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         Grossmann Marcel:     more books (17)
  1. Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Proceedings
  2. The Eleventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories, Proceedings of the MG11 Meetin
  3. Eighth Marcel Grossmann Meeting 2 Volume Set
  4. The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical And Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation And Relativistic Field Theories
  5. The Ninth Marcel Grossman Meeting: On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relavtivity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories (3 Volume Set) by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Rela, 2002-12
  6. Sixth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories (two volume set - Part A & Part B) by Humitaka Sato, 1992-05
  7. The Seventh Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Vol 1: Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation and Relativistic Field Theories
  8. Darstellende geometrie (German Edition) by Marcel. Grossmann, 1921-01-01
  9. Proceedings of the Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, Held at the University of Rome LA Sapienza, 17-21 June, 1985/Parts A and B
  10. Proceedings of the Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity: Part A, 30 August--3 September, 1982, Shanghai, China
  11. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitat by Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity 2000 University of Rom; Robert T. Jantzen; Remo Ruffini; V. G. Gurzadyan, 2002
  12. The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (Mgixmm): On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories: Proceedings of the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, Italy, 2-8 July 2000 PART C (PART C)
  13. Darstellende Geometrie by Marcel Grossmann, 1915-01-01
  14. Darstellende Geometrie Leitfaden für den Unterricht an höheren Lehranstalten by Marcel Grossmann, 1906-01-01

1. Grossmann
Marcel Grossmann. Born 9 April 1878 Marcel Grossmann attended schoolin Basel then studied mathematics at Zurich. In 1900 he became
Marcel Grossmann
Born: 9 April 1878 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 7 Sept 1936 in Zurich, Switzerland
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Marcel Grossmann attended school in Basel then studied mathematics at Zurich. In 1900 he became an assistant to the geometer W Fiedler in Zurich. Grossmann was a classmate of Einstein Einstein turned to him for help with the mathematical formulation of the theory of general relativity. Grossmann discovered the relevance of the tensor calculus of Christoffel Ricci-Curbastro and Levi-Civita to relativity.
Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (2 books/articles) Mathematicians born in the same country Cross-references to History Topics General relativity
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History Topics

Societies, honours, etc.
... Anniversaries for the year JOC/EFR December 1996 School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St Andrews, Scotland

2. Èlenská Základna - Czech Bowling Association
Soutež. 2.BWL sk. D post. Clenové (clenky) týmu. Sopko František GrossmannMarcel Krupa Miroslav Matej Zdenek. Pamula Ladislav, 158, 156, grossmann marcel.

3. Èlenská Základna - Czech Bowling Association
Soutež. 2.BWL sk. D2. Clenové (clenky) týmu. Sopko František GrossmannMarcel Krupa Miroslav Matej Zdenek. Jakubowski David, 121, 223, grossmann marcel.

4. Marcel Grossmann
Marcel Grossmann föddes år 1878 i Budapest i nuvarande Ungern. MarcelGrossmann dog år 1936. Tillbaka till Kosmologikas hemsida.
Födelseland: Österrike-Ungern Födelseår: 1878 Död år: 1936 Marcel Grossmann föddes år 1878 i Budapest i nuvarande Ungern. Han levde sina första femton år där innan han flyttade till Schweiz. Han började efter gymnasieutbildningen vid ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) där han var studiekamrat till Albert Einstein

5. Fizikai Szemle 1993/5 - Marx György: KEMÉNY JÁNOS
Asszisztense mindig matematikus volt. Kezdetben a bácskai születésu Mileva Maric,Einstein elso felesége, majd grossmann marcel és Lánczos Kornél is
Fizikai Szemle honlap
Fizikai Szemle 1993/5. 169.o.
(Budapest,1926. május 31. - New Hampshire,1992. december 26.) Pesti gyökerek Kemény János, egy pesti fiú Amerikában valószínûleg a legismertebb magyar-amerikai tudós lett (Teller Edén kívül) az 1970-es, 1980-as években. A New York Times három hasábon búcsúztatta. Tartalmasan emlékezett meg róla a Washington Post, a Herald Tribune, a Guardian is. A pesti lapokban 3 sor jutott halála hírének. Meglepõ, hogy Magyarországon milyen kevesen ismerik nevét, személyiségét, hatását. Az Eötvös Társulat centenáriumi közgyûlésén tiszteletbeli tagjává választotta, de túl késõn történt. Az Eötvös-érmet már nem vehette át. Neves fiának tartozik szülõhazája azzal, hogy ezen az estén a megemlékezésen túl bemutatást és méltatást is adjon. Édesapja, Kemény Tibor magkereskedéssel, bankszakmával foglalkozott, édesanyja Fried Lucia volt. Családja a Belvárosban lakott, a mai Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36 számú házában (illetve költözve annak környékén, Tátra utca 5C alatt, Kálmán utca 22. III. 7-ben). - Talán a mai ünnepi alkalom indítékot adhat ahhoz, hogy emlékét táblával örökítsük meg. - Kemény János György a Rácz-féle elemibe járt. (Ide járt Neumann János

