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         Gassendi Pierre:     more books (100)
  1. Pierre Gassendi and the Birth of Early Modern Philosophy by Antonia LoLordo, 2009-11-05
  2. Histoire De La Vie Et Des Ecrits De Pierre Gassendi (1853) (French Edition) by A. Martin, 2010-02-23
  3. Vie De Pierre Gassendi: Prevôt De L'église De Digne & Professeur De Mathematiques Au College Royal (French Edition) by Joseph Bougerel, 2010-01-12
  4. Pierre Gassendi's Philosophy And Science: Atomism for Empiricists (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, V. 131) by Saul Fisher, 2005-11-15
  5. Pierre Gassendi: From Aristotelianism to a New Natural Philosophy (Synthese Historical Library) by B. Brundell, 1987-03-31
  6. Vie De Pierre Gassendi (1737) (French Edition) by Joseph Bougerel, 2010-09-10
  7. Histoire De La Vie Et Des Écrits De Pierre Gassendi (French Edition) by Anonymous, 2010-04-08
  8. Pierre Gassendis Metaphysik Und Ihr Verhaltnis Zur Scholastischen Philosophie; Die Ethik Gassendis Und Ihre Quellen (1908) (German Edition) by Paul Pendzig, 2010-09-10
  9. Pierre Gassendi, 1592-1655: An intellectual biography (Bibliotheca humanistica & reformatorica) by Howard Jones, 1981
  10. The Life of Copernicus (1473-1543) by Pierre Gassendi, Oliver Thill, 2002-10-01
  11. Abregé De La Philosophie De Gassendi En Vii. Tomes (French Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, François Bernier, 2010-03-23
  12. Abregé De La Philosophie De Gassendi ...: Les Sens. L'entendement (French Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 2010-03-22
  13. Abregé De La Philosophie De Gassendi ... (French Edition) by Pierre Gassendi, 2010-03-16
  14. The Mirrour of True Nobility & Gentility Being the Life of Peiresc by Pierre Gassendi, 2003-10-30

Pierre Gassendi. (GASSENDY, GASSEND.). A French philosopher and scientist;b. at Champtercier, a country place near Digne in Provence
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Pierre Gassendi
(GASSENDY, GASSEND.) Cardinal Richelieu Gassendi, "the Bacon of France", is specially note-worthy for his opposition to the Aristotelean philosophy, and for his revival of the Epicurean system. He wished the aprioristic methods then prevailing in the schools replaced by experimental proofs. His cosmology, psychology, and ethics are epicurean, except that he maintains the doctrine of the Creator and of Providence, and the spirituality and immortality of the soul. He thus attempts to build up a Christian philosophy upon Epicurusan inconsistency which is attacked by non-Christian, as well as Christian philosophers. His views on the constitution of matter and his merits in regard to modern kinetic atomism are explained by Lasswitz. That Gassendi was neither "the father of materialism" nor a sceptic in the proper sense is shown by Kiefi (see Baldwin, op. cit. below). He corresponded with Hobbes, Mersenne, Christina of Sweden, and engaged in controversy with Fludd, Herbert, and Descartes. That as an amateur astronomer, Gassendi was a persevering, attentive, and intelligent observer, is evident from his notebook carefully kept from 1618 until 1652 and filling over 400 pages. With a

2. Gassendi
Pierre Gassendi. Pierre Gassendi attended school at Digne from 1599 to1606 then continued his education at home supervised by his uncle.
Pierre Gassendi
Born: 22 Jan 1592 in Champtercier, Provence, France
Died: 24 Oct 1655 in Paris, France
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Pierre Gassendi attended school at Digne from 1599 to 1606 then continued his education at home supervised by his uncle. Then, in 1608, he entered the University of Aix where he studied philosophy for two years then theology for a further two years. Gassendi was Principal at the College of Digne from 1612 to 1614, then he received a doctorate in theology from Avignon and was ordained in 1615, one year later. He had already been appointed canon at a church in Digne in 1614. He held this post until 1634 when he was elevated to dean. Gassendi first met Mersenne in 1624 when he visited Paris. Mersenne tried to persuade him to give up mathematics and theology in favour of philosophy. Gassendi rejected Descartes ' philosophy, emphasising the inductive method. He believed in atomism and defended a mechanistic explanation of nature. Kepler had predicted a transit of Mercury would occur in 1631 and Gassendi was the first to observe such a transit. He wrote on astronomy, his own astronomical observations and on falling bodies.

