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         Galois Evariste:     more books (53)
  1. Evariste Galois (1811-1832) (Vita Mathematica) by Laura Toti Rigatelli, 1996-12-06
  2. Oeuvres Mathematiques D'Evariste Galois (1897) (French Edition) by Evariste Galois, 2010-09-10
  3. Un souvenir d'enfance d'Evariste Galois (French Edition) by Pierre Berloquin, 1974
  4. Evariste Galois (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift "Elemente der Mathematik") by L. Kollros, 1978-01-01
  5. Oeuvres Mathématiques (French Edition) by Évariste Galois, Emile Picard, 2010-01-01
  6. Abhandlungen +â-+ber die algebraische Aufl+â-¦sung by Evariste Galois, 2006
  7. Whom the Gods Love: The Story of Evariste Gaolois (Classics in mathematics education ; v. 7) by Leopold Infeld, 1978-06
  8. Évariste Galois
  9. 1832 Deaths: Jean-François Champollion, Walter Scott, Évariste Galois, Napoleon Ii of France, Jeremy Bentham, Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
  10. Galois theory;: Lectures delivered at the University of Notre Dame (University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame mathematical lectures) by Emil Artin, 1985
  11. Duelling Fatalities: Alexander Hamilton, Évariste Galois, Alexander Pushkin, Stephen Decatur, Mikhail Lermontov, Ferdinand Lassalle
  12. Oeuvres Mathematiques d'Evariste Galois Publiees en 1897 Suivies d'une Notice sur Evariste Galois et la Theorie des Equations Algebriques by G. Verriest, Evariste Galois, et all 1951
  13. Evariste Galois by Dalmas, 1989-01-01
  14. Finite field: Abstract algebra, Évariste Galois, Field (mathematics), Number theory, Algebraic geometry, Galois theory, Cryptography, Coding theory, Isomorphism, ... Frobenius endomorphism, Green's relations

1. Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois. born October 25, 1811 near Paris. died May 31, 1832 in Paris of the triumph of crass stupidity over untamable genius than is afforded by the all too brief life of Evariste Galois.
Evariste Galois
born: October 25, 1811 near Paris
died: May 31, 1832 in Paris In all the history of science there is no completer example of the triumph of crass stupidity over untamable genius than is afforded by the all too brief life of Evariste Galois.
(E.T. Bell) Brilliant. Brash. Unlucky. Died at 20. Galois groups and fields. Galois theory. At 16, Galois took the examinations to enter the prestigious Polytechnique and failed. Years later Terquem remarked, "A candidate of superior intelligence is lost with an examiner of inferior intelligence." However, Galois found a mathematics teacher, Louis Richard, and really started studying and doing mathematics. His first paper, on continued fractions, was published when he was 17. At 18, Galois reapplied to the Polytechnique, and again the examination went badly. Finally, during the oral part of the exam, he lost patience with one of the examiners and threw the eraser at him. It was a hit, but Galois could never apply there again. At 19, Galois attended the university and wrote 3 original papers on the theory of algebraic equations. He submitted them to the Academy of Sciences for the competition in mathematics. The Secretary of the Academy took them home to read, but then died before writing a report about them and the papers were never found. Galois was understandably upset: "Genius is condemned by a malicious social organization to an eternal denial of justice in favor of fawning mediocrity."

2. Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois. «Den som gudene elsker dør ung», skrev den greske forfatteren Menandros. Det er et sitat en tenker på i forbindelse med Galois. gammel, men rakk å sette store spor etter seg i matematikkens historie. Evariste Galois ble født 25 ble det som åpnet matematikken for Evariste Galois. Skolebøkene som han hadde
Evariste Galois
«Den som gudene elsker dør ung», skrev den greske forfatteren Menandros. Det er et sitat en tenker på i forbindelse med Galois. Han ble drept i en duell bare 20 år gammel, men rakk å sette store spor etter seg i matematikkens historie. Evariste Galois ble født 25. november 1811, og hadde sin mor som lærer i de første 12 årene. Moren hadde fått en solid utdanning som hun bragte videre til sønnen. I 1823 begynte Evariste på Lycæe Louis le Grand i Paris. Han hadde fått en grundig utdanning hjemme, og studiene falt lett for ham. Så lett at han etterhvert begynte å kjede seg. I den første tiden viste han ingen spesielle evner i matematikk.
Det andre året begynte han med matematikk og han kom over geometriboken til Marie Legendre (1752-1833). Studenter brukte vanligvis to år på denne, men Evariste leste den som en kriminalbok. Å lese en slik kreativ framstilling av geometrien ble det som åpnet matematikken for Evariste Galois. Skolebøkene som han hadde i matematikk la han til side og tok saken i sine egne hender. Han kastet seg over verkene til tidens fremstående matematikere. Skolegangen gikk imidlertid ikke så bra, Evariste passet ikke inn i det mønsteret som skolen la opp til. At han for eksempel kunne foreta de mest kompliserte utledninger i hodet, førte til at han ikke gjorde det så godt hos lærerne. Han fikk støtte hos sin lærer i matematikk, men liten forståelse hos de andre.
Uten noen forberedelse, og uten å ha fulgt rådet til sin matematikklærer om å arbeide systematisk, meldte han seg til opptaksprøve på

