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         Gergonne Joseph:     more detail
  1. Geometrische Analysis ... Aus Dem Englischen Übersetzt Und Sehr Vermehnt (German Edition) by John Leslie, Johann Philipp Grüson, et all 2010-02-05

61. Joseph Liouville
The family then settled in Toul where joseph attended school. After reading articlesin gergonne s Journal he proved some geometrical results which he wrote up Liouville .htm
Joseph Liouville
Born: 24 March 1809 in Saint-Omer, France
Died: 8 Sept 1882 in Paris, France
Joseph Liouville 's father was an army captain in Napoleon's army so Joseph had to spend the first few years of his life with his uncle. His father was certainly fortunate to survive the wars and after Napoleon was defeated he retired to live with his family. The family then settled in Toul where Joseph attended school. From Toul he went to the Collège St Louis in Paris where he studied mathematics at the highest levels. After reading articles in Gergonne 's Journal he proved some geometrical results which he wrote up as papers although they were never published. Liouville entered the École Polytechnique in 1825 and attended Ampère 's Cours d'analyse et de mécanique in session 1825-26. He also attended courses by Arago at the École Polytechnique as well as a second course by Ampère at the Collège de France. Although Liouville does not seen to have attended any of Cauchy 's courses, it is clear that Cauchy must have had a strong influence on him. Liouville graduated in 1827 with

62. Re: Miquel By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
485487, Paris, 1838. In passing, I remark that one paper appeared in gergonne sjournal after joseph D. gergonne (1771-1859), founder and editor of *Annales
Re: Miquel by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: Re: Miquel Author: Date: The Math Forum

63. William Henry Fox Talbot [was: Query] By Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
Jul 1997 022458 0400 Dear Dick Tahta, Jakob Steiner credits William Henry Talbotin a quotation appeared in the gergonne s journal after joseph D. gergonne
William Henry Fox Talbot [was: query] by Julio Gonzalez Cabillon
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Subject: William Henry Fox Talbot [was: query] Author: Date: The Math Forum

64. Base FDDE : Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Retour à la page principale. Gaulthier, joseph Sexe Masculin Naissance Moselle,FranceFamille Père Bouchere, François Mère gergonne, Françoise.
Charaux, Jean Sexe: Masculin
Naissance : Moselle,France
Parents Charaux, Jean
Lapied, Jeanne

Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Goujon, Anne
Naissance : Moselle,France
Parents Goujon, Denis
Lamiable, Marie

Gennezenne, Christophe
Sexe: Masculin
Occupation : Tisserand Parents Gennezenne, Antoine Petit (Klein), Marguerite Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Goujon, Marguerite Parents Goujon, Pierre Virion, Marie Enfant(s) Zennezenne, Barbe Zennezenne, Dominique Sexe: Masculin Zennezenne, Elisabeth Zennezenne, Marie
Gennezenne, Antoine Sexe: Masculin Naissance : Moselle,France Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Petit (Klein), Marguerite Enfant(s) Gennezenne, Christophe
Sexe: Masculin Naissance : Moselle,France Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Zennezenne, Barbe Parents Gennezenne, Christophe Goujon, Marguerite
Vogin, Nicolas Sexe: Masculin Naissance : Moselle,France Parents Vogin, Nicolas Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Goujon, Barbe Naissance : Woippy, Moselle,France Parents Goujon, Denis Lamiable, Marie Enfant(s) Vosgein, Pierre
Vogin, Nicolas Sexe: Masculin Naissance : Moselle,France

65. Base FDDE : Informations Généalogiques
Translate this page Père Strebler, joseph Mère Glath, Barbe. Retour à la page principale.Moniot Parents Père Genot, Pierre Mère gergonne, Anne. Famille
Javelier, Nicolas Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Mariage:
Conjoint: Benoist, Jeanne
Benoist, Denis
Enfant(s) Javelier, Catherine
Javelier, Anne

