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81. YAQUB IBN IS HAQ AL-KINDI (ALKINDUS) (800 - 873 CE) In addition, he wrote monographs on astronomical instruments, tides, rocks andprecious stones. gerard of cremona translated many of his books into Latin. http://www.muslimdoctor.net/pages/english/En_med.htm | |
82. §17. Peterhouse Library And Catalogue; The Library Of The Medieval Student. XV. Amongst additional authors represented on the Peterhouse shelves a notable placewas claimed by gerard of cremona, an indefatigable translator, and by Richard http://www.bartleby.com/212/1517.html | |
83. Science Timeline GellMann, Murray, 1955, 1957, 1961, 1961, 1963, 1964. Gentile da Foligno, 1348.gerard of cremona, 1175. Gerlach, Walter, 1921. Germer, Lester Halbert, 1927. http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_g.htm | |
84. Translating Aristotle Beginning with the reconquest of Toledo in 1085 and Sicily in 1091, western scholars(such as gerard of cremona, d. 1187) began to encounter these works and http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath219/kmath219.htm | |
85. Orient 1143 Roberto de Chester va traduir la primera part d´aquesta obra , amb el nom deLiber algebrae et almucabola, i poc després, gerard de cremona va realitzar http://www.upf.edu/materials/fhuma/revolucio/principal/orient.htm | |
86. Gerard Cremona gerard cremona. gerard cremona (Gherardo) (cremona, Lombardy, ca1114 ? Toledo, 1187), prekladatel Ptolemy? s Astronomie (a http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/g/ge/gerard_of_cremona.html | |
87. Remil Ve I-King Arasýndaki Elemental Tekabül seviyesi vardir. Cornelius Agrippa ve gerard de cremona bu on altiisareti Zodyak in 12 Burcuna eslestirmektedir. Burada Zodyak http://www.hermetics.org/cingeo.html | |
88. Texto gerard de cremona no séculoXII. Neste livro Avicena tentou coordenar todas as doutrinas http://al-hawi.medstudents.com.br/segper.htm | |
89. Isaac Asimov. Minu Poeg On Füüsik. Peafüüsik gerard cremona. Doktor cremona? Voi heida pikali, tomba hinge,kui tahad. -Ära minu pärast nuretse, gerard - ütles mrs cremona. http://www.ms.ut.ee/mart/raamat/poeg.htm | |
90. Die Deutsche Bibliothek / Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig / Deutsches Buch- Und Schri Translate this page II67-1b cremona, Antonius de siehe Strata, Antonius de, de cremona Creussner, Friedrich deII63-2a / II63-2b / II63-2c / II63-2d Leeu, gerard II57-1a http://www.ddb.de/dbsm/inkunabel/dru.htm | |
91. Gerard Sweetman - Encyclopedia Article About Gerard Sweetman. Free Access, No Re gerard Sweetman. Word Word. gerard Sweetman (19081970), Fine Gael.Fine Gael (pronounced http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Gerard Sweetman | |
92. Mathematics (Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture) Ptolemy, Almagest Ptolemy, Almagest In Latin Translated by gerard ofCremona Parchment Thirteenth century. The most important medieval http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/math.html | |
93. Astronomie Um 1200 Translate this page Astronomie um 1200. In der Astronomie herrschte zu jener Zeit in Mitteleuropawissenschaftlicher Stillstand. Seit Jahrhunderten hatte http://www.gymnasium-zwettl.ac.at/projekte/wissen1200/astronomie/astro.htm |
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