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         Grosseteste Robert:     more books (100)
  1. Robert Grosseteste and the origins of experimental science, 1100-1700 by A. C Crombie, 1971
  2. Hexaëmeron (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi) by Robert Grosseteste, 1983-08-11
  3. Robert Grosseteste (Great Medieval Thinkers) by James McEvoy, 2000-09-21
  4. William of Auvergne and Robert Grosseteste: New Ideas of Truth in the Early Thirteenth Century by Steven P. Marrone, 1983-04
  5. Robert Grosseteste by Lynn Thorndike, 2010-05-23
  6. Robert Grosseteste: The Growth of an English Mind in Medieval Europe (Clarendon Paperbacks) by R. W. Southern, 1992-02-27
  7. Robert Grosseteste, Bishop Of Lincoln: A Contribution To The Religious, Political And Intellectual History Of The Thirteenth Century by Francis Seymour Stevenson, 2007-07-25
  8. Robert Grosseteste, Exegete and Philosopher (Collected Studies Series, Cs446) by James McEvoy, 1994-06
  9. Master of the Sacred Page: A Study of the Theology of Robert Grosseteste, Ca. 1229/30-1235 by James R. Ginther, 2004-11-30
  10. Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln: A Contribution to the Religious, Political and Intellectual History of the Thirteenth Century (1899) by Francis Seymour Stevenson, 2009-06-25
  11. Robert Grosseteste: De Decem mandatis (Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi) by Richard C. Dales, E. B. King, 1987-12-31
  12. Walter of Henley's Husbandry - Together with an Anonymous Husbandry, Seneschaucie, and Robert Grosseteste's Rules. by Elizabeth Lamond, 2010-04
  13. Walter of Henley's Husbandry, Together With an Anonymous Husbandry, Seneschaucie, and Robert Grosseteste's Rules by Walter de Henley, 2010-01-01
  14. Mystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste 'de Mystica Theologia' (Dallas Medieval Texts and Translations)

1. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Robert Grosseteste
Robert Grosseteste. Bishop of Lincoln and one of the most learned menof the Middle Ages; b. about 1175; d. 9 October, 1253. He came
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Robert Grosseteste
Bishop of Lincoln and one of the most learned men of the Middle Ages Roger Bacon the many expressions of enthusiastic admiration which are to be found in his works. In the "Opus Tertium" he says: "No one really knew the sciences, except the Lord Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, by reason of his length of life and experience, as well as of his studiousness and zeal. He knew mathematics and perspective, and there was nothing which he was unable to know, and at the same time he was sufficiently acquainted with languages to be able to understand the saints and the philosophers and the wise men of antiquity." In theology proper we have the titles of between two and three hundred sermons and discourses of Grosseteste and of more than sixty treatises. There are commentaries on the Gospels, and on some of the books of the Old Testament, as well as an interesting collection of "Dicta", or notes for lectures and sermons. His Aristotelean studies were considerable. His commentaries on the logical works were repeatedly printed in the sixteenth century. His most valuable contributions, however, to the knowledge of

2. The Electronic Grosseteste
The electronic grosseteste robert Grosseteste lived from around 11701253. The Electronic Grosseteste is a project, funded by the Arts Humanities Research Board, to make available in electronic

3. Grosseteste
Robert Grosseteste. Born 1168 in Suffolk, England Died 9 Oct 1253 in Buckden,Buckinghamshire, England. Robert Grosseteste was educated at Oxford University.
Robert Grosseteste
Born: 1168 in Suffolk, England
Died: 9 Oct 1253 in Buckden, Buckinghamshire, England
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Robert Grosseteste was educated at Oxford University. He became Chancellor of Oxford University in 1215 remaining in this post until about 1221. After this he held a number of ecclesiastical positions, then from 1229 to 1235 he was a lecturer in theology to the Franciscans. He became Bishop of Lincoln in 1235 and remained in this position until his death. As Bishop of Lincoln he attended the Council of Lyon (1245) and addressed the papal congregation at Lyon in 1250. Grosseteste worked on geometry, optics and astronomy. In optics he experimented with mirrors and with lenses. He believed that experimentation must be used to verify a theory by testing its consequences. In his work De Iride he writes:- This part of optics, when well understood, shows us how we may make things a very long distance off appear as if placed very close, and large near things appear very small, and how we may make small things placed at a distance appear any size we want, so that it may be possible for us to read the smallest letters at incredible distances, or to count sand, or seed, or any sort or minute objects. Grosseteste realised that the hypothetical space in which Euclid imagined his figures was the same everywhere and in every direction. He then postulated that this was true of the propagation of light. He wrote the treatise

