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         Glaisher James:     more books (64)
  1. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 15 by James Glaisher, 2010-03-21
  2. Travels in the Air by JAMES GLAISHER, 2010-03-05
  3. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 28 by James Glaisher, 2010-03-16
  4. The atmosphere by Camille Flammariôn, James Glaisher, 2010-08-28
  5. The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 24 by James Joseph Sylvester, James Whitbread Lee Glaisher, 2010-05-12
  6. Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 27 by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher, James Joseph Sylvester, 2010-04-20
  7. Factor Table for the Fifth Million, Containing the Least Factor of Every Number Not Divisible by 2, 3 Or 5 Between 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 by James Glaisher, 2010-04-09
  8. British Balloonists: Patrick Young Alexander, James Templer, Robert Hollond, Edward Maitland, James Glaisher, Don Cameron, James Sadler
  9. Biographical Sketches and Recollections (With Early Letters) of Henry John Stephen Smith by Charles Henry Pearson, James Whitbread Lee Glaisher, et all 2009-11-11
  10. The World of Comets by Amedee Guillemin; James Glaisher, 1877
  11. Annual Report of Smithsonian Institution. Propagation of Electricity. Aeronautic Voyages for Advancement of Science (Ballooning). Aboriginal Inhabitants of the Peninsula of California. Lacustrian Settlements. Purple Dyeing, Ancient & Modern. (The Miscellaneous Documents of the House of Representatives Printed During the First Session of the Thirty-Eighth Congress. 1863-1864. In Four Volumes.) by William D. Whitney, C.A. Alexander, et all 1864
  12. The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 29 by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher, James Joseph Sylvester, 2010-03-25
  13. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Volume 8 by James Glaisher, 2010-04-08
  14. L'atmosphere: Description Des Grands Phénomènes De La Nature ... by James Glaisher, Camille Flammariôn, 2010-03-05

21. Athenaeum Index: Author, Editor, Translator Record.
Author, Editor and/or Translator glaisher, james. Authored Report onthe Meteorology of London 1476 (February 9,1856) Edited Travels,James.html
Author, Editor and/or Translator:
  • Report on the Meteorology of London 1476 (February 9,1856)
  • Travels in the Air 2260 (February 18,1871)
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  • 22. Athenaeum Author Index: G.A. To GYLL, Gordon Willoughby James.
    GLADSTONE, William Ewart; glaisher, J. glaisher, james; GLAMORGAN, ThomasHenry; GLASER, Dr. Julius; GLASSFORD, james; GLEDSTONE, JP; GLEIG, Capt.
    Athenaeum Author Index: G.A. to GYLL, Gordon Willoughby James.
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  • G. D. Ve, Madame ... Bulletin Board
  • 23. Those Magnificent Men | Balloons | James Glaisher
    Home, james glaisher. Eminent Victorian.
    James Glaisher
    Eminent Victorian Balloons James Glaisher Airships Zeppelins ... The Machines I n 1862 the British Association for the Advancement of Science decided to fund a series of flights to study the upper atmosphere. The balloons would have to fly as high as possible. Member of the Greenwich Observatory and founder member of the British Meteorological Society, James Glaisher (1809-1903), volunteered to perform these potentially dangerous flights. In all he made 28 ascents between 1862 and 1866, 13 of which were funded by the Association. His usual pilot was the experienced balloonist Henry Coxwell (1819-1900). On their first ascent of 17 July 1862 they reached an altitude of 26,177 ft. without oxygen. On 5 September, in a balloon called the Mars , they managed an altitude in the region of 30,000 ft., although it almost cost them their lives. Glaisher lost consciousness and Coxwell had to climb up into the rigging to free a tangled valve line. His hands were so paralysed with cold that he had to pull the chord with his teeth in order to check their ascent. Had he failed to manage it, they would both surely have died of hypothermia or oxygen starvation. Here is Glaisher's account: O U p to this time I had experienced no particular inconvenience. When at the height of 26,000 ft. I could not see the fine column of the mercury in the tube; then the fine divisions on the scale of the instrument became invisible. At that time I asked Mr.Coxwell to help me to read the instruments, as I experienced a difficulty in seeing them. In consequence of the rotary movement of the balloon, which had continued without ceasing since the earth was left, the valve line had become twisted, and he had to leave the car

