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         Gerard Of Cremona:     more detail
  1. Gerard of Cremona's Translation of the Commentary of Al-Nayrizi on Book I of Euclid's Elements of Geometry: With an Introductory Account of the Twenty-Two ... and Medieval Texts and Contexts, 2) by Anaritius, Gherardo, et all 2003-10
  2. Gerard of Cremona: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. Arabic-latin Translators: Herman of Carinthia, Robert of Ketton, Adelard of Bath, Gerard of Cremona, Michael Scot, Arnaldus de Villa Nova
  4. Gerard of Cremona
  5. 1187 Deaths; Pope Gregory Viii, Pope Urban Iii, Raynald of Châtillon, Gilbert Foliot, Raymond Iii of Tripoli, Gerard of Cremona, Ruben Iii
  6. People From Cremona: Claudio Monteverdi, Sofonisba Anguissola, Liutprand of Cremona, Gianluca Vialli, Ugo Tognazzi, Gerard of Cremona
  7. 1110s Births: Thomas Becket, Robert of Ketton, Wace, Raymond of Poitiers, Ponce de Minerva, Dirk VI, Count of Holland, Gerard of Cremona
  8. Della Vita e Delle Opere di Gherardo Cremonese, Traduttore del Secolo Duodecimo e di Gherardo da Sabbionetta, Astronomo del Secolo Decimoterzo Notizie Raccolte. by Baldassarre (1821-1894). [Gerard of Cremona & Gerard of Sabloneta] BONCOMPAGNI, 1851-01-01
  9. The Latin translation of the Arabic version of Euclids Elements commonly ascribed to Gerard of Cremona: Introduction, edition and critical apparatus (Asfar) by Euclid, 1984
  10. GEOMANCIE ASTRONOMIQUE de Gerard de Cremone. Pour Savoir les Choses Passes, les Presentes, & les Futurs. Traduite par le Sieur de Salerne. Et Augmentee en Cette Derniere Impressions de Plusieurs Questions, & d'Autres Curiositez. by Da Cremona Gherardo, 1691-01-01

In addition, he wrote monographs on astronomical instruments, tides, rocks andprecious stones. gerard of cremona translated many of his books into Latin.
Cilck here to refresh/reload the page Home About This Site About Me My Religion My Language My Country My Collage My Profession Islamic Issues Medical Directory S ervices ABOUT MEDICINE Medicine is that great humanity-sense specialty, that aims to help people get rid of their pains, or to have a better life quality. Nowadays, medicine is one of the most rapidly changing and developing branches. However, having a look the history of medicine is that nice Issue. Many Muslim doctors had an important role in modifying the history of medicine. In this page I present some examples. YAQUB IBN IS'HAQ AL-KINDI (ALKINDUS) (800 - 873 C.E.) Al-Kindi is known in the West as Alkindus. He was popularly known as the 'Philosopher of theArabs' in the Middle Ages. Cardano considered Al-Kindi as one of the twelve greatest minds of the Middle Ages. He is among a small group of Muslim scientists who made original contributions in many fields. Al-Kindi was a philosopher, astronomer, physician, mathematician, physicist, and geographer. He also was an expert in music. Yaqub Ibn Ishaq al-Kindi was born at Kufa (present Iraq) in 800 C.E. His father worked for Khalifah (Caliph) Haroon al-Rashid. Al-Kindi spent his long career in Baghdad and was a contemporary of al-Mutawakkil, al-Mamun and al-Mu'tasim. He died in 873 C.E. during the reign of al-M'utamid.

82. §17. Peterhouse Library And Catalogue; The Library Of The Medieval Student. XV.
Amongst additional authors represented on the Peterhouse shelves a notable placewas claimed by gerard of cremona, an indefatigable translator, and by Richard
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Cambridge History The End of the Middle Ages English and Scottish Education. Universities and Public Schools to the Time of Colet ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes
Volume II. The End of the Middle Ages.

