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         Gentzen Gerhard:     more detail
  1. The collected papers of Gerhard Gentzen (Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics) by Gerhard Gentzen, 1969
  2. Gerhard Gentzen
  3. German Logicians: Immanuel Kant, Gottfried Leibniz, Georg Cantor, Gottlob Frege, Gerhard Gentzen, Christoph Gottfried Bardili
  4. People From the Province of Pomerania: Edward Sapir, Rudolf Virchow, Gerhard Gentzen, Carl Meinhof, Hermann Grassmann, Max Schmeling
  5. Academics of the Charles University: Albert Einstein, Jan Hus, Ernst Mach, Ewald Hering, Gerhard Gentzen, Tomás Garrigue Masaryk, Alfred Weber
  6. People From Greifswald: Caspar David Friedrich, Gerhard Gentzen, Robin Szolkowy, Hans Fallada, Magnus Von Braun, Toni Kroos, Kurt Wolff
  7. Recherches Sur La Deduction Logique by Gerhard GENTZEN, 1955
  8. Kolmogorov, Heyting and Gentzen on the intuitionistic logical constants *.: An article from: Crítica by Gustavo Fernandez Diez, 2000-12-01
  9. Die Gegenwartige Lage in der Mathematischen Grundlagenforschung [bound with] Neue Fassung des Widerspruchsfreiheitsbeweises fur die Reine Zahlentheorie. [Facsimile reprint of 1938- text in Fraktur] by Gerhard Gentzen, 1969-01-01
  10. Patrones inferenciales.: An article from: Crîtica by Axel Arturo Barcelô Aspeitia, 2008-12-01
  11. Logic's Lost Genius (History of Mathematics) by Eckart Menzler-Trott, 2007-11-21
  12. Natural Deduction: A Proof-Theoretical Study by Dag Prawitz, 2006-02-24

61. G.M.F.W.
Translate this page Halte Heidelberglaan) Tijd 26 februari 2002, 1600 - 1700 uur. AbstractDie Anfänge des Logikers gerhard gentzen in Göttingen.
Lezing E. Menzler-Trott

Utrecht, 26 februari 2002
Gaat niet door wegens ziekte spreker!
E. Menzler-Trott
Plaats: zaal B in het Marinus Ruppertgebouw op de Uithof te Utrecht (Trans I, te bereiken met bus 12 vanaf het Centraal Station. Halte Heidelberglaan)
Tijd: 26 februari 2002, 16:00 - 17:00 uur

62. Newcommand{\etalchar}[1]{$^{ 1}$} \begin{thebibliography}{CAB
January 1992. \bibitemGen35{gentzen} gerhard gentzen. \newblock Untersuchungen{\ u}ber das logische schlie\ss en. \newblock {\em

63. Philosophers Index -- G
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64. DMV
Translate this page Funk, Paul (1886-1969) Berichtigung, 75, 172-173 77, 164. G. gentzen,gerhard (1909-1945), 75, 173-174. Gödel, Kurt (1906-1978), 75, 191-192.
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In den Jahresberichten der DMV zwischen 1969 und 1974 hat Max Pinl unter dem obigen Titel derjenigen Fachkollegen gedacht, die durch die Unmenschlichkeit des nationalsozialistischen Regimes ihre Heimat, ihre Stellung oder gar ihr Leben verloren haben.
B C D ... Z
A lt, Frank (1910-)
Artin, Emil (1898-1963)
Baer, Reinhold (1902-1979)
Barneck, Alfred (1885-1964)
Basch, Alfred (1882-1958) Baule, Bernhard (1891-1976) Behrend, Felix (1911 - 1962) Bergmann, Gustav (1906- ) Bergmann, Peter (1915- ) Bergman, Stefan (1895-1977) Bernays, Paul (1888-1977) Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956) Bers, Lipman (1914-1993) Berwald, Ludwig (1883-1942) Blumenthal, Otto (1876-1944) Portr. bei S. 82 Bochner, Salomon (1899-1982) Brauer, Alfred (1894-1985) Brauer, Richard (1901-1977) Breuer, Samson (1891-) Busemann, Herbert (1905-) C Caemmerer, Hanna von (1914-1971) Cohn-Vossen, Stefan (1902-1936) Courant, Richard (1888-1972) D Dehn, Max (1878-1952) Portr. bei S. 182

