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         Gram Jorgen:     more detail
  1. Jacob Gade, et eventyr i musik: Biografi og værkfortegnelse (Danish Edition) by Jørgen Gram Christensen, 1996
  2. Monitoring of waters for Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus: A parasite of gram negative enteric bacteria present in sewage : completion report for OWRT project no. B-061-ALA (WRRI bulletin) by Jørgen M Westergaard, 1977
  3. Actinobaculum schaalii, a common uropathogen in elderly patients, Denmark.(RESEARCH)(Report): An article from: Emerging Infectious Diseases by Steffen Bank, Anders Jensen, et all 2010-01-01

“1997 HIZ AZALTMA KAMPANYASI” IYI BIR YATIRIM. jorgen gram.Danimarka Yol Güvenlik Konseyi Müdürü. Ülke bazindaki bir
“1997 HIZ AZALTMA KAMPANYASI” ÝYÝ BÝR YATIRIM Jorgen Gram Danimarka Yol Güvenlik Konseyi Müdürü Ülke bazýndaki bir faaliyet planýnýn parçasý olarak; Danimarka Yol Güvenlik Konseyi, Yerel Yol Güvenlik Konseyleri ve polisle iþbirliði yaparak 1997 baharýnda ülke çapýnda hýz indirme kampanyasý yürütmüþtür. Kampanyanýn son yarýsý hýz kontrolleri yapýldýðýný önceden uyaran kolay görülebilir yol kenarý posterleri ve yoðun polis kontrolleri ile yapýlmýþtýr. Kampanyanýn iki amacý vardý. *Þehir içinde 50 km/h olan hýz limitinde 10 km/h’lik bir azaltma ile ilgili sonuçlar hakkýnda araç sürücülerini bilgilendirmek. *Bu kampanyadan sonra,sürücülerin ortalama hýzlarýnda, kampanya öncesine göre 2 km/h’lik bir düþüþ saðlanmýþtýr. Kampanya’nýn hedefi 18-55 yaþ arasý idi ve verilen mesaj 10=44’tü. Bu mesaj Avustralya’lý araþtýrmacýlar tarafýndan bir örnekle formülize edilmiþtir. Bu örnek iki eþ araba ve ayný tepkileri veren birisi 50 km/h hýzla diðeri 60 km/h hýzla hareket eden iki eþ sürücüyü tanýmlar. Bu araçlar bu hýzlarda seyrederken, yanyana olduklarý bir anda bir çocuk belli bir mesafede caddeye çýkarsa,bu mesafe 50 km/h hýzla giden araç için zamanýnda fren yapabilmesi için yeterli olabilir. Fakat 60 km/h hýzla giden diðer araç bu çocuða 44 km/h bir hýzla çarpar. Hýzmetredeki 10 km/h’lik bir hýz farký,araç tamponunda çarpma anýnda 44 km/h’lik bir fark oluþturur. Bu mesaj yol kenarý posterleri,TV reklamlarý,ilanlar ve posta ile halka ulaþtýrýlmýþtýr.

30842) Jakob Bro(g), Jakob Dinesen(ts), Nicolaj Munch-Hansen(b), Jeppe gram(ds jorgenZacho/Blues Naive(Music Mecca CD 3018-2) jorgen Zacho(ts), Nikolaj Hess(p
Žå—vƒA[ƒeƒBƒXƒg(Modern) FJesper Thilo(sax), Bent Jaedig(ts), Bob Rockwell(sax), Thomas Fryland(tp), Thomas Clausen(p), Carsten Dahl(p), Ben Besiakov(p), Olivier Antunes(p), Mads Baerentzen(p), Kenny Drew(p), Hans Esbjerg(p), Jacob Fischer(g), Doug Raney(g), Jesper Lundgaard(b), Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen(b), Ann Farholt(vo), Katrine Madsen(vo), Ed Thigpen(ds), Alex Riel(ds), Morten Lund(ds), ‘¼‘½” ¥ ƒoƒbƒNEƒJƒ^ƒƒO@ ‰¿Ši‚Í‚±‚¿‚ç
¦‚±‚̃oƒbƒNƒJƒ^ƒƒO‚́AƒXƒy[ƒX‚Ì“s‡ãA‘Sƒ‰ƒCƒ“ƒiƒbƒv‚Ì’†‚©‚çŽå‚Ƀ‚ƒ_ƒ“Œnì•i‚ðƒZƒŒƒNƒg‚µ‚ÄŒfÚ‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·Bƒgƒ‰ƒfƒBƒVƒ‡ƒiƒ‹EƒWƒƒƒYì•i‚ðŠÜ‚ß‚½ “¯ƒŒ[ƒxƒ‹‚Ì‘SƒJƒ^ƒƒO‚Í‚±‚¿‚ç ‚Å‚·B
  • Jens Melgaard/Stolen Moments; Portrait of Jens Melgaard(Music Mecca CD 4043-2)
    Jens Melgaard(b), Alex Riel(ds), Bent Jaedig(ts), Ben Besiakov(p), Bob Rockwell(ts), Claus Waidtlow(ts), Hans Ulrik(sax), Jesper Thilo(ts), Jens Winther(tp), Jacob Fischer(g), Olivier Antunes(p), and others
    Mads Baerentzen Trio/Bill E(Music Mecca CD 4034-2)
    Mads Baerentzen(p), Morten Ramsbol(b), Kristian Leth(ds)

