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Gelfand Israil: more detail |
21. Bizim ESR Gezeti Rusiya) 2749, Peter Leko (MacarIstan) - 2739, Vasili Ivancuk (Ukrayna) - 2731,Aleksey Sirov (Ispaniya) - 2727, Boris gelfand (israil) - 2712, Yevgeni http://bizimasr.media-az.com/arxiv_2001/new_apr/262/idman.html | |
22. People Whose Names Are Embedded In Math Subject Classifcation notes gelfand, Israel M. (b. 1913) SMS Moscow global analyst, now at Rutgers NAS31 20 Vi\v sik, MI; Kolmogorov, AN; Fomin, SV; \v Silov, GE israil\cprime http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/98/MSC.names |
23. McDuff her mathematically. She met israil gelfand in Moscow and he gave hera deeper appreciation of mathematics. McDuff wrote gelfand http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/McDuff.html | |
24. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Pierre (284*) Gauss, Carl Friedrich (2364*) Geber, (Jabir ibn Aflah) (529) Gegenbauer,Leopold (123*) Geiser, Karl (258*) gelfand, israil (1090*) Gelfond http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
25. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 2364*) Geber, (Jabir ibn Aflah) (529) Gegenbauer, Leopold (123*) Geiringer, Hildavon Mises (1469*) Geiser, Karl (258*) gelfand, israil (1090*) Gelfond http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
26. Bibliography 8 LOUIS J. BILLERA, israil M. gelfand, AND BERND STURMFELS, Duality and minors ofsecondary polyhedra, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 57 (1993), 258 http://www.zib.de/rambau/Diss/diss_MASTER/node39.html | |
27. CATEGORIE SOCI - LINCEI Translate this page 6. Olga A. Ladyzhenskaya. 7. Shiing-shen Chern. 8. Igor R. Shafarevich. 9.Charles Antony Richard Hoare. 10. israil M. gelfand. 11. Vladimir Arnold. 12. http://www.lincei.it/informazioni/soci/CATEGORIE.ANN.html | |
28. Çempion Az?rbaycan Vasili Ivançuk q Ukrayna 2716 13. Boris gelfand q israil 2714 14. AlekseySirov q Ispaniya 2713 15. Naycel Sort q Ingilt?r? 2712 16. http://www.champion.com.az/index.php?con=wievilk&ID=279 |
29. Çempion Az?rbaycan yanasi, Pyotr Svidler, Yudit Polqar, Boris gelfand, Aleksey Sirov Dig?rl?riis? israil Makkabisind?n Sarunas Yasikyaviçyus (müdafi?çi http://www.champion.com.az/index.php?con=wievilk&ID=719 |
30. Citations: Duality And Minors Of Secondary Polyhedra - Billera, Gel'fand, Sturmf Louis J. Billera, israil M. gelfand, and Bernd Sturmfels, Duality and minors ofsecondary polyhedra, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 57 (1993), 258 http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/context/178287/0 | |
31. Partiella Differentialekvationer Med Distributionsteori 2002-2003 Några stora namn inom kursens område Laurent Schwartz Marcel RieszSergei Sobolev Lars Hörmander israil gelfand Här kan man http://www.maths.lth.se/matematiklth/valfria/diffdist02-03/dd02.html | |
32. Europa - Research - News Centre Kontsevich is also visiting professor at Rutgers University in theUnited States, now home to his former teacher israil gelfand. http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/news-centre/en/pur/01-03-pur01.html | |
33. 2004 Abel Prize Awarded To Atiyah And Singer || Kuro5hin.org Poll. Who s up next (2005)? John H. Conway, 7%. Pierre Deligne, 2%. israil M.gelfand, 4%. Misha Gromov, 0%. Alexander Grothendieck, 0%. Friedrich Hirzebruch,0%. http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/30/16221/4383 | |
34. Esoterik Versand Translate this page welche Fäden zur Anzettelung der Russischen Revolution gezogen hat und einMann ist dabei fast konstant im Visier israil Lasarewitsch gelfand, der sich http://www.zeitenschrift.com/merchant.ihtml?id=113&step=2 |
35. Re: JHC - Making "math" Friendly By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis 91 this year Joseph L Doob was 90 this year Helmut Wielandt was 90 this year SSChern was 89 this year Boris Hniedenko was 88 this year israil gelfand was 87 http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/spilsnimvul/v01540B00630B6345A61E | |
36. Re: JHC - Making "math" Friendly By Toni Carroll year Joseph L Doob was 90 this year Helmut Wielandt was 90 this year SS Chernwas 89 this year Boris Hniedenko was 88 this year israil gelfand was 87 http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/spilsnimvul/Pine.OSF.4.21.0005090 | |
37. 1707 Leonhard Euler 1964 Nagoya); 1912 Hans Zassenhaus (MT) (1912 Koblenz 1991 Columbus/Ohio);1913 israil Moiseevic gelfand (MT) (1913 Odessa - ); 1913 http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/birep/collect/names.html | |
38. Lachowicze Voter List (1905-1907) 4124, gelfand, Khonya, Srol, real estate owner, 1906. 4121, gelfand, Leiba,Srol, real estate owner, 1906. 4292, Tsukerman, israil, Shepshel, commerce,1906. http://www.jewishgen.org/belarus/Lachowicze_voter_list.html | |
39. Marriage Records From The '13 CDs Project' 1920796, 887, M41, 22, 5, 1879, 12 Sivan, Mogilev, Mogilev, BIBIN, Menakhem israil,Bentsion, 22, 1920796, 798, M25, 1, 3, 1877, 28 Adar, Mogilev, Mogilev, gelfand,Movsha Itska, 51, http://www.jewishgen.org/Belarus/13_cds_marriages.htm | |
40. DMANET: DIMACS Workshop On Combinatorial Clustering And Multi-Domain Sequences . 950 1000 Coffee. 1000 - 1020 israil gelfand and AlexanderKister Math Department, Rutgers University, NJ. The classification http://mat.gsia.cmu.edu/DMANET/DEC3199/0680.html | |
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