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         Grosseteste Robert:     more books (100)
  1. Editing Robert Grosseteste (Conference on Editorial Problems)
  2. Robert Grosseteste, Biship of Lincoln: a contribution to the religious, political and intellectual history of the thirteenth century by Francis Seymour Stevenson, 2010-08-28
  3. Robert Grosseteste and the Jews, by Lee M Friedman, 1934
  4. Theology and Music at the Early University: The Case of Robert Grosseteste and Anonymous IV (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History) by Nancy Van Deusen, 1997-08
  5. Robert Grosseteste Bishop of Lincoln (Lincoln Minster Pamphlets No.7) by J.H. Srawley, 1966
  6. The Life and Time of Robert Grosseteste by GEORGE F. PERRY, 2010-03-09
  7. The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste by James McEvoy, 1987-01-15
  8. Roberti Grosseteste Episcopi Quondam Lincolniensis Epistolæ (Latin Edition) by Robert Grosseteste, 2010-03-05
  9. R. Grossetete Carmina Anglo-Normannica. Robert Grossetete'S Chasteau D'Amour: To Which Are Added Lavie De Sainte Maire Egyptienne and an English Version of the Chasteau D'Amour (Romance Edition) by Matthew Cooke, Robert Grosseteste, 2010-01-01
  10. Roberti Grosseteste: Episcopi Quondam Lincolniensis Epistolae (1861) by Robert Grosseteste, 2008-10-27
  11. Roberti Grosseteste Episcopi Quondam Lincolniensis Epistolæ (Latin Edition) by Robert Grosseteste, 2010-04-03
  12. Robert Grosseteste - On the Six Days of Creation: A Translation of the Hexaemeron (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi) by C.F.J. Martin, 1999-09-16
  13. Templum Dei (Toronto Medieval Latin Texts) by Robert Grosseteste, 1984-01-01
  14. Commentarius in Posteriorum analyticorum libros (Testi e studi per il " Corpus philosophorum medii aevi) by Robert Grosseteste, 1981

21. History Of Philosophy --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Its first chancellor, robert grosseteste (c. 1168–1253), commented on some ofAristotle s works and translated the Ethica Nichomachea (Nicomachean Ethics bacon

22. Grosseteste
Biography of robert grosseteste (11681253) robert grosseteste. Born 1168 in Suffolk, England Main index. robert grosseteste was educated at Oxford University
Robert Grosseteste
Born: 1168 in Suffolk, England
Died: 9 Oct 1253 in Buckden, Buckinghamshire, England
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Robert Grosseteste was educated at Oxford University. He became Chancellor of Oxford University in 1215 remaining in this post until about 1221. After this he held a number of ecclesiastical positions, then from 1229 to 1235 he was a lecturer in theology to the Franciscans. He became Bishop of Lincoln in 1235 and remained in this position until his death. As Bishop of Lincoln he attended the Council of Lyon (1245) and addressed the papal congregation at Lyon in 1250. Grosseteste worked on geometry, optics and astronomy. In optics he experimented with mirrors and with lenses. He believed that experimentation must be used to verify a theory by testing its consequences. In his work De Iride he writes:- This part of optics, when well understood, shows us how we may make things a very long distance off appear as if placed very close, and large near things appear very small, and how we may make small things placed at a distance appear any size we want, so that it may be possible for us to read the smallest letters at incredible distances, or to count sand, or seed, or any sort or minute objects. Grosseteste realised that the hypothetical space in which Euclid imagined his figures was the same everywhere and in every direction. He then postulated that this was true of the propagation of light. He wrote the treatise

23. Grosseteste, Robert. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. grosseteste, robert.(gr s´t st) (KEY) , c.1175–1253, English prelate. Educated
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24. Robert Grosseteste. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
2001. robert grosseteste. see grosseteste, robert. The Columbia Encyclopedia,Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2003 Columbia University Press.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Robert Grosseteste see Grosseteste, Robert

grosseteste, robert (c. 11751253), English statesman, theologian and bishopof Lincoln, was born of humble parents at Stradbrook in Suffolk. He recei.

