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Granville Evelyn: more detail |
41. BIOGRAPHIES BRING HISTORY TO LIFE BIOGRAPHIES BRING HISTORY TO LIFE From these articles you will write the biography of Ms. evelyn Boyd granville, thefirst black women to receive a Ph.D. in Mathematics in 1949, years before http://www.manteno.k12.il.us/webquest/high/Math/AreMathLNerds/biograph.htm | |
42. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : GRAN granville (evelyn Boyd)(1924-) Photo 1;granville (John CARTERET, 2nd comte)(1690-1763) Peinture 1; granville http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/gran.htm | |
43. Essays Page New York, NY. Facts On File, Inc. 2002. Entry Title granville, evelyn Boyd.Date (1924 ). Nationality American Occupation Mathematician. http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Helicon.asp?SID=1&Rec_Title=Mathemati |
44. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com Interview / evelyn granville AHEAD OF HER TIME evelyn granville was the firstAfricanAmerican woman in the US to earn a PhD in math, from Yale in 1949. http://search.csmonitor.com/durable/2000/05/16/p20s1.htm | |
45. Bulletin Board Of Science Congratulations to evelyn Boyd granville 45. Bulletin Board of ScienceMath Alumnae Discussion Congratulations to evelyn Boyd granville 45 http://www.science.smith.edu/resources/discus/messages/111/115.html?WednesdayOct |
46. Writing Activities Chatelet, Gabrielle Emilie; Eratosthenes; Germain, Sophie; granville,evelyn Boyd; Hopper, Grace; Hypatia; Hypatia again; Just, Ernest; http://www.math.wichita.edu/history/activities/writing-act.html | |
47. 1949 A.D. evelyn granville attended Smith College where she received her AB inMathematics in 1945. evelyn Boyd granville still lives today. http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/1949AD.html | |
48. John Carteret, 2nd Lord Carteret - Encyclopedia Article About John Carteret, 2nd by his marriage with Grace granville, daughter of Sir John granville, 1st earl afterthe college, which was the setting of Brideshead Revisited by evelyn Waugh http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/John Carteret, 2nd Lord Carteret | |
49. Granville Douglas FAGAN/Evelyn Mae SMALL Husband granville Douglas FAGAN Born at Married at Died atFather Mother Other Spouses Wife evelyn Mae SMALL Born at http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~greg/PRC/fam/fam08416.htm | |
50. Duncans In (Old) Granville Dist. SC for a warrant for 100 acres on the bounty, in granville Co., he being a protestant.(FHL book 975.7 W2r and FHL film 22,819, and from evelyn Sigler and JoAnn http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~dobson/sc/scgranvi.htm | |
51. I28204: Evelyn Marie GOURLEY ( - ) _Patton Warren Pode GOURLEY _ _Warren Wilburn GOURLEY _ _Rhoda Bell CRISWELL evelyn Marie GOURLEY INDEX. George granville GOURLEY. http://www.oblevins.com/Blevins/D0011/G0001137.html |
52. Gale - Catalog Irvin Wesley Jr. Fuller, Solomon Carter; Giles, Roscoe Conkling;granville, evelyn Boyd; Hall, Lloyd Augustus; Harris, James Andrew; http://www.galegroup.com/servlet/ItemDetailServlet?region=9&imprint=000&titleCod |
53. Black American Feminism Bibliography: Health, Medicine And Science: Science, Med 2 (1989) 3638. granville, evelyn Boyd. My Life as a Mathematician. Sage A Scholarly Journal on Black Women 6, no. 2 (1989) 44-46. http://www.library.ucsb.edu/subjects/blackfeminism/hms_scimedtech.html | |
54. Genealogy Data Father Wilsford, granville Turner Mother Stribling, Evalina Kincheloe. Male Cottrell,David Birth 1879 Gender Male Cottrell, Mary evelyn Birth 1881 Gender http://home.earthlink.net/~ntgreen/html/dat166.htm | |
55. Aamath facts about the person. Banneker, Benjamin Bell, Charles Bernard Brown, MarjorieLee Cox, Elbert Frank Falconer, Etta Z. granville, evelyn Boyd Hunt, Fern Y http://www.lexington1.net/lv/wkms/hp.nsf/Files/wkmwebquest/$FILE/aamath.html | |
56. Find A Lawyer In Evelyn Hills, Maine From YourCourtHouse.com Emory, Enterprise, Erwin, Escoheag, Estill, Etsu, Evansville, evelyn Hills, Exeter LakeStream, Graniteville, Grant, Grant Township, granville, Gray, Green Hill http://www.yourcourthouse.com/Maine/Washington/Evelyn_Hills.html | |
57. History Of Women And Science, Health, And Technology 2042, 2329 Gougenheim, Lucianne, 509 Gould, Stephen Jay, 279 Gramse, Erna L., 592Grant, Madeleine P., 1239 Grant, Nicole J., 2416 granville, evelyn Boyd, 179 http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/WomensStudies/bibliogs/hws/hws1107.htm | |
58. Genealogy Data Maughan, granville Harrison Gender Male Family Spouse LIVING Gender Male Chausse,evelyn Death , , , deceased Gender Female Chausse, June Annabelle. http://www.jinman.org/inman/dat576.html | |
59. Gower02 (13.03.17112) evelyn Pierrpoint (d 26.06.1727, dau of evelyn Pierrpoint, Duke c.granville Leveson-Gower, 1st Marquess of Stafford (b 04.08.1721, d 26.10.1803 http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/gg/gower02.htm | |
60. Women In Programming Wrote Manual for the ENIAC which detailed the machine down to its resistors;http//www.cs.yale.edu/homes/tap/pastwomen-cs.html. granville, evelyn Boyd. http://www.okbu.edu/business/faculty/chanchey/women_in_programming.htm |
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