STATE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ELECTION OF 9 FEBRUARY 2002 ==================================================================== VOTING BY DISTRICT ==================================================================== ADELAIDE ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Ben Krieg SAF 184 01.1 Jane Lomax-Smith ALP 6,764 40.9 +07.3 Jake Bugden Grn 851 05.1 Cherie Prosser AD 902 05.5 -11.5 Michael Harbison + Lib 7,027 42.5 -01.3 Roy Bedford ON 114 00.7 Tom Bertuleit 48 00.3 Andrea Mason FFP 261 01.6 Albert Bensimon 388 02.3 - -Informal 540 (03.2) 17,079 Estimated two-candidate result: Jane LOMAX-SMITH ALP 8,266 51.8 +04.0 Michael Harbison + Lib 7,680 48.2 -04.0 ASHFORD ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Sue Mann AD 1,593 09.2 -02.6 James Troup FFP 499 02.9 Paul Vanderkop SAF 476 02.8 Michelle Drummond Grn 890 05.2 Peter Panagaris Lib 6,388 37.1 +02.5 Jos Underhill ON 267 01.5 Stephanie Key * ALP 7,121 41.3 +10.8 Informal 589 (03.3) 17,823 Estimated two-candidate result: Peter Panagaris Lib 7,517 45.5 -01.6 Stephanie KEY * ALP 9,004 54.5 +01.6 This seat replaces the old seat of Hanson, which Key won in 1997. BRAGG ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Vickie CHAPMAN + Lib 10,396 61.8 +00.3 Jamilah Lovibond FFP 467 02.8 Julia Grant AD 1,740 10.4 -07.6 Betty Bedford ON 137 00.8 John Wood SAF 512 03.0 Karen Atherton ALP 3,558 21.2 +01.3 Informal 346 (02.0) 17,156 Estimated two-candidate result: Vickie CHAPMAN + Lib 11,263 69.1 -00.9 Karen Atherton ALP 5,027 30.9 +00.9 BRIGHT ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Laurel Payne ON 324 01.9 Vasiliki Savvas FFP 492 02.9 Wayne Matthew * Lib 7,626 45.1 -00.5 Bon Darlington Grn 779 04.6 Kathy Williams SAF 376 02.2 Cherylind O'Connor 342 02.0 Ron Baronian ALP 5,622 33.3 +01.3 Fiona Blinco AD 1,334 07.9 -13.1 Informal 509 (02.9) 17,404 Estimated two-candidate result: Wayne MATTHEW * Lib 8,880 54.6 +00.2 Ron Baronian ALP 7,374 45.4 -00.2 CHAFFEY ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Graham McNaughton AD 689 03.9 -03.3 Waluwe Simpson-Lyttle ALP 2,105 12.0 -01.9 Karlene Maywald * NPA 8,747 49.9 +13.1 Shirley Faulkner ON 578 03.3 Kent Andrew Lib 5,393 30.8 -11.1 Informal 573 (03.2) 18,085 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Karlene MAYWALD * NPA 10,328 64.9 +12.8 Kent Andrew Lib 5,597 35.1 -12.8 CHELTENHAM ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Cheryl Glenie AD 1,084 06.6 -09.2 Alex Alexander SAF 712 04.3 Sarah Gibson ON 321 02.0 Sue Lawrie Lib 3,867 23.6 -01.4 Anne McMenamin Grn 492 03.0 Jay Weatherill + ALP 7,963 48.6 -06.4 Murray De Laine * 1,667 10.2 Nugget Cooke 288 01.8 Informal 952 (05.5) 17,346 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Sue Lawrie Lib 5,425 33.1 -00.3 Jay WEATHERILL + ALP 10,969 66.9 +00.3 This seat replaces the old seat of Price, which De Laine won as an ALP candidate in 1997. COLTON ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Jim Douglas Grn 929 05.4 Andrew Lewis FFP 418 02.4 Joe Ienco 964 05.6 Alison Patterson 44 00.3 Desi D'Orsay-Lawrence SAF 88 00.5 Andrew Phillips ON 181 01.0 Paul Caica ALP 7,246 42.0 +06.1 Caroline Dowd AD 710 04.1 -08.9 John Behenna + Lib 6,666 38.7 -01.1 Informal 720 (04.0) 17,966 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Paul CAICA ALP 9,012 54.8 +05.8 John Behenna + Lib 