26. MSN Encarta - Grosseteste, Robert
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Grosseteste, Robert Grosseteste, Robert (v. 1175-1253), ©vªque, scientifique et th©ologien anglais, fondateur de l'©cole franciscaine d'Oxford. Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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27. Biografia De Grosseteste, Robert
Translate this page grosseteste, robert. (Stradbroke, c. 1168 o 1175-Buckden, 1253) Filósofoinglés. Fue profesor en Oxford (c. 1215) y obispo de Lincoln (1235).
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Grosseteste, Robert (Stradbroke, c . 1168 o 1175-Buckden, 1253) Filósofo inglés. Fue profesor en Oxford ( c . 1215) y obispo de Lincoln (1235). Se dedicó a la física, a la astronomía, a la meteorología y a la óptica. Notable traductor del griego, comentó a Aristóteles y al Pseudo Dionisio. Es autor de un Libellus de physicis unus Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

28. Robert Grosseteste (Robert Greathead)
Translate this page robert grosseteste (robert Greathead) Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen Online-Philosophenlexikon. eMail.robert grosseteste (robert Greathead) (gest. 1253).
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Robert Grosseteste (Robert Greathead) (gest. 1253)
Robert Grosseteste (eigentl. Robert Greathead) war Kanzler in Oxford und Bischof von Lincoln. Er vereinigt Platonische und Aristotelische Positionen. Gott , die Seele und die ewigen Ideen. powered by Uwe Wiedemann

29. Grosseteste, Robert (ca. 1168-1253) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific
grosseteste, robert (ca. 11681253), English theologian and scholar whofought for the inclusion of more science in the university curriculum.
Branch of Science Scholars Nationality English
Grosseteste, Robert (ca. 1168-1253)

English theologian and scholar who fought for the inclusion of more science in the university curriculum. He studied at Oxford and became its first chancellor. He was one of the earliest to introduce Aristotle and the Greek corpus to Europe. He was also the teacher of Roger Bacon . Grosseteste went back to the original Greek to make new translations not suffering from the corruption produced by translating first to Arabic then to Latin. He was particularly interested in optics, using Alhazen as a guide. He experimented with mirrors and lenses and proposed a complicated explanation for the rainbow With experimentation and use of the hypothetico-deductive method, he began the modern scientific tradition. He had a mystic cosmology and cosmogony, in which light was divided into its original divine form ("lux") and its material corrupted form ("lumen"). Bacon (Roger)
Additional biographies: MacTutor (St. Andrews)

30. Grosseteste, Robert In UK Directory: Lifestyle & Auto: Authors Gr-Gy
grosseteste, robert Investigate the religious and scientific works of this 13thcenturychurchman, writer and scholar. Web Search grosseteste, robert.,705575,10008219,703120,1162359

31. Robert Grosseteste
Steven Marrone, grosseteste, robert DMA 6 (1985)12. James McEvoy, grosseteste, TRE 14 (1985) 271-4 Richard Southern, robert grosseteste. Grosseteste.html
Author : Robert Grosseteste (b.c. 1170, d. 1253)Oxford c. 1225-1235
Dating : The early years of Robert's life are little known. According to Southern, he witnessed a charter of Hugh, bishop of Lincoln c. 1189-92 and received a testimonial letter from Gerald of Wales to the bishop of Hereford c. 1194/5. Robert witnessed several documents connected with the diocese of Hereford both in England and in France between 1196 and 1220. He taught in Oxford starting c. 1225 and lectured to the new Franciscan studium there 1230/1. In 1235 Robert became bishop of Lincoln. He died in 1253. Works : S. H. Thomson , The Writings of Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincon, 1235-1253 (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1940) lists 120 authentic works by Grosseteste for which he gives either manuscript references or editions. This list has been updated to 1980 by James McEvoy, in Appendix A, "A catalogue of manuscript discoveries, editions and translations of Robert Grossetests's works for the years 1940-1980," The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1982), pp. 455-501. Since 1980, the following editions have appeared:

32. Grosseteste, Robert :: Philosophes Philosophie Sciences Humaines Et Sociales Sci
Translate this page rl. grosseteste, robert. accueil login recherche archives rencontresdébats articles liens actualité prix édition librairie services.çais/Sciences/S
Grosseteste, Robert
accueil login recherche librairie ... articles liens rencontres services annuaire ... Philosophes Grosseteste, Robert accueil login recherche librairie ... plan du site mardi 1 juin 2004

33. Theological Research Exchange Network : E-docs
Theological Research Exchange Network edocs Related Subjects, Aristotle. grosseteste, robert, 1175?-1253. Defending ANoble Cause robert E. Speer As Apologist For Foreign Missions, 1891-1937 Robert 1175 1

34. Robert Grossteste
Biography and Readings for robert grosseteste, commemorated October 9, accordingto the Episcopal Church. 2002. robert grosseteste. BISHOP OF LINCOLN (9 OCT 1253).
Psalm 112:1-9 or
Acts 20:28-32

Luke 16:10-15
Preface of a Saint (1)
PRAYER (traditional language)
O God our heavenly Father, who didst raise up thy faithful servant Robert Grosseteste to be a bishop and pastor in thy Church and to feed thy flock: Give to all pastors abundant gifts of thy Holy Spirit, that they may minister in thy household as true servants of Christ and stewards of thy divine mysteries; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. PRAYER (contemporary language)
O God our heavenly Father, who raised up your faithful servant Robert Grosseteste to be a bishop and pastor in your Church and to feed your flock: Give to all pastors abundant gifts of your Holy Spirit, that they may minister in your household as true servants of Christ and stewards of your divine mysteries; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Return to Lectionary Home Page Webmaster: Charles Wohlers Last updated: 7 Sept. 2002

35. Biography: Robert Grosseteste, Bishop Of Lincoln (9 Oct 1253)
robert grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln 9 October 1253. Had the leadersof the thirteenth century heeded this preacher, many of the
Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln
9 October 1253
Had the leaders of the thirteenth century heeded this preacher, many of the disasters of the following three centuries might have been avoided. Robert was a peasant lad from Suffolk, born about 1175. He distinguished himself at Oxford in law, medicine, languages, natural sciences, and theology. He became what is now called Chancellor of Oxford University. In 1235, he was elected Bishop of Lincoln, in area the largest diocese in England. He promptly visited all the churches in the diocese and quickly removed many of the prominent clergy because they were neglectng their pastoral duties. He vigorously opposed the practice by which the Pope appointed Italians as absentee clergy for English churches (collecting salaries from said churches without ever setting foot in the country). He insisted that his priests spend their time in the service of their people, in prayer, and in study. He went on a pilgrimage to Rome, where he spoke out boldly against ecclesiastical abuses. Back in England, he spoke against unlawful usurpations of power by the monarch, and was one of those present at the signing of the Magna Carta. Grosseteste's scholarly writings embraced many fields of learning. He translated into Latin the

36. MSN Encarta - Grosseteste, Robert
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37. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Grosseteste, Robert Pøed 1175 - 1253
grosseteste, robert pred 1175 1253 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura.ECO, Umberto, Art and beauty in the middle ages, L 10867. ECO, Umberto,
Grosseteste, Robert pøed 1175 - 1253
Záhlaví Název Signatura ECO, Umberto Art and beauty in the middle ages L 10867 ECO, Umberto Umìní a krása ve støedovìké estetice L 8708 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

38. Grosseteste, Robert (1175-1253): Spezieller Personenschlüssel
Translate this page IYW. grosseteste, robert (1175-1253). Spezieller Personenschlüssel D/U, PhilosophischeSchriften. E/V, Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften. F/W, Theologische Schriften.

39. Robert Grosseteste Reformer And Scientist
What Happened this Day in Church History. October 9, 1253 • robertgrosseteste s New Scientific Method. Includes robert grosseteste.
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His clergymen must preach and teach the creed, the ten commandments and the Lord's Prayer in English. The Bishop of Lincoln, Robert Grosseteste was determined about that.

40. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
6. grosseteste, robert The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10,2004 grosseteste, robert grosseteste, robert , c.11751253

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