63. Equipes De 2ème Division 2001
(Sue) LOCHOWSKI Roberto (All) NIELSEN Jakob gram PETERSEN jorgen Bo SKELDE
Accueil Forum Association Agenda ... Admin Archives courses Tour de France Courses à étapes Courses en ligne Courses disparues ... Féminines Archives coureurs Lexique Palmarès Equipes / Maillots Photos Archives dossiers Les annuaires Les dossiers Accès adhérents L'actualité L'éphéméride Moteur de recherche Mises à jour du site ... Téléchargements ACCÈS DIRECT Annuaire 2004 Classement UCI Calendrier 2004 Coupe du monde 2004 ... Coupe de France 2004 Interactivité Contacts L'Association Forum Chat ... Ajouter aux favoris Fichier mis à jour le : 16/04/2004 à 13:26
Division 1
Division 3 COS FLA ... SAT
BECKER Max (Lux) - neo
CALI Vincent (Fra)
DE CLERCQ Eric DE GROOTE Thierry - neo DE MEESTER Hans DE PEUTER Stijn DETILLOUX Christophe HAMMOND Roger (Gbr) JANSSENS Marc LAPAGE Laurenzo MASSCHELEIN Thierry - neo OMLOOP Geert PANKOV Oleg (Ukr) - jq

64. Le Peloton 2001 - - Le RDV Des Fans De Cyclisme, Vélo, Velo, Cycl

jorgen Pedersen gram (MacTutor); Emil Grosswald (NAMS); Jacques SalomonHadamard (MacTutor); Harris Hancock (Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
Biographies of past number theorists and various items of historical interest

Germain (MacTutor); James Whitbread Lee Glaisher (MacTutor); ChristianGoldbach (MacTutor); jorgen Pedersen gram (MacTutor); Jacques
Historical things in Number Theory

67. SCAT Electronic News 16 Feb 2004 Issue 853
White Discus Glider Launch jorgen s list Montes S-80 servo with wing wiggler attachmenton servo arm -$15 1- Aluminum -Carbon F1A tail boom 15.6 gram - $10 3

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News and reports 2004
SCAT Electronic News 16 Feb 2004 issue 853
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Prepared: Feb 17 04:44:54 2004
Author: scat
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jonisegev : at Thu Feb 19 19:36:36 2004 jansomers : at Sat Mar 6 11:10:15 2004 maxmister : at Tue Mar 23 00:55:20 2004 f3d1 : at Mon May 10 21:14:22 2004

68. Artists Represented Worldwide
Translate this page Hansen, Johannes, COPY-DAN. Hansen, jorgen Eric Alain, SABAM. Hansen, Karl,BONO. Hanson, Rolf, BUS. Hanssen, Erik Severin gram, COPY-DAN. Hansson, Alma,BUS.
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To search our world wide database of more than 40,000 artists, please select the first letter of the last name of the artist. A B C D ... Z Artists Represented Worldwide
:: H ::
Artist Agency H)* BONO H* COPY-DAN H. Heidi* VG Bild-Kunst H.* VG Bild-Kunst H.d.C.* VG Bild-Kunst H.D.T.* VG Bild-Kunst H.H.G.* VG Bild-Kunst H.O. Sch* VG Bild-Kunst H.R.REY* VG Bild-Kunst Ha, Cha-Youn VG Bild-Kunst Haab, Armin PRO LITTERIS Haack, Regine VG Bild-Kunst Haack. Hjordis BUS Haacke, Hans Christoph Carl VG Bild-Kunst Haag, Filip PRO LITTERIS Haag, Gudrun VG Bild-Kunst Haag, Stefan VG Bild-Kunst Haage, Sixten BUS Haagen, Axel VG Bild-Kunst Haaijer, Leidi BEELDRECHT Haake-Brandt, Torsten VG Bild-Kunst Haakedal, Jon Egil BONO Haaland, Arve BONO Haaland, Magne BONO Haapala, Merja KUVASTO Haar, Marie-Paule A. SABAM Haard, Maria BUS Haarla, Teuri KUVASTO Haarr, Elisabeth BONO VG Bild-Kunst Haas Florian* VG Bild-Kunst Haas Leo* VG Bild-Kunst Haas, Anette VG Bild-Kunst Haas, Bruno VG Bild-Kunst Haas, Gerda