3. Search Results For Gassendi
Biographies. gassendi pierre Gassendi . Pierre Gassendi attended school at Dignefrom 1599 to 1606 then continued his education at home supervised by his uncle.

4. Gassendi
Pierre Gassendi (15921655) There are three strands of Gassendi's philosophy which are quite notable. First, he was responsible for making atomism respectable in European intellectual circles of the
Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655)
There are three strands of Gassendi's philosophy which are quite notable. First, he was responsible for making atomism respectable in European intellectual circles of the 17th century. Atomism derived from Greek philosophers, was transmitted and modified by Lucretius and Epicurus. In the Epicurean form atomism was incompatible with Christianity. Gassenid made atomism respectable by modifying it so that it did not conflict with Christianity. Thus, instead of insisting on the eternity of atoms, Gassendi has God create the atoms. Connected with his efforts to make atomism respectable was his rejection of Aristotelianism. There was, from the Renaissance on, a revolt against Aristotelian philosophy. Many of the philosophers of the 17th century were part of this revolt. Aristotle had rejected atomism, and this gives Gassendi some reason to reject Aristotle. The conection between Aristotle and the Scholastic philosophy of the Middle Ages, which still dominated the universities in Gassendi's time, provided another reason for philosophers opposed to Scholasticism to reject Aristotelian philosophy. The third feature of Gassendi's philosophy is that he advocated a moderate skepticism. This moderate skepticism influenced philosophy perhaps more profoundly than Descartes' attempts to refute skepticism entirely.

5. Gassendi Pierre From FOLDOC
gassendi pierre. biography, history of philosophy French logician and philosopher (15921655). Gassendi revived interest in ancient atomism by defending a strictly mechanistic account of the physical world. Recommended Reading Pierre Gassendi's Institutio Logica A Critical Edition With Translation Pierre

6. Gassendi Pierre From FOLDOC
gassendi pierre. biography, history of philosophy French logicianand philosopher (15921655). Gassendi revived interest in ancient Pierre

7. Biographies Info Science : Gassendi Pierre
Translate this page nouvelle recherche, gassendi pierre Savant et philosophe français(Champtercier, 1592 - Paris, 1655). Né à Champtercier, près

Translate this page gassendi pierre GASSEND dit (1592-1655). Savant et philosophe français,né près de Digne, reçu docteur en théologie en 1614
GASSENDI PIERRE GASSEND dit (1592-1655) On peut voir d’abord en Gassendi le critique d’Aristote et de Descartes. En 1624, il publie les Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos , dans la Disquisitio metaphysica Ses Opera omnia Pierre Gassendi, 1592-1655. Sa vie et son œuvre , Paris, 1955.

9. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Gassendi Pierre
gassendi pierre . Page 1 sur 1.*, Réservé html. Plus de résultats avec MSN pour gassendi pierre .
Accueil MSN Mon MSN Hotmail Rechercher ... S'abonner   Encarta Premium Rechercher Encarta R©sultats de la recherche pour "Gassendi Pierre" Page sur 1 R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Gassendi, Pierre Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655), philosophe et savant francais. N©   Champtercier, pr¨s de Digne, il fit ses ©tudes   Digne et aux universit©s d'Aix et... ©picurisme Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article ©picurisme Digne-les-Bains Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Digne-les-Bains Hobbes, Thomas Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article Hobbes, Thomas empirisme Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article empirisme fran§aise, litt©rature Encyclop©die EncartaArticle Trouv© dans l'article fran§aise, litt©rature R©serv© aux abonn©s MSN Encarta Premium. Page sur 1
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Pierre Gassendi. Digne les-Bains

D©couvrez le Pays Dignois au travers de nombreuses galeries de photographies. Parcourez de chez vous, les paysages grandioses des Alpes de Haute Provence au travers de somptueuses photographies ...

10. Gassendi - Pierre Gassendi - Correspondence Network - Gassendi Home Page - Dr Ro
Pierre Gassendi was not a prolific correspondent, not the sort of intelligencerone sees in a Peiresc or Mersenne he was a working natural philosopher who
Gassendi Correspondence Network; Gassendi letters, correspondence, and manuscripts
t h e g a s s e n d i w e b
reconstructing gassendi's correspondence network
P ierre Gassendi was not a prolific correspondent, not the sort of intelligencer one sees in a Peiresc or Mersenne he was a working natural philosopher who maintained a relatively large and diverse network that he maintained with fair frequency. A s discussed elsewhere on this website, the identity, location, and extent of Gassendi's extant correspondence is far from known much less do we have a perfect picture of the letters known to have been sent or received (now presumed lost). Indeed, there is no scholarly consensus about his manuscript remains or the nature of his correspondence network. To redress this problem I offer the following scratchings, however crude, to display what is currently known about 'Gassendi's Web.' To my knowledge it is the first attempt to provide if not a 'Big Picture' at least a working map of Gassendi's correspondence network.

