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         Gelfand Israil:     more detail

21. Bizim ESR Gezeti
Rusiya) 2749, Peter Leko (MacarIstan) - 2739, Vasili Ivancuk (Ukrayna) - 2731,Aleksey Sirov (Ispaniya) - 2727, Boris gelfand (israil) - 2712, Yevgeni
Ana sehife Xeber Bizim Xeber Firqelerde ... Eylence 07 Aprel, 2001. Cenbe Heftede II, IV, VI gunler tezelenir “Neftci” inamlI qelebe qazandI “”Real”I yensek, finala cIxacaqIq” Refiqe SabanovanIn rehberliyi altInda Turkiyeye Yeniden reytinq zirvesinde ...
“Neftci” inamlI qelebe qazandI

Hercend, “Sefa”nIn ona ciddi muqavimet gostereceyi deyilirdi
Dunen futbol uzre Azerbaycan cempionatInda XVII turun startI verildi. AqdamIn “Qarabaq” klubu Buzovna qesebesindeki “Genclik” stadionunda “Semkir” komandasInI qebul etdi. Bu gorusde Viktor Kulikovun vurduqu yegane top Aqaselim Mircavadovun yetirmelerine qelebe qazandIrIb. Oten turda istirahet etmis paytaxtIn “Neftci” klubu Tofiq Behramov adIna respublika stadionunda “Sefa” komandasInI qebul edib.
Cempionluqa iddialI olan paytaxt komandasI genc “Sefa” kollektivi ile qarsIlasdI. Milli yIqma komandanIn ve olimpiya yIqma komandasInIn baza klublarI sayIlan bu kollektivlerin bir-birlerinin oyununa kifayet qeder beled olduqlarI hiss olunurdu. Bu gorusde imkanlarIndan daha yaxsI istifade eden “Neftci” 3:1 hesabI ile qelebe qazanIb. “Neftci”den toplardan ikisini Musfiq Huseynov, birini Seymur Rehimov vurub. Elcin Rehmanov 11 metrlik cerime zerbesi ile bu toplardan birinin evezini cIxIb. Qeyd edek ki, zedeli olduqlarIna gore Kamal Quliyev, Ferrux IsmayIlov ve Samir Eliyev bu defe meydana cIxmayIblar. Qeyd edek ki, bu klublarIn birinci dovrede kecirdikleri ilk qarsIlasmada “Neftci” Kamal Quliyevin vurduqu yegane topla 1:0 hesabI ile qelebe qazanmIsdI. Turun qalan oyunlarI bu gun kecirilecek. Bu defe asaqIdakI komandalar yarIsacaqlar: “Dinamo/BakIlI” - “Xezer Universiteti” “Turan” - “Viles”

22. People Whose Names Are Embedded In Math Subject Classifcation
notes gelfand, Israel M. (b. 1913) SMS Moscow global analyst, now at Rutgers NAS31 20 Vi\v sik, MI; Kolmogorov, AN; Fomin, SV; \v Silov, GE israil\cprime

23. McDuff
her mathematically. She met israil gelfand in Moscow and he gave hera deeper appreciation of mathematics. McDuff wrote gelfand
Margaret Dusa Waddington McDuff
Born: Oct 18, 1945, London, England. Dusa McDuff was christened Margaret Dusa Waddington. Her father, Conrad Hal Waddington, was appointed Professor of Genetics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland while her mother, Margaret Justin Blanco White, was an architect who had a Civil Service post in Edinburgh. Dusa was educated at a girls school in Edinburgh and, although the standard was less good than at the boys school, nevertheless she had an exceptionally good mathematics teacher. She wrote:- I always wanted to be a mathematician (apart from a time when I was eleven when I wanted to be a farmer's wife), and assumed that I would have a career, but I had no idea how to go about it: I didn't realise that the choices which one made about education were important and I had no idea that I might experience real difficulties and conflicts in reconciling the demands of a career with life as a woman. By the time that Dusa completed her secondary schooling in Edinburgh she had a boyfriend. This led to her choosing the University of Edinburgh for her undergraduate studies, turning down a scholarship which she had won to go to Cambridge University. During her undergraduate years at Edinburgh Dusa married her boyfriend and took his name becoming Dusa McDuff. Awarded a B.Sc. from Edinburgh in 1967, Dusa went to Girton College, Cambridge for her doctoral studies. At Cambridge McDuff was supervised by G A Reid and she worked on problems in functional analysis

24. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page Pierre (284*) Gauss, Carl Friedrich (2364*) Geber, (Jabir ibn Aflah) (529) Gegenbauer,Leopold (123*) Geiser, Karl (258*) gelfand, israil (1090*) Gelfond
Full Alphabetical Index
The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (12)

