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  1. Journal of the History of Philosophy: Vol. 45, No. April 2007.(PHILOSOPHICAL ABSTRACTS)(Pierre Gassendi's moral philosophy)(medieval philosophy and evil)(moral ... An article from: The Review of Metaphysics by Gale Reference Team, 2007-03-01
  2. 1592 Births: Shah Jahan, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, John Amos Comenius, Pierre Gassendi, Huang Taiji, John Eliot
  3. GASSENDI, PIERRE (15921655): An entry from Charles Scribner's Sons' <i>Europe, 1450 to 1789: An Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World</i> by MARGARET J. OSLER, 2004
  4. Pierre Gassendi, 1592-1655: Sa vie et son oeuvre. by Centre Internationale de Synthese., 1955
  5. Philosoph (17. Jahrhundert): Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, John Locke, René Descartes, Ralph Cudworth, Pierre Bayle, Pierre Gassendi (German Edition)
  6. Histoire De La Vie Et Des Ecrits De Pierre Gassendi (1853) (French Edition) by A. Martin, 2010-09-10
  7. Vie De Pierre Gassendi (1737) (French Edition) by Joseph Bougerel, 2010-09-10
  8. Pierre Gassendis Metaphysik Und Ihr Verhaltnis Zur Scholastischen Philosophie; Die Ethik Gassendis Und Ihre Quellen (1908) (German Edition) by Paul Pendzig, 2010-09-10
  9. Histoire De La Vie Et Des Ecrits De Pierre Gassendi (1853) (French Edition) by A. Martin, 2010-09-10
  10. Petri Gassendi Theologi Epistolica Exercitatio (1630) (Latin Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 2009-08-10
  11. Petri Gassendi Institutio astronomica, juxta hypotheses tam veterum, quam Copernici & Tychonis. Sexta editio prioribus correctior. (Latin Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 2010-05-28
  12. Abregé de la Philosophie de Gassendi.: V.1 (French Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 2009-04-27
  13. Disquisitio Metaphysica by Pierre Gassendi, 1962-01-01
  14. Abrégé de la philosophie de Mr Gassendi: seconde partie, contenant L'institution astronomique, Les systèmes de Ptolomée, de Copernic, & de Tycho-Brahé, ... des cieux & des (French Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 2010-05-12

61. Lexikon - Pierre Gassendi Definition Erklärung Bedeutung
Translate this page Was Wer Wo ist pierre gassendi - Definition Erklärung Bedeutung von pierregassendi. pierre gassendi. Definition Lexikon. pierre gassendi (* 22.
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Pierre Gassendi
Definition, Bedeutung, Erkl¤rung im Lexikon
Pierre Gassendi 22. Januar in Champtercier, Provence Frankreich 24. Oktober in Paris , Frankreich; auch Petrus Gassendi , eigentlich Pierre Gassend ) war ein franz¶sischer Philosoph Theologe Mathematiker Astronom und Physiker Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Leben
2 Arbeiten und weitere Lebensstationen

3 Philosophie

3.1 Kritik an Descartes
... 4 Werke
Er besuchte die Schule in Digne von bis setzte dann seine Ausbildung zu Hause fort, die von seinem Onkel ¼berwacht wurde. betrat er die Universit¤t von Aix, in der er zwei Jahre Philosophie und danach zwei weitere Jahre Theologie studierte. Von bis war er haupts¤chlich an der Hochschule von Digne t¤tig, danach empfing er den den Titel eines Doktors der Theologie in Avignon und wurde ordiniert. Er war bereits zum Priester an der Kirche in Digne ernannt worden. Er blieb in dieser Stellung bis , als er zum Dekan ernannt wurde.

62. Gassendi: Institutio Astronomica
gassendi, pierre (15921655) Institutio astronomica. Secunda editiopriori correctior. Londini Typis Jacobi Flesher. Prostant


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Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655)
Institutio astronomica.
Secunda editio priori correctior.
Londini : Typis Jacobi Flesher. Prostant apud Gulielmum Morden, Cantabrigiensem, 1653.
This short introductory work of astronomy by the French natural philosopher Pierre Gassendi presents the cosmological theory of Tycho Brahé. This theory was a major competitor to the Copernican theory in the first half of the seventeenth century. It was a kind of compromise between the Ptolemaic and Copernican views. Gassendi is not normally remembered for his interest in astronomy, but his observation of the transit of Mercury was a significant contribution. In ecstatic terms he expressed to Wilhelm Schickard "I have found him, I have seen him where no one has ever seen him before!" The diagram is from Gassendi's own account of the observation in his Mercurius in sole visus et Venus invisa (1632).