    24. James Glaisher Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    james glaisher definition, meaning and explanation and more about james glaisher.FreeDefinition - Online Glossary and Encyclopedia, james glaisher.
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    James Glaisher
    James Glaisher was an English meteorologist and aeronaut ( April 7 February 7 Educated at St Paul's School in London , and Trinity College, Cambridge , Glaisher was an assistant at the Royal Greenwich Observatories at Cambridge and Greenwich, and Superintendent of the Department of Meteorology and Magnetism at Greenwich for thirty-four years. In 1845, Glaisher published his dew point tables, for the measurement of humidity. Glaisher was a founder member of the Meteorological Society ( ), and the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain ( He is most famous, however, as a pioneering balloonist. Between and , usually with Henry Tracey Coxwell as his co-pilot, Glaisher made numerous ascents in order to measure the temperature and humidity of the atmosphere at its highest levels. One one ascent in 1862, he broke the world record for altitude, but passed out before a reading could be taken. Estimates suggest that he rose to approximately 7 miles above sea-level. Books about 'James Glaisher' at:

    25. AllRefer Encyclopedia - James Glaisher (Weather And Climate, Biographies) - Ency reference and encyclopedia resource provides completeinformation on james glaisher, Weather And Climate, Biographies.
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 31, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Weather And Climate, Biographies ... James Glaisher
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    Related Category: Weather And Climate, Biographies James Glaisher [gl A u r] Pronunciation Key Travels in the Air (1867, in French; tr. 1871).
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    Gladstone, Herbert John Gladstone, 1st Viscount • Gladstone, William Ewart• Gladstone • Gladwin, Henry • glaisher, james • Glama • Glamis
    AllRefer Channels :: Health Yellow Pages Reference Weather SEARCH : in Reference May 31, 2004 You are here : Reference Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Topics A-Z ... com Check out around 175,000 brief encyclopedia articles on almost all topics.
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    27. Glaisher
    james glaisher attended St Paul s School in London, winning a scholarship in 1867to study at Trinity College, Cambridge. Some quotations by james glaisher.
    James Whitbread Lee Glaisher
    Born: 5 Nov 1848 in Lewisham, Kent, England
    Died: 7 Dec 1928 in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
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    (Alphabetically) Next Welcome page James Glaisher attended St Paul's School in London, winning a scholarship in 1867 to study at Trinity College, Cambridge. His mathematical researches began while he was still an undergraduate and he wrote a paper on the sine integral, cosine integral and exponential integral giving tables of these integrals which he had computed himself. The paper was communicated to the Royal Society by Cayley In the final examination of 1871 Glaisher was placed second. Elected to a fellowship at Trinity College, he became a tutor and lecturer and taught at Cambridge all his life. In the same year in which he graduated Glaisher joined the Royal Astronomical Society and so began a long association with that Society. In 1872 he joined the London Mathematical Society. He went on to hold high office in both these Societies, being President of the Royal Astronomical Society from 1886 to 1888 and again from 1901 to 1903, and President of the London Mathematical Society 1884-1886. Glaisher wrote over 400 articles on his main interests of astronomy, special functions, calculation of numerical tables and the history of mathematics. His historical interests were on the early development of numerical computation