4. Grosseteste Robert From FOLDOC
grosseteste robert. by CFJ Martin (British Academy, 1999); and James McEvoy, RobertGrosseteste (Oxford, 2000). A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names. Robert

5. Biographies Info Science : Grosseteste Robert
Robert Grosseteste

6. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Grosseteste Robert
grosseteste robert . Page1 sur 1. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour grosseteste robert .
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Encyclop©die Accueil Robert Grosseteste Recherche de sites web Pr©lat et ©rudit anglais (Buckden, pr¨s de Huntingdon, 1175 — Stradbroke, Suffolk, 1253).
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7. WIEM: Grosseteste Robert
grosseteste robert, Great Head, Robertus Lincolniensis (ok. 11751253), angielskifilozof i uczony. Filozofia, Wielka Brytania grosseteste robert (ok.
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
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Grosseteste Robert (ok. 1175-1253)
Grosseteste Robert, Great Head, Robertus Lincolniensis (ok. 1175-1253), angielski filozof i uczony. Wyk³adowca (od 1215) i kanclerz (od 1224) oksfordzkiego Studium Generale, które prawdopodobnie dziêki jego przedsiêwziêciom organizacyjnym ( wprowadzenie wydzia³u teologii) zaczêto ok. po³owy XIII w. (1240, 1252) okre¶laæ mianem "uniwersytet". Biskup Lincolnu (od 1235). Wybitny przedstawiciel empirycznej szko³y oksfordzkiej. Bliski neoplatonizmowi , uwa¿a³, ¿e Bóg stworzy³ najpierw ¶wietlisty zal±¿ek-materiê, który poprzez uwielokrotnienie da³ pocz±tek ca³ej rzeczywisto¶ci - dlatego prawa rozchodzenia siê ¶wiat³a s± te¿ zasadami kszta³towania siê Wszech¶wiata. Postulowa³ matematyczne traktowanie przyrodoznawstwa, a generalnie - uogólnianie wszelkiej wiedzy, twierdz±c, ¿e jej cel stanowi poznawcze zbli¿enie siê ogólnych idei Bo¿ych, wg których zaistnia³o to, co jest. Autor przek³adów, komentarzy i licznych pism w³asnych z ró¿nych dziedzin nauki.

8. Robert Grosseteste - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Robert Grosseteste. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Robert Grosseteste(c. 1175 October 9, 1253), English statesman, theologian
Robert Grosseteste
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Robert Grosseteste (c. October 9 ), English statesman, theologian and bishop of Lincoln , was born of humble parents at Stradbroke in Suffolk He received his education at Oxford where he became proficient in law, medicine and the natural sciences. Giraldus Cambrensis , whose acquaintance he had made, introduced him, before 1199, to William de Vere , bishop of Hereford . Grosseteste aspired to a post in the bishop's household, but being deprived by death of this patron betook himself to the study of theology. It is possible that he visited Paris for this purpose, but he finally settled in Oxford as a teacher, and as head of Greyfriars His next preferment of importance was the chancellorship of the university. He gained considerable distinction as a lecturer, and was the first rector of the school which the Franciscans established in Oxford about 1224. Grosseteste's learning is highly praised by Roger Bacon , who was a severe critic. According to Bacon, Grosseteste knew little Greek or Hebrew and paid slight attention to the works of Aristotle , but was pre-eminent among his contemporaries for his knowledge of the natural sciences. Between 1214 and 1231 Grosseteste held in succession the archdeaconries of