83. Science Timeline
GellMann, Murray, 1955, 1957, 1961, 1961, 1963, 1964. Gentile da Foligno, 1348.gerard of cremona, 1175. Gerlach, Walter, 1921. Germer, Lester Halbert, 1927.
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Gabor, Dennis, 1947 Galard, Lucien, 1881 Galen, Claudius, 170, 1185, 1250, 1348, 1543, 1664 Galileo Galilei, 1583, 1586, 1592, 1612, 1621, 1632, 1636, 1642, 1655, 1687 Gall, Franz Joseph, 1791, 1800, 1810, 1824, 1861 Galle, Johann Gottfried, 1846 Gallo, Robert, 1985 Gally, Joseph, 1962 Galton, Francis, 1869, 1875, 1883 Galvani, Luigi, 1791, 1838 Gamow, George, 1928, 1928, 1939, 1946, 1948, 1953 Garan, Alan,1966 Garrod, Archibald Edward, 1908 Garstang, Walter, 1922 Gassendi, Pierre, 1624, 1631, 1642, 1649, 1687 Gasser, Herbert Spencer, 1922 Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1796, 1801, 1801, 1809, 1818, 1828, 1830, 1833, 1859, 1915 Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis, 1787, 1806, 1808 Gebhardt, Karl, 2000

84. Translating Aristotle
Beginning with the reconquest of Toledo in 1085 and Sicily in 1091, western scholars(such as gerard of cremona, d. 1187) began to encounter these works and
Translating Aristotle Of the writings attributed to Aristotle (384-322 BC), the polished essays and dialogues which he intended for publication have been almost completely lost, with the exception of a few fragments. The great body of Aristotle's thought that has come down to us is in the form of "treatise" on various subjects, such as logic, physics, ethics, psychology, biology, and politics. It seems that these treatise began as notes on (or summaries of) Aristotle's lectures at the Lyceum in Athens. He continued to edit and revise them throughout his life, as his views evolved, but never brought them to a state of completion for publication. Subsequently they were edited and organized into "books" by his students, and then the whole corpus was transmitted through a series of transcribers, translators, and commentators. In 1204 the great Byzantine capital of Constantinople was captured by western armies during the 4th crusade, and western scholars gained access to Greek texts that were much closer to Aristotle's original writings. Around 1265, the Flemish Dominican William of Moerbeke (1215-1286) and other scholars translated these Greek texts into Latin (which can almost be done word-for-word, given the structural similarity between the two languages), and Thomas Aquinas undertook to integrate and reconcile the Aristotelian principles of reason and rational thought with Christian theology, resulting in his monumental Summa teologica . The view of Aristotle as the indisputable epitome of reason dates from this time, and held sway for about 250 years, until being superceded by the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution, all of which were, in some measure, reactions against Aristotelian thought. Today we often find Aristotle cited, especially in the sciences, as an example of erroneous thinking.

85. Orient
1143 Roberto de Chester va traduir la primera part d´aquesta obra , amb el nom deLiber algebrae et almucabola, i poc després, gerard de cremona va realitzar
El naixement de la ciència árab Característiques de la ciència àrab La doctrina de les conjuncions La tasca de traducció ... Les ciències de la naturalesa i la técnica L´evolució de la cultura científica europea al llarg dels segles precedents a la revolució copernicana está intimament lligada a les característiques de la ciència àrab, només perquè algunes idees científiques d´Orient van ser assimilades per la cultura europea sinó també per la tasca de traducció, gràcies a la qual ens han arribat molts dels coneixements de l´antiguitat.
El naixement de la ciència árab
L´únic text a partir del qual podem treure inform ació sobre
Característiques de la ciència àrab
La doctrina de les conjuncions
Una de les característiques més destacades de l´astronomia -astrologia medieval fou la teoria que feia dependre els esdeveniments històrics dels moviments dels astres. Es creu que aquesta teoria va entrar al món occidental a través de la tradició llatina de Kitab alquiranat, d´Albumsar, (m.888) realitzada per Juan de Sevilla (fl. 1135-1153) sota el títol de magnis conjuntionibus et aunorum revolutionibus. Les teories defensades ("Es creia que els canvis depenien de les conjuncions cronocràtors (Saturn i Jupiter) i, en segon lloc, de Mart", i que "cap imperi o estat és etern") van tenir una trascendència decisiva ala cultura àrab:van ser molt aceptades entre els enemics dels abbassíes, (els xiïs), i també la van adoptar els cristians peninsulars; ja que aquesta teoria els donava esperances que algun dia triomfarien sobre l´islam, i així fou com a partir d´ella es van començar a fer tot un seguit de profecies.

