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         Gauss Carl Friedrich:     more books (100)
  1. Theory of the Combination of Observations Least Subject to Errors: Part One, Part Two, Supplement (Classics in Applied Mathematics) (Pt. 1 & Pt. 2) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1987-01-01
  2. Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke V3 (1876) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-09-10
  3. Werke: Band 3: Analysis (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauß, 1976-01-01
  4. Untersuchungen Uber Hohere Arithmetik (AMS Chelsea Publishing) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2006-07-01
  5. Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke V4 (1873) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-03-19
  6. Carl Friedrich Gauss' Untersuchungen Über Höhere Arithmetik: Disquisitiones Arithmeticae : Theorematis Arithmetici Demonstratio Nova : Summatio Quarumdam ... Quadraticis Demonstratione (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, H Maser, 2010-02-05
  7. Carl Friedrich Gauss. Untersuchungen über Gegenstände der höheren Geodäsie by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2006-11-30
  8. Carl Friedrich Gauss' Untersuchungen über höhere Arithmetik: (Disquistiones arithmeticae. Theorematis arithme... (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1889-01-01
  9. Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke: Bd. Mathematische Physik (Various Texts, in Latin and German, Orig. Publ. Between 1803-1845, Annotated by E.J. Schering). 1867 (German Edition) by Ludwig Schlesinger, Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-02-22
  10. Carl Friedrich Gauss: Der "Furst der Mathematiker" in Briefen und Gesprachen (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1990
  11. Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke V4 (1873) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-09-10
  12. Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke V4 (1873) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-09-10
  13. Carl Friedrich Gauss Werke V3 (1876) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-09-10
  14. Die Intensitat Der Erdmagnetischen Kraft: Auf Absolutes Maass Zuruckgefuhrt (1894) (German Edition) by Carl Friedrich Gauss, 2010-09-10

61. ThinkQuest : Library : The Famous Wonders Of The Mind
carl friedrich gauss. gauss, carl friedrich (17771855), was a great German mathematician. gauss was born in Brunswick. He attended the University of Gottingen.
Index Math
The Famous Wonders of the Mind
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62. Carl Friedrich Gauß
Translate this page gauss (Abbildung von gauss) carl friedrich gauss (sein Wirken in Göttingen) gauss-Weber-Denkmal gauss-Gesellschaft Göttingen carl friedrich gauss (in Englisch
Carl Friedrich Gauß

Carl Friedrich Gauß
(seine Arbeiten und sein Wirken)
Carl Friedrich Gauß

Carl Friedrich Gauß


Gauss-Gesellschaft Göttingen
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63. Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Gymnasium Berlin-Buch
Translate this page Willkommen auf der Homepage der. carl-friedrich gauss Oberschule Berlin Pankow. Klickt HIER um weitergeleitet zu werden. Die carl-friedrich gauss Oberschule.
Willkommen auf der Homepage der
Carl-Friedrich Gauss Oberschule Berlin Pankow
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64. Carl Friedrich Gauss Papers, Cammie G. Henry Research Center
G. Henry Research Center holds what is believed to be the second largest collection of personal and scientific papers from carl friedrich gauss (17771855) in
Dunnington Collection. Permission required for any use. Contact The Cammie G. Henry Research Center holds what is believed to be the second largest collection of personal and scientific papers from Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) in the world. The Research Center holdings include a substantial amount of primary source material. Letters to contemporary 19th Century scientists, notebooks, journals, photographs and clippings make this an important research resource for anyone seeking an insight into the personal and scientific life of Gauss, considered one of the greatest mathematical geniuses of all time.
G. Waldo Dunnington, who taught German at Northwestern State University from 1946 until his retirement in 1969, collected these resources over a thirty year period. Dunnington wrote Carl Friedrich Gauss, Titan of Science , the first complete biography on the scientific genius in 1955. Dunnington also wrote an Encyclopedia Britannica article on Gauss. He bequeathed his entire collection to the Cammie Henry Research Center at Northwestern.