9. Robert Grosseteste - Encyclopedia Article About Robert Grosseteste. Free Access,
encyclopedia article about Robert Grosseteste. Robert Grosseteste in Free onlineEnglish dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Robert Grosseteste. Grosseteste
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Robert Grosseteste
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Robert Grosseteste (c. Centuries: 11th century - 12th century - 13th century Decades: 1120s 1130s 1140s 1150s 1160s - Years: 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 - Events Births Deaths Heads of states
  • England - Henry II Curt Mantle, King of England (reigned 1154 - 1189).

Click the link for more information. October 9 October 9 is the 282nd day of the year (283rd in Leap years). There are 83 days remaining.
  • 1000 - Leif Ericson discovers Vinland, becoming the first known European to set foot in North America.
  • 1446 - The Hangul alphabet is created in Korea.
  • 1635 - Founder of Rhode Island Roger Williams is banished from Massachusetts Bay Colony as a religious dissident after he spoke out against punishments for religious offenses and giving away Native American land.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 12th century - 13th century - 14th century Decades: 1200s 1210s 1220s 1230s 1240s - Years: 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 - Events Births
  • July 6, Mindaugas crowned as King of Lithuania.

10. 1213 In Literature - Encyclopedia Article About 1213 In Literature. Free Access,
Deaths October 9 Robert Grosseteste, English statesman and theologian. . Clickthe link for more information. Robert grosseteste robert Grosseteste (c in literature
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
1213 in literature
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition See also: Pre 13th century in literature See also: 13th century in literature, list of years in literature.
New Books/Scriptures
  • 20th century BC: The Epic of Gilgamesh (Sumerian mythology)
  • 19th century BC: The Ramayana (Hindu mythology)
  • 1316 BC: The Mahabharata (of which the Bhagavad Gita is a section) (Hindu mythology)
  • 8th century BC:

Click the link for more information. other events of the 13th century (12th century - 13th century - 14th century - other centuries) As a means of recording the passage of time, the 13th Century was that century which lasted from 1201 to 1300.
  • Fourth through eighth crusades of western European kingdoms against Islam
  • Fall of the Hohenstaufen dynasty of Holy Roman Emperors
  • Mongols under Genghis Khan conquer and rule over most of Asia and Eastern Europe, establish Mongolian dynasty in China. Some Mongol leaders convert from Tantric Buddhism to Islam.

Click the link for more information. 14th century in literature See also: 13th century in literature, other events of the 14th century, 15th century in literature, list of years in literature.

11. Robert Grosseteste
Robert Grosseteste Ðîáåðò ðîññåòåñò (îê. 1168/1175 1253 ãã.).ÁÈÁËÈÎÐÀÔÈß. 1. Robert Grosseteste.
Robert Grosseteste
1. Robert Grosseteste. De luce seu de inchoatione formarum.(Î ñâåòå èëè î íà÷àëå ôîðì.) ïåð., âñòóï., êîìì. À.Ì. Øèøêîâà // Âîïðîñû ôèëîñîôèè, 6 (1995).
3. Baur. Die philosophischen Werke des Robert Grosseteste, Bishof von Lincoln.Munster, 1912.
4. Boutler. Robert Grosseteste. The Defender of Our Church and Our Liberties. London, 1936.
5. Callus. The Oxford Career of Robert Grosseteste. Oxoniensia, 1945.
6. The Summa Theologiae of Robert Grosseteste. Oxford, 1948.
7. Felten. Robert Grosseteste Bishof von Lincoln. Freiburg, 1887.
8. Friedman. Robert Grosseteste and the Jews. Harvard, 1934.
9. Gamba. Il commento di Robert Grossetesta at De mysticf theologa. Milano, 1942.
10. Grosseteste's Translation of the Prologos and Scholia of Maximus to the Writings of the Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita. 1933.
11. Lechler. Robert Grosseteste. Leipzig, 1867. 12. Luard. Roberti Grosseteste Episcopi Quondam Lincolniensis Epistulae. London, 1861.

