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         Gassendi Pierre:     more books (100)
  1. Tychonis Brahei, Equitis Dani, Astronomorum Coryphaei, Vita (1655) (Latin Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 2010-05-23
  2. Initiation à la théorie de la musique by Pierre Gassendi, Gaston Guieu, 1992-06-01
  3. Peiresc & his books by Pierre Gassendi, 1970
  4. Three Discourses of Happiness, Virtue and Liberty by Pierre Gassendi, 2010-05-23
  5. Peiresc, 1580-1637: Vie de l'illustre Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, conseiller au Parlement d'Aix (Un Savant, une epoque) (French Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 1992
  6. La philosophie de Gassendi: Nominalisme, matérialisme et métaphysique (International Archives of the History of Ideas Archives internationales d'histoire des idées) (French Edition) by Olivier René Bloch, 1971-07-31
  7. Britische Gassendi-Rezeption am Beispiel John Lockes (Quaestiones) (German Edition) by Rolf W Puster, 1991
  8. Gassendi et l'Europe, 1592-1792: Actes du Colloque international de Paris "Gassendi et sa posterite, 1592-1792", Sorbonne, 6-10 octobre 1992 (De Petrarque a Descartes) (French Edition)
  9. Sensazione e realta: Epicuro e Gassendi (Studi / Accademia toscana di scienze e lettere "La Colombaria") (Italian Edition) by Antonina M Alberti, 1988
  10. Abrege de la philosophie de Gassendi (Corpus des euvres de philosophie en langue francaise) (French Edition) by Francois Bernier, 1992
  11. L'atomisme: Trois essais : Gassendi, Leibniz, Bergson et Lucrece (Philosophie de l'esprit) (French Edition) by Marie Cariou, 1978
  12. Gassendi's Ethics: Freedom in a Mechanistic Universe by Lisa T. Sarasohn, 1996-12
  13. Divine Will and the Mechanical Philosophy: Gassendi and Descartes on Contingency and Necessity in the Created World by Margaret J. Osler, 2005-01-27
  14. Philosophe Du Xviie Siècle: Blaise Pascal, René Descartes, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Tommaso Campanella, John Locke, Pierre Gassendi (French Edition)

21. Gassendi [Gassend], Pierre
Biographical facts on this 17thcentury thinker, from the Galileo Project.
Catalog of the Scientific Community
Gassendi [Gassend], Pierre
Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on genealogical questions.
1. Dates
Born: Champtercier (southeastern France), 22 January 1592
Died: Paris, 24 October 1655
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
2. Father
Occupation: Peasant/Small Farmer
Gassendi was the son of Antoine Gassend and Francoise Fabry. His father was, by one account, a farmer on his own land, and by another (which is not necessarily inconsistent) a peasant.
No information on financial status.
3. Nationality
Birth: French
Career: French
Death: French
4. Education
Schooling: Aix; Avignon, D.D.
His uncle, Thomas Fabry the village priest was in charge of the early education of Gassendi. He then attended school at Digne from 1599 to 1606 (except for one year at Ruez). After a two year stay at home he returned to his formal schooling at the University at Aix. He studied philosophy under P. Philibert Fesaye and two years later studied theology under Professor Raphaelis. He returned to Digne in 1612 to become Principal of the College of Digne. He held this position for two years after which he received his doctorate in theology at Avignon. I assume a B.A. or its equivalent.
5. Religion

22. Gassendi, Pierre
encyclopediaEncyclopedia gassendi, pierre, pyer gäsäNdE PronunciationKey. gassendi, pierre , 1592–1655, French philosopher and scientist.
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23. Gassendi
Short biography with bibliography and links, from the MacTutor History of Mathematics.
Pierre Gassendi
Born: 22 Jan 1592 in Champtercier, Provence, France
Died: 24 Oct 1655 in Paris, France
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Pierre Gassendi attended school at Digne from 1599 to 1606 then continued his education at home supervised by his uncle. Then, in 1608, he entered the University of Aix where he studied philosophy for two years then theology for a further two years. Gassendi was Principal at the College of Digne from 1612 to 1614, then he received a doctorate in theology from Avignon and was ordained in 1615, one year later. He had already been appointed canon at a church in Digne in 1614. He held this post until 1634 when he was elevated to dean. Gassendi first met Mersenne in 1624 when he visited Paris. Mersenne tried to persuade him to give up mathematics and theology in favour of philosophy. Gassendi rejected Descartes ' philosophy, emphasising the inductive method. He believed in atomism and defended a mechanistic explanation of nature. Kepler had predicted a transit of Mercury would occur in 1631 and Gassendi was the first to observe such a transit. He wrote on astronomy, his own astronomical observations and on falling bodies.

