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         Gellibrand Henry:     more detail
  1. Epitomy of navigation, containing plain and easy rules, ... To which is added, all necessary tables ... First written by Gellibrand, Norwood, and Jones, ... digested into one compendium of navigation. by Henry Gellibrand, 2010-06-09
  2. An epitome of navigation: containing the doctrine of plain and spherical triangles. Together with tables of the sun and stars. And the logarithm sines ... and enlarged with many useful additions by Henry Gellibrand, 2010-06-16
  3. A Discourse Mathematical on the Variation of the Magnetical Needle. London 1635. Facsimiledruck mit einer Einleitung. by Henry (15971637); HELLMANN, G. (ed.). GELLIBRAND, 1897-01-01
  5. An epitome of the art of navigation. Containing the doctrine of plain and spherical triangles, With tables of the sun and stars And the logarithm sines ... Corrected and enlarged with many additions by Henry Gellibrand, 2010-06-16
  6. An epitome of the art of navigation Containing the doctrine of plain and spherical triangles,Together with tables of the sun and starsAnd the logarithm ... Corrected and enlarged with many additions by Henry Gellibrand, 2010-08-06
  7. A Discourse Mathematical on the Variation on the Magneticall Needle Facsimile of by Henry Gellibrand, 1897-01-01
  8. The Voyages of Captain Luke Foxe of Hull, and Captain Thomas James of Bristol, in Search of a Northwest Passage, in 1631-32: With Narratives of the Earlier ... Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Bafl by Thomas James, Luke Foxe, et all 2010-02-10
  9. A discourse mathematical on the variation of the magneticall needle (Neudrucke von Schriften und Karten über Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus) by Henry Gellibrand, 1969
  10. A discourse mathematical on the variation of the magneticall needle. London 1635 (Neudrucke von schriften und karten über meteorologie und erdmagnetismus [hrsg. von G. Hellmann) by Henry Gellibrand, 1897
  11. J Cole by Emma Gellibrand, 1897-01-01

61. Synopsis - The Lost Staircase
Library Page. The Lost Staircase. Synopsis. The action centres on the Dragon House.This was built by Master Balthazar gellibrand late in henry VII s reign.

Library Page
The Lost Staircase
Synopsis The action centres on the Dragon House. This was built by Master Balthazar Gellibrand late in Henry VII's reign. Some years later, a younger son, Nicholas, declared for Parliament in the Civil War and was disowned by his father. However, the family retained its property despite following the Royalist cause, because Nicholas had won Cromwell's favour. Nicholas was the direct ancestor of Jesanne, the heroine of the present-day story. The story itself is set in the twentieth century. Sir Ambrose, present owner of the Dragon House, has lost sisters, son and grandchildren in various tragic circumstances during and after the Great War (1914-18), and is the last of his line. He is obliged to trace the descendants of Nicholas the Roundhead, and summons fourteen-year-old Jesanne (an orphan and the only other surviving Gellibrand) from New Zealand to be brought up on the estate she will one day inherit. At first relations between the distant cousins are uneasy, but as Jesanne proves herself to be a true Gellibrand, a considerable affection develops between them. Sir Ambrose tells Jesanne that she is now mistress of the Dragon House, and from the very start he treats her accordingly. She occupies the Dame's Suite and has her own personal maid. He teaches her the family traditions, including the Dragon House Ritual at Christmas, shows her the great