65. Gauss
carl friedrich gauss. Förord. carl friedrich gauss – den störste matematikern är ett specialarbete för Ekursens matematik på gymnasienivå.
Författare : Theodor Lewén Klass Skola : Västerplanskolan i Örebro Lärare : Per Allbrand Inlämnat tisdag den 22 december 1998
Carl Friedrich Gauss - den störste matematikern av Theodor Lewén
Förord Carl Friedrich Gauss – den störste matematikern är ett specialarbete för E-kursens matematik på gymnasienivå. Syftet med arbetet är att berätta lite grand om en av vår historias främste matematiker samt genom en viss fördjupning visa en del av hans slutsatser i ett av hans många verk. Gauss var dock inblandad i alla av matematikens grenar och gjorde betydelsefulla insatser överallt. Må­let har därför inte varit att göra en heltäckande redogörelse utan snarare att ge läsaren en liten inblick i vem Gauss var, och endast redogöra för en bråkdel av hans enorma arbete som på­gick i dryga femtio år. Att finna litteratur på svenska om denna matematikens gigant har varit svårt. Men rädd­ningen blev den utomordentligt genomarbetade boken Gauss, matematikernas konung . (Se vidare källförteckningen på sista sidan.) Det är främst ur den boken som jag hämtat material till detta arbete. Två anledningar till detta är att dels verkar andra källor inte vara tillförlitliga med tanke på att tidsangivelser samt olika händelseförlopp varierar beroende på var man lä­ser. I Gauss, matematikernas konung

66. Carl Friedrich Gauss [Pictures And Photos Of]
carl friedrich gauss. carl friedrich gauss Picture, Photo, Photograph; standing ; telescope ; chair; gauss A1. Item ID gauss A1. carl friedrich gauss.
A larger image of any photo may be purchased. Click on an image to place an order.
For more information visit our home page Carl Friedrich Gauss Description standing ; telescope ; chair Item ID Gauss A1 Carl Friedrich Gauss Description old age, full-face, ruffled shirt, coat, hat Item ID Gauss Carl A4

67. GAUSS, CARL FRIEDRICH. WEKRE. Back Volumes, Periodicals Service Company.
gauss, carl friedrich. WEKRE Vols. 110 part 1. Goettingen, 1870-1917. Periodicals Service Company and Schmidt Periodicals GmbH. gauss, carl friedrich. WEKRE.\g/ttl19418.html
Journal reprints, antiquarian backsets, back volumes and back issues from
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68. Carl Friedrich Gauss - Princeps Mathematicorum
next up previous Next gaussa teoria liczb Up No Title Previous No Title carl friedrich gauss - Princeps mathematicorum. Karol
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Carl Friedrich Gauss - Princeps mathematicorum
Karol Fryderyk Gauss, nazywany przez swoich wspó³esnych Ksiêciem Matematyków, pochodzi³ z rodu zgo³a nieksi±¿êcego i nie maj±cego ani tradycji, ani pretensji do - podstawowego nawet - wykszta³cenia. Ojciec Karola by³ pomocnikiem murarskim i swojego syna pocz±tkowo przeznacza³ do podobnej kariery. Na szczê¶cie niepospolity talent m³odziutkiego Gaussa objawi³ siê na tyle wcze¶nie i w sposób tak ewidentny, ¿e znalaz³ siê o¶wiecony i mo¿ny sponsor, dziêki któremu matematyka nie straci³a jednego ze swoich najwybitniejszych mê¿ów. Wiêkszo¶æ z nas zna zapewne prawdziw± anegdotkê o siedmioletnim Gaussie i jego nieco sadystycznym nauczycielu matematyki, który kaza³ swoim ma³oletnim (8-9?) uczniom obliczyæ sumê liczb od 1 do 100. Karolek po piêciu minutach przedstawi³ kartkê z rzeczywi¶cie króciutkim wywodem:
Nauczyciel (choæ bez fantazji) by³ cz³owiekiem porz±dnym i po dwóch latach nauki wzi±³ m³odego matematyka pod rêkê i zaprowadzi³ do ksiêcia Brunszwiku, Ferdynanda. Ten, us³yszawszy, ¿e Karolek ju¿ umie lepiej matematykê od swojego nauczyciela, zgodzi³ siê na finansowanie dalszej nauki. Po kilku latach w Collegium Carolinum (gimnazjum), 18-letni Gauss rozpocz±³ studia na uniwersytecie w Getyndze (Göttingen). Jeszcze jako uczeñ gimnazjum Gauss sformu³owa³ metodê najmniejszych kwadratów (drugim - niezale¿nym - jej twórc± by³ Adrien-Marie Legendre, ten od naszych ukochanych wielomianów Legendre'a i innych ciekawych matematycznych figlików).

69. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss - Encyclopedia Article About Johann Carl Friedrich G
encyclopedia article about Johann carl friedrich gauss. Johann carl friedrich gauss in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Carl Friedrich Gauss
Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (Gauß) April 30 April 30 is the 120th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (121st in leap years). There are 245 days remaining.
  • 313 - Roman emperor Licinius unifies the entire Eastern Roman Empire under his rule.
  • 1492 - Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration.
  • 1671 - Croatian ruler from Zrinski family (Petar Zrinski) executed.
  • 1789 - On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office becoming the first elected President of the United States.