63. Gassendi: De Vita Et Moribus Epicuri
gassendi, pierre (15921655) De vita et moribus Epicuri libri octo.Hagae-Comitum Apud Adrianum Vlacq, 1656. A contemporary


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Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655)
De vita et moribus Epicuri : libri octo.
Hagae-Comitum : Apud Adrianum Vlacq, 1656.
A contemporary of Descartes and a contributor to experimental natural philosophy in his own right, the priest Pierre Gassendi was the most important reviver of the atomic theory of Epicurus. Gassendi's virulent attack on Aristotelian philosophy centred around his acceptance of Epicurus' matter theory which traditionally had been associated with atheism. Boyle perceptively commented that Gassendi 'baptized Epicurus'. This short work is a potted biography of the great Hellenistic philosopher.

64. VIRGILIO Enciclopedia | Terra E Universo | Astronomia E Cosmologia
Translate this page Cerca ¬, gassendi, pierre. filosofo e astronomo francese (1592-1655).La sua Il meglio della Rete su gassendi, pierre », Lo studioso

65. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results
gassendi, pierre The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; January 10, 2004 gassendi,pierre gassendi, pierre , 15921655, French philosopher and scientist.

66. Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655)
Translate this page pierre gassendi (1592-1655). Né à gassendi reprend la critique sceptiquede pierre Charron du dogmatisme métaphysique. Hostile à
Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655)
N Thomas Hobbes , entretient des relations avec ) et Marin Mersenne , ainsi qu'avec le milieu des "libertins érudits" (Diodati, La Mothe Le Vayer Gassendi reprend la critique sceptique de Pierre Charron Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos De vita et moribus Epicuri Animadversiones in decimum librum Diogenis Laertii Syntagma philosophicum , Posthume,1658). La devise de Gassendi : Sapere aude

67. Résultat De La Recherche
Translate this page de pierre gassendi. Voir la notice, Consulter la notice. 2. Monographie en modeimage, Opera omnia / Petrus gassendi. Tomus I, Canonicam / pierre gassendi.

68. Gassendi, Pierre From Linkspider UK Society Directory
gassendi, pierre by Linkspider UK, gassendi, pierre links and gassendi, pierretopics from our Society directory. Directory Topic gassendi, pierre.,Pierre/
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69. History Of Vegetarianism - Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655)
Europe The Middle Ages to the 18th Century pierre gassendi (15921655). Frenchphysicist and philosopher, who promoted an atomic theory of matter.
International Vegetarian Union History of Vegetarianism Europe: The Middle Ages to the 18th Century
Pierre Gassendi
French physicist and philosopher, who promoted an atomic theory of matter. As for flesh, true, indeed, is it that man is sustained on flesh. But how many things, let me ask, does man do every day which are contrary to, or beside, his nature? So great, and so general, is the perversion of his mode of life, which has, as it were, eaten into his flesh by a sort of deadly contagion, that he appears to have put on another disposition. Hence, the whole care and concern of philosophy and moral instruction ought to consist in leading men back to the paths of Nature. Man lives very well upon flesh, you say, but, if he thinks this food to be natural to him, why does he not use it as it is, as furnished to him by Nature? But, in fact, be shrinks in horror from seizing and rending living or even raw flesh with his teeth, and lights a fire to change its natural and proper condition . . . What is clearer than that man is not furnished for hunting, much less for eating, other animals? In one word, we seem to be admirably admonished by Cicero that man was destined for other things than for seizing and cutting the throats of other animals. If you answer, "that may be said to be an industry ordered by Nature, by which such weapons are invented," then, behold, it is by the very same artificial instrument that men make weapons for mutual slaughter. Do they this at the instigation of Nature? Can a use so noxious be called natural? Faculty is given by Nature, but it is our own fault that we make a perverse use of it.