62. Cronología Del Geomagnetismo
Translate this page 1634 henry gellibrand descubre la variación secular de la declinación.1683-El ejército Turco llega a Viena, pero es rechazado
Las fechas llegan hasta el año 1988; las marcadas "c" (circa) son una aproximación
El diseño de fondo está inhabilitado. Las fechas en rojo provienen de la Cronología básica de hechos, narrada en "From Stargazers to Starships".
Las fechas en negro provienen de la historia de la sociedad y de la tecnología, y su objetivo es proveer un contexto para las fechas de la Cronología básica.
Para obtener una lista de vínculos amplia sobre la historia de la Física
y de la Astronomía, vea la página AIP Center for the History of Physics
Para volver a la Cronología básica de "Stargazers," sin las fechas adicionales , pulse aquí
Para obtener una Cronología de la exploración del entorno magnético de la Tierra, del Sol y de los Planetas, vea ésto
  • 13000-11000 BC-Llegada a América (estimada) de los primeros seres humanos (ayudados probablemente por las vestiduras y el fuego, si es que entraron por Alaska). 10000 BC-Final aproximado de la última glaciación. 3000 BCComienzo de la Edad de Bronce, llamada así por la primera aleación útil. 2700-2300 BC-Se construyen las Pirámides de Egipto. Florecen en los valles de los ríos Nilo, Eufrates e Indus los primeros grandes estados y culturas.

63. Governors Of The Bank Of England
James Morris, 1847 1849. henry James Prescott, 1849 - 1851. Thomson Hankey, 1851- 1853. John gellibrand Hubbard, 1853 - 1855. Thomas Matthias Weguelin, 1855 - 1857.
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Governors of the Bank of England From 1800
Name Date Served Samuel Thornton Job Mathew Joseph Nutt Benjamin Winthrop Beeston Long John Whitmore John Pearse William Manning William Mellish Jeremiah Harman George Dorrien Charles Pole John Bowden Cornelius Buller John Baker Richards Samuel Drewe John Horsley Palmer Richard Mee Raikes James Pattison Timothy Abraham Curtis Sir John Rae Reid, Bt Sir John Henry Pelly, Bt William Cotton John Benjamin Heath William Robinson Robinson 1847 (April - Aug) James Morris Henry James Prescott Thomson Hankey John Gellibrand Hubbard Thomas Matthias Weguelin Sheffield Neave Bonamy Dobree Alfred Latham Kirkman Daniel Hodgson Henry Lancelot Holland Thomas Newman Hunt Robert Wigram Crawford George Lyall Benjamin Buck Greene Henry Hucks Gibbs Edward Howley Palmer John William Birch Henry Riversdale Grenfell John Saunders Gilliat James Pattison Currie Mark Wilks Collet (Bt. 1888)

64. PICE
Translate this page 1564-1642), físico e astrônomo italiano Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655), filósofofrancês gellibrand, henry (1597-1636), astrônomo inglês Gesner, Konrad von
Curso Seleção Eventos e Congressos Links ... Principal Retratos de Cientistas
(com algumas biografias) 1. Cientistas e Filósofos Antigos (até séc. V)
Alcmaeon (c. 500 a.C. - ?), médico grego
(c. 500 - c. 428 a.C.), filósofo grego
(610 - c. 546 a.C.), filósofo grego
(c. 261 - c. 190 a.C.), matemático grego
Aristarco (c. 320 - c. 250 a.C.), astrônomo grego
(384-322 a.C.), filósofo e cientista grego
(c. 287 - c. 212 a.C.), matemático e físico grego
Boethius, Anicius
(c. 480 - 524), filósofo romano
Calipo (c. 370 - c. 300 a.C.), astrônomo grego
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius
(c. 10 a.C.- ?), enciclopedista romano Conon (c. 300 a.C. - ?), matemático grego Ctesibio (c. 200 a.C.), inventor grego Demócrito (c. 470 - c. 380 a.C.), filósofo e cientista grego Diofanto (c. 210 - c. 290), matemático grego Dioscórides (c. 20 a.D. - ?), médico greco-romano Empédocles (c. 490 -c. 430 a.C.), filósofo e médico grego Erasístrato (c. 304 - c. 250 a.C.), médico grego Eratostenes (c. 276 - c. 196 a.C.), astrônomo grego