Javelier, Nicolas
Maillot, Pierre Sexe: Masculin
Famille: Conjoint: Vernier, Anne
Maillot, Pierrette
Maillot, Blaize
Strebler, Joseph Sexe: Masculin
Parents Strebler, Joseph Lickel, Madeleine Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Glath, Barbe Parents Glad, Michael Batt, Barbara Enfant(s) Strebler, Barbara Strebler, Michel Sexe: Masculin Strebler, Madeleine Strebler, Joseph
Speckel, Joseph Sexe: Masculin Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Strebler, Madeleine Parents Strebler, Joseph Glath, Barbe
Moniot, Etienne Sexe: Masculin Parents Lavieille, Madeleine Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Javelier, Anne Parents Javelier, Nicolas Benoist, Jeanne
Ricard, Etienne Sexe: Masculin Parents Ricard, Etienne Crapart, Anne Famille: Mariage: Conjoint: Moniot, Louise Parents Lavieille, Madeleine
Ricard, Etienne Sexe: Masculin Famille: Conjoint: Crapart, Anne Enfant(s) Ricard, Etienne
Sexe: Masculin Famille: Conjoint: Calmon, Catherine Enfant(s) Garnier, Laurent

66. Philosophen G
gergonne,joseph D. Gerhards, Gerhard; Germain, Sophie; Gerson, Johannes;
  • Gadamer, Hans-Georg Galenos, Claudius Galilei, Galileo Galitsch, Alexandr Iwanowitsch Galton, Francis Gangesha, Upadchjan Gansiniec, Ryszard Garve, Christian Gassendi, Pierre Gast, Peter Gebarowicz, Mieczyslaw Geblewicz, Eugeniusz Gehlen, Arnold Geiger, Moritz Gemina I Gemina II Gentile, Giovanni Gentz, Friedrich von Gentzen, Gerhard Georgios, Pachymeres Gerber, Gustav Gerbert von Aurillac Gergonne, Joseph D. Gerhards, Gerhard Germain, Sophie Gerson, Johannes Gerzen, Alexandr Iwanowitsch Geulincx, Arnold Ghazali, Abu Hamid Mohammed Gichtel, Johann Georg Gilbert de la Porrés Gilbertus Porretanus Gilson, Etienne Henri Glucksmann, André Goclenius, Rudolf Gödel, Kurt Godwin, William Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Goldmann, Lucien Gomperz, Heinrich Goodman, Nelson Gorgias of Leontinoi Göring, Carl Gotama Gottsched, Johann Christoph Grabmann, Martin Gramsci, Antonio Grassi, Ernesto Greathead, Robert Green, Thomas Hill Gregor Ariminensis Gregor von Rimini Gregorius Palamas Grelling, Kurt Grice, Herbert Paul Grignan de Sévigné, Françoise Marguerite Groethuysen, Bernhard

67. Histoire De L'enseignement De L'astronomie à Montpellier
joseph-Diez gergonne chaire d astronomie de 1816 à 1836;
L'enseignement de l'Astronomie
Merci de signaler erreurs ou omissions
au Centre Culturel de l'Astronomie :"L'Observatoire de la Babote " (1986, ISBN 2-9501264-0-5) et "Le pavillon d'astronomie du jardin des plantes " (2001, ISBN 2-9516194-0-5). M tout au long du XVIII e L a d'une chaire d'a stronomie. Une chaire de "
E n 1898, " Astronomie" est un des certificats de licence
  • Astronomie Zoologie Botanique
E n Astronomie approfondie" . Le premier, " Astronomie",
  • V
      Joseph-Antoine REBOUL (portrait) Joseph-Diez GERGONNE C.J.B.L. LARCHER D' AUBANCOURT Jean-Nicolas LEGRAND (portrait) Edouard Albert ROCHE (portrait) Edouard COMBESCURE Louis SAUVAGE FABRY DAUTHEVILLE Auguste-Victor LEBEUF Adolphe BUHL Armand DENJOY TURRIERE Pierre HUMBERT Jacques-Lucien-Julien SOULA Robert CAMPBELL Jean-Pierre KAHANE Marcel LEFRANC COUCHET
    (*) : Roche

