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         Geminus:     more books (19)
  1. The Anatomy of Thomas Geminus. A Notable Acquisition for the Library. by Geoffrey Keynes, 1959
  2. Papyrii Gemini Eleatis Hermathena, Sev De Eloquentiae Victoria: Reproduced in Exact Facsimile from the Copy in St. John's College Library. with an Appendix ... in Different States (Latin Edition) by Papyrius Geminus, 2010-02-13
  3. RAD and the Quest for Geminus by Julius Kohanyi, 2006-01
  4. Lq05 Quadrangle: Posidonius, Cassini, Endymion, Messala, Aristillus, de La Rue, Maury, Atlas, Aristoteles, Geminus, Hercules, Archytas
  5. The Copper Plates in Raynalde and Geminus. Offprint from the Proccedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1926. by LeRoy Crummer, 1926
  6. Roman-Era Rhodians: Geminus, Castor of Rhodes, Agesimbrotus, Agepolis, Agesilochus, Apollonius Molon, Alexander of Rhodes, Agathagetus
  7. Ancient Rhodian Scientists: Hipparchus, Posidonius, Geminus, Dinocrates, Attalus of Rhodes
  8. Geminu Eisagog? eis ta phainomena: Graece et Latine (German Edition)
  9. Characters in Mystery Novel Series of the 21st Century: Bernie Rhodenbarr, Marcus and Gaius Geminus, Dermot Michael Coyne, Nuala Anne Mcgrail
  10. Geminus: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  11. Gestorben 216 V. Chr.: Marcus Minucius Rufus, Gnaeus Servilius Geminus, Lucius Aemilius Paullus (German Edition)
  12. Papyrii Gemini Eleatis Hermathena, Sev De Eloquentiae Victoria. Ad Lectorem Non mihi Musa pares, genitor no dulcis Apollo, Ruraq, Cecropidum, nec moenia celsa Quirini, Barbarus ast rauco resonabo classica cornu, Quodq, tulere nesas diuumq, hoimq, parentes by Papyrius Geminus, 1886
  13. Gemini Elementa Astronomiae by Geminus, 2010-03-01
  14. PAPYRII GEMINI ELEATIS HERMATHENA, SEV De Eloquenti¾ Victoria. by Papyrius. Geminus, 1522-01-01

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2. The Geminus Sect // If Page Doesn't Load, Go To
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3. The Sea Slug Forum - Chromodoris Geminus
Tropical Indian Ocean. brownish background, and a purple border. Chromodoris geminus differs in having four colour bands around the colour form of C. geminus and Chromodoris cf. geminus which
Chromodoris geminus
Rudman, 1987
Order: NUDIBRANCHIA Suborder: DORIDINA Family: Chromodorididae
DISTRIBUTION: Tropical Indian Ocean. PHOTO: UPPER: Showing characteristic mantle wave where all the mantle edge is raised and lowered together, as in C. kuniei . Fungu Yasin, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, November 1976, 35mm long alive. PHOTO: Bill Rudman.
LOWER: Phi Phi Is., Southern Thailand, 16m, December 1989. PHOTO: D.J.Brunckhorst. This is one of a group of similarly coloured species which I have called the " Risbecia tryoni colour group". Other species include Risbecia tryoni Chromodoris kuniei and Chromodoris leopardus . They all have large purple or purple-brown spots or marks, usually ringed with white, an often reticulate brownish background, and a purple border. Chromodoris geminus differs in having four colour bands around the mantle edge, an outermost white, then translucent greyish purple, then white, then yellow. The other three have a distinct purple line at the border, narrow in C. leopardus and R. tryoni

4. The Sea Slug Forum - Chromodoris Cf. Geminus
This looks quite like (message chrogemi.htm) Chromodoris geminus which has also been reported from South Africa. However it is deeper in colour than the C. geminus and differs in having the purple
Chromodoris cf. geminus
Order: NUDIBRANCHIA Suborder: DORIDINA Superfamily: EUDORIDOIDEA Family: Chromodorididae
PHOTO: South Coast of KwaZulu/Natal, SOUTH AFRICA, Near Port Shepstone. Rocky Reef, 20 - 25m, October 1999. Size: 40mm. PHOTO: Valda Fraser.
This looks quite like Chromodoris geminus which has also been reported from South Africa. However it is deeper in colour than the C. geminus and differs in having the purple right at the mantle edge rather than submarginally. There is also a distinct deep yellow submarginal band in C. geminus while in C. cf. geminus the yellow-brown background colour on the mantle is uniform. Also in C. geminus there are spots on the foot and a white edge, while in this species there are spots on the foot but it has a purple edge. The rhinophore clubs are purple not yellowish. This may be a mimic of C. geminus
A very distinctive behavioural characteristic of C. geminus , which you can see in the photo at the top of the C. geminus page , is that the mantle edge is raised and lowered in one movement all around the mantle edge. Valda Fraser's message shows that this species differs in having the more usual waves of movement down each side of the mantle.

