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         Gram Jorgen:     more detail
  1. Jacob Gade, et eventyr i musik: Biografi og værkfortegnelse (Danish Edition) by Jørgen Gram Christensen, 1996
  2. Monitoring of waters for Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus: A parasite of gram negative enteric bacteria present in sewage : completion report for OWRT project no. B-061-ALA (WRRI bulletin) by Jørgen M Westergaard, 1977
  3. Actinobaculum schaalii, a common uropathogen in elderly patients, Denmark.(RESEARCH)(Report): An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases by Steffen Bank, Anders Jensen, et all 2010-01-01

KeepMedia Free Trial. (NORWAYSWEDEN) A BulBul Film production in co-production with Bob Film Sweden. (International sales Celluloid Dreams, Paris. producer, jorgen Bergmark jorgen Bergmark .

82. - Jorgen Klubien
Pek Yakinda. Kisi. jorgen Klubien
Ana Sayfa Vizyondakiler Pek Yakýnda WAP ... Künye Vizyondaki Filmler -ÝSTANBUL AVRUPA- Yarýndan Sonra Tutku Esirleri Prens ve Ben Nazi Hýrsýzlarý 21 Gram 50 Ýlk Öpücük Cani Duvara Karþý Elveda Lenin Genç Hitler Girdap Günah Hidalgo Karþý Pencere Kedi Kýyamet Melekleri Kill Bill: Volume 2 Ölülerin Þafaðý Peter Pan Scooby Doo 2: Canavarlar Kaçtý Sinbad: Yedi Denizler Efsanesi Þeytana Karþý Takvim Kýzlarý Truva Tutku: Hz. Ýsa'nýn Çilesi Van Helsing Wilbur Ölmek Ýstiyor -ÝSTANBUL ANADOLU- Yarýndan Sonra Tutku Esirleri Prens ve Ben Nazi Hýrsýzlarý 21 Gram 50 Ýlk Öpücük Ayý Kardeþ Cesaretin Var Mý Aþka? Çanakkale: Son Kale Duvara Karþý Girdap Hidalgo Karanlýk Sular Katil Komþum Geri Döndü Kayýp Balýk Nemo Kedi Kýyamet Melekleri Kill Bill: Volume 2 Okul Ölülerin Þafaðý Peter Pan Scooby Doo 2: Canavarlar Kaçtý Þeytana Karþý Takvim Kýzlarý Truva Tutku: Hz. Ýsa'nýn Çilesi Tünel Van Helsing Wilbur Ölmek Ýstiyor - ÝZMIR- Yarýndan Sonra Prens ve Ben 21 Gram 50 Ýlk Öpücük Ayý Kardeþ Cesaretin Var Mý Aþka? Genç Hitler Girdap Hidalgo Ýnci Küpeli Kýz Ýsyan Katil Komþum Geri Döndü Kedi Kelebek Etkisi Neredesin Firuze?

83. - SineKritik - Zafer Ýlbars: Trier'den Beþ Engelli Sinema Koþu
Pek Yakinda. Lars Von Trier ile jorgen Leth’in Bes Engel filmindeki
Ana Sayfa Vizyondakiler Pek Yakýnda WAP ... Künye Vizyondaki Filmler -ÝSTANBUL AVRUPA- Yarýndan Sonra Tutku Esirleri Prens ve Ben Nazi Hýrsýzlarý 21 Gram 50 Ýlk Öpücük Cani Duvara Karþý Elveda Lenin Genç Hitler Girdap Günah Hidalgo Karþý Pencere Kedi Kýyamet Melekleri Kill Bill: Volume 2 Ölülerin Þafaðý Peter Pan Scooby Doo 2: Canavarlar Kaçtý Sinbad: Yedi Denizler Efsanesi Þeytana Karþý Takvim Kýzlarý Truva Tutku: Hz. Ýsa'nýn Çilesi Van Helsing Wilbur Ölmek Ýstiyor -ÝSTANBUL ANADOLU- Yarýndan Sonra Tutku Esirleri Prens ve Ben Nazi Hýrsýzlarý 21 Gram 50 Ýlk Öpücük Ayý Kardeþ Cesaretin Var Mý Aþka? Çanakkale: Son Kale Duvara Karþý Girdap Hidalgo Karanlýk Sular Katil Komþum Geri Döndü Kayýp Balýk Nemo Kedi Kýyamet Melekleri Kill Bill: Volume 2 Okul Ölülerin Þafaðý Peter Pan Scooby Doo 2: Canavarlar Kaçtý Þeytana Karþý Takvim Kýzlarý Truva Tutku: Hz. Ýsa'nýn Çilesi Tünel Van Helsing Wilbur Ölmek Ýstiyor - ÝZMIR- Yarýndan Sonra Prens ve Ben 21 Gram 50 Ýlk Öpücük Ayý Kardeþ Cesaretin Var Mý Aþka? Genç Hitler Girdap Hidalgo Ýnci Küpeli Kýz Ýsyan Katil Komþum Geri Döndü Kedi Kelebek Etkisi Neredesin Firuze?