6. Vítejte Na RRL
03. Loutocký Josef, N, STP, grossmann marcel, N, STP, SLH FP Olomouc, Povel Olomouc6. 12. grossmann marcel, N, OLM, SLH FP Olomouczanikl, SLH Povel Olomouc 6.12.99.
statistiky pøístupù Úterý 01. èerven 2004 chatujících uživatelù:
Pøístupy Online: Denní: Týdení: Mìsíèní: Celk.:
Seznam hráèù na doplnìní soupisek Jméno Reg Tým Døívìjší reg Nynìjší reg Šíma Václav N BOH Hradil Petr N BOH Øíha Petr N HOR Everest Tršice reg. zrušena 26.11.03 Grmolenský Ivo N HOR Zaoral David DR+SR KOZ HC Unièov AHC Droždín Kadlèík Kamil DR KRE Slavoj Bruntál reg. zrušena 23. 7. 03 Holáò Libor N KRE Kráèmar Jiøí N KRE Drexler Josef N OLM Povel Olomouc Krejèí Michal N OLM Koranda Aleš N OLM SKP Kromìøíž SKP Kromìøíž - nehraje okr. pøebor Nantl Petr N PRI Beneš Miloš DR+SR RRI HC Šternberk Everest Tršice do 30. 4. 04 Žitný Jaroslav N RRI Kopa Petr N RRI Smrèka Petr N RRI Hynek Jaroslav N SKR Pudil Ladislav-st N SKR Loutocký Martin DR STP HC Šternberk reg. zrušena 5. 11. 03 Loutocký Josef N STP Grossmann Marcel N STP SLH FP Olomouc Povel Olomouc 6. 12. 99 - zanikl Gregor Pavel DR UJZ HC Unièov reg. zrušena 17.10.03 Hubáèek Zdenìk N UJZ
Seznam hráèù na vyøazení ze soupisek Jméno Reg Tým Døívìjší reg Nynìjší reg Drexler Josef N HOR SLH Povel Olomouc Fišara Vít N HOR SLH Povel Olomouc Kuna Miroslav N HOR Perutka Pavel SR HOR Sokol Hynkov 17.10. 2000

7. Vítejte Na RRL
12. Šálek Robert, N, 15, 2, 3, 5, 0, 15, 0. 13. Nykl Milan, DR, 16, 1,3, 4, 1, 15, 0. grossmann marcel, N, 7, 2, 1, 3, 7, 0, 0. 14. Kalina Radim,N, 7, 2, 1, 3, 6, 1, 0. 15.

8. - Die Crew
Translate this page Graf, Jochen Mail an Uwe Groke schicken Groke, Uwe Mail an Birgit Gross schickenGross, Birgit Mail an Marcel Grossmann schicken grossmann marcel Mail an

9. (21) Fitness Men Over 20
Translate this page FM20 3113 Eugster Martin 77 Berg TG FM20 3137 Fuhrer Markus 80 Hasliberg HohfluhFM20 3141 Gaillard Loic 88 F-Epagny FM20 3159 grossmann marcel 80 Füllinsdorf
Hilfe Français DS Home Mein DS ... Firma DS durchsuchen
SIC Basel - (21) Fitness Men over 20
aktueller Stand vom 03.05.2004
Total 48 Athlet/innen

10. SIC Basel
Translate this page Grieder Patricia 67 Kilchberg ZH out on street women SWT 532 Grossenbacher David83 Ringgenberg Powerslide-Go-Faster SMT 3159 grossmann marcel 80 Füllinsdorf
Hilfe Français DS Home Mein DS ... Firma DS durchsuchen
SIC Basel - "G"
aktueller Stand vom 03.05.2004

11. Grossmann
A brief biography on marcel grossmann, a classmate of Einstein who was the first to find a connection between tensor calculus and the theory of relativity.
Marcel Grossmann
Born: 9 April 1878 in Budapest, Hungary
Died: 7 Sept 1936 in Zurich, Switzerland
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to see a larger version Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Marcel Grossmann attended school in Basel then studied mathematics at Zurich. In 1900 he became an assistant to the geometer W Fiedler in Zurich. Grossmann was a classmate of Einstein Einstein turned to him for help with the mathematical formulation of the theory of general relativity. Grossmann discovered the relevance of the tensor calculus of Christoffel Ricci-Curbastro and Levi-Civita to relativity.
Article by: J J O'Connor and E F Robertson Click on this link to see a list of the Glossary entries for this page List of References (2 books/articles) Mathematicians born in the same country Cross-references to History Topics General relativity
(Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
History Topics

Societies, honours, etc.
... Anniversaries for the year JOC/EFR December 1996 School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of St Andrews, Scotland

12. Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting On General Relativity
EMail Webmaster. Tenth marcel grossmann Meeting on General Relativity The marcel grossmann Meetings were created in order to provide a forum for the discussion of the advances in
Esta página usa quadros mas seu navegador não aceita quadros.