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 17th century - 18th century - 19th century Decades: 1720s 1730s 1740s 1750s 1760s - Years: 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776
  • The Cornish language died out
  • 2nd edition of Encyclopædia Britannica published
  • January 3 - American general George Washington defeats British general Charles Cornwallis at the Battle of Princeton.

Click the link for more information.

70. °ª´µ¡]Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1777-1855¡^
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°ª´µ¡]Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 1777-1855¡^

71. Mathematik In Göttingen: Carl Friedrich Gauß
Translate this page carl friedrich gauss (1777 - 1855). carl friedrich gauss wurde am 30. URL http//
Mathematische Fakultät
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Updates: letztes: 20.02.2002 jp                                 [ verantwortlich
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Universität Carl Friedrich Gauß
1820 regte er die hannoversche Landesvermessung an und trug in den ersten Jahren die Hauptlast dieser Aufgabe fast auf sich allein gestellt. Unter großen Strapazen führte er die Messungen im Felde durch und auch die Auswertung lag ganz in seinen Händen. Nebenbei entwickelte er dabei den Heliotropen, noch lange Zeit ein unentbehrliches Arbeitsgerät des Geodäten. Später untersuchte er zusammen mit Wilhelm Weber Elektrizität und Magnetismus, wobei als Nebenprodukt der elektrische Telegraph entstand. Die Mathematik aber, insbesondere die Arithmetik, stand bei ihm an höchster Stelle, in einem Brief an Gerling vom 6. Januar 1819 schreibt er: ``Für mich wenigstens sind und bleiben die Untersuchungen der höheren Arithmetik, bei weitem das Allerschönste der Mathematik, und der Genuss, den ich, auch an der schönsten astronomischen Untersuchung finde, ist gar Nichts, verglichen mit dem, welchen die höhere Arithmetik gewährt''. Am 29. März 1796 (``ehe ich aus dem Bett aufgestanden war'') entdeckte Gauß, daß die

72. - Gauss, Carl Friedrich
that in mathematics. G gauss, carl friedrich. Note! The sentences in this essay are shuffled, making this essay unusable . If you
This essay made me pass summer school. I did expect this much from you. Gauss was a German scientist and mathematician. People call him the founder of modern mathematics. He also worked in astronomy and physics. His work in astronomy and physics is nearly as significant as that in mathematics. G
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
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73. Carl Friedrich Gauss
At the age of seven, carl friedrich gauss started elementary school, and his potential was noticed almost immediately. His teacher
I have had my results for a long time: but I do not yet know how I am to arrive at them.
~ Quoted in A Arber The Mind and the Eye
Born: April 30, 1777 in Brunswick, Duchy of Brunswick (now Germany)
Died: February 23, 1855 in Gottingen, Hanover (now Germany) Gauss returned to Brunswick where he received a degree in 1799. After the Duke of Brunswick had agreed to continue Gauss's stipend, he requested that Gauss submit a doctoral dissertation to the University of Helmstedt. He already knew Pfaff, who was chosen to be his advisor. Gauss's dissertation was a discussion of the fundamental theorem of algebra. With his stipend to support him, Gauss did not need to find a job so devoted himself to research. He published the book Disquisitiones Arithmeticae in the summer of 1801. There were seven sections, all but the last section, referred to above, being devoted to number theory. In June 1801, Zach, an astronomer whom Gauss had come to know two or three years previously, published the orbital positions of Ceres, a new "small planet" which was discovered by G Piazzi, an Italian astronomer on 1 January, 1801. Unfortunately, Piazzi had only been able to observe 9 degrees of its orbit before it disappeared behind the Sun. Zach published several predictions of its position, including one by Gauss which differed greatly from the others. When Ceres was rediscovered by Zach on 7 December 1801 it was almost exactly where Gauss had predicted. Although he did not disclose his methods at the time, Gauss had used his least squares approximation method.

