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         Girard Albert:     more books (43)
  1. Art of Southeast Asia by Maud Girard-Geslan, Marijke J. Klokke, et all 1998-03
  2. My Body Is Private (Albert Whitman Prairie Books) by Linda Walvoord Girard, 1984-01-01
  3. Tables Des Sinus, Tangentes & Secantes, Selon Le Raid De 100000 Parties. Avec Un Traicté Succinct De La Trigonometrie Tant Des Triangles Plans, Que Spheriques. ... Operations Nouvelles ... (French Edition) by Albert Girard, 2010-03-22
  4. Invention Nouvelle En L'Algebre (1629) (French Edition) by Albert Girard, 2010-09-10
  5. You Were Born on Your Very First Birthday (An Albert Whitman Prairie Book) by Linda Walvoord Girard, 1992-04
  6. Who Is a Stranger and What Should I Do? (An Albert Whitman Prairie Book) by Linda Walvoord Girard, 1985-01-01
  7. Algèbre Nouvelle et François Viète: François Viète, Algèbre Nouvelle, Chronologie de La Vie de François Viète, Albert Girard, Denis Henrion (French Edition)
  8. Albert Girard: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  9. Albert Girard (German Edition)
  10. Adoption Is for Always (Albert Whitman Concept Paperbacks) by Linda Walvoord Girard, 1986-01-01
  11. Alex, the Kid With AIDS (An Albert Whitman Prairie Book) by Linda Walvoord Girard, 1991-01
  12. L'arithmetiqve De Simon Stevin De Brvges (French Edition) by Stevin Simon 1548-1620, Diophantus of Alexandria, et all 2010-09-28
  13. Stephen Girard's West Indian trade, 1789-1812 by Albert J Gares, 1948
  14. Le Commerce Francais A Seville Et Cadix Au Temps Des Habsbourg: Contribution A L'Etude De Commerce Etranger En Espagne Aux XVI et XVIII Siecles by Albert Girard, 1932

101. Fonds Rodolphe-Girard (P94)
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Fonds Rodolphe-Girard (P94)
Notes biographiques Trifluvien . Journaliste : La Patrie La Presse , 1900-1904. Son roman Marie Calumet , en 1908, au sujet de son roman, Rodolphe Girard poursuit le journal pour libelle diffamatoire et obtient gain de cause en 1911. Le Temps La Presse Marie Calumet L'Algonquine Contes de chez nous La Patrie , p. 608-609.
Marie Calumet
  • La cote des documents sur autres supports : doc. photographiques, Ph62. Voir aussi au CRCCF le fonds suivant : Fonds Albert-Laberge (P6)

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Commentaires ou questions d'ordre technique ? Dernières modifications: 2004.04.28

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HOTEL ALBERT 1ER ASTORIA NANCY CEDEX : Hotel NANCY CEDEX Hotel Albert 1er Astoria ** Monsieur GIRARD 3 rue de l'Armée PattonBP 555.
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103. William A
of the way modern literature represents the revelation of scapegoating which Girardsees as the defining moment of modern culture. albert Memmi determined
William A. Johnsen English Department Michigan State University BURKE AND GIRARD ON SCAPEGOATING I. "War is the disease of cooperation" (Kenneth Burke) Of course you have all fastened on the same point, as richly provocative as Burke himself. 'Who is to say whether the scapegoat process precedes the law, or vice versa? Their operations are mutually reinforcing.' Carter, following Burke, is most interested in what follows after a A social language is in place, where law and scapegoat seem to reinforce each other. Burke begins with the law, which creates guilt, which requires purgation through transfer. Like the mutually reinforcing suspicions of child and parent which Girard so eloquently analyzes in his chapter on Freud in VIOLENCE AND THE SACRED, A from this point on it doesn t matter whether suspicion or accusation, law or desire came first. But the jewel of Girard s eloquence, and his decisive reduction of Freud s proliferation of psychic agencies to the mimetic hypothesis, is his defense of the child s innocence, who is the last to know that his candidly mimetic desires are appropriative, incestuous and illegal. First come the hypocritical adults.

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Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Mariage: En France
Nom de famille selon le Fichier Origine sur Internet.
Enfant(s) Freslon, Jacqueline
Peltier, Jean Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Mariage: En France
Enfant(s) Pelletier, Pierre
Leblanc, Joseph Sexe: Masculin
Parents Leblanc, Antoine
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Flibot, Marie Parents Flibot, Charles Rousselot, Marguerite Enfant(s) Leblanc, Joseph Leblanc, Jean-Baptiste Leblanc, Marie-Anne
Sexe: Masculin Mort de la picote. Parents Tremblay, Louis Perron, Marie Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Bouchard, Marie-Madeleine Morte de la picote. Parents Simard, Marguerite Enfant(s) Tremblay, Louis
Sexe: Masculin Occupation : Capitaine Parents Bouchard, Claude Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Simard, Marguerite Parents Racine, Madeleine Enfant(s) Bouchard, Marie-Madeleine Bouchard, Louise Bouchard, Marie-Gertrude Bouchard, Catherine ... Bouchard, Charlotte
Sexe: Masculin Parents Boucher, Marie-Anne Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Parents Goupil, Antoine Gaboury, Marie-Jeanne Enfant(s) Duval, Pierre
Sexe: Masculin Occupation : Soldat dit Duponthaut; 22 ans en 1692.

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