12. Robert Grosseteste
Robert Grosseteste. Robert Grosseteste (c. 11751253), Anglickýstátník, bohoslovec a biskup Lincoln, byl narozený pokorným
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Robert Grosseteste
Robert Grosseteste (c. ), Anglick½ st¡tn­k, bohoslovec a biskup Lincoln , byl narozen½ pokorn½m rodičům u Stradbroke v Suffolk On dostal jeho vzděl¡n­ u Oxford kde on stal se dovedn½ v policii, medic­ně a př­rodn­ch věd¡ch. Giraldus Cambrensis , jehož zn¡most, kterou on měl dělala, představil jej, dř­ve 1199, k Williamovi de Vere, biskup Hereford . Grosseteste aspiroval na stojku na dom¡cnosti biskupa ale byt­ sesazen© smrt­ tohoto patrona betook s¡m ke studiu teologie. To je možn©, že on postihl Pař­Å¾ za t­mto ºÄelem, ale on nakonec se usadil v Oxfordu jako pedagog, a jak hlava Greyfriars Jeho př­Å¡t­ pov½Å¡en­ důležitosti bylo chancellorship univerzity. On se domohl značn©ho rozd­lu jak odborn©ho asistenta, a byl prvn­ far¡Å™ Å¡koly kter½ Franciscans ustaven½ v Oxfordu asi 1224. Grosseteste je znalost je velmi blahoslavil Roger Bacon , kdo byl krut½ kritik. Shodovat se do slaniny, Grosseteste věděl mal½ Řek nebo HebrejÅ¡tina a věnoval malou pozornost na spisy Aristotle , ale byl předn­ mezi jeho současn­ky pro jeho znalosti př­rodn­ch věd. Mezit­m 1214 a 1231 Grosseteste držel postupně archdeaconries

13. Robert Grosseteste's Imagination Symbol. Play Grosseteste Roulette!
Lots of links to pages concerned with this important medi¦val scientist, although presented in a rather unorthodox manner.
The Imagination Symbol.
incorporating Grosseteste Roulette Symbol for imagination , from the "philosophical index" of medieval philosopher and scientific pioneer Bishop Robert Grosseteste (c.1168-1253 A.D.).
[See R.W. Southern: Robert Grosseteste: The growth of an English mind in Medieval Europe . Oxford University Press, 1986] Grosseteste Roulette requires a JavaScript enabled browser. If you can enable JavaScript, please do so, and then reload this page.
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14. The Electronic Grosseteste
Welcome to the Electronic grosseteste, a website dedicated to providing electronicaccess to the Latin works of robert grosseteste (ca. 1170-1253).
Welcome to the Electronic Grosseteste , a web-site dedicated to providing electronic access to the Latin works of Robert Grosseteste (ca. 1170-1253). Materials relating to Grosseteste's life, and the thirteenth century may also be found here. The first phase of this project has recently received funding from the British Academy Users are welcome to make copies of public domain texts, but there are concerning specific texts and images . This site went will continue to expand over the next two years. All comments are welcome , especially those that will enhance its usefulness. Right: A 14th-century Portrait of Grosseteste: London, British Library , MS Royal 6.E.v, fol. 1ra. Reproduced with Permission. Enter the Site

15. Robert Grosseteste --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. robert grosseteste. born c. 1175, , Suffolk, Eng. MLA style " robert grosseteste." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