69. NADA 137-600
Dr. jorgen Hanson Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061. The results from these threeclinical trials (eggs per gram of fecal matter) using medicated vitamin
Approval Date: August 30, 1989 Freedom of Information Summary
NADA 137-600 I. GENERAL INFORMATION: NADA Sponsor: Hoechst-Roussel Agri-Vet Company
Route 202-206 North
Somerville, New Jersey 98876 Generic Name: Fenbendazole Trade Name: SAFE-GUARD(TM) Marketing Status This NADA provides for over-the-counter (OTC) distribution. The original approval for this NADA provided for the use of Type A Medicated Article in complete feeds for cattle for the removal and control of the listed parasites. The Type "C" medicated complete feed was fed as a single dose of 5 mg fenbendazole per kilogram of body weight. This supplemental submission has been filed to provide for that same dosage of 5 mg/kg body weight to be fed free-choice in a vitamin/mineral supplement (Type C feed) administered over a three to six day period for the removal and control of the listed parasites. II. INDICATIONS FOR USE

70. Irish Wolfhound Club Of Canada
Of Nutstown, Canada; Propriétaire/Owner Hughette Rainforth jorgen Van Zsidy.Black bitch, she has a nice long head. 2. Demage Am Stram gram,LE719723,03/10/01 Quebec_Critique.html
Back to Quebec Results Irish Wolfhound Club Of Canada - ARégion Québec@ 1st Regional Specialty May 31, 2003 - La Bergerie L=Acadie Judge: Mrs. Martha V. Dean I want to thank the IWCC Région Québec for inviting me to judge their first point show. The exhibitors were all very friendly to me and to each other. I have never seen such a wonderful group of people. The show site was perfect with the barn close by and the wonderful food served all day. 6-9 Month Males (1 entered) Dark brindle pup six months moved very well front and rear. 9-12 Month Males (5 entered) 1. Skyes Comet,Inscrit à la liste / Listed,08/07/02 Éleveur/Breeder: Dr.M.Genovese, Marilyn Shaw, par/by: Am/Can.Ch.Niobrara Just Plain Tully, ex. : Ch.Castlemaine Celeste Of Skye ,Ailleurs/Elsewhere; Propriétaire/Owner: Dr.Michael Genovese Good size, nice rise over loin, rear could be better. Nice long head, good length of body, moved well. 3. Starkeeper Liam Ard Laislinn,MQ815629,08/12/02 Wheaten, a little flat in the top line, moved nicely. 4. Aotearoa Toakea Castlekeep,MQ825132,08/23/02 Éleveur/Breeder: Donna L.Tomson-Castle, par/by: Ch.Bilbernie Uilliam ex Aotearoa Aidan Of Castlekeep, Canada; Propriétaire/Owner :Barbara N. Daley

71. The CLAO Journal, Volume 24, Number 4: October 1998
Tom Lofstrom, OD; jorgen Schou Anderson, OD; Allan Kruse, OD. Corneal cultures revealedgrowth of a gramnegative rod on the fifth day and the organism was
The CLAO Journal
Volume 24, Number 4 October 1998
Table of Contents: Pages 189-244
The Role of Computerized Corneal Topography in Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens Fitting Theodore Bufidis, MD; Anastasios G.P. Konstas, MD, PhD; Effrosini Mamtziou, MD
Tarsal Abnormalities: A New Grading System Tom Lofstrom, OD; Jorgen Schou Anderson, OD; Allan Kruse, OD
Clinical Survey of Lens Care in Contact Lens Patients
Willy Ky, MD; Kenneth Scherick, OD; Susan Stenson, MD
Determination of Oxygen Tension on Rabbit Corneas under Contact Lenses
Hideji Ichijima, MS; Tatsuya Hayashi, BS; Sachiko Mitsunaga, BS; Hikaru Hamano, MD
Five-Minute Removal of Soft Lenses Prevents Most Absorption of a Topical Ophthalmic Solution
Mike T. Christensen, PhD, OD; Jaqueline R. Barry; F. Darell Turner, PhD
Surface Deposits on Frequent Replacement and Conventional Daily Wear Soft Contact Lenses: A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study
Bayazit Ilhan, MD; Murat Irkec, MD; Mehmet Orhan, MD;
Hamdi Celik, MD

