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         Gerson Levi Ben:     more detail
  1. The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344): A Critical Edition of Chapters 1-20 with Translation and Commentary (Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1985-07-15
  2. The Astronomical Tables of Levi Ben Gerson (Connecticut Academy of Arts & Sciences Series, Vol 45) by Bernard R. Goldstein, 1974-06
  3. Philosophie religieuse de Lévi-Ben-Gerson (French Edition) by Isidore. Weil, 1868-01-01
  4. Astronomy of Levi Ben Gerson, 1288-1344
  5. Levi Ben Gerson's Prognostication for the Conjunction of 1345 (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society) by Bernard R. Goldstein, David Pingree, 1990-11
  6. Preliminary remarks on Levi ben Gerson's contributions to astronomy, (Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Proceedings) by Bernard R Goldstein, 1969
  7. R. Levi Ben Gerson: A bibliographical essay by Menachem Marc Kellner, 1979
  8. Introduction to the History of Science. Volume 3, Science and Learning in the Fourteenth Century. Part I, The Time of Abu-l-Fida, Levi ben Gerson, and William of Occam (First half of the fourteenth century) by G. Sarton, 1962
  9. Sefer Maassei Choscheb. Die Praxis des Rechners. Ein hebraisch-arithmetisches Werk des Levi Ben Gerschom aus dem jahre 1321. by Gerson (ed.). Levi ben Gershom [GERSONIDES]; LANGE, 1909-01-01

61. Bestseller Bücher
Translate this page Bücher Die Intellektlehre des levi ben gerson in ihrer Beziehung zur christlichenScholastik, Die Intellektlehre des levi ben gerson in ihrer Beziehung zur

62. Math 300 Guidelines For Papers
ibn Qurra Gerbert d Aurillac Ibn alHaytham Mohammad al-Biruni Omar Khayyam Nasiral-Din al-Tusi Leonardo of Pisa Qin Jiushao levi ben gerson Nicole Oresme
Math 300 Great Moments in Mathematics
Spring 2002
Guidelines for papers
You will prepare two research papers for this course:
  • a biographical paper, due February 21 , that relates the mathematical career of a noted historical figure born before 1700; and a paper due April 18 that performs a critical reading of an original source of importance in the history of mathematics.
Your biographical paper should conform to the following guidelines, listed in order of importance, and will be evaluated against them:
  • The paper should present a comprehensively researched discussion of the life history of your chosen mathematician; this person's significant mathematical accomplishments must be thoroughly discussed. (35%) It should be presented in a clear and coherent writing style , using correct spelling, proper pronunciation and good grammar. (25%) It should contain a bibliography with at least three sources including at least three print-published (not Web) sources, it should make appropriate use of direct quotations , and should include in-text citations (as either footnotes or endnotes). (25%)

63. Science News Online - Ivars Peterson's MathLand - 1/18/97
The basic formulas for finding permutations and combinations can befound in the writings of levi ben gerson (12881344). There s
Fragments of the Past
The early history of mathematics is like a jigsaw puzzle missing many of its pieces. Historians and mathematicians have been painstakingly filling in the blanks, gradually constructing a richer, more complete story of how and where mathematical thought originated and spread. One period of considerable interest is that between the decline of Greek mathematics, which coincided with the collapse of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century, and the rise of European mathematics in the 15th century. Mathematics professor Morris Kline of New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences expressed a common view of that period in his 1972 book Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times . "The Arabs made no significant advance in mathematics," he wrote. "What they did was absorb Greek and Hindu mathematics, preserve it, and ultimately, … transmit it to Europe." In other words, Islamic scholars did little more than put Greek mathematics into cold storage until Europe was ready to accept it. Historian George G. Joseph challenged that view in his provocative book

