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Gherard Of Cremona: more detail |
41. Ahmed Ahmed ibn Yusuf wrote on ratio and proportion and it was translated intoLatin by gherard of cremona. The book is largely a commentary http://sfabel.tripod.com/mathematik/database/Ahmed.html | |
42. [Le Site De L Humanoide] L école De Traduction De Tolède Translate this page Most famous of them were gherard of cremona and Adelard de Bath, whocamed respectively from Italy and England. With several other http://www.humanoide.net/siteva/article.php3?id_article=33 |
43. Searches Fast As The Wind Meet gherard of cremona, Adelard of Bath, Fibonacci, Jordanus, and Oresme.http//www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/mideva MSN. 14. http://www.paidforsurf.com/search.php?Terms=medieval europe |
44. Searches Fast As The Wind Meet gherard of cremona, Adelard of Bath, Fibonacci, Jordanus, and Oresme.http//www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/mideva MSN. http://www.ratethee.com/search.php?Terms=medieval europe |
45. Definition Of Gerard Of Cremona - WordIQ Dictionary & Encyclopedia Gerard of cremona (gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca 1114 Toledo, 1187), the translatorof do not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Gerard_of_Cremona | |
46. Thabit Ibn Qurra Ibn Marwan Al-Sabi Al-Harrani (836 - 901 Ap.jc) Translate this page sont en Syriac. Dans le Moyen-Age, quelques-uns de ses livres ont ététraduits en latin par gherard de cremona. Dans les siècles http://www.ifrance.com/Farabi/qurra.html | |
47. Abu Yousuf Yaqub Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi (801 -873 Ap.jc) Translate this page nombreux ont été perdus. Un grand nombre de ses livres a été traduiten latin par gherard de cremona. Ses livres, traduits en http://www.ifrance.com/Farabi/kindi.html |
48. Gerard Of Cremona Gerard of cremona (gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca 1114 ? Toledo, 1187), the translatorof do not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to http://www.fact-index.com/g/ge/gerard_of_cremona.html | |
49. Al Zahrawi Translate this page Al-Tasrif foi traduzido primeiramente por gherard de cremona para o latimna idade média, foi copiado por diversos outros editores na Europa. http://www.islam.org.br/al_zahrawi.htm | |
50. Ibn Qurra Translate this page língua Síria. Na idade média, alguns de seus livros foram traduzidospara o latim por gherard de cremona. Em séculos seguintes http://www.islam.org.br/ibn_qurra.htm | |
51. Gerard Of Cremona - Encyclopedia Article About Gerard Of Cremona. Free Access, N It was recovered in Toledo by Gerard of cremona in the 12th century and Although wedo not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to Spain, he http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Gerard of Cremona | |
52. Full Chronological Index Translate this page 1075-1160) Adelard (1092-1167) Ezra (1100-1160) Aflah (1114-1185) Bhaskara (1114-1187)gherard (1130-1180) al (1830-1891) Hirst (1830-1903) cremona (1831-1907 http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/chronlist.htm | |
53. Gerard Of Cremona :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius Online Encyclopedia Gerard of cremona (gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca 1114 Toledo, 1187 do not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/g/ge/gerard_of_cremona.html | |
54. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page 945 - 1003) Gergonne, Joseph Diaz (1771 - 1831) Germain, Sophie (1776 - 1831) benGerson, Levi (1288 - 1344) gherard von cremona (1114 - 1187) Ghetaldi, Marino http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
55. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page ben Gerson, Levi (1288 - 1344). gherard von cremona (1114 - 1187). Ghetaldi,Marino (1566 - 1626). Gibbs, Josiah Willard (11.2.1839 - 28.4.1903). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
56. Gerard Cremona Gerard cremona (gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca 1114 ? Toledo, 1187), prekladatel Ackolimy nemáme zevrubnou informaci data kdy gherard se dostavil k http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/g/ge/gerard_of_cremona.html | |
57. Gerard Of Cremona - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Gerard of cremona (gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca 1114 Toledo, 1187), the translatorof do not have detailed information of the date when gherard went to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard_of_Cremona | |
58. ISLAM.NO musikk. Han oversatte også greske bøker til arabisk. mange av hansegne bøker ble oversatt til latin av gherard av cremona. Blant http://www.islam.no/newsite/content/default.asp?Action=Article&nTopPage=2&nPage= |
59. W. B. Yeats And "A Vision": Giraldus for Giraldus is not Giraldus Cambrensis but Gerard of cremona, who translated 2.Gerardus Cremonensis, also Girardus, gherard, Gurrardus and Giraldus (111487 http://www.yeatsvision.com/Gyraldus.html | |
60. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of Germain}{{\sc Germain}\footnote{{\sc Sophie Germain}, \born 1776, \died 1831} } \newcommand{\gherardvoncremona}{{\scgherard von cremona}\footnote{{\sc gherard http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
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