84. Afdeling For Plantebeskyttelse - Danmarks Jordbrugsforskning
Afdeling for Plantebeskyttelse, DJF, Flakkebjerg, 4200 Slagelse gerne som Vedtægter for Kølpin Ravn og Ernst gram.
DJF MENU: DJF Hovedside Velkommen Organisation Arrangementer Nyheder Publikationer Nye jobs Medarbejdere Tværfaglige centre Pesticider PlanteInfo English Nyhedsarkiv Forskningscenter Flakkebjerg - DK-4200 Slagelse - Tlf. 58113300 - Fax 58113301 -

Kølpin Ravn
Ernst Gram Baggrund
Disse legater er oprettet som en markering af den store betydning, som Kølpin Ravn og Ernst Gram har haft for udvikling af plantebeskyttelse i Danmark.
Kølpin Ravn var fra 1907 professor i plantepatologi ved KVL. På hans initiativ blev der i 1907 iværksat landsomfattende undersøgelser af sygdomme og skadedyr. Disse undersøgelser blev iværksat på baggrund af meget omfattende angreb af fritfluer i Jylland i 1905, og det førte til, at der i 1907 blev oprettet et selvstændigt laboratorium, der varetog disse undersøgelser. Dette laboratorium var forløberen for Statens Plantepatologiske Forsøg i Lyngby, som blev etableret i 1913, og som i 1921 flyttede til nybyggede lokaler på Dronningens Vænge i Sorgenfri.
Kølpin Ravn døde i 1920.

gramHANSSEN PRODUCT LTD., Landskronagade 66, DK-2100 Copenhagen O, Tel. +45 39 JORGENSCHMIDT TRADING A/S, Postboks 102, Toftebakken 7, DK-3460 Birkeroed, Tel
INQUIRIES FROM DANISH COMPANIES REGARDING EXPORT OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS JORGEN SCHMIDT TRADING A/S, Postboks 102, Toftebakken 7, DK-3460 Birkeroed, Tel: +45 45 81 81 00 Fax: +45 45 82 13 60, Subject: The company works with sanitary fixtures, all kinds of equipment for the bathroom etc. (Mar'99) Hesselager 17, DK-2605 Broendby, Tel: +45 43 63 60 50 Fax: +45 43 63 60 51, Subject: Import of marble, granite and natural stones. (Mar'99) JG VAERKTOEJ APS, Industrivaenget 14, Postbox 106, DK-3400 Hilleroed, Tel: +45 48 24 28 58 Fax: +45 48 24 28 83, Subject: Looking for producers of bricks. (May'99) DKE, Vangedevej 137, DK-2820 Gentofte, Tel: +45 70 23 21 20 Fax: +45 39 67 90 28, Subject: Looking for manufacturers and exporters of marble splits (4-8 mm - raw stone) to be used in terrazzo floors. (Mar'00) JOHS. GRAM-HANSSEN PRODUCT LTD., Landskronagade 66, DK-2100 Copenhagen O, Tel.: +45 39 29 80 88 Fax.: +45 39 29 60 50 E-mail: , Subject: Looking for suppliers of building materials such as windows, doors, timber, wood (boards), PVC (for roof and ceiling), tiles (roof/ridge), nails, masonry works (sand, lime, cement, gravel), steel (reinforced, tying wire), water/sanitary installations (bathroom sink kit, toilet plate kit), insulation (mineral wool), cables, carpets (flooring matting) and ovens as well as stoves for wood. (June'00) INQUIRIES FROM DANISH COMPANIES REG. IMPORT OF SANITARY EQUIPMENT AND TILES.