65. WebGED: MOYLE Family Data Page
gellibrand, May Anna (*1895 ) - female spouse Pitson, William henry (1893 -) - m. 1918 in Victoria, Australia -child Pitson, Kenneth William
previous go to surnames Foster, Margaret (private) - female
Foster, Alfred Hugh (*1918 - 1987)
mother: Hamilton, Thelma (private) Foster, Pauline (private) - female
Foster, Alfred Hugh (*1918 - 1987)
mother: Hamilton, Thelma (private) Fotheringham, Betsy Skeoch - female
b. Abt 1856
d. 5 Nov 1893 in Kapunda, Kapunda, South Australia
Pearce, James Smith (1859 - )
- m. 10 Feb 1880 in Lefevre Peninsula, Port Adelaide, South Australia
Pearce, Olive Mabel (1880 - )
child: Pearce, Henry Edmonds (1882 - 1952) child: Pearce, Archie Fotheringham (1885 - 1886) child: Pearce, Ruby Fotheringham (1887 - 1978) child: Pearce, Ronald Beveridge (1890 - ) child: Pearce, Muriel Bessie (1892 - ) Fox, Florence Isabel - female b. 25 Mar 1880 in Eaglehawk, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia d. 15 Aug 1915 in Bendigo, Victoria, Australia father: Fox, John (~1846 - ) mother: Jinks, Matilda Delgany (*1849 - ) spouse: Richards, William John Thomas (1877 - 1969) child: Richards, John Norman (1905 - ) child: Richards, William Ronald (1908 - ) child: Richards, Mavis Delgany (1910 - )

66. I.: Bibliography. Vol. 4. Prose And Poetry: Sir Thomas North To Michael Drayton.
1648. gellibrand, henry. An Epitome of Navigation, containing the doctrine of plainand spherical triangles, and their use and application in plain sailing.
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Cambridge History Prose and Poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton Translators ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes
Vol. 4. Prose and Poetry: Sir Thomas North to Michael Drayton.

67. Tameside Parish Map
Thomas gellibrand, his marke, Joseph gellibrand, his marke, Myles Slater,his marke. John Lees, henry Sclater, marke, John Schlater, marke.
KNOTT LANES Edmund Heywoode Esq. his marke John Heywood Raphe Bold, his marke Roger Peake Thomas Slater, his marke Isack Dehoowe, his marke Abraham Dehowe Robert Soundiforth, his marke John Cropper Thomas Gellibrand, his marke Joseph Gellibrand, his marke Myles Slater, his marke John Wood, his marke Thomas Gilibrand Edmund Holt, his marke Reynold Hulme, his marke William Leech Edmund Knott Edmund Knott, senior his marke PARKE (i.e. WOOD PARK) William Wright, his marke John Soundiforth Jarvis Brearley Robert Lees, his marke John Lees, marke Nicholas Lees, marke John fitton, marke Thomas Heywood, marke Edward Royle, marke John Leach, marke Lawrence Wright John Andrew, his marke Lawrence Right, his marke Joseph Wyld, his marke Myles Goddartt, his marke William Wright the sone of Robert [marke] ALTEHILL John Wild, sen: John Roades John Lees Henry Sclater, marke

