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Granville Evelyn: more detail |
81. Finished Projects Kristin Julia Bowman Robinson Jackie - Caroline Herschel Carolyn - Julia BowmanRobinson Laurann - evelyn Boyd granville, Erika - evelyn Boyd granville Katie http://cerebro.cs.xu.edu/~doran/math114/Fall2001/projects/doneprojects.html | |
82. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. Clayton, evelyn Birth living Jackson Co., NC GenderFemale Parents Melton, granville A. Birth 1855 NC Gender Male Parents http://www.shahall.com/dat48.html | |
83. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Edward Gerrish Mair Genealo They are George Mair (8) born in Scotland, evelyn Thurber (9) born in New Jersey,granville Baum (10) born in Virginia, and Katherine Conover (11) born in New http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/m/a/i/Edward-Gerrish-Mair/ | |
84. Academy Honors Three During African American History Month evelyn BOYD granville is a mathematician who has divided her career between mathematicsand computer programming, primarily in the US space program, and http://www.nae.edu/NAE/naehome.nsf/weblinks/NAEW-4NHMDN?OpenDocument |
85. Honorary Degree Files, 1910-present Contents List Graham, Martha DFA 1969. Fell, Honor Bridget - ScD 1962. granville, evelyn Boyd- ScD 1989. Grasso, Ella Tambussi - LLD 1976. Griffiths, Martha Wright - LLD 1976. http://asteria.fivecolleges.edu/findaids/smitharchives/manosca6_list.html | |
86. AIM25: University Of London (Library - Senate House): BARING, Evelyn, 1st Earl O the Staffordshire Record Office, Stafford, holds letters to George granville WilliamLeveson Personal names Baring evelyn 18411917 1st Earl of Cromer http://www.aim25.ac.uk/cgi-bin/frames/fulldesc?inst_id=14&coll_id=1675 |
87. I1784 ? ( - ) PARKS _ (1901 1980) m 1922 _Josie Harriet Elizabeth DEBORD _+ (1880 -1964) m 1895 Myrtle evelyn PARKS _Robert granville Coleman SORRELLS. http://www.psi-sc.com/genealogy/debord/html/d0000/g0000013.html |
88. Women In Computer Science: Go Halo Return to Beginning. evelyn Boyd granville (1924 ) evelyn Boyd granville wasthe first African American woman to earn her PHd in Mathematics in 1949. http://wcs.csc.uvic.ca/Stories/famous_women.html | |
89. THE JAMES P. J. MURPHY PAPERS: FOLDER LISTING CONTINUED Bantock, granville 12/27/1938 DESCRIPTION 1 signed photograph of granville Bantock 1946DESCRIPTION 1 signed photograph of George Biddle taken by evelyn Hofer http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/fl/f118}8.htm | |
90. Fairbanks And Keester LaRoy granville FURNEL (8865) was born on 19 Apr 1872 149) has reference number 3.1.a. Raymond William GAMMELL and evelyn ALice JOSEY http://www.familyorigins.com/users/k/e/e/Louis-J-Keester/FAMO1-0001/d201.htm | |
91. African Americans In Math Essay Direct Essays.com - Over 101,000 Essays, Term Pa evelyn granville received a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Yale in 1949, the same yearas another woman mathematician; Marjorie Lee Browne received a Ph.D. in http://www.directessays.com/viewpaper/104597.html | |
92. WebGED: Family Tree Data Page William granville(1872 1964) mother Saufley, Jennie Lind(1878 - 1966) spouseNull, Lucille Hammond -child Wilberger, Betty Lou Wilberger, evelyn http://www.geocities.com/heartland/ridge/3251/kyger/wga83.html | |
93. Christine Evelyn Roth - Encyclopedia Article About Christine Evelyn Roth. Free A Christine evelyn Roth. Word Word. Click the link for more information. Some articlesmentioning Christine evelyn Roth http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Christine Evelyn Roth | |
94. Evelyn evelyn A Girl With Style - Cherished Teddies 104662 Click here to buy.evelyn. Find bras and panties by Crabtree evelyn in contemporary styles. http://www.midnightcollector.com/cherished-teddies/evelyn.shtml | |
95. Cc.kzoo.edu/~k96br02/evelyn.html PDF Issue 3, October 2003 http://cc.kzoo.edu/~k96br02/evelyn.html |
96. Home - Search Evelyn Waugh Home Search evelyn Waugh. Credits and feedback. evelyn Waugh (1903-1966) Englishwriter, regarded by many as the leading satirical novelist of his day. http://www.algebraic.net/cgi-bin/988.cgi?q=Evelyn Waugh |
97. EXPLORIT Science Center 1924, Black, James Whyte. 1924, Cormack, Allen McCleod. 1924, granville, EvelynBoyd. 1925, Cray, Seymour. 1926, Glaser, Donald Arthur. 1927, AnckerJohnson,Betsy. http://www.explorit.org/book/BOSDscientists.html | |
98. Return Home Faces; Graham, Thomas (18051869), 1992 Institute; granville, EvelynBoyd , TAP; Grassmann, Hermann Günter (1808-1877), Maths Archive; http://members.aol.com/jayKplanr/images.htm | |
99. Home - Surname List - Name Index - Email Us Spouse Bonnie BETHEL. evelyn TANKERSLEY and Bonnie BETHEL were married. TARPENNING. DavidGranville THOMAS was living in Texas. Spouse Ellen PERRIN. http://sneakers.pair.com/roots/b153.htm | |
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