72. Filmski Festival U Veneciji - Jubilarna Smotra Filmova
Bruno Dimon, Alila Amos Gitai, 21 grammes (21 gram) Alehandro Gonzales AbolfazlaJalilia, Antenna Kumakiria Kazujshia, De Fem Benspaend jorgen Let i
Sve Izvodjac Album Pjesma Film Autor filma Opis filma Glumci Pisac Knjiga Opis knjige Gdje sam? BALKANMEDIA SHOP MAGAZIN FILM ... Reportaze >> Filmski festival u Veneciji - Jubilarna smotra filmova Aktuelnosti Plus Intervjui Reportaze Licne karte ... Pisma citalaca Filmski festival u Veneciji
Jubilarna smotra filmova
Nicole Kidman u filmu “Human Stain” Jedna od najpoznatijih i najkomercijalnijih evropskih filmskih manifestacija, jubilarni 60. po redu Meðunarodni filmski festival u Veneciji poèinje danas i trajaæe do 6. septembra. Festival æe otvoriti film "Anything Else" Woodya Allena, koji je prvi put doputovao na Venecijanski festival, a osim njega u filmu igraju Christina Ricci, Danny De Vito i Jason Biggs. Za Zlatnog lava konkurisaæe 20 filmova, meðu kojima, kao što smo i pisali, i naš domaæi film “Sjaj u oèima” Srðana Karanoviæa. Na festivalskom programu našlo se više od 140 filmova, od kojih æe se 18 nadmetati za nagradu Sveti Marko, u selekciji pod nazivom "Suprotna struja".
Obavezni seks i politika
Predsednik žirija je poznati italijanski režiser Mario Monicelli, a osim njega žiri æe saèinjavati italijanski glumac Stefano Accorsi, nemaèki snimatelj Michael Ballhaus, kineska rediteljka Ann Hui, francuski režiser Pierre Jolivet, amerièki producent Monty Montgomery i španska glumica Assumpta Serna. Nagrade za životno delo dobiæe producent Dino De Laurentiis i glumac Omar Sharif èiji æe film “Monsieur Ibrahim Et Les Fleurs Du Coran” biti premijerno prikazan u okviru festivala i.
Oni koji su videli filmove kažu da obiluju seksualnim i politièkim temama (Avganistan, politièka ubistva...).

73. NEJM -- Sign In
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes. JohanPermert, jorgen Larsson, Gunilla T. Westermark 183 ±129 pmol per gram, P 0.001

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74. -30-music ...
at faces that are stern from weeks WEEKS!- at sea without nary a gram to comfort tbelieve the support we had for our cause, said Stan jorgen, the rally s

75. AMCA: Iterative Methods For Lyapunov Vectors And Singular Vectors And Atmospheri
1, Aspendale Victoria 3195, Australia joint research with jorgen S. Frederiksen Amodified gramSchmidt re-orthogonalization is imposed on the perturbations in
AMCA Document # cadk-25 Computational Techniques and Applications Conference and Workshops - CTAC99
September 20-24, 1999
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT, Australia Conference Organizers
Mike Osborne, Bob Gingold, Steve Roberts, David Harrar II, Thanh Tran, Bob Anderssen, Henry Gardner, Markus Hegland and Lutz Grosz
View Abstracts
Conference Homepage Iterative Methods for Lyapunov Vectors and Singular Vectors and Atmospheric Predictability
presented by
Mozheng Wei
Meteorology CRC, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, PMB 1, Aspendale Victoria 3195, Australia
joint research with
Jorgen S. Frederiksen (Meteorology CRC, CSIRO Atmospheric Research, VIC 3195, Australia) Date received: July 14, 1999 The author(s) of this document and the organizers of the conference have granted their consent to include this abstract in Atlas Mathematical Conference Abstracts

