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41. Books And Articles Referred To In The Note By Menso Folkerts HLL Busard, The Latin translation of the Arabic version of Euclid s Elements commonlyascribed to gerard of cremona (Leiden New Rhine Publishers, 1983). http://www.math.ubc.ca/people/faculty/cass/Euclid/folkerts/refs.html | |
42. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics southern France Armengaud son of Blaise, Jacob Anatoli, Moses ibn Tibbon, Jacobben Mahir, and from Italy Plato of Tivoli, gerard of cremona, Aristippus of http://www.muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?TaxonomyTypeID=22&TaxonomySubTy |
43. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics AlRazi was translated into Latin by gerard of cremona and others. Most 1114AD,Birth of Italian scholar gerard of cremona in Italy. He http://www.muslimheritage.com/timeline/chronology.cfm | |
44. Loq-Man Translations A number of translators flourished there. Among the scholars, who flocked to it fromall over Europe, were gerard of cremona (1117 1187) and John of Seville. http://www.loqmantranslations.com/ArabicFacts/Europeans.html | |
45. Khorezmi in the twelfth century by the West, when Adelard de Bath (who has been called thefirst english scientist, 1080 1160), gerard of cremona (Italy, 1117 - 1187 http://www.disc-conference.org/disc2000/mirror/khorezmi/ | |
46. Medieval Geomancy: Annotated Bibliography libros tres, and Quaestiones geomantiae Alfakini, here attributed to Platon de Tivolibut, according to Charmasson, based on the treatise of gerard of cremona. http://www.princeton.edu/~ezb/geomancy/geobiblio.html | |
47. Re: More Questions On Arabic Numerals By Tom Archibald archibald@acadiau.ca Organization Acadia University Date Fri, 2 Feb 1996 0225570500 I don t have Gerard s work at hand, but gerard of cremona spent a http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/zalspangyun/30A53C7333@ace.acadia | |
48. Arab Numbers By Paul Polivko I see that gerard of cremona made the first translation of the Almagestfrom Arabic into Latin about the same year that Fibonacci was born. http://mathforum.org/epigone/cl/aa12/02hc6q1ipycd@forum.swarthmore.edu | |
49. Islamset - Islamic Medicine In The Kingdom Of Aragon In The Early Fourteenth Cen the king placed so much store can only have been Avicenna s Canon, the great medicalencyclopedia of Ibn Sina translated into Latin by gerard of cremona in the http://www.islamset.com/hip/i_medcin/mic_mcvaugh.html | |
50. Encyclopedia: Gerard Of Cremona Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online Islamic philosophy Aristotelianism, medieval 4 The thirteenth century. by gerard of cremona.gerard of cremona. to Latin. Translators 2 The science of the Arabs. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Gerard-of-Cremona | |
51. Lecture 4 Benedict in 529); Palermo; Syracuse. When gerard of cremona translated Ptolemy swork into Latin from Arabic (1175) alMagisti became known as Almagest. http://eee.uci.edu/clients/bjbecker/ExploringtheCosmos/lecture4.html | |
52. Greek Mathematics And Its Modern Heirs (cont.) Vat. lat. 2056 fols. 45 verso46 recto, fols. 87 verso-88 recto math10a NS.09. Ptolemy,Almagest. In Latin, Translated by gerard of cremona, Thirteenth century http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/vatican.exhibit/exhibit/d-mathematics/Greek_math2.ht | |
53. Alchemy - 2 had much less impact than the work of arRazi and other Arabs, which emerged amongthe voluminous translations made in Spain about 1150 by gerard of cremona. http://www.crystalinks.com/alchemy1.html | |
54. Innovation Watch - The Growth Of Knowledge (Citations) into Arabic and often annotated with Arabic commentaries scholars like theEnglishman Adelard of Bath or the Italian gerard of cremona, men eager to make http://www.innovationwatch.com/mind_knowledge_cit.htm | |
55. W. B. Yeats And "A Vision": Giraldus Gerard of Sabloneta was also the author of Geomantia Astronomica, but it is usuallyreferred to as the work of gerard of cremona, without differentiating which http://www.yeatsvision.com/Gyraldus.html | |
56. Part 5: Alchemy, Chemistry And Magic gerard of cremona (c1150), represented by 5 manuscripts, was also importantin introducing the works of Avicenna and Rasis to Spain. http://www.adam-matthew-publications.co.uk/collect/p558.htm | |
57. List Of Entries Geometry, Philosophical Issues in Thomas Ryckman George of Trebizond JohnMonfasani. gerard of cremona Mark Jordan. Gerard of Odo Bonnie Kent. http://www.routledge-ny.com/rep/entrie2.html | |
58. Influence Of Muslim Philosophy On The West Averroes). These translations were made under the supervision of Gundiaslivus(d 1151) followed by gerard of cremona (d 1187). The http://www.renaissance.com.pk/JunRefl2y3.html | |
59. History Of Astronomy: Persons (G) gerard of cremona Germ. Gerhard von Cremona (c.11141187) Shortbiography and reference (MacTutor Hist. Math.); Short biography http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_g.html | |
60. Euclid of the TwentyTwo Early Extant Arabic Manuscripts of the Elements (Ancient Mediterraneanand Medieval Texts and Contexts, 2), gerard of cremona s Translation of http://www.teen-bookstore.com/page/4/terms/Euclid.html | |
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