3. Galois
Evariste Galois. Chronology 1820 to 1830. Honours awarded to Evariste Galois (Click a link below for the full list of mathematicians honoured in this way).
Evariste Galois
Born: 25 Oct 1811 in Bourg La Reine (near Paris), France
Died: 31 May 1832 in Paris, France
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Evariste Galois ' father Nicholas Gabriel Galois and his mother Adelaide Marie Demante were both intelligent and well educated in philosophy, classical literature and religion. However there is no sign of any mathematical ability in any of Galois' family. His mother served as Galois' sole teacher until he was 12 years old. She taught him Greek, Latin and religion where she imparted her own scepticism to her son. Galois' father was an important man in the community and in 1815 he was elected mayor of Bourg-la-Reine. You can see a map of Paris in the 19 th Century, showing Bourg-la-Reine. The starting point of the historical events which were to play a major role in Galois' life is surely the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789. From this point the monarchy of Louis 16 th was in major difficulties as the majority of Frenchmen composed their differences and united behind an attempt to destroy the privileged establishment of the church and the state.

4. Poster Of Galois
Evariste Galois. lived from 1811 to 1832. Famous for his contributions to group theory, Galois produced a method of determining when
Evariste Galois lived from 1811 to 1832 Famous for his contributions to group theory, Galois produced a method of determining when a general equation could be solved by radicals. Find out more at

5. Galois, Evariste
galois evariste (18111832). French mathematician who originated the theory of groups and greatly extended the understanding of the
Galois Evariste
French mathematician who originated the theory of groups and greatly extended the understanding of the conditions in which an algebraic equation is solvable.
Augustin Cauchy
, but Galois's attempts to gain recognition for his work were thwarted by the French mathematical establishment.
In 1830, Galois joined the revolutionary movement. In the next year he was twice arrested, and was imprisoned for nine months for taking part in a republican demonstration. Shortly after his release he was killed in a duel. The night before, he had hurriedly written out his discoveries on group theory. His only published work was a paper on number theory 1830.
What has come to be known as the Galois theorem demonstrated the insolubility of higher-than-fourth-degree equations by radicals. Galois theory involved groups formed from the arrangements of the roots of equations and their subgroups, which he fitted into each other rather like Chinese boxes.

6. Evariste Galois
Translate this page galois evariste. 1811 - 1832, Paris. Geboren 1811 in Bourg-la-Reine in der Nähe von Paris. Von seinem Vater, dem Bürgermeister, erbte
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Galois Evariste
1811 - 1832, Paris Geboren 1811 in Bourg-la-Reine in der Nähe von Paris. Von seinem Vater, dem Bürgermeister, erbte er die Spottlust und von seiner Mutter die Hitzköpfigkeit. Diese Mischung mit der rasch sich entwickelnden genialen Begabung für Mathematik machte Galois zu einem unruhigen, unzufriedenen jungen Mann, der ständig in Schwierigkeiten geriet. Er stürzte sich in die politischen Auseinandersetzungen der Jahre 1830/31 und verbrachte einen Teil dieser Zeit als politischer Häftling im Gefängnis Saint-Pélagie. Nach seiner Entlassung geriet er sofort wieder in politische Händel und wurde zum Duell gefordert. Er nahm diese Aufforderung an, obwohl er wusste, dass er unterliegen würde.
In der Nacht vor dem Duell bestritt Galois wohl den dramatischsten Kampf eines Wissenschaftlers gegen die verrinnende Zeit, den es je gab. Im Wettlauf mit der Uhr versuchte er, seine Theorien über die Bedingungen, unter denen eine Gleichung beliebigen Grades algebraisch lösbar ist, zu Papier zu bringen. Er beschritt dabei völliges Neuland, indem er die sog. Gruppentheorie auf die Gleichungslehre anwandte. Die wegen der Eile nur skizzenhaft niedergeschriebene Arbeit bot ganzen Generationen von Mathematikern Stoff für ihre Arbeit.
Am Morgen des 30. Mai 1832 trat Galois zum Duell an und wurde von einem Bauchschuss getroffen, an dessen Folgen er am nächsten Tag starb.

