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         Grossmann Marcel:     more books (17)
  1. Proceedings of the ... Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
  2. Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Parts A and B (2vols). by Remo (ed) Ruffini, 1982
  3. Proceedings of the Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity (Parts a + B) 2 Volumes by Remo (Editor) Ruffini, 1982

The TENTH marcel grossmann MEETING will be held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 26 July ABOUT THE marcel grossmann MEETING. The marcel grossmann Meetings were created in

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quick search Search for events The TENTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING (MG X) 20 Jul 2003 - 26 Jul 2003 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Registration deadline: 01 Nov 2002 Subject areas: Astrophysics,Cosmology,General Relativity The TENTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING (MG X) On recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories CBPF-ICRA/Rio Rio de Janeiro July 20-26, 2003 FIRST CIRCULAR The TENTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING will be held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 26 July, 2003. The morning plenary sessions will take place in the auditorium of the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), located on a beautiful spot just below the famous Sugar Loaf mountain. The afternoon parallel sessions will take place close to the IME auditorium, at the Brazilian Center of Physical Research (CBPF) and at the University of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). If you intend to participate in this meeting, please complete and return the pre-registration form at the end of this e-mail. Detailed information (registration form, fee, scientific program, visa requirements, etc) will be posted soon at the site

22. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 11-8
Translate this page CPAE. Get full record from archival database, 11-454.00, 04/14/1901,Einstein, Albert, grossmann, marcel, Get Prof. Dr. marcel grossmann, Get

23. Blair And Buckingham (1989) The Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting On Recent Develop
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The Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories: Proceedings of the meeting held at the University of Western Australia, 8-13 August, 1988
Post a Comment CONTRIBUTORS: Editor Blair, D.G.
Editor Buckingham, M.J.
(b. 1943, d. ) PUBLISHER: World Scientific
(Singapore and New Jersey) CONFERENCE TITLE: YEAR: PUB TYPE:
Conference Proceedings VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES:
xxxvi, 1900 p. SUBJECT(S):
General relativity (Physics); Gravitation; Qauntum gravity; Cosmology; Astrophysics; Congresses DISCIPLINE:
No discipline assigned LC NUMBER: HTTP: LANGUAGE: English PUB ID: Last edited on 2002/02/27 18:34:36 US/Mountain SPONSOR(S): ABSTRACT:
Includes bibliographical references and index.

24. Einstein Archives Online - CPAE Details For [11 - 495.00]
, Autograph Letter Signed.......11495.00. Call Nr. 11-495.00. Author, Einstein, Albert. Receiver,grossmann, marcel. Dated, 12/10/1911.

THE NINTH marcel grossmann MEETING On Recent Developments in Theoretical and ExperimentalGeneral Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories (In 3
On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories
Browse by Subject Bestsellers New Titles ... Browse all Subjects Search Keyword Author Concept ISBN Series New Titles Editor's Choice Bestsellers Book Series ... Join Our Mailing List THE NINTH MARCEL GROSSMANN MEETING
On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories
Proceedings of the MGIX MM Meeting

The University of Rome "La Sapienza" 2 - 8 July 2000
edited by Vahe G Gurzadyan (Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia) , Robert T Jantzen (Villanova University, USA) (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
In 1975 the Marcel Grossmann Meetings were established by Remo Ruffini and Abdus Salam to provide a forum for discussion of recent advances in gravitation, general relativity, and relativistic field theories. In these meetings, which are held once every three years, every aspect of research is emphasized — mathematical foundations, physical predictions, and numerical and experimental investigations. The major objective of these meetings is to facilitate exchange among scientists, so as to deepen our understanding of the structure of space–time and to review the status of both the ground-based and the space-based experiments aimed at testing the theory of gravitation. The Marcel Grossmann Meetings have grown under the guidance of an International Organizing Committee and a large International Coordinating Committee. The first two meetings, MG1 and MG2, were held in Trieste (1975, 1979). A most memorable MG3 (1982) was held in Shanghai and represented the first truly international scientific meeting in China after the so-called Cultural Revolution. Three years later MG4 was held in Rome (1985). It was at MG4 that "astroparticle physics" was born.

26. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen
Translate this page 1777-1855) Germain, Sophie (1776-1831) Glashow, Sheldon Lee (1932- ) Gold, Thomas(?- ) Green, Michael (?- ) grossmann, marcel (1878-1936) Guth, Alan
På Kosmologikas sidor återfinns på många ställen länkar till kortare biografier över olika vetenskapsmän som har deltagit i utvecklandet av dessa spännande teorier. På denna sida finns länkar till alla dessa biografier samlade på ett enda ställe. Personerna är dels listade i både bokstavs- och födelsedagsordning men även efter nobelprisår (för de personer som har fått nobelpriset) samt i betydelsefullhetsordning för vetenskapen. Dessutom har jag nyligen lagt till Brucemedaljörer som är den högsta utmärkelsen inom astronomin, nobelpriset undantaget, samt Fields medalj som är matematikens nobelpris och som dessutom bara delas ut en gång vart fjärde år samt slutligen wolfpriset som är ett israeliskt pris som rankas steget under Nobelpriset men som ofta är åtminstone ett decennium snabbare med utnämningarna. Alfabetisk ordning Ahlfors, Lars (1907- )
Alembert, Jean le Ronde d' (1717-1783)

Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta (1908-1995)

Alpher, Ralph A. (1921- )
Zwicky, Fritz (1898-1974)

Födelsedagsordning Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665)

27. ETH E-collection
Translate this page marcel grossmann (1878-1936). grossmann, marcel. WissenschaftshistorischeSammlungen der ETH-Bibliothek, 1985. Bitte beziehen Sie

28. ETH E-collection
Translate this page Mathematische Wissenschaften ETH Zürich, Nr. 13465, 2000 grossmann, marcel. marcelgrossmann Wissenschaftshistorische Sammlungen der ETH-Bibliothek, 1985
Deutsch Home About E-Collection ETH Zurich ...
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Subjects Mathematics Pure Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Topology, Number Theory)
Abbondandolo, Alberto Infinite dimensional Grassmannians
Akveld, Meike Hofer geometry for Lagrangian loops, a Legendrian knot and a travelling wave
Groups of tree-automorphisms and their unitary representations

Andrzejak, Arthur On k-sets and their generalizations
Abelian varieties and identities for hypergeometric series

Below, Alexander Complexity of triangulation
Bernardin, Laurent Fernand Guy Factorization of multivariate polynomials over finite fields Birke, Lothar Algebra and quantum physics Burger, Marc Catalano, Domenico Antonino Concircular diffeomorphisms of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds Cavalli, Andrea Marco On representations of the elliptic quantum group E[gamma],[tau](glN) Chatterji, Indira Lara On property (RD) for certain discrete groups Chen, Thomas Non-holonomy, critical manifolds and stability in constrained Hamiltonian systems Cieliebak, Kai Wall crossing for symplectic vortices and quantum cohomology ETHZ, Institute for Mathematical Research, 2002

29. Fizikai Szemle 1995/7 - Fehér Péter, Hajdú Mária: EINSTEIN "MATEMATIKUSA" -
EINSTEIN MATEMATIKUSA marcel grossmann. Fehér Péter, Hajdú MáriaPécs. marcel grossmann 1878. április 9-én született Budapesten.
Fizikai Szemle honlap
Fizikai Szemle 1995/7. 221.o.
Fehér Péter, Hajdú Mária
Einstein nel kapcsolatos kutatásaink során több visszaemlékezésben találtunk említést Einstein “magyar származású munkatársáról", Grossmann Marcel rõl. Jelen cikkünkben az õ pályafutását, tudományos tevékenységét és Einsteinnel való kapcsolatát kívánjuk felvázolni. Családi háttér Grossmann családi hátterének vizsgálata világosan cáfolta a fent említett magyar származást. Apai nagyapja, Jean Grossmann (1812-1884) hönggi, anyai nagybátyja Friedrich Lichtenhahn (1806-1866) bázeli polgár volt. Apja, Jules Grossmann 1843-ban született a svájci határ közelében fekvõ francia Mühlhausenben. 1868-ban egy Budapesten tett utazás sorsdöntõ fordulatot hozott Jules életében. A kiegyezést követõ gazdasági fellendülést tapasztalva Jules úgy döntött, hogy Pesten folytatja üzleti tevékenységét. 1870-ben szerszámüzletet hozott létre, majd 1882-ben gazdasági gépgyárat alapított társával, Ranschenbach hal közösen. Grossmann tehetõs üzletembernek számított, vagyonát 1885-ben 150000 frankra becsülték. A cég 1889-tõl “Elsõ magyar gazdasági gépgyár részvénytársulat" nevet viselte, telephelye a Külsõ Váczi út 7. szám alatt volt