86. Math 110: Linear Algebra, Spring 2002
6. Inner Product Spaces and Norms. (Chapter 6; 4 weeks.). Definition and basicproperties. gramSchmidt Orthogonalization. Adjoints of linear operators.
Math 110: Linear Algebra
Spring 2002
General Information
Time and Place: Tu Th 8-9:30am, 3107 Etcheverry Hall (Notice room change!) Course Text (required): Linear Algebra, 3rd ed., by Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, and Lawrence E. Spence
(Click here for a list of errata to the textbook.) Recommended for additional reading: Linear Algebra Instructor: Matthias Aschenbrenner
E-mail address:
Office: 713 Evans Hall
Office Phone: (510) 642-3768 Office Hours: Tu 1 - 3 Graduate Student Instructor: Ronald van Luijk (e-mail:
Office hours: We Fr 8:45-10:30am, 1015 Evans Hall.
Workshop: Tu Th 8-9am in 2 Evans, Tu Th 9-10am in 55 Evans
Homepage for the workshop: Downloading files from this website requires Acrobat Reader.
Course Outline
The purpose of this course is to introduce to the principal topics of linear algebra: vector spaces, matrices, linear transformations, bilinear forms. Special emphasis will be put on a rigorous development of the subject, as opposed to the treatment in, say, Math 54. We will give proofs of all the important theorems, and you will be required to prove statements yourself, in the homeworks and in the exams. We intend to cover the following material:
1. Vector spaces.

87. Our Beautiful World
igjennom dyrets hjerne, som er formet som en smultring og bare veier åtte gram. JorgenS Aabech, Skogbrynet 40B, N1709 SARPSBORG, Norway, tel+47 69 157292
Kjempeinvasjon av kjempe-blekkspruter
Kjempeblekksprutene har en
Gikk i garn
Felles for disse kjempeblekksprutene var at de rotet seg inn i garn satt av
merkelig nok tvers igjennom dyrets hjerne, som er formet som en smultring og
Les hele artikkelen i
Aftenposten 4.9.01



Jorgen S Aabech, Skogbrynet 40B, N-1709 SARPSBORG, Norway, tel:+47 69 157292 email:
Free Counter This page has been made with Macromedia Dreamweaver

88. Our Beautiful World
ei, men den veier like mye som et vanlig lite brev, nemlig hele 20 gram! JorgenS Aabech, Skogbrynet 40B, N1709 SARPSBORG, Norway, tel+47 69 157292 email
Fugleliv i Sangay Nasjonalpark , Ecuador.
still working on this page - more text to follow
Sangay Nasjonalpark , og dyre- og fuglelivet

De finner vern mot nattekulden, og de er i sikkerhet for mange rovdyr. Man kan undres
Noen kolibriarter forekommer faktisk opptil 5.000 moh. Vultur gryphus
rundt Altar, Cubillin og Quilimas, fjellfuglen Rupicola peruviana ecuatorialis , som finnes i
kolibrien Patagona gigas og kongegribben Sarcoramphus papa
fugler i parken. Kondoren, vultur gryphus
nesten utryddede kaliforniakondor gymnogyps californianus gyps fulvus og munkegribben aegypius monachus fjellfuglen (Cock-of-the-rock): Rupicola peruviana ecuatorialis foto: Didier Godreau Den store kolibrien, Patagona gigas foto: B.K.Schmidt foto: Jeremy Barker These two pictures comes from :