7,424 45.2 -05.8 CROYDON ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change James England SAF 597 03.5 Daryl Owen AD 1,256 07.3 -05.7 Angus Bristow Lib 4,256 24.8 +00.6 Jessica Gosnell 344 02.0 John Victorsen ON 261 01.5 Michael ATKINSON * ALP 10,413 60.8 -02.0 Informal 613 (03.5) 17,740 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Angus Bristow Lib 4,966 30.3 +01.5 Michael ATKINSON * ALP 11,401 69.7 -01.5 This seat replaces the old seat of Spence, which Atkinson won in 1997. DAVENPORT ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Gerry Bowen ALP 3,819 22.6 +00.4 F Vandenbroek ON 214 01.3 +01.3 Yvonne Caddy AD 2,886 17.1 -03.2 Ralph Hahnheuser 440 02.6 +02.6 Iain EVANS * Lib 8,833 52.2 +03.0 Brenton Chappell SAF 445 02.6 Moira Humphries 279 01.6 Informal 383 (02.2) 17,299 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Gerry Bowen ALP 6,167 36.5 Iain EVANS * Lib 10,749 63.5 +09.1 The Australian Democrats came second in this seat in 1997. ELDER ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Pat Conlon * ALP 7,329 44.4 +09.4 Heidi Harris Lib 6,219 37.7 +00.5 Peter Heaven FFP 699 04.2 Bob Stewart SAF 300 01.8 Colin Roediger ON 209 01.3 Mnem Giles 61 00.4 Greg Croke AD 1,051 06.4 -06.7 Kate Cooper Grn 632 03.8 Informal 703 (04.1) 17,203 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Pat CONLON * ALP 8,595 54.2 +02.3 Heidi Harris Lib 7,254 45.8 -02.3 ELIZABETH ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Peter Barnes FFP 1,267 07.4 +07.4 Lea Stevens * ALP 7,710 45.0 -01.2 Ron Watts Lib 6,049 35.3 +02.2 Anna Lukasiewicz AD 1,144 06.7 -12.5 Robert Fechner ON 459 02.7 Duncan Macmillan SAF 514 03.0 Informal 580 (03.3) 17,723 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Lea STEVENS * ALP 9,365 57.3 -01.5 Ron Watts Lib 6,971 42.7 +01.5 ENFIELD ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Lorraine Evans FFP 865 05.2 Barbara Kirvan ON 312 01.9 John Rau + ALP 6,587 39.6 -16.4 Doster Mitchell Lib 3,932 23.7 -01.5 Alex Angas AD 942 05.7 -10.2 Ralph Clarke * 3,983 24.0 Informal 664 (03.8) 17,285 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: John RAU + ALP 8,323 52.5 -15.6 Ralph Clarke * 7,536 47.5 This seat replaces the old seat of Ross Smith, which Clarke won as an ALP candidate in 1997. FINNISS ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Bill Megaritis FFP 907 05.0 Graham Hockley ALP 3,910 21.6 +00.9 Matt Rigney Grn 935 05.2 +05.2 Dean BROWN * Lib 10,045 55.5 00.0 Joy Rayner ON 604 03.3 John Lavers AD 1,684 09.3 -14.3 Informal 521 (02.8) 18,606 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Graham Hockley ALP 6,050 33.5 Dean BROWN * Lib 12,035 66.5 +09.0 The Australian Democrats came second in this seat in 1997. FISHER ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Kylie Borg FFP 636 03.7 John Chudzicki SAF 205 01.2 Jason Smith AD 1,077 06.2 -16.4 Bob Such * 5,974 34.6 Alex Zimmermann ALP 3,788 22.0 -06.6 Susan Jeanes + Lib 5,338 30.9 -17.9 Informal 524 (02.9) 17,780 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Bob SUCH * 10,573 63.1 Susan Jeanes + Lib 6,171 36.9 -22.3 Such was elected as a Liberal candidate in 1997. FLINDERS ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Grantley Siviour NPA 1,678 09.4 -15.7 Liz PENFOLD * Lib 11,581 64.7 +11.1 Charles Kirvan ON 584 03.3 John Lovegrove ALP 2,967 16.6 +05.8 