    28. Quotations By Glaisher
    Quotations by james Whitbread Lee glaisher. The mathematician requirestact and good taste at every step of his work, and he has
    Quotations by James Whitbread Lee Glaisher
    The mathematician requires tact and good taste at every step of his work, and he has to learn to trust to his own instinct to distinguish between what is really worthy of his efforts and what is not.
    H Eves Mathematical Circles Squared (Boston 1972). [Lord Brougham's writings on the bee's cell contain] as striking examples of bad reasoning as are often to be met with in writings related to mathematical subjects.
    D'A W Thompson On Growth and Form (Cambridge 1917) Close this window or click this link to go back to Glaisher
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    29. Charles Green,Henry Coxwell, James Glaisher
    sturen. Deze mannen waren Henry Tracy Coxwell (1819 – 1900) en jamesglaisher (1809 – 1903). Sedert james glaisher. james glaisher.
    Nieuwe Ontwikkelingen
    Charles Green
    C harles Green George IV Royal Coronation Balloon Robert Hollond , lid van het Parlement en Thomas Monck Mason Ballonvaarder Charles Green (uiterst rechts) bespreekt met zijn partners Thomas Monck (staande rechts) en Robert Hollond (zittend midden) en in het gezelschap van nog drie vrienden de plannen voor hun vlucht met de Royal Vauxhall, die hen in 1836 over de Noordzee tot in het Duitse Nassau zou voeren. Een gravure uit het midden van de 19de eeuw drijft de spot met Charles Greens voorliefde voor steeds langere vluchten. Green (in het midden in lichte jas) wordt hier verwelkomt door een volksstam op een eiland van de Antipoden in de stille Zuidzee - precies aan de andere kant van de aardbol. Van Calais dreef de ballon boven Ieper, Brussel, Luik en stak de Rijn over in de buurt van Koblenz, alvorens te dalen op een afstand van 12 kilometer van Weilburg om half acht ’s morgens op 8 november. Gedurende 17 ½ uur hadden de luchtvaarders een afstand van bijna 800 kilometer afgelegd, de langste luchtreis die op dat ogenblik ooit was gemaakt. Enige jaren later kwam Green op de stoutmoedige gedachte de Atlantische Oceaan over te steken per ballon. Hij bestudeerde zorgvuldig de luchtstromingen en construeerde een modelballon voorzien van een roer, welke werd voortbewogen door 4 kleine draaiende waaiers, doch hij slaagde er niet in dit project te verwezenlijken. Gedurende verscheidene jaren bleef Green als luchtvaarder werkzaam, doch in 1852 deelde hij mee dat hij de ballonvaart vaarwel zou zeggen na zijn 500ste opstijging. Deze vond plaats op 13 november van dat jaar en verliep gunstig.

    30. James Glaisher (1809-1903), Astronomer And Meteorologist
    National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for james glaisher including james glaisherby Maull Polyblank, james glaisher; Henry Tracey Coxwell by Negretti

    31. NPG P120(53); James Glaisher
    NPG P120(53) james glaisher by Maull Polyblank Date 1855 Mediumalbumen print, arched top Measurements 7 3/4 in. x 5 3/4 in.

    32. James Glaisher :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
    james glaisher. Online Encyclopedia james glaisher was an Englishmeteorologist and aeronaut (April 7, 1809 February 7, 1903).
    Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles James Glaisher
    Online Encyclopedia

    James Glaisher was an English meteorologist and aeronaut ( April 7 February 7 Educated at St Paul's School in London , and Trinity College, Cambridge , Glaisher was an assistant at the Royal Greenwich Observatories at Cambridge and Greenwich, and Superintendent of the Department of Meteorology and Magnetism at Greenwich for thirty-four years. In 1845, Glaisher published his dew point tables, for the measurement of humidity. Glaisher was a founder member of the Meteorological Society ( ), and the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain ( He is most famous, however, as a pioneering balloonist. Between and , usually with Henry Tracey Coxwell as his co-pilot, Glaisher made numerous ascents in order to measure the temperature and humidity of the atmosphere at its highest levels. One one ascent in 1862, he broke the world record for altitude, but passed out before a reading could be taken. Estimates suggest that he rose to approximately 7 miles above sea-level. This content from wikipedia is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Power Supplies Hardware Information Law Advice