11. Spirit And Sky Philosophy: Philosophers: G: Gassendi-pierre
Links Catalog of the Scientific Community Gassendi, Pierre Catalog of theScientific Community Gassendi, Pierre. Pierre gassendi pierre Gassendi.
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the entire directory only this category More search options Home Search Suggest a Site ... g : gassendi-pierre Links:
  • Catalog of the Scientific Community: Gassendi, Pierre Catalog of the Scientific Community: Gassendi, Pierre Biographical facts on this 17th-century thinker, from the Galileo Project.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113690
  • Great Voyages: Gassendi Great Voyages: Gassendi Sketch of his thought, biographical timeline, and portrait.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113691
  • Pierre Gassendi Pierre Gassendi Short biography with bibliography and links, from the MacTutor History of Mathematics.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113692
  • Pierre Gassendi Pierre Gassendi Article by J.G. Hagen, from the Catholic Encyclopedia. Covers Gassendi's life and work in some detail.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113693
  • Probabilist Deductive Inference in Gassendi's Logic Probabilist Deductive Inference in Gassendi's Logic Scholarly paper by Saul Fisher.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 113694
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12. Gassendi Pierre
Translate this page Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655). Située sur la lune , à 18° de latitudesud et à 320° de longitude , une vaste plaine de 80Km de
Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) e : Il en observa deux en 1618 et en 1652. Le soleil Le passage de mercure devant le soleil : Lune On trouve dans son journal bien d'autres observations. Retour Astro penseurs Suite

13. MSN Encarta - Risultati Della Ricerca - Gassendi Pierre
gassendi pierre . Pagina 1 di 1. http// Altri risultati per gassendi pierre .
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Iscriviti a Encarta Premium Cerca in Encarta Encarta Risultati della ricerca per "Gassendi Pierre" Pagina di 1 Riservato agli iscritti a MSN Encarta Premium Gassendi, Pierre Articolo—Encarta Enciclopedia Gassendi, Pierre (Champtercier, Provenza 1592 - Parigi 1655), filosofo e scienziato francese. Studi² presso le universit  di Avignone e di Aix, dove nel... Hobbes, Thomas Articolo—Encarta Enciclopedia Compare nell'articolo Hobbes, Thomas Epicureismo Articolo—Encarta Enciclopedia Compare nell'articolo Epicureismo Descartes, Ren© Articolo—Encarta Enciclopedia Compare nell'articolo Descartes, Ren© Riservato agli iscritti a MSN Encarta Premium Pagina di 1
Risultati di MSN Search Horror Vacui? - Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) - IMSS
Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Firenze, Italia I protagonisti Pierre Gassendi.

GASSENDI A cura di Pierre Gassend , detto Gassendi ( 1592 - 1655 ) , sacerdote , scienziato e filosofo , ¨ autore delle Quinte Obiezioni , nelle quali , pur condividendo alcune conclusioni di Cartesio -

14. Gassendi
Pierre Gassendi (15921655). Captain s Choice of Secondary Materials. Howard Jones,Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) An Intellectual Biography, Nieuwkoop, 1981.
Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655)
There are three strands of Gassendi's philosophy which are quite notable. First, he was responsible for making atomism respectable in European intellectual circles of the 17th century. Atomism derived from Greek philosophers, was transmitted and modified by Lucretius and Epicurus. In the Epicurean form atomism was incompatible with Christianity. Gassenid made atomism respectable by modifying it so that it did not conflict with Christianity. Thus, instead of insisting on the eternity of atoms, Gassendi has God create the atoms. Connected with his efforts to make atomism respectable was his rejection of Aristotelianism. There was, from the Renaissance on, a revolt against Aristotelian philosophy. Many of the philosophers of the 17th century were part of this revolt. Aristotle had rejected atomism, and this gives Gassendi some reason to reject Aristotle. The conection between Aristotle and the Scholastic philosophy of the Middle Ages, which still dominated the universities in Gassendi's time, provided another reason for philosophers opposed to Scholasticism to reject Aristotelian philosophy. The third feature of Gassendi's philosophy is that he advocated a moderate skepticism. This moderate skepticism influenced philosophy perhaps more profoundly than Descartes' attempts to refute skepticism entirely.