65. Dissertationen In Mathematik, 1907-1944
Translate this page Annalen, Bd. 109, M, gentzen, gerhard, Untersuchungen über das logische Schließen.Göttingen, 02.11.1934, Grundlagen, Logik, Math. Zeitschrift, Bd. 39,
Dissertationen in Mathematik, 1934
Renate Tobies, Kaiserslautern

G Verfasser Titel Univers./TH Datum Gebiet Untergebiet Publiziert in Zeitschrift Land M Hirschfeld, Hermann Otto Berlin Analysis Variationsrechnung Schriften d. Math. Sem. u. d. Inst. f. angew. Math. d. Univ. Berlin, 2
M Wernick, Max Berlin Geometrie Differentialgeometrie Schriften d. Math. Sem. u. d. Inst. f. angew. Math. d. Univ. Berlin, 2
M Golomb, Michael Zur Theorie der nichtlinearen Integralgleichungen, Integralgleichungssyteme und allgemeinen Funktionalgleichungen. Berlin Analysis Theorie der Integralgleichungen Math. Zeitschrift,
Bd. 39 PL M Berlin Algebra Gruppentheorie Schriften d. Math. Sem. u. d. Inst. f. angew. Math. d. Univ. Berlin, 2
M Weber, Anton Isomorphismus maximaler Matrizenringe. Bonn Algebra Nichtkom. Algebra und Algebrentheorie Crelle Journal, Bd. 171
W Breslau Zahlentheorie
M Emrich, Hans Anwendung des Lillschen Verfahrens zur Veranschaulichung von Diskriminanten algebraischer Gleichungen. Darmstadt TH Algebra
M Dresden TH Geometrie Grundlagen der Geometrie
M Glien, Heinz

66. Sg.htm
May91, 56; gentzen, gerhard, natural deduction of, in New Languages,Old Logic (P. Wadler), SR1 Dec2000, 37; geographic information
  • Gabriel, Richard ( M. Swaine gain, in 'Decibels' [sidebar], in "Digital Filtering and Oversampling" ( J. Ledin Galerntner, David, thought of, in "Mind and Life as Mechanism" ( M. Swaine games Gamma, Erich, award recipient, in " Dr. Dobb's Journal's 1998 Excellence in Programming Awards" ( J. Erickson garbage collection. See under memory management Gasteren, Antonetta van ( M. Swaine Gates, William H. (1955- ) gcc compiler. See under GNU Gehani, Narain ( J. Erickson general-purpose interface bus, implementing ( D. Morgan Gentzen, Gerhard, natural deduction of, in "New Languages, Old Logic" (P. Wadler), SR1 Dec2000, 37 geographic information systems
      "Civic Networking with Geographic Information Systems" (R. Civille and R.E. Sieber), IH94, 68 data exchange between [with sidebar: 'Translating Geographic Data'], in "The Information Utility" (R. Oswald), Dec93, 18 data handling for, in "Spatial Data and the Voronoi Tessellation" (H. Lukatela and J. Russell), Dec92, 18; Mar93, 10 storing cartographic date in single file [with utility to convert to DXF format], in "The CVS Data Format" (C.A.G. Perez), May99, 50
    GIF file format.

67. Andreas Kneib Schrieb über Philosoph
Translate this page Mieczysaw Geblewicz, Eugeniusz Gehlen, Arnold Geiger, Moritz Gemina I Gemina IIGentile, Giovanni Gentz, Friedrich von gentzen, gerhard Georgios Pachymeres
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68. IU Logic Program
Merioneth, Wales; gerhard gentzen Born 24 Nov 1909 in Greifswald,Germany Died 4 Aug 1945 in Prague, Czechoslovakia; Alfred Tarski
The Indiana University Program
in Pure and Applied Logic
  • Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer
    Born: 27 Feb 1881 in Overschie, Netherlands
    Died: 2 Dec 1966 in Blaricum, Netherlands
  • Bertrand Arthur William Russell
    Born: 18 May 1872 in Ravenscroft, Trelleck, Monmouthshire, Wales
    Died: 2 Feb 1970 in Penrhyndeudraeth, Merioneth, Wales
  • Gerhard Gentzen
    Born: 24 Nov 1909 in Greifswald, Germany
    Died: 4 Aug 1945 in Prague, Czechoslovakia
  • Alfred Tarski
    Born: 14 Jan 1902 in Warsaw, Russian Empire (now Poland)
    Died: 26 Oct 1983 in Berkeley, California, USA
  • Kurt Gödel
    Born: 28 April 1906 in Brünn, Austria-Hungary (now Brno, Czech Republic)
    Died: 14 Jan 1978 in Princeton, New Jersey, USA
Program Brochure Logic Seminar Preprints Requirements,
course and faculty information Schedule of the weekly
Logic Seminar
Selected Logic program preprints
available for FTP