68. Bank Of England - Past Governors Of The Bank Of England
James, Morris, 1847 1849. henry James, Prescott, 1849 - 1851. Thomson, Hankey,1851 - 1853. John gellibrand, Hubbard, 1853 - 1855. Thomas Matthias, Weguelin, 1855- 1857.
The Bank of England Museum The Bank of England Archive Key moments in the Bank's history
a brief guide Three hundred years of the Bank of England From a national to a central bank
historical trivia The Bank of England Act 1998 Relevant publications Governors of the Bank of England Please use the timeline below: 1901 - Present
Sir John Houblon Sir William Scawen Nathaniel Tench
John Ward Abraham Houblon Sir James Bateman Francis Eyles Sir Gilbert Heathcote Nathaniel Gould John Rudge Sir Peter Delme Sir Gerard Conyers John Hanger Sir Thomas Scawen Sir Gilbert Heathcote William Thompson Humphry Morice Samuel Holden Sir Edward Bellamy The Hon. Horatio Townshend Bryan Benson Thomas Cooke Delillers Carbonnel Stamp Brooksbank William Fawkener Charles Savage Benjamin Longuet William Hunt Alexander Sheafe Charles Palmer Matthews Beachcroft Merrik Burrell Bartholomew Burton Robert Marsh John Weyland Matthew Clarmont William Cooper Edward Payne James Sperling Samuel Beachcroft Peter Gaussen Daniel Booth William Ewer Richard Neave George Peters Edward Darell Mark Weyland Samuel Bosanquet Godfrey Thornton Daniel Giles Thomas Raikes Samuel Thornton
Job Matthew Joseph Nutt Benjamin Winthrop Beeston Long John Whitmore John Pearse William Manning William Mellish Jeremiah Harman George Dorrien Charles Pole John Bowden Cornelieus Buller John Baker Richards Samuel Drewe John Horsley Palmer Richard Mee Raikes James Pattison Timothy Abraham Curtis Sir John Rae Reid Sir John Henry Pelly William Cotton John Benjamin Heath William Robinson Robinson 1847 (Apr-Aug) James Morris Henry James Prescott Thomson Hankey John Gellibrand

69. Four Winds Collection Message Forum - A Forum
Return to Website. Forum. Reply. Subject Life size bust of Sir henry Royce. NamePat gellibrand. Date Posted Mar 24, 04 404 PM. IP Address
Four Winds Collection Message Forum Welcome to the Four Winds Collection New Message Forum. We represent four US based foundries that make high quality reproduction bronze sculptures, limited edition, and original pieces of work. We have many early and historical photographs available and are always buying pre-1920's photographs. We also have a very large collection of Richard Stone Reeves equine limited edition prints available for sale. Remember to visit our home page. Thank you the Four Winds Collection. Please do not post "For Sale Ads" in the Message Forum. Use the classified ads.
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Forum Reply
Subject: Life size bust of Sir Henry Royce Name: Pat Gellibrand Date Posted: Mar 24, 04 - 4:04 PM IP Address: Email: Message: For 20 years i have owned a life size bust of Henry Royce,he is bronze in apperance,on the back Wm McMillan RA. Sc1934. Can anybody give me any information on this bust.
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70. 16¥@¬ö¼Æ¾Ç®a
8? Andesong 15821619. ?9.G henry gellibrand 1597-1636.?10? Leikede 1510-1558. ?11(Gunter Edmund)1581-1626.數學家的小故事/IV/1
16¥@¬ö­^°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a J.Napier Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679 Tonstall Kutbert 1474-1559 John Dee 1527-1608 «¢¨½¶ø¯S Thomas Harrio 1560-1621 «Â·G William Oughtred1575-1660 ¶ø¯S¹p¼w Aoteleide 1574-1660 ¦w¼wªQ Andesong 1582-1619 ¦ë§Q .G Henry Gellibrand 1597-1636 ¹p¬ì¼w Leikede 1510-1558 ©£¯S ¡]Gunter Edmund¡^1581-1626 ¦ë§Q .S Henry Savile 1575-1660 Thomas Digges
(Peter Turner)1586-1652 ¦ë§Q Henry Briggs 1561-1630 ¡]BacowFrancis¡^ 1561-1626 16¥@¬ö¸q¤j§Q¼Æ¾Ç®a 16¥@¬öªk°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a ¨©¤º¼w¸¦ Benedetti 1553-1617 Della Porta 1535-15-615 ¼w¤ã®æ ¢Õ.¢Òezhage 1593-1662 Baerdi 1553-1617 ºû¹F ¥d¥Ë¦C¨½ Pacioli 1548-1626 ©Ô¿p´µ Lamusi 1515-1572 ¶O©Ô¨½ Feilali,L. 1522-1565 Danti 1536-1586 Pierre Ggassendi1592-1655 ¨¹¨©§Q , Bangbeili¢à1526-1572 ¥d¤¦ CARDEN 1501-1576 ²¥d¨à Descartes Perron 1596-1950 ¶ðº¸¶ð§Q¨È Tartaglia,1599-1557

