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61. Encyclopedia4U - William Sealey Gosset - Encyclopedia Article william Sealey gosset. This article is licensed under the GNU Free DocumentationLicense. It uses material from the Wikipedia article william Sealey gosset . http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/w/william-sealey-gosset.html | |
62. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : GOS 1881) Dessin 1; GOSSEC (François, Joseph)(17341829) Peinture1; gosset (william Sealy)(1876-1937) Photo 1/2 (jeune)/3 (âgé)/4; http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/gos.htm | |
63. Wedgwood Besides those made from wax models and engraved stones done from life by such artistsas Joachim Smith, Isaac gosset, william Hackwood, John Flaxman, Nathaniel http://www.oldandsold.com/articles01/article972.shtml | |
64. References, Bibliography, And Author Index p. 721 Dawid, Philip A. should be Dawid, A. Philip. p. 722 gossett, williamSealey should be gosset, william Sealy. p. 722 Hansen 193 should be 194. http://leuther-analytics.com/jaynes/node25.html | |
65. Isaac Gosset Artwork And Images At Arthistoryresearch.com http//www.worldarts-resources.com/masters/g/gosset-isaac.h Click here to buy Waterhouse,John william Lady of Shalott, c.1916 for $7 John william Waterhouse http://wwar.com/masters/g/gosset-isaac.html | |
66. Student See also. International student; Student society; william Sealey gosset(wrote under the pseudonym Student ) Top. william Sealey gosset. http://www.websters-online-dictionary.org/definition/english/st/student.html | |
67. All Saints Edmonton Esther Matilda Vickers d 1887 ? william Vickers, Daniel gosset d 1816Elizabeth gosset Robert Newbury gosset Montague gosset badly eroded. http://www.kbcl00302.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/allsaints/allsaints.htm | |
68. Kohler Biographies william Sealy gosset was born in Canterbury, England, the latest descendant of anold Huguenot family that had left France after the revocation of the Edict of http://emerson.thomsonlearning.com/business_stats/kohler/biographical_sketches/b | |
69. HotDog Express For AOL Hometown Document RH Gilmore, RN Gilmore, william Gilmore, william Gilmore, Wm Gilmore, Wm Glenn,E. Glenn, Thomas Gobel, B. Good, Robt Good, william J gosset, william Gray, W http://members.aol.com/dba1013/Indigent.html | |
70. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï Breslau, Germany (now Wroclaw, Poland) Died 21 Dec 1912 in Erlangen, Germany gosset,william Sealey gosset Born 13 June 1876 in Canterbury, England Died 16 http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=G |
71. Some Of The Key Names In Statistics History [TimeWeb] Top. william gosset (18761937) gosset worked initially as a chemist in theGuinness brewery in Dublin in 1899 and did important work on statistics. http://www.bized.ac.uk/timeweb/reference/statisticians.htm | |
72. Statisticiens Translate this page STUDENT (gosset) william Sealy Statisticien anglais (1876 - 1937).WS gosset a publié sous le nom de Student. Il travaillait pour http://cons-dev.univ-lyon1.fr/Enseignement/Stat/StQQst.html |
73. Wiley Reference Works - Encyclopedia Of Biostatistics Corrado Gold standard test GoodmanKruskal measures of association Goodness offit Goodness of Fit in Survival Analysis gosset, william Sealy Graeco-Latin http://www.wiley.com/legacy/products/subject/reference/armitage_toc.html | |
74. Portraits Of Statisticians GODAMBE, Vidyadhar P 1926. GOMPERTZ, Benjamin 1779-1865. GOOD, Irving John 1917-.gosset, william Sealy 1876-1937. GOULD, Stephen Jay 1941-. GRAUNT, John 1620-1674. http://www.clayton.k12.ga.us/schools/006/tgrafton/AP Stats/Home/portraits_of_sta | |
75. Gosset Letters 1 box Letters from william Sealy gosset (knownas Student ) (18761937), statisticianand industrial research scientist, to Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890-1962 http://www.ucl.ac.uk/Library/special-coll/gosset.htm | |
76. Life And Work Of Statisticians gosset, william Sealy ( Student ), 18761937. Student - see gosset,william Sealy, 1876-1937. Tchebysheff, Pavnutii Lvovich 1821-1894. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/lifework.htm | |
77. Gosset Translate this page Interview online mit Béatrice Cointreau * Ein Bericht zum Schiff william Salthouse,aus dessen Wrack über 160 Jahre alte gosset-Champagner geborgen wurden. http://www.champagner.com/gosset.html | |
78. William Gosset - Wikipedia Translate this page william gosset. Die Texte stammen aus der Wikipedia - Dies ist nicht die Wikipedia.william Sealey gosset (* 13. enwilliam Sealey gosset itwilliam Sealy gosset. http://www.torfkopp.de/keyword/William_Gosset.php | |
79. William Sealey Gosset Early Academic Psychology Galton FRS Francis Galton Quotations by Galton Galton Francis Galton Karl Pearson(18571936) william Sealey gosset (1876-1937) william gosset Sir Ronald http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/W/William-Sealey-Gosset.htm | |
80. Ess2602 ess2619, StuartMaxwell Test, ess2619b, ``STUDENT See gosset, william SEALY,ess2620, Studentization, ess2621, Studentized Empirical Characteristic Function, http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~brani/ess2/ess9.htm | |
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