64. Philosophische Buecherei - Philosophen G
Translate this page Georg von Trapezunt (1395-1472/1473). Gerbert von Aurillac (ca. 950-1003). Jeangerson (Johannes gersonius) (1363-1429). levi ben gerson (gersonides) (gest.
zum Inhaltsverzeichnis (Home) Philosophen
Philosophinnen: G ... besondere Empfehlung
D ... deutschsprachige Seite
... neu aufgenommene Seite Salomo ben Jehuda ibn Gabirol (Avicebron, Avencebrol) (ca. 1020-1058 od. ca. 1070) Hans Georg Gadamer (1900-2002)
  • D Gadamer Homepage (Etsuro Makita) D Philosophie Hans-Georg Gadamer ist tot (Spiegel online, 14.3.2002)
    Nachruf auf Hans Georg Gadamer The Hans Georg Gadamer Homepage (Kris Murray) D Festakt zu Ehren des 100. Geburtstages von Hans Georg Gadamer (Universität Heidelberg)
    Nicht nur eine Dokumentation des Festaktes am 11.2.2000, sondern auch eine profunde Einführung in Gadamers Biographie und Werk von Dieter Borchmeyer D Hans-Georg Gadamer: Aus: Wahrheit und Methode (Axel W. Bauer) D Jens Kertscher: Wahrheit mit Methode - Gadamer zum 100.
  • Galenos (Galen) (129-210) Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

    65. Table Of Contents
    Translate this page HEADWORD, levi, leviten, 282. . HEADWORD, levi ben Abraham ben Chajjim, 294.. HEADWORD, levi ben gerson, 295. . HEADWORD, Lewald (Johann Karl August), 305..
    Leibeigenschaft - Ligatur
    Bibliographic description for this electronic document

    This is volume Sect 2 Th 43 of Allgemeine Encyclopädie der Wissenschaften und Künste

    Browsing list

    66. Islamic Philosophy: Transmission Into Western Europe
    several scholars in the south of France, Catalonia and Italy, including Moses ibnTibbon, Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera, levi ben gerson (see gersonides) and Moses of
    Islamic philosophy: transmission into Western Europe
  • Early translations: twelfth century Thirteenth-century translations The contribution of Jewish scholars The beginnings of Arabic scholarship
  • 1. Early translations: twelfth century
    Some seventy works were translated from Arabic by Gerard of Cremona , nicknamed 'the Master' ( dictus magister ), at the cathedral of Toledo. These included Aristotle's Posterior Analytics Physics On Generation and Corruption and Meteorology I-III (see Aristotle ), as well as four short tracts on natural science by Alexander of Aphrodisias . To these originally Greek works, Gerard added four philosophical letters of al-Kindi , a letter on proof by the Ikhwan al-Safa' and al-Farabi's Kitab ihsa' al-'ulum (On the Classification of the Sciences) (see al-Farabi Also at this time, the importance of the al-Shifa' (Healing) of Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was brought to the notice of Archbishop John of Toledo by a Jewish scholar called 'Avendauth' (perhaps the same as Abraham Ibn Daud , the author of al-'Aqida al-rafi'a (The Exalted Faith) ). Portions of the text, including those on universals, physics (in part), the soul and metaphysics, were translated by Avendauth, Dominicus Gundissalinus (an archdeacon in the cathedral

    67. Mathem_abbrev
    Marrakushi al Banu Musa brothers bar Hiyya, Abraham Barrow, Isaac Battani, Abu alBayes, Thomas Bell, Eric Temple ben Ezra, Abraham ben gerson, levi ben Tibbon
    Mathematician Report Index Below is a list of mathematicians. You may choose from this list or report on a mathematician not listed here. In either case, you must discuss with me the mathematician you have chosen prior to starting your report. No two students may write a report on the same mathematician. I would advise you to go to the library before choosing your topic as there might not be much information on the mathematician you have chosen. Also, you should determine the topic early in the term so that you can "lock-in" your report topic!! The report must include: 1. The name of the mathematician. 2. The years the mathematician was alive. 3. A biography. 4. The mathematician's major contribution(s) to mathematics and an explanation of the importance. 5. A historical perspective during the time the mathematician was alive.
    Some suggestions on the historical perspective might be:
    (a) Any wars etc.
    (b) Scientific breakthroughs of the time
    (c) Major discoveries of the time
    (d) How did this mathematician change history etc.

