observatory and neutrino telescopes such as AMANDA might provide new opportunities in the exploration of physics beyond the Standard Model. In this connection, one may mention in particular exotic processes in ultrahigh energy neutrino-nucleon scattering. Indeed, ultrahigh energy cosmic neutrinos may be useful probes of New Physics beyond the (perturbative) Standard Model. The following physics possibilities are being explored in our group:
    • Black hole production in TeV-scale gravity models with extra dimensions
    • Neutrino masses from Z-bursts
    • Sphaleron production in the electroweak theory and B + L violation
    • Leptoquark production
    Publications Reviews Talks Press
    • B. Eberle, A. Ringwald, L. Song and T.J. Weiler
      Relic Neutrino Absorption Spectroscopy,
    • Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald and H. Tu
      Bounds on the cosmogenic neutrino flux,
      JCAP 0311 (2003) 015
    • Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz, A. Ringwald and H. Tu
      Electroweak instantons as a solution to the ultrahigh energy cosmic ray puzzle

    58. Sutil
    Translate this page Ali torna-se grande amigo de marcel grossmann, que, aluno aplicadíssimo, emprestavaseus cadernos para que Einstein pudesse preparar-se para os exames.
    Resenha do livro de Abraham Pais, Fernando Parente e Viriato Esteves. Editora Nova Fronteira Publicado em Zero Hora (Caderno Cultura), Porto Alegre 08/07/95 quantum de luz anno mirabile Akademie Olympia. Akademie Olympia academia Einstein Lived Here (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), escrito para complementar The New York Times Times Times
    Veja outras resenhas

    59. G. Ulrich Grossmann [en]
    Relavtivity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories by marcel grossmann Meetingon General Relativity 2000 University of Rom, Robert T. Jantzen, Remo
    please click here to proceed

    60. CARINI
    presented by P. Carini at the Seventh marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity,Stanford University, July 2430, 1994 (coauthors D. Bini, RT Jantzen).
    Welcome in the private home page of
    Dr. Paolo Carini
    Curriculum Vitae Index
    E ducation F ellowships ... nformation
    You can reach me by e-mail at:
    Click on the camera to see my photo and personal data
    Post Doctoral research, Amherst College , Department of physics, Massachusetts, USA. September 1995 - present. Ph.D. in Physics, Stanford University , Stanford, California, USA. August 1995. LLNL Summer School on Chaos in Physical Systems, Summer 1992. Laurea in Physics, University of Rome , Rome, Italy. September 1988. Graduate Magna Cum Laude.
    ICRA (International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, Rome, Italy) scholarship, October 1992 - August 1995. CNR (Centro Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy) fellowship, January 1989-July 1989 and October 1990-October 1991.
    Computer Experience
    Cellular automata models of complex dynamical systems. Statistical analysis of data. Fast Fourier Transform. Numerical analysis. 3-D computer graphics. VAX and SUN stations, PC's and Macintosh. UNIX, VAX/VMS and PC/MS-DOS operating systems. Computer languages: Basic, Fortran, C, HTML.

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