Informal 387 (02.1) 18,282 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Liz PENFOLD * Lib unknown John Lovegrove ALP unknown FLOREY ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Victor Horvat ON 514 03.2 Lisa Blake Grn 593 03.6 Lyn Petrie Lib 5,901 36.2 -00.9 Paul Rowse AD 1,087 06.7 -09.4 Frances Bedford * ALP 7,107 43.6 +05.5 Rob Pillar FFP 1,084 06.7 Informal 611 (03.6) 16,897 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Lyn Petrie Lib 7,106 45.5 -01.7 Frances BEDFORD * ALP 8,522 54.5 +01.7 FROME ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Marcus Reseigh AD 683 03.9 -06.9 Roger Hawkes ON 523 03.0 Rob KERIN * Lib 9,920 57.2 +11.7 John Rohde ALP 6,217 35.8 +00.5 Informal 332 (01.9) 17,675 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Rob KERIN * Lib 10,230 60.9 +07.7 John Rohde ALP 6,563 39.1 -07.7 GILES ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Clint Garrett AD 1,381 09.5 -07.3 Jim Pollock Lib 4,155 28.4 -01.1 Valarie Nas ON 412 02.8 John Smith 1,183 08.1 Lyn BREUER * ALP 7,481 51.2 +03.1 Informal 409 (02.7) 15,021 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Jim Pollock Lib 5,315 38.3 -00.2 Lyn BREUER * ALP 8,570 61.7 +00.2 GOYDER ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Ian McDonald FFP 802 04.5 Richard Way AD 1,120 06.3 -07.7 John MEIER * Lib 9,094 51.1 -03.7 Ian Fitzgerald ALP 4,117 23.1 +00.2 Doug Holmes ON 595 03.3 Stephen Redding 1,649 09.3 Alby Brand SAF 408 02.3 Informal 667 (03.6) 18,452 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: John MEIER * Lib 11,279 66.1 -00.8 Ian Fitzgerald ALP 5,776 33.9 +00.8 HAMMOND ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Harold McLaren ALP 2,882 17.4 -03.1 Peter Lewis * 5,265 31.7 Barry Featherston + Lib 6,839 41.2 -10.0 Keith Webster AD 911 05.5 -12.5 Informal 446 (02.6) 17,040 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Peter LEWIS * 8,380 52.3 Barry Featherston + Lib 7,631 47.7 -16.9 Lewis was elected as a Liberal candidate in 1997. HARTLEY ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Darko Pucek FFP 769 04.6 Joy O'Brien Grn 671 04.0 Joe Scalzi * Lib 7,086 42.4 -01.1 Wendy McMahon 150 00.9 Brian Richards ON 182 01.1 Quentin Black ALP 6,794 40.7 +02.4 Silard Regos AD 1,043 06.2 -11.9 Informal 545 (03.2) 17,240 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Joe Scalzi * Lib 7,962 49.6 -01.0 Quentin BLACK ALP 8,081 50.4 +01.0 HEYSEN ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Dave Clark Grn 1,479 08.5 Jeremy Makin ALP 3,184 18.2 -02.4 Howie Coombe 41 00.2 Steve Hall SAF 339 01.9 John Norris 673 03.9 Lance Iles ON 245 01.4 Ted Dexter AD 2,864 16.4 -12.5 Isobel Redmond + Lib 8,042 46.0 -03.8 Informal 462 (02.6) 17,930 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Ted Dexter AD 6,919 44.3 -03.8 Isobel REDMOND + Lib 8,699 55.7 +03.8 KAURNA ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Ali Valamanesh Grn 900 05.5 James Chappell SAF 305 01.9 Lorraine Rosenberg 1,329 08.1 John Hill * ALP 7,506 45.6 +04.3 Lauren Kenyon Lib 4,428 26.9 -09.6 Charlie McCormack ON 413 02.5 Colleen Pearse FFP 664 04.0 Beryl Hall AD 926 05.6 -07.3 Informal 595 (03.5) 17,066 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: John HILL * ALP 9,695 61.7 +06.7 Lauren Kenyon Lib 6,008 38.3 -06.7 KAVEL ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Felicity