    33. Online Encyclopedia - James Glaisher
    Imago Mundi glaisher. - Translate this page glaisher, james (1809-1903) - Météorologiste né à Londres le7 avril 1809, était membre de la Royal Society (1849). On lui
    Encyclopedia Entry for James Glaisher
    Dictionary Definition of James Glaisher

    James Glaisher was an English meteorologist and aeronaut ( April 7 February 7 Educated at St Paul's School in London , and Trinity College, Cambridge , Glaisher was an assistant at the Royal Greenwich Observatories at Cambridge and Greenwich, and Superintendent of the Department of Meteorology and Magnetism at Greenwich for thirty-four years. In 1845, Glaisher published his dew point tables, for the measurement of humidity. Glaisher was a founder member of the Meteorological Society ( ), and the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain ( He is most famous, however, as a pioneering balloonist. Between and , usually with Henry Tracey Coxwell as his co-pilot, Glaisher made numerous ascents in order to measure the temperature and humidity of the atmosphere at its highest levels. One one ascent in 1862, he broke the world record for altitude, but passed out before a reading could be taken. Estimates suggest that he rose to approximately 7 miles above sea-level. Home Alphabetical Index See our sister sites: Find a Resume Diplomat City Your Quotations Your Lookup ... Your Dogs Content on this site is provided for informational purposes only. We do not accept responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by any person resulting from information published on this site.

    34. James Glaisher. ‘Travels In The Air’
    james glaisher (1822–1911) Extract from Travels in the Air (1871).October 9, 1863 Always, however great the height of the balloon
    Extract from Travels in the Air October 9, 1863
    Smoke, thin and blue, was curling from it, and slowly moving away in beautiful curves, from all except one part, south of the Thames, where it was less blue and seemed more dense, till the cause became evident; it was mixed with mist rising from the ground, the southern limit of which was bounded by an even line, doubtless indicating the meeting of the subsoils of gravel and clay. The whole scene was surmounted by a canopy of blue, everywhere free from cloud, except near the horizon, where a band of cumulus and stratus extended all round, forming a fitting boundary to such a glorious view. As seen from the earth, the sunset this evening was described as fine, the air being clear and the shadows well defined; but, as we rose to view it and its effects, the golden hues increased in intensity; their richness decreased as the distance from the sun increased, both right and left; but still as far as 90° from the sun, rose-coloured clouds extended. The remainder of the circle was completed, for the most part, by pure white cumulus of well-rounded and symmetrical forms. Last modified

    35. 1960 D.A.±Û·¹À̼­(James Glaisher:1809~1903, ¹Ì±¹)
    . 1960 DA. (james glaisher 1809~1903, ) ? . Copyright ?1999 Newton Korea. All rights reserved.
    D.A.±Û·¹À̼­ (James Glaisher : 1809~1903, ¹Ì±¹)
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    36. Festivals In Glamorganshire QUICK, Information At NO CHARGE On Festivals In Glam
    Gi glaisher, james. Glamis. Glamorgan. Glamorganshire. The worlds first freeencyclopedia on the internet. glaisher, james. Gl¥ma. Glamis. in Gla

    37. The Web
    Gladwin, Henry. glaisher, james. Glamis. Glamorgan. Glamorganshire. glaisher, james.Glamis. Glamorgan. Glamorganshire. Glanvill, Joseph. Glanvill, Ranulf de. Glarus.
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    38. Groups
    Garrett, Newson. Gilbert, Davies (17671839). Giles, Francis (1787-1847). Giles,George. glaisher, james (1809-1903). Godfray, H. Goulburn, Henry (1784-1856).
    The tidal correspondents of the synthetic method, 1828-1861. Abram, John Acland, Arthur Hugh Aird, Airy, George Biddell Alderson, Sir James Andrews, T. Argent, J. Atkinson, Thomas Auber, P. Bache, Alexander Dallas Baily, Francis Bald, William Ballingell Barlow, Peter Barnden, George Barnett, Edward (fl. 1811-1848) Barrow, Sir John Basset, J. Bax, Henry B. Bayfield, Capt. Henry W. Bayley, J. Beacham, J. W. Beaufort, Sir Francis Beautemps-Beaupre, Charles Francois (1766-1855) Becher, Alexander Bridport Beechey, Frederick William Belcher, Sir Edward Bennet, John Joseph Bennett, Thomas F. Bentinck, C. Bevan, B. Blackwood, John (fl. 1843-7) Blunt, W. Bowditch, Nathaniel Braaksma, H. Bright, Richard Bright, Sarah Bronwin, B. Brown, Alix Brown, Joseph Brown, T. Buckingham, Marquis of Bullock, Bunt, Thomas Gamlen Burdwood, John (fl. 1825-1869) Bushby, G. A. Bushey M Bywater, Thomas Campbell, Colin Campbell, Capt. William