86. Gerard Cremona
gerard cremona. gerard cremona (Gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca1114 ? Toledo, 1187), prekladatel Ptolemy? s Astronomie (a
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Gerard Cremona
Gerard Cremona Gherardo ) (Cremona, Lombardy, ca 1114 � Toledo, 1187), překladatel Ptolemy � s Astronomie (a mylně připoč­tan½ jako překladatel Avicenna ' s Kanovn­k medic­ny vidět dolů) od arabsk½ch textů nalezen½ch v Toledu, byl jeden z mal© skupiny učenců, kteř­ osvěžili středověkou Evropu v 12th stolet­ t­m, že přen¡Å¡­ řeck© a arabsk© tradice v astronomii, medic­ně a jin½ch věd¡ch, ve formě překladů do latiny, kter½ dělal je dostupn½ každ© gramotn© osobě za z¡padě. Nespokojen½ s huben½mi jeho filozofiema italÅ¡t­ učitel©, Gherardo Å¡el do Toledo dř­ve 1144. Tam on se učil arabÅ¡tinu, zpoč¡tku tak to on mohl č­st Ptolemy ' s Almagest , kter½ udržel jeho tradičn­ v½bornou pověst mezi učence, ačkoli ž¡dn½ latinsk½ překlad existoval. Ačkoli my nem¡me podrobnou informaci data když Gherard Å¡el do Å panělska, on byl jistě tam 1144. Toledo, kter½ byl provinčn­ hlavn­ město v caliphate Cordoba a s­dlo vzdělanosti, byl bezpečně dostupn½ katol­kovi jako Gerard. Protože to bylo podmanil si od

87. Remil Ve I-King Arasýndaki Elemental Tekabül
seviyesi vardir. Cornelius Agrippa ve gerard de cremona bu on altiisareti Zodyak in 12 Burcuna eslestirmektedir. Burada Zodyak
Ana Sayfa Yazýlar
Remil ve I-King Arasýndaki Elemental Tekabül
Yazan Ioannis Marathakis
Tercüme Kemal Menemencioðlu Servants of the Light Bu yazý daha önce sitesinden birkaç yazý alýp yayýnladýðýmýz (W.E. Butler) Servants of the Light Cemiyetinin izniyle basýlmýþtýr. Fikrimce ve bazý kaynaklara göre ateþ aktif ve su pasiftir, hava ve toprak ise karmadýr, ama yine de aþaðýdaki fikirler ilginçtir.
Lütfen Dikkat ediniz: Bu yazý özellikle SOL için yazýlmýþtýr ve telif hakký Ioannis Marathakis and SOL'a aittir. Fertlere kiþisel kullaným için bu makalenin bir sabit kopyasýný alma izni verilmiþtir, ama elektronik kopyalanmasý veya kaydý, diðer web sitelere postalanmasý yasaktýr. Genç bir okültizm öðrencisi olarak, birçok farklý kehanet sisteme birden hakim olmaya çalýþtým, maalesef kýsa bir sürede aklým o kadar karýþtý ki, birkaç yýl onlarý etüt etmeyi tamamen býraktým. Ancak, çok farklý sistemlerin bu düzeysel bilgisi, bir süre sonra onlarý irdelemenin en ilginç yaný (en azýndan benim için) Bütünü nasýl tüm parçalarýna ayýrdýklarý þekildi (Örneðin, mutluluk için sembolleri olmayýp da sadece keder ve hüzün için sembolleri olan bir sistem hayal bile edemiyorum). Sonra aralarýndaki tekabülleri düþündüm ve bunlarýn çok sayýda ve önemli olduklarýný fark ettim. Tabii, bu konuda bir uzman olduðumu veya sonuçlarýmýn "kesin gerçek" olduðunu iddia etmiyorum. Bu yazý sadece makul gözüken bazý fikirleri sunmayý amaçlýyor.