Martin Grn 924 05.1 Tom Playford 3,524 19.4 Cathi Tucker-Lee AD 1,617 08.9 -13.9 Mel Hopgood ALP 3,257 17.9 -01.5 Basil Hille ON 388 02.1 Mark Goldsworthy + Lib 7,860 43.3 -09.2 Informal 616 (03.3) 18,783 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Tom Playford 8,353 47.6 Mark GOLDSWORTHY + Lib 9,179 52.4 -04.3 The Australian Democrats came second in this seat in 1997. LEE ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Scott Cadzow Lib 6,181 37.0 +04.8 Cale Dalton SAF 440 02.6 Alan Griffiths 191 01.1 Lee Peacock ON 347 02.1 Trevor Tucker AD 897 05.4 -08.0 Michael Wright * ALP 7,739 46.3 +00.3 Pat Netschitowsky Grn 902 05.4 Informal 562 (03.3) 17,259 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Scott Cadzow Lib 6,802 42.4 00.0 Michael WRIGHT * ALP 9,230 57.6 00.0 LIGHT ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Shane Thorman FFP 835 04.7 Ruth Jackson Grn 480 02.7 David Dwyer ON 542 03.0 Malcolm Buckby * Lib 7,682 43.1 +00.7 Tim Haines AD 958 05.4 -16.3 James Gallagher SAF 233 01.3 Annette Hurley * ALP 7,105 39.8 +04.0 Informal 563 (03.1) 18,398 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Malcolm BUCKBY * Lib 8,889 51.9 +01.0 Annette Hurley * ALP 8,240 48.1 -01.0 Hurley was elected for Napier in 1997. MACKILLOP ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Mitch WILLIAMS * Lib 9,407 52.3 +16.7 Philip Golding ALP 2,416 13.4 -02.0 Bob Netherton AD 335 01.9 -03.1 Darren O'Halloran NPA 867 04.8 -03.6 Bill Hender 2,943 16.4 Arthur Tebbutt ON 501 02.8 Bill Murray 1,526 08.5 Informal 561 (03.0) 18,556 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Mitch WILLIAMS * Lib 10,715 61.7 +24.4 Bill Hender 6,646 38.3 Williams was elected as an independent candidate in 1997. MAWSON ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Michael Last FFP 1,175 06.7 Robert Brokenshire * Lib 7,726 43.8 -01.0 Bert Justin ON 477 02.7 Angela Nicholas AD 1,485 08.4 -11.1 Moira Deslandes ALP 6,502 36.9 +03.6 Benny Zable 269 01.5 Informal 601 (03.3) 18,235 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Robert BROKENSHIRE * Lib 9,148 53.5 -00.3 Moira Deslandes ALP 7,948 46.5 +00.3 MITCHELL ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Deb Guildner 546 03.3 Daniel Piechnick ON 325 02.0 Josephine Dowsett 97 00.6 Bridgid Medder AD 1,338 08.1 -08.9 Kris Hanna * ALP 7,172 43.2 +05.5 Wayne Bishop FFP 776 04.7 Hugh Martin Lib 6,351 38.2 -01.9 Informal 525 (03.1) 17,130 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Kris HANNA * ALP 8,771 54.7 +04.2 Hugh Martin Lib 7,269 45.3 -04.2 MORIALTA ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Bruce Preece 219 01.3 Joan Hall * Lib 7,483 43.5 -00.8 Tim Farrow AD 1,742 10.1 -07.1 Aphiah Salerno SAF 566 03.3 Cenz Lancione ALP 6,111 35.5 +04.3 Rosemary Hemsley ON 228 01.3 Jack Button FFP 870 05.1 Informal 689 (03.8) 17,908 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Joan HALL * Lib 8,664 53.3 -03.2 Cenz Lancione ALP 7,597 46.7 +03.2 This seat replaces the old seat of Coles, which Hall won in 1997. MORPHETT ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Ben Howieson AD 1,241 07.0 -11.1 Adam MacLeod Grn 927 05.2 Rosemary Clancy ALP 5,568 31.3 +03.3 Duncan McFETRIDGE + Lib 9,714 54.6 +01.2 Peter Fitzpatrick ON 326 01.8 Informal 443 (02.4) 18,219 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Rosemary Clancy ALP 