69. Qi And Sequent Notation
gerhard gentzen (19091945). The use of sequent notation derives from gerhardgentzen who developed the sequent calculus treatment of first-order logic.
How is Qi different from ML? In several ways. First Qi is very well integrated into Lisp, allowing you to draw upon the full power of the Lisp environment. Second Qi allows static typechecking but does not insist on it. This means that useful constructions in Common Lisp that are not within the scope of typechecking - including macros and other devices - can be used within Qi Third Qi allows you to extend the type system to incorporate any typable aspect of Lisp or any typable Lisp package including CLOS and CLIM according to your desire Fourth and finally Qi is a deductively typed language. Types are specified in sequent rules and these rules are compiled into machine code for fast inferencing. This allows types to be defined that are beyond the capacity of ML and related languages to support. Gerhard Gentzen (1909-1945) The use of sequent notation derives from Gerhard Gentzen who developed the sequent calculus treatment of first-order logic. In Gerhard's system a

70. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken
Translate this page Gentz, Friedrich (Fachbibliothek), gerw34740. Gentz, Friedrich, hisk386. gentzen,gerhard K. phid34300. Geoffrey (of Monmouth) (Fachbibliothek), ange43800.
[ULB-Hauptseite Katalog und Datenbanken Suche Bibliotheks-ABC ... Virtuelle Bibliothek, Hauptseite]
Autoren und Anonyma
A B C D ... Z
Gabin, Jean Gable, Clark Gabo, Naum Gaboriau, Emile Gabriel y Galan, Jose M. Gabriel, Ange-Jaques Gabriel, Jacques Gabriel-Robinet, Louis Gabrieli, Andrea Gabrieli, Andrea Gabrieli, Giovanni Gabrieli, Giovanni Gace (Brule) Gadamer, Hans-Georg (Fachbibliothek) Gadamer, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Hans-Georg (Fachbibliothek) Gadda, Carlo E. Gaddis, William Gade, Niels W. Gade, Niels W. Gadenne, Paul Gaeta, Francesco Gaetani, Benedetto Gaffurio, Franchino Gaffurio, Franchino Gafori, Franchino Gafori, Franchino Gaggini, ... (Familie) Gagliano, Marco Gagliano, Marco da Gaidon Gaillard, Auger Gaillard, Robert Gaillhard, Augie Gainsborough, Thomas Gaiser, Gerd Gaius (Fachbibliothek) Gaius Gajdaenko, Ivan P. Gajdar, Arkadij P. Gala, Antonio Gala, Antonio Galaction, Gala Galandus (Regniacensis) (Fachbibliothek) Galant, Mavis Galbraith, John K. (Fachbibliothek) Galbraith, John K. Gale, Zona Galeano, Eduardo

G. gentzen. Investigations into logical deduction. In The Collected Papersof gerhard gentzen, ME Szabo, Ed. NorthHolland, 1969, pp. 68131.
For Current Students Deduction Systems First Part: Introduction to Proof Theory ELECTRIC LAMPS WERE NOT INVENTED BY IMPROVING CANDLES lecturer: Alessio Guglielmi The first part of the course will last three weeks, until Easter. It serves two purposes: 1) introducing Gentzen's calculus of sequents, that will be used later in the "Deduction Systems" course, and 2) providing a general overview of proof theory, especially for the students wishing to attend the seminar "Selected Topics in Proof Theory." Gentzen's Sequent Calculus will be introduced in both intuitionistic and classical variants. As an application, the main ideas underlying uniform proofs and abstract logic programming will be shown. Then, the cut-elimination theorem in Tait-Girard style will be proven. If time permits, the relation between sequent calculus and natural deduction will be shown. Lectures and tutorials will be freely intermixed in this part of the course. Students will be asked to turn in two or three homework exercises. material: We will essentially follow parts of the paper: J. Gallier.