    II - L'Astrophysique et la Cosmologie
    D L
    a France Astrophysique Cosmologie A Montpellier , c'est en Astrophysique ANDRILLAT GLEIZES E n Cosmologie E n D epuis 1965 l' Astronomie fondamentale, l' Astrophysique et la Cosmologie Les listes des sont disponibles :
    Avant 1967
    L' nouveau campus.
  • 68. Neue Seite 1
    Translate this page Gentzen, Gerhard (1909 - 1945). gergonne, joseph Diaz (1771 - 1831).Germain, Sophie (1776 - 1831). ben Gerson, Levi (1288 - 1344).
    Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909) Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829) Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130) Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922) Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930) Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998) Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843) Aepinus, Franz Ulrich Theodosius (13.12.1724 - 10.8.1802) Agnesi, Maria (1718 - 1799) Ahlfors, Lars (1907 - 1996) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (835 - 912) Ahmes (um 1680 - um 1620 v. Chr.) Aida Yasuaki (1747 - 1817) Aiken, Howard Hathaway (1900 - 1973) Airy, George Biddell (27.7.1801 - 2.1.1892) Aithoff, David (1854 - 1934) Aitken, Alexander (1895 - 1967) Ajima, Chokuyen (1732 - 1798) Akhiezer, Naum Il'ich (1901 - 1980) al'Battani, Abu Allah (um 850 - 929) al'Biruni, Abu Arrayhan (973 - 1048) al'Chaijami (? - 1123) al'Haitam, Abu Ali (965 - 1039) al'Kashi, Ghiyath (1390 - 1450) al'Khwarizmi, Abu Abd-Allah ibn Musa (um 790 - um 850) Albanese, Giacomo (1890 - 1948) Albert von Sachsen (1316 - 8.7.1390)

    69. List Of Mathematicians Definition Meaning Information Explanation
    France, 1776 1831); joseph Diaz gergonne (France, 1771-1859); KurtG¶del, (Austria, USA, 1906 - 1978); Christian Goldbach (Germany
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    70. Sobre La Internacionalización De Las Revistas Matemáticas
    Translate this page mayor difusión se suele considerar pionera de esta faceta profesional, los Annalesde Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées de joseph Diez gergonne, tenía un

    CTS+I Sala de lectura
    en su XX Aniversario
    alma razonable frente a las disposiciones belicosas del alma y el orgullo de la fuerza brutal . Las Naciones que cultivan las ciencias son, para este autor del siglo XI , las que forman Estagirita Ciencias Naturales Sobre el alma y Sobre la juventud y la decrepitud y Leviathan , no se anduvieron tampoco con remilgos. Locke, mentor de la sociedad civil concebida como primer mundo ad infinitum, Epistola Prior y la Epistola Posterior calculus u Oldenbug Royal Society Philosophical Transactions Philosophical Transactions Giving Some Accompt of the Present Undertakings, Studies and Labours of the Ingenious in Many Considerable Parts of the World ) logros y el trabajo de sus miembros. Mas las Philosophical Transactions y el Journal des Savants Acta Eruditorum Journal de Trevoux philosophes virtuosi Philosophical Transactions calculus Monatliche Correspondenz Astronomische Nachrichten
    Archiv der reine und angewandte Mathematik
    de Leopold A. Crelle y el Quadrivium ranking Annales de Gergonne Annales , elemento que Los estudios cuantitativos llevados a cabo sobre los Annales de Gergonne % autores Provincias Extranjero Annales de Gergonne.

    71. Informations Généalogiques
    Translate this page MOUCHETTE, Marguerite, Retour à la page principale. HAZARD, gergonne, Sexe MasculinNaissance 1610 à MOIVRONS 54 ? -HENTZIEN, joseph HENSGEN (HENSIEN
    HENRIOT, Didier
    HENRIOT, Paul GENOT, Elisabeth HENRIOT, Paul
    DEDIN, Humbert
    DEDIN, Marie Sexe: Masculin
    Famille HENRIOT - HAUMECOURT Mariage:
    HOMECOURT, Mathias
    RUZE, Didier
    RUZE, Marguerite GODOT, Marguerite
    HENRIOT, Marie
    ... GEORGE (?CORSE), Nicole Sexe: Masculin
    Famille MOUCHETTE - HAZARD Mariage:
    HAZARD, Pierre
    HAZARD, Guillaume DROUIN, Marie HAZARD, Catherine
    PETIT, n
    PETIT, Louise
    MOUCHETTE, Marguerite
    HAZARD, Gergonne
    Sexe: Masculin Famille HAZARD - MANGIN MANGIN, Barbe HAZARD, Dominique
    HAZARD, Dominique
    HAZARD, Pierre HAZARD, Guillaume DROUIN, Didier DROUIN, Marie COURTIER, Claude Sexe: Masculin Naissance : MOIVRONS 54 ? Famille HAZARD - PETIT PETIT, n PETIT, Louise Naissance : ?MOIVRONS HAZARD, Catherine
    HECK, Thielmann
    HECK, Jean HACKLO, Marie Sexe: Masculin Famille HECK - ISMERT Mariage: ISMERT, Nicolas ISMERT, Jean-Michel ISMERT, Catherine ZECH, Anne-Catherine SCHNEIDER, Marie HECK, Appolonie
    PHILIPPE, Jean Sexe: Masculin Naissance : 1660 Famille PHILIPPE - HECKBOURG HECKBOURG, Marguerite