25. Full Alphabetical Index
Translate this page 2364*) Geber, (Jabir ibn Aflah) (529) Gegenbauer, Leopold (123*) Geiringer, Hildavon Mises (1469*) Geiser, Karl (258*) gelfand, israil (1090*) Gelfond
Full Alphabetical Index
Click below to go to one of the separate alphabetical indexes A B C D ... XYZ The number of words in the biography is given in brackets. A * indicates that there is a portrait.
Abbe , Ernst (602*)
, Niels Henrik (2899*)
bar Hiyya (641)
Abraham, Max

Abu Kamil
Shuja (1012)
Abu Jafar

al-Buzjani (1115)
, Wilhelm (205)
Adams, John Couch

Adams, J Frank

of Bath (1008) Adler , August (114) Adrain , Robert (79*) Adrianus , Romanus (419) Aepinus , Franz (124) Agnesi , Maria (2018*) Ahlfors , Lars (725*) Ahmed ibn Yusuf (660) Ahmes Aida Yasuaki (696) Aiken , Howard (665*) Airy , George (313*) Aitken , Alec (825*) Ajima , Naonobu (144) Akhiezer , Naum Il'ich (248*) al-Baghdadi , Abu (947) al-Banna , al-Marrakushi (861) al-Battani , Abu Allah (1333*) al-Biruni , Abu Arrayhan (3002*) al-Farisi , Kamal (1102) al-Haitam , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham , Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari , al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani , Abu (892) al-Karaji , Abu (1789) al-Karkhi al-Kashi , Ghiyath (1725*) al-Khazin , Abu (1148) al-Khalili , Shams (677) al-Khayyami , Omar (2140*) al-Khwarizmi , Abu (2847*) al-Khujandi , Abu (713) al-Kindi , Abu (1151) al-Kuhi , Abu (1146) al-Maghribi , Muhyi (602) al-Mahani , Abu (507) al-Marrakushi , ibn al-Banna (861) al-Nasawi , Abu (681) al-Nayrizi , Abu'l (621) al-Qalasadi , Abu'l (1247) al-Quhi , Abu (1146) al-Samarqandi , Shams (202) al-Samawal , Ibn (1569) al-Sijzi , Abu (708) al-Tusi , Nasir (1912) al-Tusi , Sharaf (1138) al-Umawi , Abu (1014) al-Uqlidisi , Abu'l (1028) Albanese , Giacomo (282) Albategnius (al-Battani) (1333*)

26. Bibliography
8 LOUIS J. BILLERA, israil M. gelfand, AND BERND STURMFELS, Duality and minors ofsecondary polyhedra, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 57 (1993), 258
Polyhedral Subdivisions
and Projections of Polytopes
J. F RANK A DAMS On the cobar construction , Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
L AURA A NDERSON All euclidean combinatorial differential manifolds are PL manifolds , Preprint, October 1995.
E RIC K. B ABSON A combinatorial flag space , Ph.D. thesis, MIT, 1993.
E GON B ALAS AND M AARTEN O OSTEN On the dimension of projected polyhedra , Technical Report MSRR-612, Management Science Research Group, Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, 1995.
H ANS J OACHIM B AUES Geometry of loop spaces and the cobar construction , Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
M ARGARET M. B AYER Equidecomposable and weakly neighborly polytopes , Isreal Journal of Mathematics
L OUIS J. B ILLERA, P AUL F ILLIMAN, AND B ERND S TURMFELS Constructions and complexity of secondary polytopes , Advances in Mathematics
L OUIS J. B ILLERA, I SRAIL M. G ELFAND, AND B ERND S TURMFELS Duality and minors of secondary polyhedra , Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B

Translate this page 6. Olga A. Ladyzhenskaya. 7. Shiing-shen Chern. 8. Igor R. Shafarevich. 9.Charles Antony Richard Hoare. 10. israil M. gelfand. 11. Vladimir Arnold. 12.

