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Gemma Frisius Regnier: more detail |
41. Calvin_timeline regnier gemma frisius proposes that longitude be found by means of a differenceof times. The Portuguese colonise Brazil. The Antwerp Exchange is founded. http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~hist121/calvin_t.htm | |
42. Famous Mathematicians With A G Gauss Leopold Gegenbauer Hilda von Mises Geiringer Karl Geiser Israil Gelfand AleksandrGelfond Henry Gellibrand regnier gemma frisius Angelo Genocchi Ruth http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_G.htm | |
43. Famous Mathematicians With An F Frenet Jacov Frenkel Augustin Fresnel Hans Freudenthal Finlay Freundlich AlexanderFriedmann Kurt Friedrichs Paolo Frisi regnier gemma frisius Georg Frobenius http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_F.htm | |
44. ASCE HAWAII - History And Heritage In 1530, Dutch scientist regnier gemma frisius 15081555 proposed themain competing theory using a clock can best solve the problem. http://www.ascehawaii.org/herit2002.html | |
45. Gb Art Time Line Tl_sci1500 De re metallica, first treatise on mineralogy regnier gemma frisius suggeststhat longitude can be found by means of difference of times Peter Martyr http://www.ubmail.ubalt.edu/~pfitz/time/tl_sci1500.html | |
46. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians MT *W; Pedro Nunes (Nonius) (15021578) *SB *W; Johannes Sturm (1507-1589);gemma regnier (frisius) (1508-1555); Federico Commandino http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
47. OBTA - Pracownia Dantyszka der Weise, Kurfürst von der Pfalz Friedwald Mikolaj frisius (Frysius,Reiner, Regner, regnier) gemma (zm. 1555) Fugger Anton (zm. http://www.obta.uw.edu.pl/obta/dantyszek/korespondencja.html | |
48. OBTA - Pracownia Dantyszka Translate this page der Weise, Kurfürst von der Pfalz Friedwald Miko³aj frisius (Frysius, Reiner,Regner, regnier) gemma (died 1555) Fugger Anton (died 1560) Fughe (Fuge http://www.obta.uw.edu.pl/obta/dantyszek/korespondencjaang.html | |
49. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of sc Geminus}, \born \circa 130, \died \circa 70 v. Chr.} } \newcommand{\gemmafrisius}{{\scgemma frisius}\footnote{{\sc regnier gemma frisius}, \born 1508 http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
50. 25 May History: This Date the death of Louis. LINKS 1555 regnier gemma frisius, Frieslandermathematician born on 08 December 1508. He applied his http://www.geocities.com/history4may/history/h4may/h4may25.html | |
51. Godlike Productions -- Forum Archives Cardano (15011576) *SB *MT *W Pedro Nunes (Nonius) (1502-1578) *SB *W Johannes Sturm(1507-1589) gemma regnier (frisius) (1508-1555) Federico Commandino (1509 http://godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=64&topic=3&message=278278&mpa |
52. McMaster Libraries - Lloyd Reeds Map Collection Printed map....... / fol 1348 Peter Apian Apianus (14951552) and regnier gemma frisius(1508-1555), published 1524 or later. http://library.lib.mcmaster.ca/maps/bmaps.htm | |
53. Insert Into Nuke_ephem (eid, Did, Mid, Yid, Content) Values (1,1,1 Copernicus, Polish astronomer, died ); insert into nuke_ephem (eid, did, mid, yid,content) values (374,25,5,1555, regnier gemma frisius, Dutch mathematician http://nukecops.com/downloads-file-253.html |
54. JL S Algorithms He was a Professor of medicine and mathematics. Click here for more interestingtidbits on regnier gemma frisius. Step 1 Add 1s. Step 2 Add 10s. http://www.dahlgren.odedodea.edu/classes/g&t/algorithms.htm |
55. Mathematicians Johannes Sturm (15071589). gemma regnier (frisius) (1508-1555). FedericoCommandino (1509-1575) *SB *W. Robert Recorde (1510-1558) *SB *MT *W. http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/Mathematicians.html | |
56. Mathem_abbrev Galileo Galilei Galois, Evariste Gauss, Carl Friedrich Gelfand, Israil GeminusGemma frisius, regnier Genocchi, Angelo, Gerard of Cremona Gerhard of Cremona http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
57. Magyar Könyvszemle János debreczeni tanító. A szerzo, gemma frisius, valódi neveRegnier volt, meghalt Löwenben 1555ben. A jelen fordításnak http://epa.oszk.hu/00000/00021/00010/0002-6c.html | |
58. Imago Mundi - Gemma. http://www.cosmovisions.com/Gemma.htm | |
59. EDUCyT #181 - 2da. Seccíon [8 De Marzo De 2002.] Translate this page Su habilidad para la matemática y la astronomía lo conectó con regnier GemmaFrisius (1508-1555), un célebres geógrafo de quien fue discípulo, y que le http://www.fcen.uba.ar/prensa/educyt/2002/ed181b.htm | |
60. Bamser 7. Leopold Kronecker tysker - algebra og talteori, 1823. 8. regnier GemmaFrisius, hollænder,astronom Korttegner sammen med Mercator, 1508. 9. 10. http://www.math.dk/Bamser/december.htm | |
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