71. 16¥@¬ö¼Æ¾Ç®a
? Andesong 15821619. ?.G henry gellibrand 1597-1636. Leikede 1510-1558. ?(Gunter Edmund)1581-1626.數學史/歷屆數學
¼Æ¾Ç¥v­º­¶ ¦¨ªG®i­º­¶ 16¥@¬ö­^°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a J.Napier Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679 Tonstall Kutbert 1474-1559 John Dee 1527-1608 «¢¨½¶ø¯S Thomas Harrio 1560-1621 «Â·G William Oughtred1575-1660 ¶ø¯S¹p¼w Aoteleide 1574-1660 ¦w¼wªQ Andesong 1582-1619 ¦ë§Q .G Henry Gellibrand 1597-1636 ¹p¬ì¼w Leikede 1510-1558 ©£¯S ¡]Gunter Edmund¡^1581-1626 ¦ë§Q .S Henry Savile 1575-1660 Thomas Digges 1546-1595 ©¼±o (Peter Turner)1586-1652 ¦ë§Q Henry Briggs 1561-1630 ¡]BacowFrancis¡^ 1561-1626 16¥@¬ö¸q¤j§Q¼Æ¾Ç®a 16¥@¬öªk°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a ¨©¤º¼w¸¦ Benedetti 1553-1617 Della Porta 1535-15-615 ¼w¤ã®æ ¢Õ.¢Òezhage 1593-1662 Baerdi 1553-1617 Cataldi 1548-1626 ºû¹F ¥d¥Ë¦C¨½ Pacioli 1548-1626 ©Ô¿p´µ Lamusi 1515-1572 ¶O©Ô¨½ Feilali,L. 1522-1565 Danti 1536-1586 Pierre Ggassendi1592-1655 ¨¹¨©§Q , Bangbeili¢à1526-1572 ¥d¤¦ CARDEN 1501-1576 ²¥d¨à Descartes Perron 1596-1950 ¶ðº¸¶ð§Q¨È Tartaglia,1599-1557

72. William Buckley: Biography 8
On their return he found that his friend Tice gellibrand and George Hesse haddisappeared while travelling from Point henry near Geelong to Melbourne.
text by Suzy Keys design by
Corio Bay Media
Chapter 8
Massacres and Mischief
In December 1836, George Langhorne was appointed as a missionary and Buckley was attached to him as interpreter. They didn't get along well, and Buckley made it clear that he thought the ideas of the mission were useless and that the settlement should be disbanded. It failed miserably and was closed down in 1839. During March 1837, Governor Sir Richard Bourke arrived to bring order to the colony. Buckley organized the natives to line the roadway and salute him. Bourke then requested that Buckley escort him on a tour of the surrounding country. They crossed the Yawang Plains, and visited 'Jillong', and his cave at Buckley's Falls, promising useful gifts to the natives they met in exchange for the Wathaurong's peaceful acceptance of the occupation of the land. On their return he found that his friend Tice Gellibrand and George Hesse had disappeared while travelling from Point Henry near Geelong to Melbourne. Buckley was sent to look for them and could find no word of what had happened. He engaged some trustworthy natives and along with Gellibrand's son and Captain Pollack they set off in search of them.