We gaan verder met de (vrije) vertaling van een aantal Engelstalige artikelen, geschrevendoor een respectabel Duits mathematicus gerhard gentzen 15 Beter
Het wordt de hoogste tijd een echte wiskundige, uitgebreid, aan het woord te laten. We gaan verder met de (vrije) vertaling van een aantal Engelstalige artikelen, geschreven door een respectabel Duits mathematicus: Gerhard Gentzen Beter dan ik het zelf zou kunnen, verhaalt hij over recentere ontwikkelingen binnen de wiskunde. Het gaat om de eerste helft van de 20ste eeuw. De titel van het eerste artikel is: "Het oneindigheidsbegrip in de wiskunde", en is vrijwel integraal opgenomen. Het tweede draagt als titel: "De huidige stand van het onderzoek naar de grondslagen van de wiskunde". Verschillende gedeelten hiervan zijn weggelaten of vervangen, deels om allerlei herhalingen te vermijden, deels vanwege elementen in het oorspronkelijke artikel die in het onderhavige verband als storend worden ervaren. Gentzen's betoog bereikt een climax in het hoofdstuk getiteld: "De mogelijkheid om de verschillende gezichtspunten met elkaar te verzoenen". Aan het woord is Gerhard Gentzen: Het oneindige De analyse Verzoeningspoging Lang leve Plato

73. AAS Database - Browse - List
To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. 1, Gentry, Renee. 1, gentzen,gerhard. 1, Gentzsch, Wolfgang. 1, Genut, Haim J. 1, Genuys, F. Ed. 1, Genz,H.
AAS database - Browse - AUTHOR list - ALL DOCUMENTS
The numbers in the list below indicate the number of documents listed under a term.
To display the documents, click on an eye . To move up or down the list, click on the arrow. Gentry, Renee Gentzen, Gerhard Gentzsch, Wolfgang Genut, Haim J. Genuys, F. Ed. Genz, H. Genzel, L. Geochemical Society Geodynamics Final Symposium Geodynamics of Rifting Symposium (1990 : Glion-Sur-Montreux) Geoffrion, A. M. Geoffroy, Gregory L.

Galois, Évariste 348. gentzen, gerhard 1819, 1820. Gerlach, Walter 644.Gerstner, František Josef 587, 874. Gerstner, František Antonín 1618.
II. Rejstøík osobností [Index of personalities]
A Absolon, Karel 300, 458 Adamiecki, Karol Agricola, Georgius Albert, Bohuslav Albert, Eduard Albík z Unièova Altschul, Elias Amerling, Karel Archimedes Aristoteles de Arriaga, Rodrigo Artner, Gustav Arzberger, J. Augustin, František Avicenna (Abú Alí ebene Síná) B Babák, Edvard 76, 300, 503 Baildon, John Balbín, Bohuslav Barrande, Joachim Barry, Martin Bašus, Albín Batka, Johann Baptist Bauer, Franz Andreas Bavor Rodovský z Hustiøan 126 Bébr, Richard 371 Becker, Erich Beèváø, Antonín Beer, August 1180, Bìhounek, František Becher, J.J. Bìlehrádek, Jan 300, 388, 754, 926 Bìlohoubek, Antonín Beneš, Edvard Beneš, Jiøí 328 Beneš, Ladislav 409 Benvenista Bergner, Christoph Bernanos, Georges 799 Bernoulliové 347 Bežo, Ján 405 Birkhoff, George David 347 Bláha, I. A. 300 Boetius Böhm, Jan 396, 397, 1084 Böhm, Josef Jiøí 409 Bohr, Niels 312 Bohuš, Oldøich Bolzano, Bernard 58, 65, 139, 255, 301, 350, 370, 468, 469, 624, 694, 1371, 1468, 1510, 1810, 1849 Borbonius, Matyᚠ296 Born, Ignác von 382, 395, 418, 420, 1172, 1454 Borùvka, Otakar

75. Call-by-value Is Dual To Call-by-name
15 gerhard gentzen (1935) Investigations into Logical Deduction. Reprinted in MESzabo, editor, The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen, NorthHolland, 1969.