6,866 40.0 +01.9 Duncan McFETRIDGE + Lib 10,292 60.0 -01.9 MOUNT GAMBIER ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Rory McEWEN * 10,956 59.3 +36.8 Ron Purvis AD 376 02.0 -09.8 Jim Maher ALP 3,184 17.2 -04.4 Mike Thomas ON 330 01.8 Roger Saunders Lib 3,639 19.7 -21.8 Informal 526 (02.8) 19,011 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Rory McEWEN * 13,502 75.0 +24.9 Roger Saunders Lib 4,499 25.0 -24.9 This seat replaces the old seat of Gordon, which McEwen won in 1997. NAPIER ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Joe Federico Lib 4,859 28.2 +05.8 Michael O'BRIEN + ALP 8,998 52.2 -02.9 Simon Pointer AD 1,495 08.7 -13.8 Tanya Adam SAF 1,080 06.3 Michael Pointer ON 800 04.6 Informal 616 (03.5) 17,848 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Joe Federico Lib 5,887 35.9 +05.9 Michael O'BRIEN + ALP 10,499 64.1 -05.9 NEWLAND ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Ruth Russell AD 1,654 10.0 -10.8 Bernie Keane ALP 5,875 35.6 +04.3 Steven Bakker FFP 1,136 06.9 Hans Nas ON 376 02.3 Dorothy Kotz * Lib 7,448 45.2 -01.5 Informal 476 (02.8) 16,965 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Bernie Keane ALP 7,225 45.1 +02.1 Dorothy KOTZ * Lib 8,811 54.9 -02.1 NORWOOD ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Adele Eliseo AD 1,302 07.7 -05.2 Mark Cullen Grn 976 05.7 +01.9 Michael Durrant Lib 7,086 41.7 +00.3 Thorpe Chambers ON 189 01.1 Vini Ciccarello * ALP 6,693 39.4 -00.3 Geraldine Bennett FFP 499 02.9 Darryl Tuppen SAF 231 01.4 Informal 475 (02.7) 17,451 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Michael Durrant Lib 7,987 49.1 +00.6 Vini CICCARELLO * ALP 8,291 50.9 -00.6 PLAYFORD ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Jack SNELLING * ALP 9,184 52.2 +02.9 Tom Javor Lib 5,035 28.6 +00.8 Eileen Strikwerda FFP 976 05.5 Bert Joy ON 538 03.1 Jan Vrtielka SAF 407 02.3 Andrew Sickerdick AD 1,452 08.3 -09.8 Informal 649 (03.6) 18,241 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Jack SNELLING * ALP 10,564 63.6 +00.1 Tom Javor Lib 6,039 36.4 -00.1 PORT ADELAIDE ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Joe Carbone SAF 984 05.8 Meryl McDougall AD 991 05.9 -09.3 Andrew Nance Grn 693 04.1 Kevin FOLEY * ALP 9,927 58.8 -04.1 Robert Crew Lib 3,825 22.6 +01.7 Jan Amos ON 470 02.8 Informal 638 (03.6) 17,528 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Kevin FOLEY * ALP 11,548 71.9 -00.9 Robert Crew Lib 4,509 28.1 +00.9 This seat replaces the old seat of Hart, which Foley won in 1997. RAMSAY ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Mike RANN * ALP 11,065 62.2 +06.8 Ona Trelbby SAF 767 04.3 Phil Newton Lib 4,133 23.2 +00.5 Dennis Murphy ON 618 03.5 Penelope Robertson AD 1,218 06.8 -09.2 Informal 705 (03.8) 18,506 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Mike RANN * ALP 11,959 71.0 +02.0 Phil Newton Lib 4,891 29.0 -02.0 REYNELL ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Scott Ferguson Grn 676 04.1 Jenny Hefford SAF 586 03.5 Kevin Cramp FFP 1,116 06.8 Gay Thompson * ALP 7,211 43.7 +07.7 Graham Pratt AD 1,080 06.5 -12.4 Glen Kelly ON 437 02.6 Julie Greig Lib 5,402 32.7 -05.6 Informal 593 (03.5) 17,101 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Gay THOMPSON * ALP 8,997 56.9 +05.1 Julie Greig Lib 6,820 43.1 -05.1 SCHUBERT ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Megan