70. Bomis: The Pierre Gassendi Ring
Ring Rankings Sneak preview of new search engine from Bomis Search Wikiafor pierre gassendi. Ring sites. pierre gassendi, Sponsored Link.
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    Sponsored Link Books by Pierre Gassendi Sponsored Link An outline of his life From the Galileo Project. A brief bio From the History of Mathematics archive A Gassendi bio From a history of philosophy page. Gassendi entry in The Catholic Encyclopedia. Le Pays Dignois et Digne-les-Bains, Provence, S-E France. Search Bomis for Pierre Gassendi Other Popular Bomis Searches harry potter osama bin laden personals woman ... lingerie
  • 71. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: Molière, élève De Pierre Gassendi
    Translate this page Titre Molière, élève de pierre gassendi, auteur Gaston Sortais, dossierJean-Baptiste Poquelin dit MolièreSujet pierre gassendi, René Descartes
    Accueil Index Catégories Dossiers ... Imprimer associé au dossier Jean-Baptiste Poquelin dit Molière Molière, élève de Pierre Gassendi Gaston Sortais Extrait
    En différentes pièces du grand comique, on trouve ça et là des pensées qui semblent un écho de l'enseignement de Gassendi. Comme son maître, il a pris à partie les Péripatéticiens et certains points de la doctrine cartésienne. Dans Le Mariage forcé , Pancrace, et dans Le Bourgeois gentilhomme , le maître de philosophie criblent de traits la Scolastique. Mais l'on est bien obligé de convenir, malgré l'admiration qu'on ressent pour le génie de l'auteur, que de ces railleries les unes sont bien grosses, et les autres portent à côté, car elles visent pêle-mêle des questions, dont plusieurs ne sont point oiseuses pour qui en comprend le sens et la portée. Texte
    Molière est le plus illustre des élèves de Gassendi, et cependant il ne nous retiendra pas longtemps, parce que l'influence de son maître est moins saisissable chez ce poète que chez Sorbière et Bernier. Nous l'avons laissé, dans la compagnie de ce dernier, de Chapelle, de Hesnault et de Cyrano, suivant les leçons de philosophie que leur donnait chaque soir le complaisant chanoine de Digne, devenu l'hôte de son ami Luillier. Le professeur communiqua sans doute à ses disciples l'admiration qu'il ressentait pour la poésie si vigoureuse et si brillante de Lucrèce, car nous voyons les jeunes Hesnault et Molière entreprendre la traduction du poème De Rerum natura
    Une jolie légende s'est formée à ce sujet. Molière aurait mené jusqu'à terme sa délicate entreprise. Mais voici qu'un jour un domestique, ayant besoin de papier pour confectionner des papillotes, s'empara de l'un des cahiers où la traduction était transcrite. Vexé de cette étourderie malencontreuse, l'auteur, dans un accès de dépit, jeta au feu le reste de la traduction (1). Et l'on ne manque pas d'ajouter avec un pleur que le seul débris échappé au désastre, ce sont les quelques vers insérés par Molière dans

    72. Cantines Bio, Pierre Gassendi Vegetarien Epicurien: La Morale Repose Sur La Rech
    Vegetarien et Epicurien (1592-1657) UNE SOCIOLOGIE DU BIO ?
    Qui mange Bio / Cantines Bio Pratique LES LIENS VERS NOS EDITOBIOS DEJA PARUS >> 1.Produits miracles ou produits sains? 2.Equarrissage pour tous... 4.Ce que Seattle ne changera pas (mondialisme-OGM-Nitrates..) 6.Qui mange bio? 7.Terminator-OGM, steriliser le vivant au profit des Monsanto.. 9.TOUS MUTANTS!! l'irradiation des aliments 11:LE LAIT, VRAIE VACHERIE?(produits laitiers/allaitement/PetitLait) 12. Antoine BECHAMP et Louis l'imPASTEUR: Vaccinations l'imposture 13.JUSQU'AU BOYCOTT? (Dr J.Bousquet) Hommes ou Consommateurs 14.VACCINS A l'ESB- SECRET DEFENSE (Scohy) 15.HAMER AVAIT RAISON? Stress/Cancer/Psychisme 16. Jean GAUTIER: L'Homme ce GLANDULAIRE inconnu 17. EN FINIR AVEC LE MOYEN AGE : la Terre est un etre vivant 18.BELJANSKI: ENNEMI PUBLIC? 19.MEILLEUR DES MONDES (Colloque Securite Alimentaire) 20.FIEVRE APHTEUSE: SERIAL KILLERS 21.GEOBIOLOGIE, HABITAT MALSAIN 22. SIDA: FAUT-IL RESTER POSITIF ? 23. DIABETE VACCINAL: DOMMAGE COLLATERAL