24. Pierre Gassendi --  Encyclopædia Britannica
gassendi, pierre Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style pierre gassendi. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

25. Gassendi, Pierre
gassendi, pierre 15921655, French philosopher and scientist. A teacher and priest, gassendi taught at Digne, Aix, and the Royal College at Paris and held several church offices. He ranked with

26. Gassendi, Pierre
gassendi, pierre (15921655). French philosopher and scientist. Ateacher and priest, gassendi taught at Digne, Aix, and the Royal
Gassendi, Pierre
French philosopher and scientist. A teacher and priest, Gassendi taught at Digne, Aix, and the Royal College at Paris and held several church offices. He ranked with the leading mathematicians of his day. He violently opposed the authoritarianism of Aristotle, especially in the Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos (1624). He revived and interpreted the atomic theory of Democritus and Epicurus in terms of the new science, thereby opposing the Cartesian school, and also attempted to reconcile atomism and Epicurean ethics with the teachings of the church.

27. Gassendi, Pierre
Pronunciation Key. gassendi, pierre , 15921655, French philosopher and scientist pierre gassendi. pierre gassendi ( Archive Photos)THE WARDEN OF ENGLISH.(Review)
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28. Gassendi, Pierre. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. gassendi, pierre. (py rgäsäNd ´) (KEY) , 1592–1655, French philosopher and scientist.
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29. Pierre Gassendi
Translate this page Shops. PhiloShop. PhiloShirt. Service. Philosophie-Zitatefür Ihre HomePage. Kontakt. Impressum. eMail. pierre gassendi (1592 - 1655).
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Pierre Gassendi (1592 - 1655)
Logiker und Philosoph Nach Gassendi ist die Logik die Lehre vom richtigen Denken. Sie ist abiuncta a rebus reine Logik ) und coniuncta cum rebus angewandte Logik powered by Uwe Wiedemann

30. Biografia De Gassendi, Pierre
Translate this page gassendi, pierre. (Champtercier, Francia, 1592-París, 1655) Matemáticoy filósofo francés. Alrededor de 1614 se doctoró en teología
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Gassendi, Pierre (Champtercier, Francia, 1592-París, 1655) Matemático y filósofo francés. Alrededor de 1614 se doctoró en teología por la Universidad de Aviñón. En sus obras buscó la reconciliación del atomismo mecanicista con la doctrina cristiana por medio de un rechazo del aristotelismo y de la intuición cartesiana en favor de un empirismo inspirado en el pensamiento de Epicuro. En la obra Syntagma philosophicum, publicada póstumamente en 1658, Gassendi abogó por el método inductivo aplicado a la experiencia sensible como base para el conocimiento; aceptó sin embargo el razonamiento deductivo en disciplinas como las matemáticas. Consideró la armonía de la naturaleza y la capacidad del hombre para percibirla como la prueba definitiva de la existencia de Dios. Siguiendo los pasos de su admirado Epicuro, definió la felicidad como el fin motivador –en último término inalcanzable– del hombre. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

31. MSN Encarta - Gassendi, Pierre
Translate this page gassendi, pierre. gassendi, pierre (1592-1655), philosophe et savant francais. Plusde résultats pour gassendi, pierre, Autres fonctionnalités Encarta.
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Article accessible sur abonnement MSN Encarta Premium : Acc©dez   30 000 articles encyclop©diques avec plus de 12 000 illustrations, un atlas mondial interactif, un guide du Web et une palette compl¨te de ressources et d'outils ©ducatifs. 34,99 € par an (service d’acc¨s   Internet non compris). En savoir plus. Cet article n'est accessible que si vous ªtes abonn©   MSN Encarta Premium. Dans ce cas, connectez-vous en cliquant sur le lien Aller sur MSN Encarta Premium (ci-dessus). Gassendi, Pierre Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655), philosophe et savant francais. N©   Champtercier, pr¨s de Digne, il fit ses ©tudes   Digne et aux universit©s d'Aix et... Encarta vous int©resse ? Abonnez-vous d¨s maintenant et b©n©ficiez de :
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Translate this page pierre Gassend , detto gassendi ( 1592 - 1655 ) , sacerdote , scienziato e filosofo, è autore delle Quinte Obiezioni , nelle quali , pur condividendo alcune
A cura di
Pierre Gassend , detto Gassendi ( 1592 - 1655 ) , sacerdote , scienziato e filosofo , è autore delle Quinte Obiezioni , nelle quali , pur condividendo alcune conclusioni di Cartesio cartesiana nelle capacità esplicative del concetto di sostanza appare a Gassendi un'indebita concessione a un sapere metafisico che , seppure in forma diversa , ripropone i presupposti dogmatici della tradizione aristotelica . La critica di Gassendi a Cartesio si nutre di letture tratte dalla tradizione nominalistica ( il negare l' esistenza degli universali ) , soprattutto Guglielmo di Ockham , e scettica , soprattutto Sesto Empirico tra gli antichi e Montaigne tra i moderni . Nelle " Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos " ( 1624 ) al razionalistico " scire per causa " aristotelico egli contrappone l' osservazione empirica della realtà naturale e la sua puntuale descrizione . L' uomo pertanto , chiarirà in seguito Gassendi , può conoscere soltanto i fenomeni : infatti , egli può avere conoscenza compiuta solamente di ciò che fa egli stesso ( nel caso degli oggetti artificiali ) o di ciò che può scomporre e ricostruire mentalmente , in modo da coglierne la costruzione interna ( nel caso della realtà naturale ) . Le sostanze , la cui esistenza tuttavia non viene negata , rimangono al di là di queste possibilità e sono conoscibili solo da parte di Dio . Tuttavia va subito detto che i testi cartesiani riportati da Gassendi e indicati come citazioni testuali sono spesso riassunti o parafrasati . Ciò fa sì che egli a volte polemizzi con affermazioni che non corrispondono al dettato del suo interlocutore . Di ciò ebbe a lamentarsi