73. William Buckley: Biography 7
On 15 September, henry Batman took his family, Buckley and the Sydney natives withhim as an interpreter for 50 pounds a year, by Mr gellibrand, the solicitor
text by Suzy Keys design by
Corio Bay Media
Chapter 7
Move to Melbourne Town
Wedge was very sympathetic to Buckley's situation, and promised to use all his influence to secure his pardon from Lieutenant-Governor Arthur. While they waited for the return of the ship and his pardon, Buckley helped around the camp and went with Wedge to show him the land and its features. He liked Wedge and was keen to be of service. They traversed the land near Geelong and visited the falls near a place called Woorongo. Buckley spent much of his time camping and catching eels. Wedge in deference to Buckley named them Buckley Falls. Wedge was greatly taken by the agricultural potential of the landscape they traversed, sketched and took bearings along the way. These can be seen today in The Todd Journal. They visited his old fishing hut beside the Karaaf River and shot the occasional bird, always within earshot of the natives so that they were trained to be fearful of guns. Along the way they asked the natives to visit them at their encampment and they would be given presents. Buckley said that it was with a great deal of grumbling that the natives didn't attack the party, and they blamed him for not helping them in their deadly scheme. Meanwhile at the camp Todd kept his daily journal. While waiting for John Batman, they had cleared the site, dug a well, put in a vegetable garden and an orchard, built a sod hut for Batman and his brother's family, and a blacksmith's shop. Some of the men went out hunting to supplement their dwindling rations and caught kangaroos, ducks and fish. Always the natives were camped nearby. During all this time, they were frustrated by the thieving inclinations of the natives and were constantly expecting a surprise attack.

74. El Ángel Caído - Muchas Fotografías
Translate this page 1965 ). Paula gellibrand, hacia 1930 ( Cecil Beaton, 1904-1980 ). Ampliacióndirecta quince veces ( Paul y Prosper henry ). Vista
Pasamanos, 1932
Hugo Schmölz (1879-1938)
Autorretrato, 1930
Eberhard Schrammen (1886-1947)
Schadografia 24b, 1960
Christian Schad ( 1894 - 1982 )
Madame Schuller, hacia 1930
Hugo Erfurth ( 1874 - 1948 )
Autorretrato con espejos, 1931
Ilse Bing ( 1899-1995 )
Gertrude Fehr ( 1895-1996 ) Mission District, San Francisco, 1949 Minor White ( 1908 - 1976 ) Retrato de hombre ciego con un gato, hacia 1850 Dancer in Costume Holding Eggs, hacia 1890 Paul Nadar ( 1856-1939 ) The Firefly, hacia 1907 ( George H. Seeley, 1880 - 1955 ) Sylvia Syms, Hollywood, 1956 ( William Claxton ) ( Laszlo Moholy-Nagy ) ( David Seymour ) ( Fred Plaut ) South Carolina, hacia 1929-1930 ( Doris Ulmann, 1882-1934 ) Perched Rock, Rocker Creek, Arizona, 1872 ( William Bell, 1830-1910 ) Maxim Gorki, hacia 1910 ( Elias Goldensky, 1867-1943 ) Vertical Discharge with Dark Branches, 1890 ( William N. Jennings, 1860-1946 ) Wrenches, hacia 1915 ( Irving S. Underhill, 1872-1960 )

75. The Magistracy Of Buckinghamshire In 1861
Hall, Lawrence Robert, Esq., Frays House, Uxbridge Hanmer, henry, Esq., Stockgrove and9, Wilton Crescent, Belgrave Square Hubbard, John gellibrand, Esq., MP
Contents Buckinghamshire
The Magistracy of Buckinghamshire in 1861
The following list of names has been extracted from James Joseph Sheahan's "History and Topography of Buckinghamshire", 1862. Lord-Lieutenant and Custos Rotolorum - Right Hon. Robert John, Lord Carington,
The Abbey, High Wycombe, and Gayhurst, Newport Pagnell.
High Sheriff of Bucks - Sir Anthony de Rothschild, Bart., Aston Clinton.
Chairman of Quarter Sessions - Lord Carrington.
Vice-Chairman - Rev. George Chetwode, Chilton House, Thame. Justices - Residing within the County Allen, Thomas Newland, Esq., The Vache, Gerrards Cross
Athawes, Rev. John, Loughton, Stony Stratford
Atkinson, Benjamin, Esq., Great Marlow
Barker, Thomas Raymond, Esq., Hambledon, Henley-on-Thames
Baron, Rev. John Samuel, Brill, Thame
Bartlett, John Edward, Esq., Aylesbury
Barrington, Hon. Percy, Westbury Manor, Brackley Bell, Rev. William, Lillingstone Dayrell, Buckingham Bent, John, Esq., Wexham Lodge, Slough Bernard, Thomas Tyringham, Esq., Winchendon Priory, Thame