74. Carl Friedrich Gauss
Translate this page carl friedrich gauss. Johann carl friedrich gauss (gauss) Nació en Brunswick, Baja Sajonia (30 de abril de 1777 - 23 de febrero
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Gauß ) Nació en Brunswick, Baja Sajonia ( 30 de abril de 23 de febrero de ) fue un destacado matemático astrónomo y físico alemán , con un amplio rango de contribuciones. Es considerado uno de los mejores matemáticos de la historia. Fue el primero en probar rigurosamente el Teorema Fundamental del Álgebra , que fue el tema de disertación para su tesis doctoral en 1799. Aunque una prueba casi completa de dicho teorema fue hecha por Jean Le Rond d'Alembert anteriormente. En 1801 publicó el libro Disquitiones Aritmeticae , con seis secciones dedicadas a la Teoría de números , dándole a esta rama de las matemáticas una estructura sistematizada. En la última sección del libro expone su tesis doctoral. Ese mismo año predijo la órbita del asteroide Ceres aproximando raíces cuadradas. En 1807 fue nombrado director del del Observatorio de Gotinga. En 1809 publica Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis Solem ambientium describiendo cómo calcular la órbita de un planeta y cómo refinarla posteriormente. Profundiza sobre ecuaciones diferenciales y secciones cónicas Quizás Gauss haya sido la primera persona en sospechar la independencia del postulado de las paralelas de Euclides y de esta manera anticipar una geometría no euclideana. Pero esto sólo se afirma, sacando conclusiones de cartas enviadas a sus amigos, Farkas Bolyai y a su hijo János Bolyai a quien Gauss calificó como

75. Carl Friedrich Gauss Definition Meaning Information Explanation
carl friedrich gauss definition, meaning and explanation and more about carl friedrich gauss. Free carl friedrich gauss. definition
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Carl Friedrich Gauss
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (GauŸ) April 30 February 23 ) was a German mathematician , astronomer and physicist with a very wide range of contributions; he is considered to be one of the leading mathematicians of all time. (His name rhymes with "house", and the proper German spelling uses the instead of the double s.) Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biography
1.1 Early years

1.2 Middle years

1.3 Later years, death, and afterwards
3 External links
Early years
Gauss was born in Braunschweig , Duchy of Brunswick-L¼neburg (now part of Germany summation Gauss earned a scholarship and in college, he independently rediscovered several important theorems; his breakthrough occurred in when he was able to show that any regular polygon , each of whose odd factors are distinct Fermat primes, can be constructed by ruler and compass alone, thereby adding to work started by classical Greek mathematicians. Gauss was so pleased by this result that he requested that a regular 17-gon be inscribed on his tombstone. Gauss was the first to prove the fundamental theorem of algebra; in fact, he produced four entirely different proofs for this theorem over his lifetime, clarifying the concept of

76. Gauss
Return to MATHGYM ATHGYM NOTES. Johann carl friedrich gauss. carl friedrich gauss was born 30 April 1777in Brunswick, Duchy of Brunswick

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Das Liebeslied - Friedrich Carl Butz

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Carl-Friedrich-Gauss Gymnasium Berlin-Bu ...
Willkommen auf der Homepage der Carl-Friedrich Gauss Oberschule Berlin Pankow Klickt [ HIER ] um weitergeleitet zu werden. c2001, Carl-Friedrich Gauss Gymnasium Berlin-Buch. > ... Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Gymnasium Gelsenkirc ... Willkommen beim Carl-Friedrich-Gauß Gymnasium in Gelsenkirchen Home CFG Impressum Neu GAUSSBLICK Freud und Leid Kontakt der Weg zu uns per eMail Beratung und ... Schüler Feiern 2003 Organisation Termine Regeln Sonstiges Fahrtberichte Links Ehemalige incognito © bm/18012004 Hier gilt der folgende ... Carl Friedrich Gauss-Gymnasium Carl Friedrich Gauss-Gymnasium Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den folgenden Themen: Informationen rund um das Carl Friedrich Gauss-Gymnasium in Frankfurt Oder. Viel Spaß weiter zur Startseite ... Tops Admiral nelson Neil armstrong Geschichte der eisenbahn Vogelweide ... ABG

78. Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss - Famous Mathematicians Pictures, Posters, Gi
Famous mathematician pictures, mathematicians pictures, mathematician gifts, gauss, Johann carl friedrich gauss, nonEuclidean geometry, disproof of parallel
Home about The Mathematicians Gift Shop about us ... Cantor
Gauss Gift items available include: Gauss
Gauss Clock All items carry our Total Satisfaction Guarantee . If you are dissatisfied with any item you purchase, simply advise us and return it within 15 days for replacement or refund. Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss reportedly believed that there had been only three 'epoch-making' mathematicians: Archimedes Newton Gauss, a stickler for perfection, lived by the motto "

79. Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich
gauss, Johann carl friedrich. .
Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich

Gauss¡]1777¦~4¤ë30¤é¡ã1855¦~2¤ë23¤é¡^¥X¥Í¦b¼w°ê Brunswick ¤@³h½a³Ò¤u®a¡C¥Lªº¤÷¿Ë¥s°µ Gebhard Dietdich Gauss (1744-1808)¡A¥À¿Ë¬O Dorothea Benze (1743-1839)¡C 1801¦~9¤ë29¤é Gauss ¦b¤½Àï¸ê§U¤§¤U¥Xª©¤F¥Lªº¼Æ¾Ç¥¨µÛ¡m¾ã¼Æ½×¬ã¦Ò¡n(Disquisitiones Arithmeticae)¡C¥¦¬O Gauss «C¤Ö¦~®É¥Nªº¬ã¨s¤ß±o¡A¦@¦³¤C³¹¡]²Ä¤K³¹¦]¸g¶Oö«Y¥h°£¡A¥L¥h¥@«á¥X±M¶°®É¾ÇªÌ±M®a­Ìµ¹¥¦¥[¤W¥h¡^¡C²Ä¤C³¹¬O®Ñ¤¤ªººëµØ¡A«Y¥H¤G¶µ¦P¾l¦¡²z½×¨Ó¸Ñ x n ªº®Ú¨À³¥Î¦bµ¥¤À¶ê©P¤Î§@¥X¥¿ n 1818¦~9¤ë Hanover ­º¬Û©e¥ô Gauss ­t³d´ú¶q Hanover ¹Ò¤ºªº¦a§Î¥H«K¸¥Xºë½Tªº¦a¹Ï¨Ó¡C´ú¶q¦a§Îªº³¥¥~¤u§@«ùÄò¨ì1826¦~¡A«áÄ~ªº­pºâ«h©µ¦Ü1848¦~¤~µ²§ô¡C¥Ñ¹ê¦a¤u§@¤¤ Gauss ¹ï¦±­±ªº©Ê½è¦³¤F¥R¤Àªº¤F¸Ñ¡C¦b1827¦~¥Lµoªí¦³ö¦±­±ªº½×¤å¡C¥L§â¦±­±¥H°Ñ¼Æ¦¡ªí¥Ü¡A¨°Q½×¦±­±¨ã¦³ªº¤º¦b©Ê½è¡A¦p°ª´µ¦±²v K ¦b«OªøÅÜ´«¤U¤£Åܵ¥¡C¥Lªº¾Ç¥Í Riemann§â¥Lªº¦±­±²z½×µo´­¥ú¤j¦¨¬° Riemann ´X¦ó¾Ç¡A¨ì¤F20¥@¬ö¡AEinstein «K¬O¨Ï¥Î¥¦µo©ú¤F¤@¯ë¬Û¹ï½×¡CGauss ¤SµÛ®Ñ¡mMemoir in Geodesy¡n(I, 1843, II, 1846) µ¥¡C¦b´ú¶q¤u§@¤¤ Gauss µo©ú¤F¦^¥ú»ö (helitope)¡C ¸`¿ý¦ÛC¤@²M¡q¼Æ¾Ç¥¨À¼°ª´µ¡r¡m¼Æ¾Ç¶Ç¼½¡n©u¥Z¡A88¡B89¸¹¡]86¦~12¤ë¡B87¦~3¤ë¡^¡C
¡D Gauss
¡D ¥N¼Æ¾Çªº°ò¥»©w²z
¡D Riemann
¡D Einstein
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80. Matematikusok Arcképcsarnoka
gauss, carl friedrich (1777. 04. 30. 1855. 02. 23.). Német matematikus, csillagász és fizikus. Ot tartják minden idok egyik legnagyobb matematikusának.
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Német matematikus, csillagász és fizikus. Õt tartják minden idõk egyik legnagyobb matematikusának. Így is nevezik: "A matematikusok fejedelme." Euler mellett õ a matematika legsokoldalúbb tudósa.
Braunschweigben született, édesapja nyergesmester volt. Már 6 éves korában kitûnt matematikai tehetségével. Tanítója egyszer azt a feladatot adta a kis tanulóknak, hogy adják össze a számokat 1-tõl 40-ig, mivel a tanító úr addig egy másik évfolyammal akart foglalkozni, és így akarta addig a kicsiket lefoglalni. De a kis Gauss hamarosan jelentkezett a jó eredménnyel. Csodálkozó tanítójának el is magyarázta, hogyan csinálta.
Párba állította a számokat 40 + 1 = 39 + 2 = 38 + 3 stb. Ezek a párok mindig 41-t adnak összegül, és mivel 20 ilyen pár van, az eredmény 820. Ez a gondolkozás megegyezik a számtani sorozat összegének meghatározásánál alkalmazottal. Tanítója felismerve a kisfiú rendkívüli képességeit, jelentette az esetet elöljáróinak. Így jutott el a híre braunschweig-i herceghez, aki felkarolta a kis Gauss -t. Gimnáziumba került, majd a göttingeni egyetemre.

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