89. - Kunnskap
Innsendt 21.03.2004 0619 Av Jørgen Å ute noen Uttrykketoute brukes fordi det er kjapt og enkelt, derfor bør den norske varianten

90. Skuffet Hjelmeset :på Nettet
LYKKE TIL PAA 5MILA!! PS.jorgen tror han har en god volvo .. jorgen unnijorgen og Unni. Eg kjem over til våren, Redical Skiiers of Oseberg er kule.
tirsdag 01.06.2004



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Litt lettere Vår nye vektklubb! Pluss på mobil, tekstarkiv +++ Historier, bilder og annen mailhumor Pondus ... og flere tegneserier! BareSpill Gratis spill! Meninger/Debatt Rop ut! Foto Fotoalbum og bildebestilling Weblogg Dynamisk logg i lomma mobil Varsel, ringelyder, logoer +++ Norge og verden Sofaligaen Taktisk fotballspill laget Mitt drømmelag 2004. Bli med! Manager'04 Premier League-spillet TV-program 59 kanaler, SMS-varsel Kino Alle byer Snakk Trynefaktor Test deg selv Helt uformelt Bildeserier Bla i bilder fra hele verden! Nettskolen Torget Rubrikkannonser Nettradio NRK P1 P4 Norge Radio 1 Oslo NRJ - ENERGY Klem FM RadioAdressa Radio Tango NRK P2 NRK Petre NRK mPetre NRK Alltid Nyheter Radio 1 Bergen Radio 1 Trondheim Radio 1 Stavanger NRK Alltid Klassisk NRK Europakanalen NRK Sámi Radio NRK Stortinget Mer om nettradio Andre tjenester Siste 48t. Lommeavis WAP Lagrede artikler Dagens papiravis Lørdag m/Magasinet Nettredaktør nå: writemail('sst', '');

91. Keep Antibiotics - Key Scientific Evidence
Dorte Lau Baggesen, Frank Moller Aarestrup, Jens Munk Ebbesen, jorgen Engverg, Kai Thegram negative bacteria, Bacteroides, accounts for around 25% of bacteris
A Review - The Use of Antibiotics in Food Production Animals: Does This Cause Problems in Human Health By Peter Collignon, Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist, Director Infectious Diseases Unit and Microbiology Department, The Canberra Hospital. Professor, Canberra Clinical School. Australian National University and the University of Sydney. Significant Science on Antibiotic Resistance: An Annotated Bibliography
Some of the key scientific evidence is contained in the following publications. Antibiotic Resistance Generally
  • Barker Keith F. Antibiotic resistance: a current perspective. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1999; 48: 109-124. Reviews various mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, and identifies current clinical problems along with possible solutions and future developments. Includes good tables of antibiotics used in the United Kingdom, examples of bacterial strains with inherent resistance, and combinations of bacteria and antibiotics in the presence of which mutational resistance is likely to develop. Levy Stuart B.
  • 92. Amiwm-0.20.48.orig/libami/Makefile +++ Amiwm-0.20.48/libami
    0,0 +1,16 +Source amiwm +Section nonfree/x11 +Priority optional +MaintainerJorgen Schaefer forcer o $(RM) lex.yy.c lex.c gram.h gram.c
    < + +depend: $(SRCS) + -@rm Makefile.bak + mv Makefile Makefile.bak + ( sed '/^#DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE$$/q' +for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). - amiwm-0.20.48.orig/debian/README.Debian +++ amiwm-0.20.48/debian/README.Debian -0,0 +1,8 +amiwm for Debian + + +This is the Amiga look-alike window manager. +Since AmiWM can't do menus of more than one level depth, it doesn't +integrate into debian's menu interface. + + Jorgen Schaefer on +Tue, 29 Feb 2000 06:20:08 +0100. + +It was downloaded from + +Upstream Author: Marcus Comstedt Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:23:27 +0200 + +amiwm (0.20.48-4) unstable; urgency=low + + * Install amiwm.1 only once... (closes: #100128) + + Jorgen Schaefer Tue, 31 Jul 2001 13:59:25 +0200 + +amiwm (0.20.48-3) unstable; urgency=low + + * Depends: xfonts-75dpi (thanks to Eugene A. Brin for pointing this out) + * Changed maintainer field to + + Jorgen Schaefer Sun, 8 Apr 2001 02:35:47 +0200 + +amiwm (0.20.48-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Repackaged for new dh_installwm. + + Jorgen Schaefer