5. Transcending The Mundane: Interview With Geminus Sect
Talking with . . . geminus Sect. Interviewed 8/25/2003 by Brett VanPut. Interview with vocalist, guitarist, and keyboardist Xevin Interview with vocalist, guitarist, and keyboardist Xevin. geminus Sect is an industrial rock band featuring the twins questions we forwarded to one half of the geminus Sect, Xevin.

6. Geminus Sect Reviews
geminus Sect album reviews, courtesy of Buy geminus Sect CDs at Insound! geminus Sect is an interesting Industrial band such as Ministry and Skinny Puppy. geminus Sect are
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7. Job Openings
Jobs at geminus. Listed below are the currently available jobs at geminus andits affiliates. Cash Application Representative, geminus, Merrillville.
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C.C.D.F. Divorce Education ... TriCity Jobs at Geminus Listed below are the currently available jobs at Geminus and its affiliates. List Updated 05/28/04 Database Administrator, Geminus, Merrillville Associates degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience. Experience 3-5 years in MS-SQL database development, data warehousing, coding and programming. Will design, develop implement and maintain complex database, intranet and dashboard reports with respect to access methods, access time, organization and security. Staff Accountant, Geminus, Merrillville Bachelor's degree in Accounting and the ability to pass test and maintain certification as Assisted Housing Managers for HUD projects. CPA or MBA, two years experience, and previous healthcare, not-for-profit or fund accounting environments preferred Cash Application Representative, Geminus, Merrillville

8. Geminus
Biography of geminus (10BC60) geminus is believed by many historians to have worked in Rhodes For example, geminus refers to Mt Atabyrius (today called Mt Attaviros) without giving any indication of where it is
Born: about 10 BC in (possibly) Rhodes, Greece
Died: about 60 AD
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It may be surprising that Geminus 's name seems to be Latin rather than Greek but as Heath writes [3]:- The occurrence of a Latin name in a centre of Greek culture need not surprise us, since Romans settled in such centres in large numbers during the last century BC. Geminus, however, in spite of his name, was thoroughly Greek. Geminus is believed by many historians to have worked in Rhodes. Certainly his astronomy text uses mountains on Rhodes to make specific points but, as Dicks points out in [1], this is not proof that he worked there. For example, Geminus refers to Mt Atabyrius (today called Mt Attaviros) without giving any indication of where it is but when he refers to Mt Cyllene he is careful to indicate that it is the Peloponnesus. However, since Rhodes was at this time the centre for astronomical research, and was taken as the reference point for latitude in astronomical observations, it is quite possible that Geminus would assume his reader were familiar with the reference points of Rhodes such as Mt Atabyrius without further comment. Geminus was a Stoic philosopher and either a pupil, or perhaps a later follower, of

9. Geminus
geminus. Born about It may be surprising that geminus s name seems tobe Latin rather than Greek but as Heath writes 3 The occurrence
Born: about 10 BC in (possibly) Rhodes, Greece
Died: about 60 AD
Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
It may be surprising that Geminus 's name seems to be Latin rather than Greek but as Heath writes [3]:- The occurrence of a Latin name in a centre of Greek culture need not surprise us, since Romans settled in such centres in large numbers during the last century BC. Geminus, however, in spite of his name, was thoroughly Greek. Geminus is believed by many historians to have worked in Rhodes. Certainly his astronomy text uses mountains on Rhodes to make specific points but, as Dicks points out in [1], this is not proof that he worked there. For example, Geminus refers to Mt Atabyrius (today called Mt Attaviros) without giving any indication of where it is but when he refers to Mt Cyllene he is careful to indicate that it is the Peloponnesus. However, since Rhodes was at this time the centre for astronomical research, and was taken as the reference point for latitude in astronomical observations, it is quite possible that Geminus would assume his reader were familiar with the reference points of Rhodes such as Mt Atabyrius without further comment. Geminus was a Stoic philosopher and either a pupil, or perhaps a later follower, of