30. Marcel Grossmann
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Name: Marcel Grossmann Description: A brief biography on Marcel Grossmann, a classmate of Einstein who was the first to find a connection between tensor calculus and the theory of Category: People Url: Date: Current Rating: Clicks/Hits Received:
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31. Marcel Grossmann Awards
Translate this page marcel grossmann AWARDS. La remise de ces prix se passe normalement pendant ledéroulement des Congrès marcel grossmann (de périodicité triennale).
  • en 1985 (Rome, Italie) William Fairbank et Abdus Salam
  • en 1988 (Perth, Australie) Satio Hayakawa et John Archibald Wheeler
  • en 1991 (Kyoto, Japon) Minoru Oda et Stephen Hawking
  • en 1994 (Stanford, USA) Subrahmanyan Chandrasekkar et Jim Wilson

32. Thibault DAMOUR, Conferences
Translate this page Juillet 1975 First marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Trieste(Italie). Juin 1985 Fourth marcel grossmann Meeting, Rome (Italie).
Seventh Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Dallas (USA). Juillet 1975 : First Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Trieste (Italie). Novembre 1975 : First Advanced Seminar of the International School of Relativistic Astrophysics, Erice (Italie). Novembre 1976 : Second Advanced Seminar of the International School of Relativistic Astrophysics, Erice (Italie). Juin 1978 Janvier 1979 : Einstein Centenary Summer School, Perth (Australie). Juillet 1979 : Second Marcel Grossmann Meeting on the Recent Developments of General Relativity, Trieste (Italie). Septembre 1980 : 4 convegno di Relativita Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione, Pavia (Italie). Mars 1981 : Workshop on Approximation Methods for Isolated Systems in Relativistic Gravity, Schloss Ringberg (RFA). Mai 1981 Juin 1982 : Ecole de Physique Théorique des Houches sur le "Rayonnement gravitationnel''. Septembre 1982 Mai 1983 Juillet 1983 : Tenth International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Padoue (Italie). Juillet 1983 : Second Rome Astrophysical Meeting: "Precision measurements of relativistic effects in astrophysical systems'', Rome (Italie).

33. KudoZ: Marcel Grossmann (English>Greek Translations)
pts 4. Tech/Engineering. marcel grossmann. is a name and he was a friendof Ainstain. Accepted Answer Points 4. ÌáñóÝë êñüóìáí.

. eprint arXiv. http// http// http//cn.arXiv
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35. Marcel
Translate this page X marcel grossmann MEETING ON GENERAL RELATIVITY Rio de Janeiro -RJ - 20 a 26 de Julho de 2003. HOSPEDAGEM - clique aqui para ver

Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20 a 26 de Julho de 2003

36. Marcel Grossmann Meeting On General Relativity 2000 University Of Rom
marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity 2000 University of Rom Search for books at