88. Texto
gerard de cremona no séculoXII. Neste livro Avicena tentou coordenar todas as doutrinas


Haly Abbas


Abu Mansun Muwaffaq
Jesu Haly

Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zarariya al-Razi (850-923), no Ocidente Rhazes.
Estudou exaustivamente o conhecimento clássico, como os textos de Galeno, Hipócrates, Aristóteles, entre outros. Mas se manteve fiel às suas observações, mesmo quando estas diferiam de tudo que já havia sido escrito. Um de seus famosos aforismos é prova disto: "Tudo que está escrito nos textos tem menos valor que a experiência adquirida por um médico criterioso." "al-Hawi", traduzido em 1279 pelo médico judeu Farag Ben Salem de Girgent com o título de "Liber Continens", por ordem do rei Carlos de Anjou, da Sicília. Composto por 24 volumes, contendo todo o conhecimento do mundo islâmico do século X. É onde o nervo laríngeo recorrente e a spina ventosa são descritos pela primeira vez. "Liber Pestilentia" é considerado um dos principais livros da história da medicina. O primeiro estudo exato sobre infectologia, difere a varíola do sarampo e das outras doenças exantemáticas, utilizando os sinais e sintomas para fazer o diagnóstico diferencial. Relata que o aumento da temperatura leva ao aparecimento do exantema, e ensina como proteger o rosto, principalmente os olhos e a boca e como evitar as cicatrizes. Demonstra que o tumor causado pelo verme da Guiné e devido a um parasita.

89. Isaac Asimov. Minu Poeg On Füüsik.
Peafüüsik gerard cremona. Doktor cremona? Voi heida pikali, tomba hinge,kui tahad. -Ära minu pärast nuretse, gerard - ütles mrs cremona.
Isaac Asimov.
Minu poeg on füüsik.
Tema juuksed olid ôrnalt helerohelised - nii tagasihoidlikult, nii vanamoodsalt ! Vôis kohe näha, et juustega käib ta ümber ettevaatlikult: nii värviti kolmkümmend aastat tagasi, kui punktiir polnud veel moodi läinud. Ja kogu selle ammu enam mitte noore naise olemus, tema pehme naeratus, selge pilk - kôik kandis häirimatut rahu. Sellest kôigest tundus riigiasutuses valitsev tohuvabohu järsku metsiku ja kohatuna. Keegi tütarlaps möödus peaaegu joostes, pööras siis ringi ja jäi üllatusega külalist vaatama.
-Kuidas te siia sattusite?
Küsitu naeratas.
-Ma lähen poja juurde, ta on füüsik.
-Poja juurde?
-Üldiselt on ta sideinsener. Peafüüsik Gerard Cremona.
-Doktor Cremona? Kuid ta on praegu... Kas teil luba on?
-Palun, siin. Ma olen tema ema.
-Ma tôesti ei tea, mrs. Cremona. Mul pole praegu hetkegi aega... Kabinet koridori otsas. Igaüks vôib teile juhatada.
Ja ta kiirustas edasi.
Mrs. Cremona raputas aeglaselt pead. Paistab, et neil on siin mingid ebameeldivused. Loodame, et Gerardiga pole midagi juhtunud. Kaugelt eemalt kostis hääli, ja ta nägu lôi särama: poja hääl !