    1. Guido Zappa 2. Luigi Amerio 3. Enrico Bombieri 4. Edoardo Vesentini 5. Enrico Magenes 6. Roberto Conti 7. Bruno Pini 8. Sergio Campanato 9. Giovanni Zacher 10. Claudio Procesi 11. Antonio Ambrosetti
Soci Corrispondenti
    1. Enrico Arbarello 2. Maurizio Cornalba 3. Mario Miranda 4. Corrado De Concini 5. Giuseppe Da Prato 6. Fabrizio Catanese 7. Sergio Spagnolo 8. Fulvio Ricci 9. Franco Brezzi
Sezione B: Meccanica e applicazioni della Matematica Soci Nazionali
    1. Giuseppe Grioli 2. Elio Giangreco 3. Enrico Marchi 4. Dionigi Galletto 5. Aldo Bressan 6. Luigi Salvadori 7. Tristano Manacorda 8. Giulio Maier 9. Giovanni Prouse 10. Carlo Cercignani 11. Emilio Gatti 12. Gianfranco Capriz
Soci Corrispondenti
    1. Giorgio Letta 2. Claudio Baiocchi 3. Mario Primicerio 4. Salvatore Rionero 5. Renzo Piva 6. Alberto Tesei 7. Piero Villaggio 8. Tommaso Ruggeri 9. Giovanni Seminara

28. Çempion Az?rbaycan
Vasili Ivançuk q Ukrayna 2716 13. Boris gelfand q israil 2714 14. AlekseySirov q Ispaniya 2713 15. Naycel Sort q Ingilt?r? 2712 16.

29. Çempion Az?rbaycan
yanasi, Pyotr Svidler, Yudit Polqar, Boris gelfand, Aleksey Sirov Dig?rl?riis? israil “Makkabi”sind?n Sarunas Yasikyaviçyus (müdafi?çi

30. Citations: Duality And Minors Of Secondary Polyhedra - Billera, Gel'fand, Sturmf
Louis J. Billera, israil M. gelfand, and Bernd Sturmfels, Duality and minors ofsecondary polyhedra, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 57 (1993), 258
15 citations found. Retrieving documents...
Louis J. Billera, Israel M. Gel fand, and Bernd Sturmfels, Duality and minors of secondary polyhedra , Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 57 (1993), no. 2, 258-268.
Document Not in Database Summary Related Articles Check
This paper is cited in the following contexts: Multigraded Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity - Maclagan, Smith (2003) (Correct) ....set A : fa 1 ; a n g is an integral vector con guration in R . The monomial ideal B corresponds to a chamber (maximal cell) in the chamber complex of the vector con guration A. The chamber complex is the coarsest fan with support pos(A) that re nes all the triangulations of A; see [BGS] We encode the choice of a chamber in the monomial ideal x i : n] with pos(a i : i 2 ) Alternatively, the monomial ideal B can be described by a regular triangulation (De nition 5.3 in [Zie] of the dual vector con guration. If d : n r, then the dual vector con guration is a ....
....: b n g in R such that (2.0.1) R [a 1 an ] is a short exact sequence. The set B is uniquely determined up to a linear change of coordinates on R ; see x6.4 in [Zie] We identify a triangulation of B with a simplicial complex . Gale duality, speci cally Theorem 3.

31. Partiella Differentialekvationer Med Distributionsteori 2002-2003
Några stora namn inom kursens område Laurent Schwartz Marcel RieszSergei Sobolev Lars Hörmander israil gelfand Här kan man
Partiella differentialekvationer med distributionsteori lp 2-3 2002-2003
Välkomna till hemsidan för kursen Partiella differentialekvationer med distributionsteori Kursen är profilkurs för F-profilen Teknisk matematik och bör läsas tillsammans med Funktionalanalys och harmonisk analys. Vill du veta mer så klicka på bilderna!
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  • Datorövningar
    Praktiska upplysningar
    • Kursledare: Sven Spanne: epost: , tel 2228531.
    • Undervisning: (i läsperiod 2)
      • Föreläsningar: Ti 15-17 i E:D Övningar: Fr 13-15 i MH:234 Datorövningar: Meddelas senare.
      Rekommenderade förkunskaper: Motsvarande kurserna kontinuerliga system och matristeori, samt förkunskaper till dessa. Påbörjad kurs Funktionalanalys och harmonisk analys. I undervisningen utgås från att man har dessa kurser hyggligt aktuella.
    • Kurslitteratur:
      • Griffel: Applied Functional Analysis (slut på förlaget, kopior tillhandahålles av institutionen). Kompletterande material (från föreläsarna).
    • Översiktsschema:
      • Distributionsteori (lv 1-5) PDE: spektrala metoder PDE: variationsmetoder ( Magnus Fontes PDE: olineära ekvationer
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      Här kommer att finnas en lista på under kursen utdelade skrifter.
  • 32. Europa - Research - News Centre
    Kontsevich is also visiting professor at Rutgers University in theUnited States, now home to his former teacher israil gelfand.
    de en fr EUROPA European Commission Research ... Pure Science Date published : 11/04/2001 The mathematician who came in from the cold Winner of the 1998 Fields Medal - the mathematics 'Nobel' - Maxim Kontsevich is a member of the brilliant Russian school of mathematics which was scattered across the West following the collapse of the Soviet Union. We retrace the route of one of 'greater Europe's' masterminds who decided to stay. What Maxim Kontsevich likes about mathematics is what he calls its 'beauty'. And more specifically the beauty of the structures he discovers in it. Bures-sur-Yvette, south of Paris. This leafy suburb is home to one of the major centres of mathematics and theoretical physics, the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES). Although it has only seven permanent researchers, every year this centre of excellence welcomes some 200 scientists from all over the world, selected from among the best in their fields.
    Maxim Kontsevich has taught here since 1995.