    72. Mathematics Unbound Abstracts
    joseph Diez gergonne s periodical title, Annales de mathématiques pures et appliquées,was quite similar, and it is often considered the first mathematical
    Hermite, Darboux, and the Promotion
    of German Mathematics in post-1870 France Tom Archibald
    Acadia University (Canada)
    France's political transition from the Second Empire to the Third Republic was accompanied by a mathematical transition of which one remarkable feature is an increased interest in German research. In this period, French mathematicians not only studied German work, they absorbed aspects of its dominant values. The shift toward German-style pure mathematics is not mirrored in other aspects of cultural life, and special factors mediating these developments must be sought, the more so because of the anti-German sentiment in France following the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871. In this paper, I investigate the roles of Gaston Darboux and Charles Hermite in the dissemination of German work to French audiences. This was a multifaceted effort, involving the translation and publication of both abstracts and articles, the encouragement of theses on subjects of German origin, the reform of curriculum at the Paris and elsewhere, and the cultural recognition of German mathematicians through appointments to the

    73. Aberja - Philosophen - G
    gergonne, joseph D. - Biografie (; Gerhards
    Alphabetischer Index
    Homepage anmelden Tipps zur Suche Hilfe
    mit Standardsuche mit Index-Suche mit Meta-Suche mit Auktions-Suche
    Philosophie Philosophen : Philosophen - G : Philosophen - G

    74. Enteréglise
    Translate this page Barbe Françoise (1719) - Barbe Marie (1724) - Barbe (1686) - joseph (1690) - Louyse(1703) - Nicolas joseph (1725) - Jean joseph (1712) - Catherine gergonne.
    Inhumations dans l'Eglise de Briey Entre 1682 et 1792 ADAM Nicolas 82 ans ANTHOINE Jean DE LA BARRE Nicolas 74 ans 44 ans 11 jours DE REIFFENBERG Plaicard Charles Antoine 8 ans Fils de Pierre Philippe Joseph, comte, seigneur de Mussot, Aix, Athus et autres lieux. DEPERET Jacques Joseph 20 ans DOUBLET Charles Louis 50 ans DUQUENOIS Louis Charles 55 ans Conseiller et procureur du Roy. Au-devant du banc de Messieurs les officiers du bailliage. 1 jour GALLOIS Nicolas GERARD Jean 78 ans 29 ans LEMASSON Antoine Mathieu 35 ans LEMASSON Elisabeth 2 mois Fille de Jacques. LEMASSON Gaspard fils de Jacques et Anne WARIN LEMASSON Jacques 67 ans LEMASSON Joseph 9 mois LEMASSON Marie Gabrielle 25 ans 66 ans LOMBARD Michel 3 ans Fils de Christophe. MOLIBERT Nicolas 33 ans 19 ans PIERSON Cuny 51 ans WARIN Jean 75 ans Originaire de Rouvre. Dans la Chapelle de l’Annonciation 64 ans DE CHARTOGNE Anne 94 ans Veuve de Nicolas D’ARO. 88 ans Epouse de Jacques GŒURY. MANGEON DE LA BARRE Marguerite 57 ans MERCIER Marie 16 ans Fille de Louys, laboureur Dans la Chapelle Sainte-Barbe Dans la Chapelle Saint Crespin DANOUX Mathieu 75 ans 33 ans LEBRUN Marie-Barbe 60 ans Epouse de Jacques FRANCOIS Dans la Chapelle Saint-Hubert AUBERT Elisabeth 50 ans Epouse de Jacques THIBAUT, maire de Saint-Pierremont