    73. LookSmart - Pierre Gassendi
    Horror Vacui? pierre gassendi (1592-1655) - IMSS - Translate this page pierre gassendi. Nato a Digne, fu prima canonico nella sua città natale,e quindi professore di filosofia ad Aix e, più tardi, di

    74. Horror Vacui? - Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) - IMSS
    pierre gassendi. Born at Digne, he was first a Canon in his native town,then Professor of philosophy at Aix, then, later, of astronomy
    Institute and Museum of History of Science, Florence, ITALY
    The main characters

    Pierre Gassendi.

    The need to flee from the aristotelian tradition let him turn towards other thinkers, and, in particular, towards Epicurus. Gassendi recognised in the Greek thinker's atomism a particularly rich research programme for the nascent experimental science. The discoveries performed by the microscope in those years were interpreted, by Gassendi and many of his contemporaries, as a serious validation of atomism, and contributed to the enormous success which the Canon of Digne's theses had with European intellectuals of the day.
    Gassendi's research is of outstanding interest above all in the fields of astronomy and dynamics. In the former, he carries out accurate and long-term observations, which he recorded in minute detail. In the field of the physics of motion, on the other hand, his work signals, above all, the confirmation of the science of motion worked out by Galileo.
    Gassendi developed an interesting notion of space, which he considered as an infinite three-dimensional void, absolutely immobile and homogeneous, which exists in itself, even in the absence of bodies to define the parts. This metaphysical intuition in some way heralds the Newtonian notion of "absolute space". It was shared, too, by other figures in the debate over the existence of the vacuum in the first half of the seventeenth century (Otto von Guericke, for example). In opposition to cartesian physics - which identifies matter and extension, rejecting immediately even the possibility of an "empty space" - Gassendi's notion held that the "void" was acceptable in the very idea of space.

    75. No. 1898: Pierre Gassendi
    No. 1898 pierre gassendi by John H. Lienhard. Click here for audio ofEpisode 1898. (Theme music). B. Rochot, gassendi (Gassend), pierre.
    No. 1898:
    PIERRE GASSENDI by John H. Lienhard Click here for audio of Episode 1898. Today, what happened after Galileo? The University of Houston's College of Engineering presents this series about the machines that make our civilization run, and the people whose ingenuity created them. G alileo was a hard act to follow. He died the year Isaac Newton was born, but Newton's day wouldn't dawn 'til half a century later. Much of the dust kicked up by Galileo in the early seventeenth century would settle by then. So let's look at Galileo's immediate wake. The person to meet is French philosopher Pierre Gassendi born in 1592, 28 years after Galileo and four years before his fellow philosopher Descartes. Gassendi became a priest and, at 25, began a five-year stint teaching about Aristotle. By this time, the noose of the Inquisition had not yet tightened around Galileo's neck; but it soon would . Galileo's earlier writings, critical of Aristotle's science were well known, and Gassendi had read them. He was already skeptical of Aristotle, and now he picked up his own attack. Well, not just on Aristotle, but on the whole philosophy of scholasticism. When you read about Gassendi, you usually get learned philosophical treatises that miss much of the technical content of his work. Here's an example:

    76. Detailed Record
    The selected works of pierre gassendi. • By pierre gassendi • PublisherNew York, Johnson Reprint Corp., 1972. • ISBN 0384176852
    About WorldCat Help For Librarians The selected works of Pierre Gassendi.
    Pierre Gassendi
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    77. Epicurus, Lucretius And Pierre Gassendi
    Feature Article. Epicurus, Lucretius and pierre gassendi (ESS11) Aboutatoms and a happy life RATE THIS ARTICLE . Two Greeks, a Roman