    93. Amiwm-0.20.48.orig/libami/Makefile +++ Amiwm-0.20.48/libami
    0,0 +1,15 +Source amiwm +Section nonfree/x11 +Priority optional +MaintainerJorgen Schaefer forcer o $(RM) lex.yy.c lex.c gram.h gram.c
    < + +depend: $(SRCS) + -@rm Makefile.bak + mv Makefile Makefile.bak + ( sed '/^#DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE$$/q' +for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others). - amiwm-0.20.48.orig/debian/README.Debian +++ amiwm-0.20.48/debian/README.Debian -0,0 +1,8 +amiwm for Debian + + +This is the Amiga look-alike window manager. +Since AmiWM can't do menus of more than one level depth, it doesn't +integrate into debian's menu interface. + + Jorgen Schaefer on +Tue, 29 Feb 2000 06:20:08 +0100. + +It was downloaded from + +Upstream Author(s): Marcus Comstedt Sun, 8 Apr 2001 02:35:47 +0200 + +amiwm (0.20.48-2) unstable; urgency=low + + * Repackaged for new dh_installwm. + + Jorgen Schaefer Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:25:03 +0200 + +amiwm (0.20.48-1) unstable; urgency=low + + * Initial Release. + + Jorgen Schaefer Tue, 29 Feb 2000 06:20:08 +0100 + +Local variables: +mode: debian-changelog +End: - amiwm-0.20.48.orig/debian/control +++ amiwm-0.20.48/debian/control -0,0 +1,15 +Source: amiwm +Section: non-free/x11 +Priority: optional +Maintainer: Jorgen Schaefer

    94. Untitled
    RAVN (M) .. B Abt 1755 Rel Fredrika T.
    no parents listed) Norlem, Lem, Viborg, Denmark Christen Sorensen RAVN (M)............ B: (no parents listed) Niels Hansen RAVN (M)................. M: 15 Nov 1772 Rel: Niels J. LARSEN Spouse: Mads RAVN Of, Ronne, Bornholm, Denmark Mads RAVN (M)......................... M: Spouse: Sigfred Verner ANDERSEN Spouse: Peder RAVN Kirke-Hyllinge, Kobenhavn, Denmark Peder RAVN (M)........................ M:

    95. Fibrinolysis 96: ISTH
    Chair Cornelis Kluft, The Netherlands CoChairs Bernd R. Binder, Austria; JorgenGram, Denmark; Dusan Keber, Slowenia; D. Strickland, USA (unable to attend).
    1996 MINUTES
    Sunday, 23 June, 1996, 8.00 - 12.00
    Room Rossini, Fira Palace Hotel
    Barcelona, Spain Chair: Cornelis Kluft, The Netherlands
    Co-Chairs: Bernd R. Binder, Austria; Jorgen Gram, Denmark;
    Dusan Keber, Slowenia; D. Strickland, USA (unable to attend). Attendance was approximately 80. Dr. Cornelis Kluft summarized the activities of the last two years to
    establish a pilot project group for coordinated standardization of
    materials and methods (PGM), and the actions of this PGM to define its
    procedures. In brief, for each selected analytical target, a working
    group will be formed to define criteria for specificity of method(s) to
    suggest how this specificity in practice can be verified and to suggest the required reference material. Further in the session this procedure was considered for a number of analytical targets. Urokinase Antigen and Scu-PA Dr. Bernd Binder and K. Benraad reported on the status of standardization of assays for urokinase-type plasminogen activator antigen and the single-chain form of u-PA. Assay of both plasma and

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