    33. 2004 Abel Prize Awarded To Atiyah And Singer ||
    Poll. Who s up next (2005)? John H. Conway, 7%. Pierre Deligne, 2%. israil M.gelfand, 4%. Misha Gromov, 0%. Alexander Grothendieck, 0%. Friedrich Hirzebruch,0%.

    create account
    help/FAQ contact links ... MLP We need your support: buy an ad premium membership k5 store 2004 Abel Prize Awarded to Atiyah and Singer ... Science
    By flo
    Wed Mar 31st, 2004 at 11:06:31 AM EST
    The 2004 Abel Prize has been awarded jointly to Sir Michael F. Atiyah of the University of Edinburgh, and Isadore M. Singer of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, ``for their discovery and proof of the index theorem, bringing together topology, geometry and analysis, and their outstanding role in building new bridges between mathematics and theoretical physics.'' The Index Theorem
    The Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem is considered one of the greatest achievements of 20 th century mathematics. Unfortunately, the exact result is impossible to state in layman's terms, but very roughly it provides a link between differential equations and topology. (See this paper for a professional introduction, and this comment for a lighter treatment). This result is the culmination of a long chain of ideas, starting with Stokes Theorem , which some readers may have encountered in undergraduate math courses, and passing through Hodge theory and the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch Theorem. Surprisingly, the Index Theorem has numerous applications, not just in pure mathematics, but also in theoretical physics. Indeed, this result, as well the tireless efforts of Atiyah and Singer in general, have lead to a highly fruitful cross-fertilization between mathematics and theoretical physics, which has left a profound impact on both disciplines.

    34. Esoterik Versand
    Translate this page welche Fäden zur Anzettelung der Russischen Revolution gezogen hat – und einMann ist dabei fast konstant im Visier israil Lasarewitsch gelfand, der sich

    35. Re: JHC - Making "math" Friendly By Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
    91 this year Joseph L Doob was 90 this year Helmut Wielandt was 90 this year SSChern was 89 this year Boris Hniedenko was 88 this year israil gelfand was 87
    Re: JHC - making "math" friendly by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
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    Subject: Re: JHC - making "math" friendly Author: Date: The Math Forum

    36. Re: JHC - Making "math" Friendly By Toni Carroll
    year Joseph L Doob was 90 this year Helmut Wielandt was 90 this year SS Chernwas 89 this year Boris Hniedenko was 88 this year israil gelfand was 87
    Re: JHC - making "math" friendly by Toni Carroll
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    Subject: Re: JHC - making "math" friendly Author: Date: The Math Forum

    37. 1707 Leonhard Euler
    1964 Nagoya); 1912 Hans Zassenhaus (MT) (1912 Koblenz 1991 Columbus/Ohio);1913 israil Moiseevic gelfand (MT) (1913 Odessa - ); 1913
    This concerns the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras. The following links and remarks focus the attention to the biographies of the most active mathematicians in the field, covering the development say until 1960, and some scattered later data. Also included are names which are used as labels in common notions.
    The final aim will be to present a list which is on the one hand quite complete, taking into account all the major developments, but, on the other hand, also as condensed as possible. Most links lead to MT - the The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive . Some of the links provide in addition a selection of papers: these are supposed to be the really relevant ones, and are suggested for reading.