33. - Biografia De Gassendi, Pierre
Translate this page gassendi, pierre. (Champtercier, Francia, 1592-París, 1655) Matemáticoy filósofo francés. Alrededor de 1614 se doctoró en teología
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Gassendi, Pierre

34. LookSmart - Directory - Pierre Gassendi
YOU ARE HERE Home Sciences Mathematics Mathematicians gassendi,pierre. pierre gassendi Delve into biographies of pierre
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Pierre Gassendi - Delve into biographies of Pierre Gassendi, philosopher and a professor of mathematics.
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  • allRefer Reference - Pierre Gassendi, 1592-1655
    Details the life, achievements, background, and works of the French philosopher and scientist.
    Gassendi, Pierre - Boomis Pierre Gassendi Ring

    Follow links to a handful of biographies and overviews of the Renaissance mathematician and philosopher Pierre Gassendi.
    Gassendi, Pierre - Catholic Encyclopedia

    Encyclopedia article describes the life of this teacher, academic and scientist who studied astronomy, theology, mathematics and philosophy.
    Gassendi, Pierre - Galileo Project, Catalog

    Outlines the life of this French scientist, philosopher and teacher who studied math, astronomy and natural philosophy.
    Gassendi, Pierre - International Vegetarian Union
    Read an excerpt of a letter Gassendi wrote to Van Helmont advocating vegetarianism from this resource devoted to famous vegetarians. Gassendi, Pierre - MacTutor History of Mathematics
  • 35. Gassendi - Pierre Gassendi - Biography - Information - Links - Dr Robert A. Hatc
    g a s s e n d i. pierre gassendi (15921655) was born in the small villageof Champtercier in the South of France. He was first taught
    g a s s e n d i
    PIERRE GASSENDI (1592-1655) was born in the small village of Champtercier in the South of France. He was first taught by his uncle and later entered the College of Digne (1599) and the University of Aix (1609) where he studied philosophy and theology. Several years later he was ordained, took his doctorate in theology (Avignon), and became a canon of Notre Dame du Bourg (Digne). He was later appointed Professor of Philosophy at Aix. G assend's first book, Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus aristoteleos , was stridently anti-Scholastic. Gassendi lived in Paris from 1628-1632 where he made a number of life-long friendships, notably with Boulliau, Mersenne, Mydorge, Naude, and La Mothe le Vayer. Besides his interest in ancient philosophy, notably his work on Epicurus, Gassendi was particularly interested during this period in issues involving astronomy and optics. He soon published Parhelia, sive soles quatuor (1630) and Mercurius in sole visus L eaving Paris for his native Provence in 1632, Gassendi returned to his studies on the ancient atomist Epicurus. During the next five years Gassendi worked closely with his patron and intimate friend, Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc (1580-1637), perhaps the most prolific correspondent of the early 17th century. With Peiresc's death Gassendi appears to have suffered deep depression. Putting aside his study of Epicurus, Gassendi spent the next several years writing a biography of his friend

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    37. Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
    Nationality , French v. gassendi, pierre (15921655), French philosopher whoexpounded atomism as an alternate mechanical philosophy to that of Descartes.
    Branch of Science Philosophers Nationality French
    Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655)

    French philosopher who expounded atomism as an alternate mechanical philosophy to that of Descartes . His principle work was Syntagma Philosophicum (Philosophical Treatise) (1658). His theory, however, was eclectic and inconsistent.
    Additional biographies: Bonn