10. Skoki Spadochronowe
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    Aeroklub Koniñski oferuje najtañsze szkolenie w Europie! Je¿eli zdecydujesz siê na odbycie kursu ju¿ nastêpnego dnia wykonasz swój pierwszy skok spadochronowy w ¿yciu. Szkolenie prowadzone jest przez do¶wiadczonych instruktorów, którzy zapewniaj± maksimum bezpieczeñstwa. "SKOKI SPADOCHRONOWE - - Szkolenie na spadochronie klasycznym" Skrypt przeznaczony jest dla pocz±tkuj±cych spadochroniarzy rozpoczynaj±cych szkolenie na spadochronie klasycznym. Celem autora by³o opracowanie materia³ów szkoleniowych, które pomog³yby pocz±tkuj±cym spadochroniarzom uzupe³niæ i ugruntowaæ wiedzê zdobyt± podczas zajêæ teoretycznych. Autor kierowa³ siê zasad± minimum tre¶ci - maksimum wiedzy , tak wiêc w skrypcie znajduj± siê tylko te wiadomo¶ci, z którymi warto zapoznaæ siê przed wykonaniem pierwszego skoku spadochronowego w ¿yciu.
  • 11. Geminus Vitae: Embrace Your Duality
    Who's Chatting?
    Who's Chatting? Who's Chatting?

    12. References For Geminus
    References for geminus. Articles AC Bowen and BR Goldstein, geminus and theconcept of mean motion in GrecoLatin astronomy, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci.
    References for Geminus
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Books:
  • E J Dijksterhuis, Gemini Elementorum astronomiae (Leiden, 1957).
  • T L Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics (2 Vols.) (Oxford, 1921).
  • O Neugebauer, A history of ancient mathematical astronomy (New York, 1975). Articles:
  • A C Bowen and B R Goldstein, Geminus and the concept of mean motion in Greco-Latin astronomy, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci.
  • S Drake, Hipparchus- Geminus- Galileo, Stud. Hist. Philos. Sci.
  • B L van der Waerden, Greek astronomical calendars. V. The motion of the Sun in the Parapegma of Geminos and in the Romaka-Siddhanta, Arch. Hist. Exact Sci. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR April 1999 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 13. I Chromodoris Geminus /i
    Chromodoris geminus. Photographed on the wreck on the Stefanos at Tower Reef near Jeddah (Red Sea). I only found one other example
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Chromodoris geminus
    Photographed on the wreck on the "Stefanos" at "Tower Reef" near Jeddah (Red Sea). I only found one other example of this species (Blue Beach, N. Obhur, Jeddah) Nikon F801, 105mm lens on Fuji Velvia PREVIOUS HOME NUDIBRANCH INDEX CHROMODORIS INDEX ... NEXT Email:

    14. Geminus Credits
    CREDITS FOR "GEMINATION" SONGWRITING geminus = Xayne Xevin geminus. Walther = Gerhart Walther (former drummer) Davis = Chad Davis (former programmer/guitarist) Slavior lyrics, phrasing, music geminus
    CREDITS FOR "GEMINATION" SONGWRITING... Walther = Gerhart Walther (former drummer) Davis = Chad Davis (former programmer/guitarist) home bio pics gigs ... promo CREDITS contact

    15. Patron Saints Index: Saint Geminus
    geminus. Memorial 4 January Profile Martyred with Saint Aquilinus, Saint Eugene,Saint Marcian, Saint Quintus, Saint Theodotus, and Saint Tryphon.
    4 January
    Martyred with Saint Aquilinus, Saint Eugene, Saint Marcian, Saint Quintus, Saint Theodotus, and Saint Tryphon. by the Arian Hunneric, king of the Vandals. Blessed Bede had access to records about them, and wrote of their heroic deaths, but his sources have not survived.
    martyred in
    deutsch italiano
    Saints Index Page Catholic Community Forum ... Message Board

    16. Patron Saints Index: Saint Geminus
    geminus. Memorial 9 October Profile Monk at Sanpaterniano de Fano,Narni, Umbria. Claimed by both the Basilians and Benedictines.
    9 October
    Monk at Sanpaterniano de Fano , Narni, Umbria . Claimed by both the Basilians and Benedictines
    San Gemini
    deutsch italiano
    Saints Index Page Catholic Community Forum ... Message Board