Search High Volume Orders Links ... Philosophy of Mathematics Additional Subjects Empiricism Mathematik Dancing on the Table: Easily Elegant Recipes to Keep the Joy in Entertaining Marta Goldsmith Business Economics Finance Jr. ... Candlesticks Explained Books
Written by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity 2000 University of Rom Robert T. Jantzen Remo Ruffini V. G. Gurzadyan
Published by World Scientific Pub Co (December 2002)
ISBN 9812380108
Price $288.00
See Also Academy of armory, 1688 Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs Women's Studies General Western History William ... Deadly Arsenals: Tracking Weapons of Mass Destruction
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37. Marcel Grossmann Meeting In Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, 21-26th, July, 2003
marcel grossmann Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2126th,2003. ?3?
Marcel Grossmann Meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 21-26th, 2003
ƒsƒ‰ƒjƒA‚Æ‚©‚à’Þ‚ê‚¿‚á‚¢‚Ü‚·B ‚₽‚ç‚ƃsƒ‰ƒjƒA‚̊댯‚³‚ð‹­’²‚µ‚½‚ª‚éƒKƒCƒh‚̐lB‚¾‚©‚ç‘åä•v‚¾‚Á‚āB ‚Å‚à–Ô‚Å•ß‚Ü‚¦‚é‚Ì‚Í‚Ç‚¤‚©‚ÆŽv‚¢‚Ü‚·B”ƍ߂ł·B ¶…‚ðˆù‚ñ‚Å‚µ‚Ü‚Á‚Ä‚±‚Ì—L‚è—l‚Å‚·B
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38. Arlie O. Pettters
Lensed Image Magnification, and Magnification Cross Sections AO Petters, in Proceedingsof the Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, eds.
  • Singularity Theory and Gravitational Lensing
  • Identifying Lensing by Substructure I. Cusp Lenses
    C. Keeton, S. Gaudi, and A. O. Petters, Astrophys. J., 138 (2003). See astro-ph/0210318
  • On Relativistic Corrections to Microlensing Effects: Applications to the Galactic Black Hole
    A. O. Petters, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 457 (2003). See astro-ph/0208500
  • Wavefronts, Caustic Sheets, and Caustic Surfing in Gravitational Lensing
    S. Frittelli and A. O. Petters, J. Math. Phys., , 5578 (2002). See astro-ph/0208135
  • Gravitational Microlensing Near Caustics II: Cusps
    B. S. Gaudi and A. O. Petters, Astrophys. J., , 468 (2002). See astro-ph/0206162
  • Gravitational Microlensing Near Caustics I: Folds
    B. S. Gaudi and A. O. Petters, Astrophys. J., , 970 (2002). See astro-ph/0112531
  • Stable Lens Systems, Lensed Image Magnification, and Magnification Cross Sections
    A. O. Petters, in Proceedings of the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity , eds. V. Gurzadyan, R. T. Jantzen, and R. Ruffini (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001).
  • Wavefront Singularities due to an Elliptical Potential
    S. Frittelli and A. O. Petters, in
  • 39. Einstein Matematikusa - Marcel Grossmann
    Einstein matematikusa marcel grossmann. Fehér Péter - Hajdú Mária.Pécs,. marcel grossmann 1878. április 9.-én született Budapesten.
    Einstein "matematikusa" - Marcel Grossmann
    Einsteinnel kapcsolatos kutatásaink során több visszaemlékezésben találtunk említést Einstein "magyar származású munkatársáról", Grossmann Marcelrõl. Jelen cikkünkben az Õ pályafutását, tudományos tevékenységét és Einstein való kapcsolatát kívánjuk felvázolni. 1868-ban egy Budapesten tett utazás sorsdöntõ fordulatot hozott Jules életében. A kiegyezést követõ gazdasági fellendülést tapasztalva Jules úgy döntött, hogy Pesten folytatja üzleti tevékenységét. 1870-ben szerszámüzletet hozott létre, majd 1882-ben gazdasági gépgyárat alapított társával, Rauschenbach-al közösen. Grossmann tehetõs üzletembernek számított, vagyonát 1885-ben 150.000 frankra becsülték. A cég 1889-tõl "Elsõ magyar gazdasági gépgyár részvénytársulat" nevet viselte, telephelye a Külsõ Váczi út 7. szám alatt volt. matematika-fizika tanári szakára, ahol 1896 õszén kezdte meg tanulmányait. Az osztály (VIA Section) nem volt nagy, mindössze 5 fõbõl állt, ám a diáktársai nem akárkik voltak: ide járt ugyanis az ifjú Albert Einstein és leendõ felesége, Mileva Mariè is. A két ifjú, Albert és Marcel között hamar nagyon szoros barátság alakult ki. Grossmann rövid idõ alatt felfedezte Einstein tehetségét és azt jósolta az anyjának, hogy „egy nagyon nagyszerû valaki" lesz a fiából

    40. Marcel Grossmann Meeting On General Relativity 2000 University Of Rom
    marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity 2000 University of Rom Search for books at marcel grossmann
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    Published by World Scientific Pub Co (December 2002)
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