15. Pierre Gassendi - Wikipédia
Pierre Gassendi. L abbé Pierre Gassend dit Gassendi
Pierre Gassendi
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Pierre Gassendi L'abb© Pierre Gassend dit Gassendi ©tait un math©maticien philosophe et astronome fran§ais . Il est n©   Champtercier pr¨s de Digne le 22 janvier et est mort le 24 octobre Paris modifier
Ses travaux
Gassendi ©tait un astronome contemporain de Galil©e avec qui il correspondait. Il ©tudia entre-autres le mouvement des com¨tes , la topographie , les ©clipses de la Lune et l'©volution des taches solaires En , il est le premier   d©crire scientifiquement le ph©nom¨ne lumineux atmosph¨rique qu'il nomme « aurore bor©ale » en observant le 12 septembre , pr¨s de Aix-en-Provence , une aurore polaire exceptionnelle. Le 7 novembre , il observe un passage de la plan¨te Mercure devant le Soleil modifier
Il est docteur en th©ologie en , ordonn© prªtre en et professeur de philosophie en
Il est nomm© professeur de math©matiques au Coll¨ge Royal en
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  • English Derni¨re modification de cette page : 14 mai 2004   00:47.

16. Welcome To Our Server!
gassendi pierre Pierre Gassendi Rubriques Actionséditoriales Par prix De 20 à 45 euros Sciences humaines Format Broché
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17. Gassendi
PIERRE GASSENDI (15921655) was born in the small village of Champtercier in theSouth of France. Pierre Gassendi, 1592-1655 An Intellectual Biography.
PIERRE GASSENDI (1592-1655) was born in the small village of
Champtercier in the South of France. He was first taught by his uncle and later
entered the College of Digne (1599) and the University of Aix (1609) where he
studied philosophy and theology. Several years later he was ordained, took his
doctorate in theology (Avignon), and became a canon of Notre Dame du Bourg
(Digne). He was later appointed Professor of Philosophy at Aix. Gassend's first book, Exercitationes paradoxicae adversus aristoteleos, was
stridently anti-Scholastic. Gassendi lived in Paris from 1628-1632 where he made a
number of life-long friendships, notably with Boulliau, Mersenne, Mydorge, Naude,
and La Mothe le Vayer. Besides his interest in ancient philosophy, notably his work
on Epicurus, Gassendi was particularly interested during this period in issues
involving astronomy and optics. He soon published Parhelia, sive soles quatuor (1630) and Mercurius in sole visus (1632).

18. Astronomie 2
ISBN 2.85367.200.X, 45.73 €. gassendi pierre.
Histoire et philosophie Astronomie Chimie Technique Sciences naturelles Commander BRAHE Tycho. ISBN 2.85367.042.2
BRAHE Tycho. ISBN 2.85367.019.8
(COPERNIC). ISBN 2.85367.087.2
(COPERNIC). ISBN 2.85367.094.5
COPERNIC Nicolas. ISBN 2.85367.061.9
ISBN 2.85367.027.9
ISBN 2.85367.068.6
DANLOUX-DUMESNILS Maurice. ISBN 2.950072.0.8
ISBN 2.85367.166.6
GASSENDI (Pierre Gassend). INSTITUTION ASTRONOMIQUE. Suivi du DISCOURS INAUGURAL tenu dans le Palais Royal de Paris. ISBN 2.85367.200.X GASSENDI Pierre. ISBN 2.85367.207.7

19. Pierre Gassendi
Pierre Gassendi (15921655) French physicist and philosopher, whopromoted an atomic theory of matter. As for flesh, true, indeed
Pierre Gassendi
French physicist and philosopher, who promoted an atomic theory of matter.
As for flesh, true, indeed, is it that man is sustained on flesh. But how many things, let me ask, does man do every day which are contrary to, or beside, his nature? So great, and so general, is the perversion of his mode of life, which has, as it were, eaten into his flesh by a sort of deadly contagion, that he appears to have put on another disposition. Hence, the whole care and concern of philosophy and moral instruction ought to consist in leading men back to the paths of Nature.
- Letter to Van Helmont

20. Gassendi
Pierre Gassendi. 1592 1655. . . . . . Secondary SourceMaterial Pierre Gassendi Catholic Encyclopedia.
Pierre Gassendi
Secondary Source Material:
Pierre Gassendi
: Catholic Encyclopedia Miscellanae:
Probabilist Deductive Inference in Gassendi's
Biographical Information
Readings in Modern Philosophy

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