    68. History Of Astronomy: Persons (G)
    astronomy); Links to WWW sources. gersonides see levi ben gerson (12881344);Getaldic Ghetaldi, Marin Marino (1568-1626) Biographical
    History of Astronomy Persons
    History of Astronomy: Persons (G)
    Deutsche Fassung

    69. Full Alphabetical Index
    Translate this page 858) Gentzen, Gerhard (277*) Gerard of Cremona (668) Gergonne, Joseph (75) Gerhardof Cremona (668) Germain, Sophie (1063*), gerson, levi ben (268) Gherard of
    Full Alphabetical Index
    The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
    Abbe , Ernst (602*)
    , Niels Henrik (2899*)
    bar Hiyya (641)
    Abraham, Max

    Abu Kamil
    Shuja (1012)
    Abu Jafar

    al-Buzjani (1115)
    , Wilhelm (205)
    Adams, John Couch

    Adams, J Frank

    of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

    70. 1183-1184 (Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 9. Kristendomen - Lloyd)
    en gång. (skillnad) (historik) 1183 levi ben gersonLewis. 1184 leviben gerson. Se Ger sonide s. levide. Se Levede. levin, Israel
    Nordisk familjebok 1800-talsutgåvan. 9. Kristendomen - Lloyd
    (1885) Tema: Reference
    Table of Contents / Innehåll
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    71. The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR) By Milo Gardner
    More recently, Victor Katz in his _A History of Mathematics_, pp 278 ff, describes induction as it was used by levi ben gerson in 1321, well before
    The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR) by Milo Gardner
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    Back to math-history-list
    Subject: The Egyptian Mathematical Leather Roll (EMLR) Author: Date: The Math Forum

    72. UBC Library - MARION
    levi ben gerson, 12881344. See levi ben Gershom, 1288-1344. levi, benjaminH. (benjamin Horowitz), 1961- (1 title); levi Bianchi, Fulvia., An

    73. Trigonometry And Basic Functions - Numericana
    c is twice the side opposite to an angle g in a right triangle of hypotenuse r. Aproof was published in 1342 by the Provençal rabbi levi ben gerson (12881344
    home index units counting ... physics
    Final Answers
    , Ph.D.
    Trigonometry and Functions
    Related articles on this site:
    Related Links (Outside this Site)
    An introduction to Trigonometry : A Math Tutorial by Johan.Claeys

    74. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
    Born 22 Jan 1908 in Baku, Azerbaijan, Russian Empire Died 1 April 1968 in Moscow,USSR levi, levi ben gerson Born 1288 in Bagnols, Gard, France Died 1344

    75. SIEPM - Published Works - G
    Translate this page 19-45. gersonides (sive levi b. gerson) 00/247 – GLASNER, R., «Aa Unknowncommentary by levi ben Gershom», in Kiriat Sefer, 64 (1992/3), p. 1101.
    Gabriel Bielus
    Cf. Research on a topic
    , Paris, Peeters (Orientalia Lovanoensia Analecta 79), 1997, pp. 209-216.
    Gregorius Ariminensis
    Gregorio da Rimini. Contingenza, futuro, scienza nel pensiero tardo-medievale , Roma, Antonianum, 2004.
    Antonianum , 78 (2003), pp. 47-74.
    A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages , Oxford, Blackwell, 2003, pp. 283-90.
    Georgius Gemistius Pletho
    Cf. Marsilius Ficinus
    (Historical Monographs, 19). Athens, St. D. Basilopoulos, 1998, 150 pp.
    Gerardus Cremonensis
    Theorica planetarum Gerardi (Bibliologia 18, Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia). Turnhout, Brepols, 1998, pp. 169-174.
    Gerardus Odonis
    Chemins de la pensée médiévale. Études offertes à Zénon Kaluza , Turnhout, Brepols (F.I.D.E.M., Textes et études du Moyen Age 20), 2002, pp. 351-377.
    Gerbertus Aureliacensis
    (Limoges-Tokyo), 2 (1997), pp. 67-70.
    (Limoges-Tokyo), 2 (1997), pp. 19-45.
    Gersonides ( sive Levi b. Gerson)
    Kiriat Sefer,
    Jewish Quarterly Review, 86 (1995), pp. 51-90.
    Early Science and Medecine, 1 (1996), pp. 151-203.

