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         Gerson Levi Ben:     more detail
  1. The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344): A Critical Edition of Chapters 1-20 with Translation and Commentary (Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1985-07-15
  2. The Astronomical Tables of Levi Ben Gerson (Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences Series, Vol 45) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1974-06
  3. Philosophie religieuse de Lévi-Ben-Gerson (French Edition) by Isidore. Weil, 1868-01-01
  4. Astronomy of Levi Ben Gerson, 1288-1344
  5. Levi Ben Gerson's Prognostication for the Conjunction of 1345 (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society) by Bernard R. Goldstein, David Pingree, 1990-11
  6. Preliminary remarks on Levi ben Gerson's contributions to astronomy, (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Proceedings) by Bernard R Goldstein, 1969
  7. R. Levi Ben Gerson: A bibliographical essay by Menachem Marc Kellner, 1979
  8. Introduction to the History of Science. Volume 3, Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. Part I, The Time of Abu-l-Fida, Levi ben Gerson, and William of Occam (First half of the fourteenth century) by G. Sarton, 1962
  9. Sefer Maassei Choscheb. Die Praxis des Rechners. Ein hebraisch-arithmetisches Werk des Levi Ben Gerschom aus dem jahre 1321. by Gerson (ed.). Levi ben Gershom [GERSONIDES]; LANGE, 1909-01-01

81. US Book Review Form
bar Hiyya, Joseph ibn Zaddik, Judah HaLevy, Moses and Avraham ibn Ezra, Abrahamibn Daud, Moses Maimonides, Hillel ben Samuel, levi ben gerson, Aaron ben

82. Exodus 6
daartoe ben ik onbesneden van lippen. 15, Dit nu zijn de namen der zonenvan levi, naar hun geboorten gerson, en Kehath, en Merari.
Exodus 6 Verder sprak God tot Mozes, en zeide tot hem: Ik ben de HEERE, En Ik ben aan Abraham, Izak, en Jakob verschenen, als God de Almachtige; doch met Mijn Naam HEERE ben Ik hun niet bekend geweest. En ook heb Ik Mijn verbond met hen opgericht, dat Ik hun geven zou het land Kanaan, het land hunner vreemdelingschappen, waarin zij vreemdelingen geweest zijn. En ook heb Ik gehoord het gekerm der kinderen Israels, die de Egyptenaars in dienstbaarheid houden, en Ik heb aan Mijn verbond gedacht. Derhalve zeg tot de kinderen Israels: Ik ben de HEERE! en Ik zal ulieden uitleiden van onder de lasten der Egyptenaren, en Ik zal u redden uit hun dienstbaarheid, en zal u verlossen door een uitgestrekten arm, en door grote gerichten; En Ik zal ulieden tot Mijn volk aannemen, en Ik zal ulieden tot een God zijn; en gijlieden zult bekennen, dat Ik de HEERE uw God ben, Die u uitleide van onder de lasten der Egyptenaren. En Ik zal ulieden brengen in dat land, waarover Ik Mijn hand opgeheven heb, dat Ik het aan Abraham, Izak, en Jakob geven zou; en Ik zal het ulieden geven tot een erfdeel, Ik, de HEERE! En Mozes sprak alzo tot de kinderen Israels; doch zij hoorden naar Mozes niet, vanwege de benauwdheid des geestes, en vanwege de harde dienstbaarheid.

83. Bible Gateway EXOD 6;
Ik ben toch immers geen spreker! 12 Toen beval de HERE Dit zijn de familiehoofdenvan de stam van levi, in volgorde van leeftijd gerson, Kehath en 6&language=dutch&version=H

84. Bijbel - Exodus 6
daartoe ben ik onbesneden van lippen. 16 () Dit nu zijn de namen der zonenvan levi, naar hun geboorten gerson, en Kehath, en Merari.

85. Biblio_occ
GOLDSTEIN, BR, levi ben gerson s Preliminary Remarks for a Theoryof Planetary Latitudes , in Aleph, 2 (2002), 1530. KUNITZSCH
Occidental Medieval World
  • EASTWOOD, B., "Johannes Scottus Eriugena, Sun-centred Planets, and Carolingian Astronomy," in Journal for the History of Astronomy EASTWOOD, B., "Astronomia, computo e astrologia," in S. Petruccioli (general editor), Storia della Scienza , IV: Medioevo, Rinascimento , II: La Scienza Bizantina e Latina , ed. J. D. North (Rome: Enciclopedia Italiana, 2001), pp. 149-168. EASTWOOD, B., The Revival of Planetary Astronomy in Carolingian and Post-Carolingian Europe (Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 2002), 334pp. GOLDSTEIN, B.R., "The Maximum Solar Equation in the Alfonsine Tables", in Journal for the History of Astronomy GOLDSTEIN, B.R., "The Astronomical Tables of Judah ben Verga", in Suhayl GOLDSTEIN, B.R., "Levi ben Gerson's Preliminary Remarks for a Theory of Planetary Latitudes", in Aleph KUNITZSCH, P., "La table des climats dans le corpus des plus anciens textes latins sur l'astrolabe", in Callebat, L. ; Desbordes, O. (Hrsg.) : KUNITZSCH, P., "A Note on Ascelinus'Table of Astrolabe Stars", in

