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41. Steering Commitee MTNS2000 M. Fliess (France). P. Fuhrmann (israel). Y. Genin (Belgium). I. gohberg(israel). M. Hazewinkel (the Netherlands). U. Helmke (Germany). http://www.univ-perp.fr/mtns2000/ster_com.htm |
42. FIÉ ®X 141(HRD) US- gohberg, israel /gohberg, israel (Edt) /Manojlovic, Nenad /DOS Santos,/PublisherBirkhauser Published 2003/06 ?Stock Title(US) US$129.00 54. http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/booksea.cgi?KIO=1&W-KDC=FZ13&HITCN |
43. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg Group Theoretical Aspects, Regularizati by Cordani, B. Orthogonal Systems and ConvolutionOperators English by Ellis, R/ gohberg, israel, Der fürsorgende http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-3419.html | |
44. Super Book Deals - Home Page Basic Classes of Linear Operators By gohberg, israel; Goldberg, Seymour; gohberg, gohberg Format Book Soft Cover Regular Price $89.95 Our Price $75.13 http://www.superbookdeals.com/cgi-bin/home.cgi?bisac=MAT017000 |
45. 'Traces And Determinantes Of Linear Operators' Translate this page Professor Dr. hc mult. israel gohberg gehört zu den bedeutensten lebendenMathematikern und trug am 23. israel gohberg, Professor gohberg. http://video.tu-clausthal.de/vortraege/math/gohberg/ | |
46. USM - Facultatea De Matimatica Si Informatica Ordinea de zi 1. Conferirea titlului Doctor HONORIS CAUZA israel gohberg 2.Decernarea burselor Leonid Gherman 3. Conceptul planurilor de invatamant 4 http://www.usm.md/math/cons_prof240203.htm | |
47. Basic Library List-Linear Algebra gohberg, israel; Lancaster, Peter; and Rodman, L. Invariant Subspacesof Matrices with Applications New York, NY John Wiley, 1986. http://www.maa.org/BLL/linearalgebra.htm | |
48. Basic Library List-Geometry Boltyanskii, Vladimir G. and gohberg, israel. The Decomposition 1980.* Boltyanskii, Vladimir G. and gohberg, israel. Results http://www.maa.org/BLL/geometry.htm | |
49. Israel Goldberg Basic Classes of Linear Operators. Basic Classes of Linear OperatorsIsrael gohberg, Seymour Goldberg, Marinus A. Kaashoek Science http://topics.practical.org/browse/Israel_Goldberg | |
50. Sort{ Mode{on} Collation{mixed} SortTypeOrder{name} NameOrder Cours D alg\`ebre}, edition = {deuxi\`eme}, publisher = {Hermann}, address = {Par\ {\i}s}} @BOOK{gohberg_la_ro1979, author = {gohberg, israel and Lancaster http://www.vc.ehu.es/campus/centros/farmacia/deptos-f/depme/temporal/infomate/li |
51. CEMAT Riverside, USA. gohberg, israel Tel Aviv University, israel. Nédéléc,Jean Claude - École Polytechnique, France. Pereira, Carlos http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/cma/groups.html | |
52. The Israel Virtual Bookstore -- Books : (Israel), This page is part of the The Virtual israel Bookstore. gohberg Anniversary Collection Calgary Conference and Matrix Theory Papers (Operator Theory Advances http://www.iguide.co.il/books/english/1121.html | |
53. Israel Koltracht Ph.D. 1983 The Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, israel 7 (1996), 170179; (with I. gohberg)Triangular factors of Cauchy and Vandermonde matrices, Int. Eq. Op. http://www.math.uconn.edu:16080/~koltracht/ | |
54. Title CONFERENCE INFORMATION Mexico City, December 12-17, 1994 USA) Norberto Salinas (USA) Robert Gilbert (USA) Frank Sommen (Belgium) Simon Gindikin(USA) Ilya Spitkovsky (USA) israel gohberg (israel) Wolfgang Sproessig http://www.clifford.org/anonftp/clf-alg/conferences/1994/94Mexico.txt | |
55. GALERIA DE HONOR Translate this page Otros miembros del cuerpo docente que recibieron el Premio Rothschild Prof. YakirAharonov, Prof. israel gohberg, Prof. Moshe Gil, Prof. Yitzhak Wahl, Prof. http://www.tau.ac.il/spanish/galeria_de_honor.htm | |
56. Tel Aviv University Rector -Prizes And Awards Yakir Aharonov, Prof. Amnon Aharony, Prof. israel gohberg, Prof. Moshe Gil,Prof. Yitzhak Wahl, Prof. Joshua Jortner, Prof. Yuval Ne eman, Prof. http://www.tau.ac.il/rector/awards-e.html | |
57. Institute Mittag-Leffler Participants Spring 2003 21 gilliam@ml.kva.se Glad, Torkel Linköping 9/36/4 N2 17 glad@ml.kva.se gohberg,israel Tel Aviv 8/2-9/3 BF 17 Gombani, Andrea Padova 9/2-9/3 WG.C. 21 gombani http://www.ml.kva.se/allvis03spring.html | |
58. }Ú×îñ Operator theoretical methods and applications to mathematical physics the ErhardMeister memorial volume / israel gohberg , gohberg, israel. http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=1&code=21802754 |
59. Review: Israel Gohberg Find your favorite products in seconds at the best prices. Enjoy yourvisit! Home / israel gohberg. Search Products israel gohberg. http://www.medicalbooks01.com/search/books/AuthorSearch/Israel Gohberg/1/ | |
60. Review: Israel Gohberg Find your favorite products in seconds at the best prices. Enjoy yourvisit! Home / israel gohberg. Search Products israel gohberg. http://www.medicalbooks01.com/search/books/AuthorSearch/Israel Gohberg/29/ | |
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