    76. Lunar Republic : Craters
    81. levi ben gerson (12881344), French-born Jewish philosopher, mathematicianand astronomer; invented Jacob s Staff, an instrument to measure the angular
    Craters (R)
    Craters A B C D ... Return To Gazetteer Index Latin Name Lat Long Diam Origin Rabbi Levi Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344), French-born Jewish philosopher, mathematician and astronomer; invented Jacob's Staff, an instrument to measure the angular distance between celestial objects. Racah Giulio ~ (1909-1965), Italian-Israeli physicist. Racine Jean-Baptiste ~ (1639-1699), French classical playwright. Raimond J. J. ~, Jr. (1903-1961), Dutch astronomer. Raman Chandrasekhra Venkata ~ (1888-1970), Indian physicist; in 1930, he became the first Asian to receive a Nobel Prize in science (physics). Ramsay Sir William ~ (1852-1916), Scottish chemist; awarded Nobel Prize in chemistry (1904). Ramsden Jesse ~ (1735-1800), British inventor; perfected early sextants and barometers; devised the first satisfactory screw-cutting lathes at dawn of the Industrial Revolution. Rankine William John Macquorn ~ (1820-1872), Scottish inventor, civil engineer, poet and molecular physicist. Raspletin Aleksandr Andreyevich ~ (1908-1967), Soviet radio and electronics engineer.

    77. Abraham
    Translate this page Levy levi, 977, Abraham, levi ben Abraham à Narbonne. 1237, Levy, Anselm Lévi àCologne. 1288, Guerchon, Lévi ben gerson à Avignon. 1393, Levy, Lévi Samuel àParis.
    Levy Levi Abraham Levy Guerchon Levy Levy Levy Levit Leib, Levy Levy 14th c. Levy Eisenmann Cousel

    78. Jewish Genealogical Records Of Istanbul
    KARMONA, (Avram) Robert, ben AA, YEKATEL? levi, (Levent) Yasef, Semuel, SALTI,Ceni, Aron (Marko), 1952, 359, Cedilla on S in Semuel. gerson, Mose, Selomo,ZAKAY?

    79. Olivier's Opinion #006
    If we come back to Rabbi levi ben gerson, I agree with Doron that probably, likemany of us, he was fascinated by the plays of these charming entities that
    About Doron Zeilberger's Opinion #36
    While I am very sympathetic with Doron Zeilberger's frank and direct way of expressing his ideas and while most of the mathematics he does with his companion Shalosh B. Ekhad has a strong appeal to me, I am far to agree with it on many minor aspects of his opinions. (It is better to have read Doron Zeilberger's text before reading this. See: and for the feedback he received from various people go to As english is not my mother tongue, any comment on the spelling, grammar or style of this text is welcome. Please mail it to me
      Mathematician=programmer ?
    • No, a Ph. D. in math does not warrant at all the ability to learn programming, even when one has removed those very common psychological blocks DZ refers to. There is a lot to unlearn, there is the whole social implication of a researcher in the academic system. Moreover, we all now math Ph. D. who aren't smart *at all* and especially about mathematics. Introducing this kind of public to even mathematically-minded computer macro-languages like TeX is sometimes worth Hercules' works. Part of the trouble with any academic system is that there are areas, times and circonstances were you can be dubbed "researcher" or "professor" by only being a good schoolboy, no need to be smart or creative about the subject. In fact, the mathematics researchers I know who program well had most of the time a keen interest in programming or computers before they graduated. It makes me appreciate even more the senior mathematicians who are good with these tools or who switched successfully at a late stage in their career.

    80. Encyclopedia4U - Gersonides - Encyclopedia Article
    Rabbi levi ben gerson (Gershon), better known as gersonides or the Ralbag (1288—1344CE), was a Jewish philosopher and commentator, was born at Bagnols in
    ENCYCLOPEDIA U com Lists of articles by category ...
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    Rabbi Levi ben Gerson (Gershon), better known as Gersonides or the 'Ralbag (1288—1344 CE), was a Jewish philosopher and commentator, was born at Bagnols in Languedoc. Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Biography
    2 Works

    3 Views on God and omnipotence

    4 Views of the afterlife
    As in the case of the other medieval Jewish philosophers little is known of his life. His family had been distinguished for piety and exegetical skill, but though he was known in the Jewish community by commentaries on certain books of the Bible , he never seems to have accepted any rabbinical post. Possibly the freedom of his opinions may have put obstacles in the way of his preferment. He is known to have been at Avignon and Orange during his life, and is believed to have died in 1344, though Zacuto asserts that he died at Perpignan in 1370.
    Part of his writings consist of commentaries on the portions of Aristotle then known, or rather of commentaries on the commentaries of Averroes . Some of these are printed in the early Latin editions of Aristotle’s works. His most important treatise, that by which he has a place in the history of philosophy, is entitled

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