86. Segeln/ Der Jakobsstab, Winkelmessinstrument Der Alten Seefahrer
Translate this page Die erste bekannte sachkundige Beschreibung stammt vom jüdischen GelehrtenLevi ben gerson aus Bagnolos in Katalonien (1288-1344).
Der Jakobsstab,
Winkelmessinstrument der alten Seefahrer
von Manfred Iffland
Last update: Donnerstag, 15.3.2001, 06:05:33 Uhr
Er beschreibt wie Vasco da Gama in Ostafrika einem Mauren seine Astrolabien zeigt.
Astrolabium Quadrant Obwohl der Jakobstab bereits 1433 von Paolo Toscanelli (1397 - 1482) erfolgreich zur Ortsbestimmung eines Kometen verwendet worden war, konnte er sich in der Seefahrt, trotz der erheblichen Vereinfachung im Gebrauch durch Regiomontanus, erst ab dem 16. Jahrhundert durchsetzen.
Sextant von Isaak Newton 1699
Der Nachbau eines Jakobstabes von Wilhelm Dorenbusch, ist beim Arbeitskreis Norderney der Wilhelm-Dorenbusch-Sternwarte auf Norderney zu besichtigen.
Sail home to ESYS ...
[Altavista] [Euroseek] [] ... [Hotbot] Page by Peter O.Walter

87. Mathematics 245 Assignments
Theorem Begin reading Dunham, Chapter 6, Cardano and the Solution of the CubicLevi ben gerson, from the Maasei Hoshev (Art of the Calculator) Do Burton
Mathematics 245 Assignments
It is a well-kept secret that doing mathematics really is fun-at least for mathematicians-and I am amazed at how often we use the word "beautiful" to describe work that satisfies us. I am reminded of a remark by a mathematician . . . who was talking with some anthropologists about early human experiments with fire. One anthropologist suggested that these humans were motivated by a desire for better cooking; another thought they were after a dependable source of heat. [The mathematician] said he believed fire came under human control because of their fascination with the flame. I believe that the best mathematicians are fascinated by the flame, and that this is a good thing . . . [b]ecause, fortunately for society, their fascination has, in the end, provided the good cooking and reliable heat we all need. - Phillip A. Griffiths, Director of Institute for Advanced Study
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Read: Burton, Section 1.3, Early Number Theory (pages 13-15)
Ore, Counting and Recording of Numbers (handout)
Various authors on earliest evidences of counting; Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Chinese mathematics, especially origins of Pythagorean Theorem (handout)

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91. Judaic Treasures Of The Library Of Congress: Women Of Italy
Among the earliest of Hebrew books is this commentary on the Pentateuch by Leviben gerson (gersonides), printed by Abraham Conat in Mantua, c. 1476.
Judaic Treasures of the
Library of Congress:
Women of Italy
In the making of the Jewish book, women have played a role as publishers, printers, patrons, and writers. The first woman involved in printing Hebrew books was Estellina, the wife of the physician Abraham Conat, who introduced Hebrew printing in Mantua and published six Hebrew books there in 1474-77. A printing press had been established in that cultured city in 1471 and others followed. As David W. Amram writes in his The Makers of Hebrew Books in Italy At one of these presses Conat caught the inspiration to print Hebrew books, and communicated it to his worthy helpmeet, Estellina. She printed on her own account. . . "Investigation of the World" by Jedaiah Bedersi and in the colophon she writes, "I Estellina, wife of my master my husband, the honored Rabbi Abraham Conat, may he be blessed with children and may his days be prolonged, Amen! wrote this book, 'Investigation of the World"' . . . She "wrote" the book, as her husband said, "with many pens without the aid of a miracle," for the art had not yet invented the word "printing" by which to define itself. It seems clear that she had a hand in the printing and proofreading, both of which the word "wrote" connotes. It is most fitting that the Mantua of the Gonzagas, rulers who were patrons of the arts, be the place where a Jewish woman entered into Hebrew bookmaking. The Jews of that city were the most integrated into the general culture of any contemporary Jewish community, women as well as men. "The libraries of the women of Mantua," Shlomo Simonsohn writes in his

92. SISIUS: Ficha Personal: José Luis Mancha Rodríguez
Star List for 1336. Aleph.

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