    75. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
    Gemma Frisius, Regnier (1774*) Genocchi, Angelo (858*) Gentry, Ruth (701) Gentzen,Gerhard (1519*) Gerard of Cremona (668) gergonne, joseph (1116) Gerhard of

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    76. Überblick - 1700 N.Chr. Bis 1900 N.Chr.
    Translate this page Moivre Colin Mac Laurin Leonhard Euler joseph Louis Lagrange Victor Poncelet (Traité)Dualitätsprinzip (Poncelet, Plücker, gergonne) Elliptische Funktionen
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Zur Startseite Überblick 600 v. Chr. ... SCHLUSS 1700 n. Chr. - 1900 n. Chr.
    [ Historische Entwicklungen ]
    Für eine komplette Zeitlinie aller Mathematiker, die 1700 n. Chr. bis 1900 n. Chr. gewirkt haben, klicken Sie bitte hier v.Chr. Geschichtl. Ereignisse Brook Taylor
    Alexis Clairaut
    Jean Baptiste D'Alembert
    Johann Heinrich Lambert
    Adrien-Marie Legendre
    Pierre Simon Laplace
    (Système de monde)
    Gründung der "Analytical
    Society" in Cambridge
    William George Horner Jean Joseph Fourier Gründung des "Crelleschen Journals" Homogene Koordinaten (Möbius, Plücker) Nikolai Lobatschewski Siméon-Denis Poisson George Peacock (Algebra) János Bolyai Gründung von Liouvilles Journal Hermann Grassmann (Ausdehnungslehre) Peter Gustav Dirichlet George Boole (laws of thought) Karl Weierstraß in Berlin Eduard Heine Erlanger Programm von Felix Klein Georg Cantor Ferdinand von Lindermann Leopold Kronecker Ernst Eduard Kummer Pafnuti Tschebyschew Primzahlsatz (Hadamard und De la Vallé-Poussin) Hilbertsche Probleme Abraham De Moivre Colin Mac Laurin Leonhard Euler Joseph Louis Lagrange Gründung der Ecole Polytech- nique Gaspard Monge Carl Friedrich Gauss (Disquisitiones arithmeticae) Bernard Bolzano (rein analytischer Beweis) Victor Poncelet (Traité) Dualitätsprinzip (Poncelet

    77. Philosophical Themes From CSL:
    Jean Victor Poncelet (17881867) and joseph gergonne (1771-1859) introduced theprinciple of duality, which allows theorems about ‘lines’ and ‘points
    Was there a Revolution in Geometry in the Nineteenth Century? Home Online Articles Links ... Recommend a Friend
    Arguing that were was a revolution in nineteenth century geometry, I naturally concentrate on the area of mathematics in which that revolution occurred. Therefore, after defining the term ‘revolution’, I only briefly summarise the non-revolutionary geometrical developments of the period. The revolutionary developments concern the origin of non-Euclidean geometry, and the history of this topic is traced in more detail. After explaining these developments and showing that they fit our definition of ‘revolution’, I go on to explain some of the repercussions of this revolution in other areas of mathematics, as well as in geometry itself. On the Definition of “Revolution” In general, the term ‘revolution’ means, roughly, the overturning of the establishment or of the established system . Tailoring this to our subject matter, we might define a ‘mathematical revolution’ as follows: the revision of assumptions which were previously deeply entrenched and were central to our understanding of an important branch of mathematics
    Non-Revolutionary Developments The most important of the non-revolutionary developments in nineteenth century geometry was the rebirth of projective geometry. Jean Victor Poncelet (1788-1867) and Joseph Gergonne (1771-1859) introduced