76. Onlinestore
jorgen s VLF Page. Last updated 1302-04 155659. ORDER A VLF RECIEVER ? Supplyedfrom outside battery pack. Size 115X65X55 mm. Weight 500 gram s.
Jorgen's VLF Page Last updated: ORDER A VLF RECIEVER ? In the last year, I have been asked several times, about I sell kit's to make my version of the BBB-4 E-Field VLF Reciever, and the answer have always been, No I'm not trying to making money out of this nice hobby of mine, but I will be glad to help anyone. Anyway now I have choosed to make it possible for people there not are able to make their own VLF Reciever, to get startet at this nice hobby of recieving naturally occuring ELF/VLF radiosignal's. At the 19'th of January 2004 The 50'th of my VLF Reciever's was made, they are now all around the world. I have delivered VLF Reciever's to all this country's: United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Russia, Luxembourg, Sweden, United States, France, Australia, Denmark. Many people have also been asking me about advise how to build and use my reciever's, so how many VLF Reciever's of my type working around the world will be difficult to tell, but I'm pretty sure there are a lot of them. NOTE: The Pictures and layout for my old version of the E-Field VLF Reciever are to be found in the buttom at "

77. Bloomriot
Translate this page jorgen Bergmark. Fotografia Philip Ogaard. Montaggio Pal Gengenbach. ScenografiaBilly Johansson. Musiche Hans Mathisen. Costumi Karen Fabritius gram.
di Bent Hamer (Norvegia - Svezia 2003)
Ascisse e coordinate Vs emozioni e sentimenti
Immaginate una squadra di distinti, imparziali, seriosi studiosi svedesi appollaiati su di un trespolo ad osservare, annotare e registrare meticolosamente le abitudini culinarie di una serie di scapoli norvegesi nell'immediato dopoguerra...
Regia: Bent Hamer.
Sceneggiatura: Bent Hamer, Jorgen Bergmark.
Soggetto: Bent Hamer, Jorgen Bergmark.
Fotografia: Philip Ogaard.
Montaggio: Pal Gengenbach.
Scenografia: Billy Johansson.
Musiche: Hans Mathisen.
Costumi: Karen Fabritius Gram. Interpreti principali: Joachim Calmeyer, Bjorn Floberg. Durata: 95' Produzione: Bob Film Sweden, Svenska Filminstitutet, Bulbol Films

78. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 257*) Göpel, Adolph (251) Gordan, Paul (58*) Gorenstein, David (369*) Gosset, William(416*) Goursat, Edouard (156*) Gräffe, Karl (140) gram, jorgen (85*).

79. Index 709
Gene H. xiigradient 570Gram, jorgen P. 307Gram matrix 307GramSchmidt algorithmclassical version 309 and volume 431GramSchmidt process 345GramSchmidt sequence 308, 309

80. Our Family - Person Page 19
Children of Hans Jessen and KirstenHansen Hans jorgenJessen ( 10 Nov 1867 Niels GramBolding was the son of jorgen JansenBolding
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Our Family
The Combined Family of Debra S. Loghry and Roger J. Jorgenson
Person Page 19
Christian Andersen (M)
b. 8 May 1835, d. 23 January 1929, #3459 Christian Andersen was born on 8 May 1835 at Roust, Denmark. He died on 23 January 1929 at Stenderup, Denmark, at age 93.
Helen Alene Andersen (F)
Pop-up Pedigree
Appears on charts:
Descendant Chart for Jens Jesson

Helen Alene Andersen is the daughter of Marinus Anderson and Susanne Nielsen . She married Ralph Eugene Hogue at Snohomish, Washington, on 5 January 1951.
Children of Helen Alene Andersen and Ralph Eugene Hogue
Jeri Louise Hogue (living)
Donald Lee
Hogue (living) John Paul Hogue (living)
Jennie Andersen (F) b. 1895, d. 1919, #2378 Pop-up Pedigree Appears on charts: Descendant Chart for Jens Jesson Jennie Andersen was the daughter of Marinus Anderson and Susanne Nielsen . Jennie was born at Vermillion, South Dakota, in 1895. Jennie died in 1919. John Michael Andersen (M) Pop-up Pedigree Appears on charts: Descendant Chart for Jens Jesson John Michael Andersen is the son of Marinus Anderson and Susanne Nielsen Kristian Andersen (M) b. 8 May 1835, d. 23 January 1929, #3542

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