    38. Alpes Speleo
    pierre gassendi.
    Alpes-de-Haute-Provence (04) Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) Vous êtes ici : Accueil AHP 04 Documentation L'astronome et philosophe Pierre Gassendi rand astronome, auteur Peiresc ) sur laquelle il fait des observations. " Il y a près de Colmars une fontaine intermittente, remarquable par la fréquence de ses retours. Gassendi, qui l'avait examinée, assure qu'elle coule quatre fois dans une heure, et pendant sept minutes à chaque fois, après lesquelles il y a une cessation absolue tantôt de huit, tantôt de sept, et tantôt de six minutes. Le mécanisme de ces fontaines est connu. C'est le même que celui du siphon. " Il s'agit probablement de la font Gaillarde TAMIZEY de LARROQUE Philippe (1887-1888) - Impressions de Voyage de Pierre Gassendi dans la Provence alpestre. Annales des Basses-Alpes , t. III, pp. 92-107.

    39. Society, Philosophy, Philosophers, G: Gassendi, Pierre
    pierre gassendi, 15921655. Catalog of the Scientific Community gassendi, pierre- Biographical facts on this 17th-century thinker, from the Galileo Project.,_Pierre/
    Top Society Philosophy Philosophers ... Gassendi, Pierre
    Related links of interest: Pierre Gassendi, 1592-1655. Early Modern French philosopher who revived the Epicurean tradition. He also played a role in early scientific discoveries. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor The directory is based on the Open Directory and has been modified and enhanced using our own technology. About ComboSE Download Combose Toolbar

    40. Ïüåð Ãàññåíäè (Pierre Gassendi)
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  • ÀÑÑÅÍÄÈ, ÏÜÅÐ (Gassendi, Pierre) (1592–1655), ôðàíöóçñêèé ôèëîñîô è ó÷åíûé, èçâåñòíûé ñâîåé ïðîïàãàíäîé ýïèêóðåèçìà è àòîìèçìà è ïîïûòêîé èõ ïðèìèðåíèÿ ñ õðèñòèàíñòâîì. Ðîäèëñÿ â Øàíòåðñüå áëèç Äèíÿ â Ïðîâàíñå 22 ÿíâàðÿ 1592. Ôàìèëèÿ àññåíäè – èòàëüÿíñêàÿ ôîðìà ïðîâàíñêîé ôàìèëèè àññåíä (Gassend). Çàíèìàë íåçíà÷èòåëüíûå öåðêîâíûå äîëæíîñòè â 1612, â 1614 ñòàë äîêòîðîì òåîëîãèè â Àâèíüîíå; òàêæå áûë íàñòîÿòåëåì ñîáîðà â Äèíå. Ïî íàñòîÿíèþ Ìåðñåííà çàíÿëñÿ ôèëîñîôèåé, áûë ïðîôåññîðîì ôèëîñîôèè â êîëëåæå Ýêñ-àí-Ïðîâàíñà.  1624 îïóáëèêîâàë â ðåíîáëå ðÿä î÷åðêîâ ïîä íàçâàíèåì Ïàðàäîêñàëüíûå óïðàæíåíèÿ ïðîòèâ àðèñòîòåëèêîâ (Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos), ãäå çàÿâèë, ÷òî, õîòÿ îí è îáÿçàí ïî ñâîåìó ïîëîæåíèþ ïðåïîäàâàòü àðèñòîòåëåâñêóþ ôèëîñîôèþ, åãî âñåãäà çàíèìàë âîïðîñ î åå ñëàáîñòÿõ. Ïðåêðàòèâ ïîëåìèêó ñî ñõîëàñòàìè, èç-çà êîòîðîé ó íåãî ìîãëè ïîÿâèòüñÿ âðàãè â öåðêîâíûõ êðóãàõ, îí îáðàòèëñÿ ê èçó÷åíèþ Ýïèêóðà.  1626 ó àññåíäè ïîÿâèëàñü èäåÿ òðóäà î æèçíè, ìîðàëüíûõ ïðåäñòàâëåíèÿõ è ó÷åíèè Ýïèêóðà. Îí áûë óáåæäåí, ÷òî ó÷åíèå àíòè÷íîãî ôèëîñîôà ìîæåò áûòü ñîãëàñîâàíî ñ ñîâðåìåííîé åìó òåîëîãèåé.  1632 àññåíäè îïóáëèêîâàë ðàáîòó î ïðîõîæäåíèè ïëàíåòû Ìåðêóðèé, ïðåäñêàçàííîì Êåïëåðîì, à â 1641 ïûòàëñÿ ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíî äîêàçàòü òåîðèþ ïàäåíèÿ òåë àëèëåÿ. Îäíàêî ãëàâíûì âêëàäîì àññåíäè â èñòîðèþ êóëüòóðû ñòàëà åãî ôèëîñîôèÿ.
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