    78. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (P)
    The term POLAR was introduced by josephDiez gergonne (1771-1859) in itsmodern geometric sense in 1810 (Smith vol. I). POLAR COORDINATES.
    ¦­´Á¼Æ¾Ç¦r·Jªº¾ú¥v (P)
    Last revision: July 31, 1999 p-ADIC INTEGER was coined by Kurt Hensel (1861-1941) (Katz, page 824). PAIRWISE. An early use of this term is in Chowla, S.; Erdoes, Pal; Straus, E.G. On the maximal number of pairwise orthogonal latin squares of a given order, Canadian J. Math. 12, 204-208 (1960). PANGEOMETRY is the term Nicholas Lobachevsky (1796-1856) gave to his non-Euclidea geometry (Schwartzman, p. 157). PARABOLA was probably coined by Apollonius, who, according to Pappus, had terms for all three conic sections. Michael N. Fried says there are two known occasions where Archimedes used the terms "parabola" and "ellipse," but that "these are, most likely, later interpolations rather than Archimedes own terminology." Parabola is dated 1579 in MWCD10. PARABOLIC GEOMETRY. See hyperbolic geometry. PARACOMPACT. The term and the concept are due to J. Dieudonné (1906-1992), who introduced them in Une généralisation des espaces compacts , J. Math. Pures Appl., 23 (1944) pp. 65-76. A topological space X X is a Hausdorff space, and (ii) every open cover of

    79. Earliest Known Uses Of Some Of The Words Of Mathematics (I)
    In the literature of mathematics, this term was introduced by josephDiaz gergonne(1771-1859) in Essai sur la th?rie des d?initions, Annales de Math?
    ¦­´Á¼Æ¾Ç¦r·Jªº¾ú¥v (I)
    Last revision: Aug. 2, 1999 ICOSAHEDRON is found in English in Sir Henry Billingsley's 1570 translation of Euclid's Elements The term IDEAL (as a noun) was introduced by Richard Dedekind (1831-1916) in P. G. L. Dirichlet Vorles. über Zahlentheorie (ed. 2, 1871) Suppl. x. 452 (OED2). IDEAL NUMBER. Ernst Eduard Kummer (1810-1893) introduced the term ideale zahl in 1846 in Ber. über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verh. d. K. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin IDEMPOTENT and NILPOTENT were used by Benjamin Peirce (1809-1880) in 1870: When an expression raised to the square or any higher power vanishes, it may be called nilpotent; but when, raised to a square or higher power, it gives itself as the result, it may be called idempotent. The defining equation of nilpotent and idempotent expressions are respectively A n = 0, and A n A; but with reference to idempotent expressions, it will always be assumed that they are of the form A A, unless it be otherwise distinctly stated. This citation is excerpted from "Linear Associative Algebra," a memoir read by Benjamin Peirce before the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, 1870, and published by him as a lithograph in 1870. In 1881, Peirce's son, Charles S. Peirce, reprinted it in the American Journal of Mathematics.

    80. Philosophie
    Translate this page joseph D. gergonne (1771 - 1859). Der französische Astronom, Mathematikerund Logiker joseph D. gergonne untersuchte die fünf grundegenden
    Kunst Kultur Index Psychologie ... Kant Kritik der praktischen Vernunft - Heidegger - Schiller-Die Glocke Fontane-Herr Ribbeck Die Pelzchen der Swabeedoo Dans - Shakespeare - Descartes - Sonstige Autoren und Betrachtungen - Sitemap A B C ... Z Philosophenlexikon G von
    Hans-Georg Gadamer (geb. 1900)
    Der deutsche Philosoph 1922 vollendete er seine Dissertation bei N. Hartmann und P. Natorp Das Wesen der Lust nach den platonischen Dialogen Gadamer habilitatierte sich 1929 bei Heidegger Platons Ethik. Gadamer wirkte als Privatdozent in Marburg (1929-34 und 1935-36) und Kiel (1934-35). 1937/38 war er Professor in Marburg. 1939-47 war Gadamer Professor in Leipzig 1947-49 lehrte Gadamer in Frankfurt a. M. Von 1949 bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Jahr 1968 wirkte Gadamer als Nachfolger von Karl Jaspers in Heidelberg. Gadamer arbeitete in der Tradition der philosophischen Hermeneutik des jungen Heidegger, die er Hegels dialektischer Philosophie verbinden wollte.

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