    38. Lachowicze Voter List (1905-1907)
    4124, gelfand, Khonya, Srol, real estate owner, 1906. 4121, gelfand, Leiba,Srol, real estate owner, 1906. 4292, Tsukerman, israil, Shepshel, commerce,1906.
    Belarus SIG All Belarus Database Belarus Static Index Grodno ... Contact us
    Lachowicze Voter List (1905-1907)
    contributed by the Lachowicze research group
    Number Last name First Name Father's Name income prove Year Aizikovich Shaya Leib Alkha Yedida Shmuil commerce Angilovich Gdalya Abram real estate owner Angilovich Itsko commerce Angilovich Itsko commerce class 3 Angilovich Mordukh commerce Angilovich Nevakh Yankel real estate owner Angilovich Nevakh Yankel Angilovich Yankel Leizer commerce Angilovich Yankel Leizer commerce class 4 Aronchik Naftol Leizer Aronchik Neftel commerce Baireshevsky Khasen commerce class 2 Begukh Movsha Nevakh Begun Movsha Nevakh commerce Begun Yosel Aron real estate and commerce Begun Yosel Movsha real estate owner Begun Yosel Abram Begun Yosel Movsha commerce (business) class 3 Begun Yosel Movsha commers 2 class / 50 rubles tax paid Berkovich Berko Movsha Berkovich Borko Movsha real estate owner Berkovich Elya Shimshel real estate owner Berkovich Elya Iilimshel? Berkovich Girsh Borukh real estate and commerce Berkovich Girsh Borukh Berkovich Shimshel Borukh real estate owner Berkovich Yudel Abram real estate owner Bernak Zyndel real estate owner Birger Gdalya Yudel real estate and commerce Birger Gdalya Yudel commerce class 4 Birger Itsko Movsha real estate and commerce Birger Itsko Movsha Bogin Yosel Movsha commerce class 3 Botvinik Yakov Moisey personal apartment Botvinik Yakov Yerukhim personal apartment Botvinnik Yakov Yerukhim commerce class 4 Brevda Alter Mordukh Movsha Brevda Alter-Mordukh Movsha real estate owner Brevda Aron Abram real estate owner Brevda Aron Itsko Srol real estate owner Brevda Aron Itsko

    39. Marriage Records From The '13 CDs Project'
    1920796, 887, M41, 22, 5, 1879, 12 Sivan, Mogilev, Mogilev, BIBIN, Menakhem israil,Bentsion, 22, 1920796, 798, M25, 1, 3, 1877, 28 Adar, Mogilev, Mogilev, gelfand,Movsha Itska, 51,
    Belarus SIG All Belarus Database Belarus Static Index Grodno ... Contact us
    Marriage records
    from the
    "Detailed Inventory of 13 Microfilms of Belarus Records at the Family History Center
    The Belarus SIG wishes to thank the following volunteers for helping to transliterate these documents:
    Project coordinator: Irene Kudish
    Assistant project coordinator: Leon Koll
    All around big help: Vitaly Charny
    Transliterators: Igor Apelsinov, Gary Dickman, Stanislav Gorbulev, Leonid Guzman, Nina Khanin, Lara Tsinman, Eugene Wiglin, and Matt Yarom
    The following revision list records have been transliterated. Those records with a in the 'In ABD' column are included in the All Belarus Database. Those records without a are not yet included in the All Belarus Database, but the names are shown at the bottom of this page. Every few months the information shown at the bottom of this page will be moved into the All Belarus Database.
    Locality Uyezd Year LDS film # Frames Number of records Archive / Fond / List (opis') / Item (edinitsa khraneniya) In
    ABD Dashkovka Mogilev NHAB/3362/1/2 Mogilev Mogilev NHAB/3362/1/1 NHAB/3363/1/4 NHAB/3363/1/4 NHAB/3362/3/1 NHAB/3362/3/1 NHAB/3362/3/1 NHAB/3362-1/4 NHAB/3362-1/4 NHAB/3362-1/4 NHAB/3362-1/4 Rakov Minsk NHAB/1226/2/42 Column Description Film # The LDS film number Frame # The frame number from the CD created by the LDS for the Belarus SIG Record M - for marriage, numbers are actual number of registration

    40. DMANET: DIMACS Workshop On Combinatorial Clustering And Multi-Domain
    Sequences . 950 1000 Coffee. 1000 - 1020 israil gelfand and AlexanderKister Math Department, Rutgers University, NJ. The classification
    DIMACS Workshop on Combinatorial Clustering and Multi-Domain
    Tue, 2 Jun 1998 13:53:21 METDST

    DIMACS Workshop on Combinatorial Clustering and Multi-Domain Protein
    Structure Analysis
    June 26-27, 1998
    DIMACS Center, CoRE Building (Room 431), Rutgers University, Busch Campus,
    Piscataway, NJ
    Principal Organizers:
    Sylvia Spengler, Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab, Life Sciences Div.
    Manfred D. Zorn, Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab, National Energy
    Research Scientific Computing Division Inna Dubchak, Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab, National Energy Research Scientific Computing Division Fred Roberts, Rutgers University, DIMACS Ilya Muchnik, Rutgers University, DIMACS

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