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41. BNM: Proyectos Translate this page G. GAUSS, CARL FRIEDRICH. GERMAIN SOPHIE. GIBBS. GODEL. gorenstein, daniel. GRASSMANN.GREEN, GEORGE. H. HALLEY, EDMOND. HAMILTON, WILLIAM. HEAVISIDE, OLIVER. HEISENBERG. http://www.bnm.me.gov.ar/s/proyectos/hea/exposiciones/matematicas/aei.php | |
42. BNM: Proyectos Translate this page GELFLAND ISRAIL. GEMINO. GERMAIN SOPHIE. GIBBS. GIRARD, ALBERT. GODEL. gorenstein,daniel. GRASSMANN. GREEN, GEORGE. H. HALLEY, EDMOND. HAMILTON, WILLIAM. HARRIOT,THOMAS. http://www.bnm.me.gov.ar/s/proyectos/hea/exposiciones/matematicas/prueba.php | |
43. Neuanschaffungen Im Quartal 4/99 Gordon, AD Classification, 1999. gorenstein, daniel; Lyons, Richard; Solomon,Ronald The classification of the finite simple groups/ 4., 1999. http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/library/neu4_99.html | |
44. Neuanschaffungen 1/2003 forms, 2002. gorenstein, daniel / Lyons, Richard / Solomon, Ronald, Theclassification of the finite simple groups ; 5. 2002. Green, Edward http://www.mi.uni-koeln.de/biblio/neu1_2003.html | |
45. New Books March 2000 1999, QA177.G67 1994, no.4, The classification of the finite simple groups, gorenstein,daniel. 1998, QA276.C5474 1998, Complexity and real computation, Blum, Lenore. http://www.princeton.edu/~finelib/mar00bks.html | |
46. Fine Hall Library; The Digital Mathematics Library: Princeton University Michor, The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis, American Mathematical Society,1997 daniel gorenstein, Richard Lyons, and Ronald Solomon, The Classification http://www.princeton.edu/~finelib/electronic.html | |
47. BibTeX-bib-file{ %%% Filename = Groups.bib , %%% Version = 1.0e maths.uwa.edu.au/~gregg/GGthesis.ps http//maths.uwa.edu.au/~gregg/GGthesis.ps /a /a /a /a ,} @BOOK{Gor68, author = gorenstein, daniel , title = Finite http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/computing/software/tex/doc/bibtexuwa/bib/groups.bib |
48. New Books - Oct 2001 2nd ed, Fresenko, IB, Alg F418l 2002. The classifications of the finitesimple groups, number 5 gorenstein, daniel, Alg G667c no. 5. http://www.math.tulane.edu/Library/NewbksOct02.html | |
49. Table Of Contents 191. . . ARTICLE, gorenstein, daniel; Harada, Koichiro On Finite Groupswith Sylow 2Subgroups of Type An, n = 8, 9, 10, 11. 207. . . | |
50. Nouvelles Acquisitions gorenstein, daniel., Lyons, Richard, Solomon, Ronald the Classification of thefinite simple groups, number 5 2002 Editeur American mathematical society http://www.math.u-psud.fr/~biblio/html/facq.html | |
51. University Of Illinois At UC Mathematics Library -- New Books: December 2002 510 Am4m1 v.405 gorenstein, daniel; Lyons, Richard; Solomon, Ronald Classificationof the Finitie Simple Groups, Number 5 American Mathematical Society, 2002 http://g118.grainger.uiuc.edu/mtxnewbook/nb2000_07.asp?month=December&year=2002& |
52. LIST OF RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOKS IN MATHEMATICS III, CHAPTERS 16 THE. GENERIC CASE,. ISBN 0821827766 Author gorenstein,daniel. Binding Cloth. Imprint AMER MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Published 2002. http://library.caltech.edu/collections/rpb/math/YBP march arpril 2003.htm | |
53. Finite Simple Groups Classification of the Finite Simple Groups (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs,40, No 3) daniel gorenstein, Richard N. Lyons, Ronald M. Solomon http://topics.practical.org/browse/Finite_simple_groups | |
54. SULAIR: Mathematical & Computer Sciences Library: New Books CALL TS156 .S768 1997. AUTHOR gorenstein, daniel. TITLE The classification ofthe finite simple groups / daniel gorenstein, Richard Lyons, Ronald Solomon. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/collections/newbooks/nbapr03.html | |
55. : Book Search Reiter's Scientific And Professional Bookstore 1999. Paperback. $37.00. Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, Number5. gorenstein, daniel; Lyons, Richard; Solomon, Ronald. 2002. Hardback. $95.00. http://www.reiters.com/index.cgi?f=search&searchwords=Lyons, Richard G.&stype=au |
56. Acquisitions Du Mois De Janvier 03 Berlin; Heidelberg, SpringerVerlag, 2000 (Springer series in synergetics.56). 28930 gorenstein, daniel; Lyons, Richard; Solomon, Ronald http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/ifbibli/acq/acq-0103.html | |
57. November 2002 New Books QA32 .F4713 2002. The Classification of the Finite Simple Groups, gorenstein, daniel.QA177 .G67 1994 5. Continuous Functions of Vector Variables, Guzman, Alberto. http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/math/newbooks/nblnov02.htm | |
58. Finite Groups Finite Geometry Mathematics Daniel Gorenstein Finite Groups Finite geometry Mathematics daniel gorenstein. Subject Finitegeometry Mathematics Title Finite Groups Author daniel gorenstein. http://www.lyrics-shop.co.uk/Daniel-Gorenstein-Finite-Groups-0828403015.html | |
59. Nouveautés: Janv-Mars 2000 Par Sujet Translate this page 20. gorenstein, daniel. The Classification of the finite simple groups / danielgorenstein, Richard Lyons, Ronald Solomon. 20. gorenstein, daniel. http://dmawww.epfl.ch/BIBLIO_DMA/english/catalogue_dma/nouveautes/3_2000sujets.h | |
60. Nouveautés: Sujet Septembre 99 Translate this page gorenstein, daniel. The Classification of the finite simple groups / daniel gorenstein,Richard Lyons, Ronald Solomon. - Providence, RI AMS, 1994- . - 26 cm. http://dmawww.epfl.ch/BIBLIO_DMA/english/catalogue_dma/nouveautes/9_99sujets.htm | |
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