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61. Forum For Modern Language Studies, Volume 35, Issue 4, October 1999: Pp. 358-371 su cal treatise by Ab l Qsim Halaf Ibn Abbs alZahrw (Albucasis), of c.980, wastranslated into Latin in the 12th century by gerard of cremona, and into http://www3.oup.co.uk/formod/hdb/Volume_35/Issue_04/350358.sgm.abs.html | |
62. Greek Mathematics And Its Modern Heirs (cont.) math10b fols. 87 verso88 recto. Ptolemy, Almagest. In Latin, Translatedby gerard of cremona, Thirteenth century The most important http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/Experimental/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathemat | |
63. HM 65 Explicit almagesti. Ptolemy, Syntaxis Mathematica or Almagest, in the translationof gerard of cremona, first printed in Venice by Petrus Liechtenstein, 1515. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/scriptorium/hehweb/HM65.html | |
64. Regiomontanus Biography on the Islamic scholar alFargãnî at the University of Padua, wrote a critiqueof the Theorica Planetarum attributed to gerard of cremona, and continued to http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/regiomontanus.html | |
65. Astrology In the arts faculties of medieval universities, the theory of planetary motion ofSacrobosco, Ptolemy and gerard of cremona (later Georg Peurbach) was always http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/starry/astrology.html | |
66. Arab Medical Schools Kitab alAsrar was first translated into Latin by gerard of cremona (d. 1187), whileKitab al-Tib al-Mansouri appeared in the Latin translation in Milan in 1480 http://www.alchemywebsite.com/islam06.html | |
67. Database Of Alchemical Manuscripts - Verginelli-Rota gerard of cremona. http://www.alchemywebsite.com/almss23.html | |
68. Mathematics Ancient Mditerrane gerard of cremona s Translation of the Commentary of AlNayrizi on Book I of Euclid sElements of Geometry With an Introductory Account of the Twenty-Two http://mathematicsbooks.org/Mathematics_Ancient_Mditerrane.html | |
69. The Magickal Use Of The Sixteen Figures Of Geomancy For medievalists, methods can be found in Agrippa s Of Geomancy and Gerard ofCremona s - On Astronomical Geomancy. The same goes for gerard of cremona. http://www.philhine.org.uk/writings/rit_geomancy.html | |
70. Astronomy And Astrology In The Twelfth Century philosophers . There he encountered gerard of cremona, who had translatedamong many other works Ptolemy s Almagest. Gerard had http://explorers.whyte.com/astrol.htm | |
71. The History Of The Universe: The Christian Scientific Tradition Most famous translator in Toledo was gerard of cremona (great name!), who had travelledfrom Italy to Toledo specially to find a copy of Ptolemy s famous book http://www.ransom.co.uk/universe/Early Christians.htm | |
72. Islamic Astronomy By Owen Gingerich into Latin in Toledo , once by John of Seville (Johannes Hispalensis) in the firsthalf of the 12th century, and more completely by gerard of cremona a few http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/phys/alshukri/PHYS215/Islamic astronomy.htm | |
73. Potions k, 4,5, 6,7. Noxious Aroma, alRazi, 80, 83, 105, 99, 99, 99, 21, C, Gerard ofCremona, 91, 93, 147, 99, 99, 99, 53, C, gerard of cremona, 155, 222, 1060, 99,65, 48, 827, K, Orpiment, http://www.darklands.net/files/alchwin2.htm | |
74. Famous Anatomists (Arabic) of Medicine dedicated to Mansur the Samanid prince and governor of Reyy, Abu Salihal-Mansur ibn Ishaq), translated into Latin by gerard of cremona (d. 1187 http://www.anatomist.co.uk/FamousAnatomists/famousanatomists3b.htm | |
75. Philosophers Index -- G George of Trebizond, Books, Used Books, Gerard, Alexander, Books, UsedBooks, gerard of cremona, Books, Used Books, Gerard of Odo, Books, UsedBooks, http://www.erraticimpact.com/names_index_g.htm | |
76. Giordano Bruno: His Life And Thought (Footnotes, Chapter 3) Almagest, III, 3 and XII, 1. The text was first introduced to the Latinspeakingworld by gerard of cremona (1114-1187) who translated the Arabic version. http://www.positiveatheism.org/hist/bruno03f.htm | |
77. PHILTAR - Compendium Of Philosophers/G links to texts. George of Trebizond (13951486) An introduction tohis life and work. gerard of cremona (1114-1187) An introduction to http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/compendium_of_philosophers/g/ | |
78. New Page 74 His Compendium of astronomy, a work much esteemed, was translated intoLatin by gerard of cremona and by Johannes Hispalensis. Regiomontaus http://www.islam4all.com/new_page_74.htm | |
79. TIMELINE 12th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE concentration on law and theology, and of his journey to Toledo in search of theworld s wiser philosophers. There he encountered gerard of cremona, who had http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline12.html | |
80. PBIO 250 Lecture Notes -- History -- Spring 1998 as Avicenna, wrote the Canon of Medicine, an encyclopedic work on plants; translatedinto Latin by gerard of cremona in the 12th century (see a manuscript page http://www.inform.umd.edu/PBIO/pb250/hist.html | |
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