16. Grosseteste, Robert
encyclopediaEncyclopedia grosseteste, robert, grOs test PronunciationKey. grosseteste, robert , c. 1175–1253, English prelate.
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    Grosseteste, Robert [gr O Pronunciation Key Grosseteste, Robert c. 1175 , English prelate. Educated at Oxford and probably also at Paris, he became one of the most learned men of his time. He taught at Oxford and later, as rector, made the university an important center of learning. In 1224 he became lector of the Franciscans there and founded the Oxford Franciscan school, which profoundly influenced medieval thought. His most illustrious pupils, Adam Marsh and Roger Bacon , continued Grosseteste's work at Oxford after he was made (1235) bishop of Lincoln, then the most populous see of England. As bishop, Grosseteste was an indefatigable administrator and zealous reformer, visiting the monasteries, assigning suitable candidates to parish offices, and preaching to the people. Grosseteste fought for the maintenance of the Magna Carta. He thwarted efforts of Henry III to control ecclesiastical appointments, and as a member of the baronial council he supported the reforms of Simon de

17. Robert Grosseteste & His Intellectual Milieu
Call for Papers for conference on 'robert grosseteste and his Intellectual Milieu', Lincoln UK, July 1821, 2003
Robert Grosseteste (c. 1170-1253) left an intellectual legacy which encompassed a wide range of philosophical, theological and scientific topics. In addition to his exegetical and theological work, he translated The Nicomachean Ethics and the works of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite into Latin; he wrote about the nature of light, astronomy, cosmology and
geometry; he was the composer of a long religious poem the and he was bishop of Lincoln, the largest diocese in England and, consequently, greatly involved in the pastoral and political life of the church.
Department of English,
Bishop Grosseteste College,
Lincoln LN1 3DY
Lincs., UK
Department of English,
Bishop Grosseteste College,
Phone: +44 1522 527347
Fax: +44 1522 530243 Email: For information, contact: Dr John Flood International Grosseteste Conference 18-21 July 2003 Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln, UK

18. Robert Grosseteste, Bishop Of Lincoln
Had the leaders of the thirteenth century heeded this preacher, many of the disasters of the following three centuries might have been avoided. robert was a peasant lad from Suffolk, born about 1175 .
Had the leaders of the thirteenth century heeded this preacher, many of the disasters of the following three centuries might have been avoided. Robert was a peasant lad from Suffolk, born about 1175. He distinguished himself at Oxford in law, medicine, languages, natural sciences, and theology. He became what is now called Chancellor of Oxford University. In 1235, he was elected Bishop of Lincoln, in area the largest diocese in England. He promptly visited all the churches in the diocese and quickly removed many of the prominent clergy because they were neglectng their pastoral duties. He vigorously opposed the practice by which the Pope appointed Italians as absentee clergy for English churches (collecting salaries from said churches without ever setting foot in the country). He insisted that his priests spend their time in the service of their people, in prayer, and in study. He went on a pilgrimage to Rome, where he spoke out boldly against ecclesiastical abuses. Back in England, he spoke against unlawful usurpations of power by the monarch, and was one of those present at the signing of the Magna Carta. Grosseteste's scholarly writings embraced many fields of learning. He translated into Latin the Ethics of Aristotle and the theological works of

19. NetSERF: Literature: Works By Author: Grosseteste, Robert (c. 1170-1253)
Works by Author grosseteste, robert (c. 11701253) robert grosseteste, Life of the Latin works of robert grosseteste (ca. 1170-1253). Materials relating to grosseteste's life, and
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The Electronic Grosseteste is "a web-site dedicated to providing electronic access to the Latin works of Robert Grosseteste (ca. 1170-1253). Materials relating to Grosseteste's life, and the thirteenth century may also be found here." URL: Revised: 17 October 2000
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20. References For Grosseteste
References for robert grosseteste. Books AC Crombie, robert grossetesteand the Origins of Experimental Science 11001700 (Oxford, 1971).
References for Robert Grosseteste
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Books:
  • A C Crombie, Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science 1100-1700 (Oxford, 1971). Articles:
  • R C Dales, The computistical works ascribed to Robert Grosseteste, Isis
  • E S Laird, Robert Grosseteste, Albumasar, and medieval tidal theory, Isis
  • Mathesis. Mathesis
  • Mathesis. Mathesis
  • Mathesis. Mathesis
  • E F Serene, Robert Grosseteste on induction and demonstrative science, Synthese Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
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