    17. Moths Of North America -- Sphinx Geminus
    Distribution map and species account of Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus) in the United States northern Mexico Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus) Gemmed sphinx ( Sphinx geminus Rothschild Jordan
    Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Home Site Map Resources ... Feedback
    Moths of North America
    Gemmed sphinx (Sphinx geminus) Gemmed sphinx Sphinx geminus Wing span: 3 5/8 - 4 1/8 inches (9.2 - 10.5 cm). Identification: Forewing is gray with wavy black and light gray bands and 2 small gray spots near the center of the costa. Hindwing is black with 2 wavy white bands. Life history: Fully-grown caterpillars pupate in underground chambers. Flight: . Not reported. Caterpillar hosts: Not reported. Adult food: Probably flower nectar. Habitat: Not reported. Range: Texas (as a stray) south into Mexico and Honduras. Conservation: Not required for a rare stray. The Nature Conservancy Global Rank: GU - Unable to assign rank due to lack of available information. Management needs: None reported. References: D'Abrera, B. 1986. Sphingidae mundi: hawk moths of the world. E. W. Classey Ltd, Faringdon, Oxon., United Kingdom. 226 pages and color plates. Hodges, R. W. in Dominick, R. B. et al. 1971. The moths of America north of Mexico, fasc. 21 Sphingoidea. E. W. Classey Limited and R. B. D. Publications Inc., Middlesex, England. 164 pages, 14 color plates. Author: Jane M. Struttmann

    18. Geminus
    geminus by Micha F. Lindemans. Cite, rate, or print article Send comment Used sources. Double . An epithet of Janus, referring to his two faces. Article details.
    Home Areas Europe Roman mythology ... Search Geminus
    by Micha F. Lindemans Cite rate , or print article Send comment Used sources
    "Double". An epithet of Janus , referring to his two faces. Article details N/A Article created on 19 March 1997; last modified on 19 March 1997.

    19. Geminus - The Twin Planet
    Last updated Apr 30th 97 Subject Geography. PLANET geminus. The history ofgeminus is a strange and violent one, though none remembers it any more.
    [Main page] [Geography] [Index] [Dictionary] Last updated: Apr 30th '97
    The history of Geminus is a strange and violent one, though none remembers it any more. It was only a little over million years ago that a stray planet entered the solar system. It nearly collided with Domus but due to some most spectacular trick of forture was instead trapped on orbit around Domus. The stabilizing of the Geminus after this took a long time, but in time its atmoshpere was suitable for the same kind of life as on Domus. As it happens, the jadelfs entered the Geminus the same way as they did enter Domus. However, over time the jadelfs on Geminus developed to a totally different form from their cousins on Domus. They become more massive, like hills or small mountains abandoning the ability to move for more stability and longer lifespan. This they have done to succeed in their great goal: the terraforming of Geminus. Since there is no space travel, there is no way to traverse between Domus and Geminus - except one. The powerful jadelf wizards can in special situations establish ports for a short time periods that allow travel from planet to the other. Using these portals the jadelfs have transported living organisms from Domus to Geminus and thus started the forming of biosphere on Geminus. They have even transported some humans to aid in the task. The human population on Geminus is very small living under the shadow and in symbiosis of the huge Jadelfs. Related topics: This page is maintained by

    20. Candalides Geminus
    Candalides geminus Edwards Kerr, 1978 geminus Blue CANDALIDINI ,POLYOMMATINAE , LYCAENIDAE Don HerbisonEvans ( donherbisonevans
    Candalides geminus
    Geminus Blue
    Don Herbison-Evans
    Stella Crossley (
    (updated 17 March 2004)
    (Specimen: courtesy of the The Australian Museum This Caterpillar is green with a dark line along the back, and yellow lines along the sides edged in purple. There are red tubercles along the back. It feeds openly by day on :
  • Downy Dodder Cassytha pubescens LAURACEAE It grows to a length of about 1.5 cms. The pupa is pale brown with dark markings, and has a lenght of about 1.3 cms. It is held by anal hooks and girdle on the food or a nearby plant. The adult butterflies have a wingspan of about 3 cms. The males on top are a bronzed purple. The females are dark brown with a purple sheen over the centres of the forewings. Underneath, they are both pale grey with arcs of dark marks, and there are two prominent black spots under the tornus of each hindwing. The eggs are white, round, and flattened with a rough surface. Their diameter is about 0.7 mm. They are laid singly on flower buds of a foodplant. This species is found in the Northern Territory, Queensland, and New South Wales
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