76. NEWTON, John., Trigonometria Britanica; Or The Doctrines Of Triangles, In Two Bo
the Canon of Artificiall Sines, Tangents and Logarithms… The one Composed, theother Translated, from the latine Copie written by henry gellibrand… A Table
Simon Finch Rare Books
NEWTON, John. Trigonometria Britanica; or The Doctrines of Triangles, in Two Books. The first of which sheweth the construction of the Naturall and Artificiall Sines, Tangents and Secants, and Table of Logarithms: with their use in ordinary Questions of Arithemetick, Extraction of Roots, in finding the Increase and Rebate of Money and Annuities, at any Rate or Time propounded. The Other, the use or application of the Canon of Artificiall Sines, Tangents and Logarithms… The one Composed, the other Translated, from the latine Copie written by Henry Gellibrand… A Table of Logarithms to 100,000 thereto annexed, with the Artificial Sines and Tangents, to the hundred part of every Degree; and the three first Degrees to a thousand parts. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by Simon Finch Rare Books ; click here for further details.

77. Millet Deschales
henry gellibrand et que
MILLET DESCHALES (Claude-François)
L'ART DE NAVIGUER 10 (Titre; Epître dédicatoire à Monseigneur le Marquis de Seignelay, Secrétaire d'Etat; Avant-Propos; Table des chapitres; Extrait du privilège du Roy), 274 pp., 53 pp. (46 pp. de tables de navigation dont 16 pages, d'un format supérieur, sont repliées et 7 pages de table des matière), 1 planche dépliante hors texte (abaque). Le nom de l'auteur figure à la fin de l'épître dédicatoire. Très bel exemplaire aux armes de Henry Louis Habert de Montmort sur les deux plats (voir sa biographie plus bas). Référence Polak: 6709 Selon Pierre BOUGUER, « Ce livre est un des meilleurs que nous ayons représentant l'état des connaissances que l'on avait alors; on peu seulement lui reprocher qu'il supposait au lecteur des connaissances dont quelques-unes devaient manquer ». Le père Claude François Millet Deschales, avec l'autorité que lui conférait la qualité de professeur royal d'hydrographie à Marseille et sous l'inspiration des méthodes anglaises s'était élevé vigoureusement contre la méthode de navigation enseignée à Dieppe principalement par l'abbé Guillaume Denis et qui consistait à affirmer que l'on pouvait utiliser les variations du compas magnétique pour déterminer la longitude. Contre les errements de cette méthode, Millet Deschales affirmait avec raison que « la déclinaison est changeante et différente en plusieurs endroits du même méridien » comme l'avait démontré en 1635 le professeur anglais, Henry Gellibrand et que corrobora, à la fin du dix-septième siècle, le célèbre astronome anglais Halley à la suite d'une longue croisière dans l' Atlantique.

78. Parliamentary Handbook: Elections: House Of Representatives Election Results 200
1910–22, Smith, William henry Laird 1910–17 (ALP); 1917–22 (NAT). 1922–25,O’Keefe, David John (ALP). 1925–28, gellibrand, Sir John (NAT).