Moody SAF 637 03.8 Pam Kelly Grn 708 04.2 Kym Wilson ALP 3,789 22.6 +03.1 David Lykke NPA 877 05.2 Russell Iles 335 02.0 Hedley Scholz ON 618 03.7 Kate Reynolds AD 1,509 09.0 -12.7 Ivan Venning * Lib 8,262 49.4 -03.4 Informal 558 (03.2) 17,293 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Kym Wilson ALP 6,049 36.1 Ivan VENNING * Lib 10,686 63.9 +05.2 The Australian Democrats came second in this seat in 1997. STUART ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Justin Jarvis ALP 6,643 41.7 +05.4 Sandra Wauchope ON 1,215 07.6 David Moore 373 02.3 Bruce Lennon AD 574 03.6 -08.7 Graham Gunn * Lib 7,128 44.7 -00.2 Informal 370 (02.3) 16,303 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Justin JARVIS ALP 7,683 50.2 +02.9 Graham Gunn * Lib 7,626 49.8 -02.9 TAYLOR ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Trish WHITE * ALP 9,958 59.8 +05.0 John Mahoney ON 593 03.6 Anne Heinrich Lib 4,231 25.4 +00.6 Hazel Dermody SAF 714 04.3 Shirley Humphrey AD 1,148 06.9 -10.2 Informal 530 (03.1) 17,174 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Trish WHITE * ALP 10,776 68.7 +00.7 Anne Heinrich Lib 4,901 31.3 -00.7 TORRENS ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Damian Wyld Lib 5,935 33.4 +01.3 Carolyn Halfpenny FFP 1,055 05.9 Robyn Geraghty * ALP 8,507 47.9 00.0 Malcolm Hilliard ON 354 02.0 Harry Krieg SAF 425 02.4 Tony Hill AD 1,471 08.3 -07.8 Informal 639 (03.5) 18,386 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Damian Wyld Lib 7,148 41.7 +02.0 Robyn GERAGHTY * ALP 9,975 58.3 -02.0 UNLEY ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Franca Zosens SAF 563 03.4 Clarke Staker ON 135 00.8 Mark BRINDAL * Lib 8,565 51.6 +04.2 Vicki Jacobs ALP 5,212 31.4 +07.0 Ingrid Vogelzang AD 1,143 06.9 -08.4 Peter Fiebig Grn 981 05.9 Informal 434 (02.5) 17,033 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Mark BRINDAL * Lib 9,282 57.9 -01.7 Vicki Jacobs ALP 6,755 42.1 +01.7 WAITE ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Stephen Spence AD 2,125 12.2 -11.3 Michael Pritchard Grn 916 05.3 Thea Hennessey FFP 517 03.0 Chris Alford SAF 241 01.4 Mark Hancock ALP 4,288 24.6 +01.0 Hazel Nicholls ON 179 01.0 Martin HAMILTON-SMITH * Lib 9,172 52.6 +01.8 Informal 492 (02.7) 17,930 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Mark Hancock ALP 6,569 37.7 Martin HAMILTON-SMITH * Lib 10,869 62.3 +06.4 The Australian Democrats came second in this seat in 1997. WEST TORRENS ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Deb Cashel Grn 1,025 06.0 Tom Koutsantonis * ALP 7,943 46.6 +07.4 Theo Vlassis Lib 6,031 35.4 -00.5 Jean Holmes ON 225 01.3 Nicole Lomman AD 1,033 06.1 -07.6 Alex Filipovic SAF 317 01.9 Lawrence Chattaway FFP 467 02.7 Informal 660 (03.7) 17,701 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Tom KOUTSANTONIS * ALP 9,631 59.1 +04.6 Theo Vlassis Lib 6,666 40.9 -04.6 This seat replaces the old seat of Peake, which Koutsantonis won in 1997. WRIGHT ==================================================================== Candidate Party Votes % Change Helen Munro AD 1,255 07.0 Jennifer Rankine * ALP 8,237 45.7 +02.7 Rod Kowald ON 403 02.2 Lyn Griffin FFP 1,226 06.8 Mark Osterstock Lib 6,889 38.3 +02.4 Informal 432 (02.3) 18,442 Estimated Two-Candidate Result: Jennifer RANKINE * ALP 9,318 53.8 -00.6 Mark Osterstock Lib 8,016 46.2 +00.6 | |