76. How To Optimize Proof-search In Modal Logics
9 gentzen, G. 1969. Investigations into logical deduction. In The Collected Papersof gerhard gentzen, M. Szabo, Ed. North Holland, Amsterdam, 68131.

77. File 22-1-95.TXT Dateilänge 46 KB * * * * Bearbeiter N.
ERLÄUTERUNGEN ZU DEN LITERATURHINWEISEN: 1. FORMALBIBLIOGRAPHISCHE INFORMATIONEN V - Verfasser TI - Titel (hinter "..." evtl. ein Abstract) Z - Zeitschriften-(Festschrift usw.) Titel BD - Band (mögliche Abkürzungen: "S" f. Sonderheft, "J" f. Jahrbuch JG - Jahrgang SE - Seiten DT - Dokumententyp (mögliche Abkürzung: "JO" f. Zeitschrift, "CO" f. Kongressakte, "HO" f. Festschrft, "RE" f. Reader SPR - Sprache des Artikels (mögliche Abkürzungen: die ersten vier Buchstaben der englischen Bezeichnung der Sprache, also z.B. "GERM" für deutsch). 2. INHALTLICHE INFORMATION Eine inhaltliche Erschliessung der Nachweise wurde erreicht durch 1. eine Anzahl dem Text entnommener Sachwörter oder Namen (als sogenannte "Deskriptoren"), 2. die Kennzeichnung des thematischen Zusammenhangs der Deskriptoren, 3. die Angabe der Wichtigkeit der Deskriptoren im vorliegenden Dokument In (035)/Kant, Immanuel (020)/Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (035) SPR: GERM (freie Naturgesetz (035)/Erfahrung (035)/Deskript.) Relativitätstheorie

78. Gerhard Casper - Encyclopedia Article About Gerhard Casper. Free Access, No Regi
gerhard Casper. Word Word. gerhard Stanford. gerhard and Regina Casperhave one daughter. External links. Casper
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Gerhard Casper
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Gerhard Casper is a constitutional scholar The Constitution of a given organisation defines its form, structure, activities, character, and fundamental rules. To view particular constitutions, refer to the list of national constitutions. The term comes from Latin constitutio , which referred to any important law, usually issued by the emperor, and was widely used in canon law to indicate certain relevant decisions, mainly of the pope.
Click the link for more information. who is currently a faculty member at Stanford University Stanford University , in Stanford, California, is a private university, and is considered by many people to be one of the most prestigious in the United States. It is located approximately 35 miles southeast of San Francisco, in an unincorporated part of Santa Clara County adjacent to the city of Palo Alto.
History and Culture
Stanford was founded by railroad magnate and California Governor Leland Stanford along with his wife, Jane Stanford, who created the University, and named it, in honor of their deceased teenage son, Leland Stanford, Jr. Thus, the school's official name is
Click the link for more information.

79. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Gerhard Gentzen
The Mathematics Genealogy Project

80. Gödel
Translate this page Quelques années auparavant, une démonstration semblable avait été apportée parGerhard gentzen (1909-1945) étudiant de Hilbert (comme Ackermann) et dont
et portant sur les relations consistantes algorithme en introduisant les notions de fonctions (ou relations) calculables calculable et d'ensembles Dans un contexte constructiviste axiomatisables et est de Hilbert formalisme de Cantor logicisme que furent Frege et Russell et de Ackermann Gerhard Gentzen Hilbert (comme Ackermann Si la théorie des ensembles est consistante, on peut lui ajouter l' et/ou l' axiome du choix elle restera non contradictoire Tarski Cohen Robinson
Procédures récursives : Dans l'étude du langage mathématique formel, Gödel aborde l'usage de fonctions et relations . En mathématique et programmation élémentaires, les fonctions ou procédures En savoir un peu plus sur les procédures récursives : Turing Ackermann Church Pour en savoir plus :
  • , D.W. Baron, Ed. Dunod, Paris, 1970
    Ed. Hermann, Paris, 1978-1992. Exemples élémentaires dans ChronoMath :
Gelfond Leray

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