Elections Electoral divisions Members since 1901 Corinella to Grey Corinella (Vic.) McCay, James Whiteside (PROT) (This division was abolished upon redistribution of seats, 1906.)
(New division consequent upon redistribution of seats, 1989.) Broadbent, Russell Evan (LIB) Griffin, Alan Peter (ALP) (This division was abolished upon redistribution of seats, 1994.) Corio (Vic.) Crouch, Richard Armstrong (PROT) Ozanne, Alfred Thomas (ALP) Kendell, William (LIB) Ozanne, Alfred Thomas (ALP) Lister, John Henry (NAT) Lewis, Arthur (ALP) Casey, Richard Gardiner (UAP) Dedman, John Johnstone (ALP) Opperman, Hubert Ferdinand (LIB) Scholes, Gordon Glen Denton (ALP) Cowan (WA) (New division consequent upon redistribution of seats, 1984.) Jakobsen, Carolyn Anne (ALP) Evans, Richard David Conroy (LIB) Edwards, Graham John (ALP) Cowper (NSW) Clarke, Francis (PROT) Lee, Henry William (FT) McGuren, Francis William (ALP) Nehl, Garry Barr (NPA) Hartsuyker, Luke (NPA) Cunningham (NSW) (New division consequent upon redistribution of seats, 1948.)

79. Parliamentary Handbook: Historical Information On The Australian Parliament
Francis, Frederick henry (1881 – 15.8.1949), Henty, Vic. Canning, WA, 1.12.1984,Defeated 2.3.1996, ALP. gellibrand, Sir John (5.12.1872 – 3.6.1945), Denison, Tas.

Historical Information on the Australian Parliament Members of the House of Representatives since 1901 Forrest to Hedges
Members of the House of Representatives since 1901
Name (born/died) Division State/ Territory Date of election Date ceased to be a member Party Forrest, John Alexander
Mallee Vic. NPA Foster, Francis James
New England NSW Defeated 31.5.1913 ALP Foster, Norman Kenneth
Sturt SA Defeated 2.12.1972 ALP Foster, Richard Witty
Wakefield SA Defeated 17.11.1928 ANTI-SOC; LIB from 1910; NAT from 1917; LIB from 1922; NAT from 1925 Fowler, James Mackinnon
Perth WA Defeated 16.12.1922 ALP; LIB from 1910; NAT from 1917 Fox, Edmund Maxwell Cameron
Henty Vic. Defeated 18.5.1974 LIB Foxton, Justin Fox Greenlaw
Brisbane Qld Defeated 13.4.1910 ANTI-SOC Francis, Frederick Henry
Henty Vic. Retired 3.10.1925 IND NAT; NAT from 1922 Francis, Grosvenor Arundell
Kennedy Qld Defeated 12.10.1929 NAT Francis, Josiah Moreton Qld Retired 4.11.1955 NAT; UAP from 1931; LIB from 1944 Fraser, Allan Duncan Eden-Monaro NSW Defeated 26.11.1966 ALP Eden-Monaro NSW Retired 2.11.1972 ALP Fraser, James Reay

80. Bibliography Of Older Histories & Historical Documents Of Ireland To 1922.
of the State of Ireland, from the Invasion of that Country by henry II, to Temple,Sir John, The Irish Rebellion (London R. White for Samuel gellibrand 1646).
A B C D ... W
  • A General History of Ireland, from the earliest accounts to the close of the twelfth century, 2 vols. (London: A. Hamilton 1778).
  • Atwood, William, The history and reasons of the dependency of Ireland (London 1698).
  • Berry, ed., Statue Rolls, Ireland, Henry VI.
  • Borlase, Edmund, Reduction of Ireland to the Crown of England by King Henry II anno 1172, with some passages in the government; A brief account of the Rebellion anno Dom. 1641, and originals of the Universitie of Dublin and the Colledge of Physicians ... from a manuscript by Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon (London: Andr. Clarke for Robert Clavel 1675), 8o [Wing B3771]
  • Campion, Edmund, A Historie of Ireland (1571), into. RB Gottfried facsimile and reprints (NY:Scholars 1940)
  • Campion, Edmund, Historie of Ireland (Dublin 1633).
  • Campion, Edmund, Two bokes of the histories of Ireland, ed. AF Vossen (Assen:Van Gorcum 1963).
  • Carr, Sir John, The Stranger in Ireland, 2 vols (London 1806).

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