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    Feature Article Epicurus, Lucretius and Pierre Gassendi About atoms and a happy life
    RATE THIS ARTICLE Two Greeks, a Roman poet and a French cleric with an Italian name. T his is a story about Democritus, Epicurus, Lucretius and Pierre Gassendi and some unpopular ideas. Who are these guys and why should you care? Good question so let's dig in. You'll have to forgive me but I'm going to mention a few dates. The dates are significant because they allow you to see how these fellows relate to each other and who might have influenced whom, or not. Epicurus Let's begin with Epicurus who lived from 341 BC to 270 BC. That makes him a little more recent than Aristotle (384-322 BC) with a slight overlap. The reason that is significant is that Epicurus believed just about everything Aristotle did not. To begin with, he favored the atomic theory of the universe developed by Democritus (460-370 BC) who himself preceded Aristotle by a few years. Democritus D emocritus developed the atomic idea although he gave the credit to someone he called Leucippus whose existence is in fact doubted by some. According to him, all things are composed of minute, invisible, indestructible particles of pure matter. Sounds familiar doesn't it? Keep in mind that this is more than two thousand years ago. To Democritus the "creation" of worlds was the

    78. Pierre Gassendi :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius
    pierre gassendi. Online Encyclopedia pierre gassendi (January 22, 1592 October24, 1655) was a French philosopher, scientist and mathematician.
    Quantum Physics Pampered Chef Paintball Guns Cell Phone Reviews ... Science Articles Pierre Gassendi
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    Pierre Gassendi January 22 October 24 ) was a French philosopher , scientist and mathematician . He is best known for attempting to rectify Epicureanist Atomism with Christianity He was born of poor parents at Champtercier, near Digne, in Provence . At a very early age he showed remarkable mental powers and was sent to the college at Digne. He showed particular aptitude for languages and mathematics, and it is said that at the age of sixteen he was invited to lecture on rhetoric at the college. Soon afterwards he entered the university of Aix, to study philosophy under P Fesaye. In 1612 he was called to the college of Digne to lecture on theology . Four years later he received the degree of doctor of theology at Avignon , and in 1617 he took holy orders. In the same year he was called to the chair of philosophy at Aix , and seems gradually to have withdrawn from theology. He lectured principally on the Aristotelian philosophy, conforming as far as possible to the orthodox methods. At the same time, however, he followed with interest the discoveries of

    79. Pierre Gassendi - InformationBlast
    pierre gassendi Information Blast. pierre gassendi. pierre gassendi(January 22, 1592 - October 24, 1655) was a French philosopher
    Pierre Gassendi
    Pierre Gassendi January 22 October 24 ) was a French philosopher , scientist and mathematician . He is best known for attempting to rectify Epicureanist Atomism with Christianity He was born of poor parents at Champtercier, near Digne, in Provence . At a very early age he showed remarkable mental powers and was sent to the college at Digne. He showed particular aptitude for languages and mathematics, and it is said that at the age of sixteen he was invited to lecture on rhetoric at the college. Soon afterwards he entered the university of Aix, to study philosophy under P Fesaye. In 1612 he was called to the college of Digne to lecture on theology . Four years later he received the degree of doctor of theology at Avignon , and in 1617 he took holy orders. In the same year he was called to the chair of philosophy at Aix , and seems gradually to have withdrawn from theology. He lectured principally on the Aristotelian philosophy, conforming as far as possible to the orthodox methods. At the same time, however, he followed with interest the discoveries of Galileo and Kepler , and became more and more dissatisfied with the Peripatetic system. It was the period of revolt against the Aristotelianism of the schools, and Gassendi shared to the full the empirical tendencies of the age. He, too, began to draw up objections to the Aristotelian philosophy, but did not at first venture to publish them. In 1624, however, after he had left Aix for a canonry at

    80. November 7, 1631 - Pierre Gassendi Observes Transit Of Mercury Predicted By Kepl
    November 7, 1631 in history pierre gassendi observestransit of Mercury predicted by Kepler.
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    November 7, 1631 In History Event:
    Pierre Gassendi observes transit of Mercury predicted by Kepler
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