90. Die Deutsche Bibliothek / Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig / Deutsches Buch- Und Schri
Translate this page II67-1b cremona, Antonius de siehe Strata, Antonius de, de cremona Creussner, Friedrich deII63-2a / II63-2b / II63-2c / II63-2d Leeu, gerard II57-1a
Drucker- und Verleger-Register k-m n-r s-u ... v-z
Abiegnus, Jacob
siehe Thanner, Jacobus
Abraham ben Hayyim, de' Tintoro
Achates, Leonardus
Alakraw, Johann
Alexandria, Bartholomaeus de
siehe Blavis, Bartholomaeus de
Amerbach, Johann
Andreas de Asula
siehe Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula
Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini
siehe Miscomini, Antonio di Bartolommeo
Argenteus, Eucharius
siehe Silber, Eucharius
Argyrios, Eucharius
siehe Silber, Eucharius
Arndes, Stephanus

siehe Arnoldus de Colonia
Arnoldus de Colonia
Arrivabenus, Georgius
Asula, Andreas de
siehe Torresanus, Andreas, de Asula
Attendorn, Peter
Au Soufflet Vert
Azoguidus, Balthasar
Bartholomaeus de Unkel
Baumgart, Hermann
siehe Bumgart, Hermann
Bazaleriis, Bazalerius de
Bazaleriis, Caligula de
Bechtolff von Hanauwe
siehe Ruppel, Berthold
Beckenhub, Johann
Bekenhaub, Johann siehe Beckenhub, Johann
Belfortis, Andreas, Gallus
Benalius, Bernardinus
Benedictis, Franciscus (Plato) de
Ben-Hayyim, Abraham siehe Abraham ben Hayyim, de' Tintoro
Berger, Peter
Bergmann, Johann

91. Gerard Sweetman - Encyclopedia Article About Gerard Sweetman. Free Access, No Re
gerard Sweetman. Word Word. gerard Sweetman (19081970), Fine Gael.Fine Gael (pronounced Sweetman
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Gerard Sweetman
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Gerard Sweetman Fine Gael Fine Gael is the second largest political party in the Republic of Ireland. It was founded on 3 September 1933 following the merger of Cumann na nGaedhael, the Centre Party and the Blueshirts.
  • General Eoin O'Duffy (1933-34) [O'Duffy never had a seat in parliament]
  • W.T. Cosgrave, TD (former President of the Executive Council (prime minister) from 1922-1932) served as parliamentary leader between 1933 and 1934.

Click the link for more information. Gerard Sweetman was born on 10 June June 10 is the 161st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (162nd in leap years), with 204 days remaining.
  • 1610 - The first Dutch colonists settle on Manhattan Island
  • 1692 - Salem witch trials: Bridget Bishop is hanged as a witch
  • 1829 - First boat race between Oxford and Cambridge
  • 1846 - Mexican-American War: The California Republic declares independence from Mexico.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century Decades: 1850s 1860s 1870s 1880s 1890s - Years: 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 - This is a leap year starting on Wednesday (link will take you to calendar)
  • January 1 - A ball signifying New Year's Day drops in New York City's Times Square for the first time

Click the link for more information.

92. Mathematics (Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture)
Ptolemy, Almagest Ptolemy, Almagest In Latin Translated by gerard ofCremona Parchment Thirteenth century. The most important medieval
The Library of Congress Exhibitions
Exhibition Sections: Introduction The Vatican Library Archaeology
... Credits
Greek Mathematics and its Modern Heirs
Euclid, Elements
In Greek
Ninth century Euclid's Elements, written about 300 B.C., a comprehensive treatise on geometry, proportions, and the theory of numbers, is the most long-lived of all mathematical works. This manuscript preserves an early version of the text. Shown here is Book I Proposition 47, the Pythagorean Theorem: the square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the sides. This is a famous and important theorem that receives many notes in the manuscript. Archimedes, Works
In Latin
Translated by Jacobus Cremonensis
ca. 1458 In the early 1450s, Pope Nicholas V commissioned Jacobus de Sancto Cassiano Cremonensis to make a new translation of Archimedes with the commentaries of Eutocius. This became the standard version and was finally printed in 1544. This early and very elegant manuscript may have been in the possession of Piero della Francesca before coming to the library of the Duke of Urbino. The pages displayed here show the beginning of Archimedes' On Conoids and Spheroids with highly ornate, and rather curious, illumination.

93. Astronomie Um 1200
Translate this page Astronomie um 1200. In der Astronomie herrschte zu jener Zeit in Mitteleuropawissenschaftlicher Stillstand. Seit Jahrhunderten hatte

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