13. MG9 Home Page
The Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting. on recent developments in theoreticaland experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic
The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories
Rome, July 2 - 8, 2000 University of Rome "La Sapienza"
l International Organizing Committee l International Coordinating Committee l Local Organizing Committee l Local Program Committee l PLENARY PROGRAM l PLENARY SPEAKERS l PARALLEL SESSIONS l PROCEEDINGS New Grossmann Awards l MAP for the hotels
l MAP of the Campus l Travel information LIST of PARTICIPANTS REGISTRATION HOTEL RESERVATION l Alphabetical l Nationality l On Line l Email l PDF File l PS File IMPORTANT:
Registration on July, 2 15:00 - 19:00
Aula Magna
University of Rome Sponsored by Banquet dinner
7 july, 2000 at

"Palazzo Colonna"

... NSF
ECC ICTP Con il contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri Direzione Generale per la Promozione e la Cooperazione Culturale Webmaster MG History Marcel Grossmann Meetings ICRANET Workshop ... Reception Office

14. Meu Amigo Marcel Proust Romance , Judith Grossmann
BRAZILIAN BOOKS Search to get portuguese books from Brazil Meu Amigo marcel Proust Romance. Coloque este item em sua cesta de compra. add this item to your shopping cart. Autor. Judith grossmann. Sugerido

15. Grossmann Portrait
marcel grossmann. JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is © Copyright information.http//
Marcel Grossmann
JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is:

16. Buy The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MGIXMM) On Recent
The Ninth marcel grossmann Meeting (MGIXMM) On Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic by V. G. Gurzadyan in Hardcover. ISBN

17. Marcel Grossmann Meetings
marcel grossmann MEETINGS on general relativity. Since 1975, the marcelgrossmann Meetings have been organized in order to provide
on general relativity
Since 1975, the Marcel Grossmann Meetings have been organized in order to provide opportunities for discussing recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. The objective of these meetings is to elicit exchange among scientists that may deepen our understanding of spacetime structures as well as to review the status of ongoing experiments aimed at testing Einstein's theory of gravitation either from the ground or from space. Previous meetings have been held in Trieste (1975) and (1979), Shanghai (1982), Rome (1985), Perth (1988), Kyoto (1991), Stanford (1994) and Jerusalem (1997). Interested scientists should address a member from any one of the organizing committees or the conference secretariat. MG X MMIII
International Organizing Committee
International Coordinating Committee

Local Organizing Committee
... Back to Home Page

18. Marcel Grossmann Meetings
marcel grossmann MEETINGS. on general relativity. Since 1975, the marcel grossmann. Meetings have been organized in order to provide opportunities for discussing recent
on general relativity
Since 1975, the Marcel Grossmann Meetings have been organized in order to provide opportunities for discussing recent advances in gravitation, general relativity and relativistic field theories, emphasizing mathematical foundations, physical predictions and experimental tests. The objective of these meetings is to elicit exchange among scientists that may deepen our understanding of spacetime structures as well as to review the status of ongoing experiments aimed at testing Einstein's theory of gravitation either from the ground or from space. Previous meetings have been held in Trieste (1975) and (1979), Shanghai (1982), Rome (1985), Perth (1988), Kyoto (1991), Stanford (1994) and Jerusalem (1997). Interested scientists should address a member from any one of the organizing committees or the conference secretariat. MG X MMIII
International Organizing Committee
International Coordinating Committee

Local Organizing Committee
... Back to Home Page

19. DOE Document - Proceedings Of The Fifth Marcel Grossmann Meeting On
The marcel grossmann Meetings have been conceived with the aim of reviewing recent Proceedings of the fifth marcel grossmann meeting on recent developments in theoretical

20. MG10 - Marcel Grossmann Awards
marcel grossmann AWARDS. Each recipient 10 th marcel grossmann Meeting 2026July 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Institutional Award CBPF (Brazilian
MARCEL GROSSMANN AWARDS Each recipient is presented with a silver casting of the TEST sculpture by the artist A. Pierelli
The original casting was presented to His Holiness Pope John Paul II on the first occasion of the Marcel Grossmann Awards. 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting 9th Marcel Grossmann Meeting 8th Marcel Grossmann Meeting 7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting ... Marcel Grossmann Meeting
20-26 July 2003, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Institutional Award CBPF (Brazilian Center for Research in Physics)
For its role as a teaching and research institution and as a place originating fundamental physics ideas in the exploration of the universe
Individual Awards Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat and James W. York, Jr.
For separate as well as joint work in establishing the mathematical framework for proving the existence and uniqueness of solutions to Einstein's gravitational field equations. Yuval Ne'eman
For his contributions to science, epistimology, mathematics and physics from subnuclear to space sciences.
Marcel Grossmann Meeting
2-9 July 2000, Rome, Italy

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