    39. New Page 2
    glaisher, james (18091903) astronomer and meteorologist was a candidate for thesuperintendacy of the Nautical Almanac upon the death of William Samuel
    Dayman to Gutch Back Dayman, Joseph Lieutenant.1f Dean, Edward, of Macclesfield. 1 tidal letter from. de Morgan, Augustus (1806-1871), mathematician, was born at Madura, in the Madras presidency. De Morgan was sent to various schools. He had a gift for drawing caricatures, and read algebra ‘like a novel.’ He pricked out equations on the school-pew, some of which remained after his death, instead of listening to the sermon. In February 1823 he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, as a ‘bye-term man.’ He made many friends at college, including his teachers, Whewell and Peacock. He belonged to a musical society called the ‘Camus’ (i.e. Cambridge Amateur Musical Union Society), and was a skilful flute-player. After some thoughts of medicine he resolved to go to the bar, and entered Lincoln's Inn. The university of London, which afterwards became University College, was just being started. De Morgan found law unpalatable, and on 23 Feb. 1828 was unanimously elected the first professor of mathematics, although the youngest applicant, on the strength of very high testimonials from Peacock, Airy, and other Cambridge authorities. He gave his introductory lecture, ‘On the Study of Mathematics,’ 5 Nov. 1828. From the first De Morgan was a most energetic worker. In May 1828 he was elected a fellow of the Astronomical Society, and in 1830 was placed on the council. He became a member of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, founded by Brougham and others in 1826. He became a member of the committee in 1843. The society was dissolved in 1846. In the vacation of 1837 De Morgan married Sophia Elizabeth Frend, and settled at 69 Gower Street. His lectures at University College attracted many men, afterwards distinguished. He had the power of clear exposition. He never became a fellow of the Royal Society, and held that it was too much open to social influences to be thoroughly efficient as a working institution. His dislike to honorary titles led him to refuse the offer of the LL.D. degree from Edinburgh. For many years he did his best to promote the adoption of a decimal coinage.

    40. Des Créationnistes Du Passé.
    Gisborne, Thomas (1758 - 1846) glaisher, james (1809 - 1903) Gosse, Philip H
    Lorsqu'on nous enseigne la science dans nos grandes institutions éducatives "politcally correct", il y a un silence curieux et constant à l'égard des convictions chrétiennes des pionniers de la science qui ont ouvert la voie dans bien des champs de recherche. S'il est question de Blaise Pascal, d'Isaac Newton ou James Clerk Maxwell on mentionne leurs travaux et leurs exploits, mais touchant leurs convictions chrétiennes, le SILENCE ! L'histoire, c'est ennuyeux, ça n'intéresse personne. Surtout si un examen désintéressé des faits peut remettre en question un mantra "politcally correct", c'est-à-dire que le christianisme a toujours été l'ennemi de la science. Ceux qui connaissent bien l'histoire de la science savent qu'il s'agit d'un mythe
    Abel, Niels Henrik (1802 - 1829)
    Abney, Sir William (1843 - 1920)
    Agassiz, (Jean) Louis Rodolphe (1807 - 1873)
    Agnesi, Maria Gaetana (1718 - 1799)
    Albright, William Foxwell (1897-1971)

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