7. WIEM: Galois Evariste
galois evariste (18111832), matematyk francuski, prekursor wspólczesnej algebry. Matematyka, Francja galois evariste (1811-1832).
WIEM 2004 - zobacz now± edycjê encyklopedii! Kup abonament i encyklopediê na CD-ROM, sprawd¼ ofertê cenow±!
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Przedstawione poni¿ej has³o pochodzi z archiwalnej edycji WIEM 2001!
Prace redakcyjne nad edycj± 2001 zosta³y zakoñczone. Zapraszamy do korzystania z nowej, codziennie aktualizowanej i wzbogacanej w nowe tre¶ci edycji WIEM 2004 Matematyka, Francja
Galois Evariste
Galois Evariste (1811-1832), matematyk francuski, prekursor wspó³czesnej algebry . Wprowadzi³ pojêcie grupy cia³a , poda³ ogóln± teoriê rozwi±zywania równañ algebraicznych jednej zmiennej zespolonej. Niedoceniony za ¿ycia (jego prace odrzuci³a Akademia Nauk w Pary¿u), dwukrotnie wiêziony za wyst±pienia antyrojalistyczne, zgin±³ w pojedynku. WIEM zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra zobacz wszystkie serwisy do góry

8. GALOIS Evariste
Translate this page galois evariste. (1811-1832). Evariste GALOIS naît à Bourg-la-Reine en 1811. Son père Nicolas Gabriel GALOIS est maire de cette commune.
GALOIS Evariste
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9. Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois. Brief Biography by Bernard Bychan. Text taken from The Evariste Galois Archive. His Childhood. Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois
Brief Biography by Bernard Bychan
Text taken from The Evariste Galois Archive
His Childhood
Evariste Galois was born on the 25th of October 1811 in a small place called Bourg-la-Rei ne. This place is situated about 10 kilometres south of Paris. Today, it is a suburb of the Frenc h capital. In his house in the Grande Rue - nowadays called Avenue du Générale Leclerc - the Galoi s family accommodated a school, whose origins can be retraced to the times before the revolution. Prosperity and reputation of the family were based in this school. His father Nicolas-Gabriel Galois his mother Adélaïde Marie Demante were very intelligent and were well trained in all the subjects considered important at that time: classical literature, religio n and philosophy. There is no record of mathematical talent on either side of the family, nor di d Evariste himself show any, but on the other hands there are no hints to the contrary neither. But there is a record of Nicholas-Gabriel Galois gift for composing rhymed couplets. He used it t o amuse family and friends at house parties (maybe elsewhere as well but there is no explicit men tioning of it). It's hard to imagine that his ability proved to be his undoing, years later. Evar iste seemed to have inherited this talent. His cousin Mme. Bénard remembers decades later the fami ly parties with their grandmother, when the children, i.e. Galois, his sister and their cousins r ecited rhymed couplets, which Evariste had composed. At the age of ten his parents decided to send him to a college in Reims. Evariste was admitted to this school with a partial grant. But then his mother seems to have changed her mind. She regard ed her son as too small and defenceless to be sent off so far from home. He was allowed to stay h ome, enjoy the quiet family live and she kept on being his (as well as his sister's and brother's ) sole source of education. He received an excellent education in Latin, Greek and rhetoric, and it is mentioned, that she passed on her own skepticism for religious matters, but mathematics is not mentioned.

10. Galois
Translate this page galois evariste. (1811-1832). I. Biographie II. Travaux Mathématiques I. BIOGRAPHIE. Né à Bourg-la-Reine le 25 Octobre 1811, il
I. Biographie

Galois, la veille du duel, met en ordre quelques brouillons, annote ses deux mémoires et rédige un "Testament à Auguste Chevallier" où il résume ses découvertes , mais n'invente pas en une nuit la théorie des groupes comme le dit la légende.
(Voir Corps finis
Voulant aller plus loin dans la notion de groupes finis, il va arriver à une représentation "linéaire" de ces derniers. Il travaille d'abord sur les corps des classes d'entiers modulo un nombre premier et aboutira à une classification complète des corps finis.
(Voir Dans ses recherches sur la théorie des équations, il s'intéressera aux intégrales algébriques, mais malheureusement, il n'y a pas de traces de ces travaux, juste les résultats notés dans sa "Lettre à Auguste Chevalier" où il classe les intégrales Abéliennes en 3 espèces. C'est 25 ans plus tard que Riemann aboutira à ces résultats.
Auteur : Gilles Pouliquen
Relecteur : Pascal Audoux
Première version : Sources :

11. Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois. By Jimmy Tseng Evariste Galois (1811 – 1832) was a mathematician whose genius engendered innovative ideas and inventive approaches.
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Evariste Galois By Jimmy Tseng
Evariste Galois (1811 – 1832) was a mathematician whose genius engendered innovative ideas and inventive approaches. A tragic hero to mathematicians, Galois brief, chaotic, and dire life on the fringes of the mathematical and political establishments lends easily to the great myth of Galois as the genius oppressed by the hostile, ignorant power structure of his day. His untimely death in a duel, fought for reasons shrouded in the imbroglio of Galois last days, further lends a romantic aura to Galois the myth. Yet, the young man was also an incendiary and hothead whose radical political stances coupled with an acerbic personality, that, perversely, seemed to find comfort in conflict with the mathematical and political establishments, helped to create the conditions for his own death. What can be surely said about Galois is that his early death is a loss to mathematics.
The Myth
It is only a slight exaggeration to say that the myth of Galois is the first and primary story that novice mathematicians learn about being a mathematician. The values embodied in the myth are the values that the mathematical community hold dear: a sharp, lightning-like, supernatural genius, which engenders bolts of original and innovative ideas and methods out of the very air; a forced eremitism caused by the ignorance and hostility of the establishment, and youth. All three of these values conveyed by the myth are held in high esteem by mathematicians.

12. Evariste Galois - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Evariste Galois. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Evariste Galois (October 25, 1811May 31, 1832) was a French mathematician born in Bourg-la-Reine.
Evariste Galois
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Evariste Galois October 25 May 31 ) was a French mathematician born in Bourg-la-Reine . He was a mathematical child prodigy . While still in his teens, he was able to determine a necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial to be solvable by radicals, thereby solving a long-standing problem. He died in a duel at the age of twenty. In he attempted the entrance exam to École Polytechnique but failed. The legend holds that he thought the exercise proposed to him by the examiner to be of no interest, and, in exasperation, he threw the rag used to clean up chalk marks on the blackboard at the examiner's head. He was the first to use the word " group " as a technical term in mathematics to represent a group of permutations . His work on equation theory was submitted to the Academy and was reviewed by Simeon Denis Poisson , who did not understand it. It was resubmitted again in shorter form. The truth and importance of the work were not confirmed during his lifetime. His work laid the fundamental foundations for Galois theory , a major branch of abstract algebra Galois was a staunch Republican , famous for having toasted Louis-Philippe with a dagger above his cup, which leads some to believe that his death in a duel was set up by the secret police.

13. Evariste Galois - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Evariste Galois. (Redirected from Galois). Evariste Galois (October 25, 1811May 31, 1832) was a French mathematician born in Bourg-la-Reine.
Evariste Galois
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
(Redirected from Galois
Evariste Galois October 25 May 31 ) was a French mathematician born in Bourg-la-Reine . He was a mathematical child prodigy . While still in his teens, he was able to determine a necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial to be solvable by radicals, thereby solving a long-standing problem. He died in a duel at the age of twenty. In he attempted the entrance exam to École Polytechnique but failed. The legend holds that he thought the exercise proposed to him by the examiner to be of no interest, and, in exasperation, he threw the rag used to clean up chalk marks on the blackboard at the examiner's head. He was the first to use the word " group " as a technical term in mathematics to represent a group of permutations . His work on equation theory was submitted to the Academy and was reviewed by Simeon Denis Poisson , who did not understand it. It was resubmitted again in shorter form. The truth and importance of the work were not confirmed during his lifetime. His work laid the fundamental foundations for Galois theory , a major branch of abstract algebra Galois was a staunch Republican , famous for having toasted Louis-Philippe with a dagger above his cup, which leads some to believe that his death in a duel was set up by the secret police.

14. Stadtarchiv Schaffhausen: Biographisches Material GALOIS Evariste
GALOIS Evariste Mathematiker; Bourg-la-Reine / Paris
Biographie: 1 Biographie mit Porträt. Autor: Dr. L. Kollros / ZH 1949. Bestandes-Signatur: D I 02.521.04 Bestell-Signatur: 184

15. Evariste Galois | Mathe Board Lexikon
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Evariste Galois
Definition, Erklärung, Bedeutung
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Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois französischer Mathematiker Galois wurde in Bourg La Reine bei Paris geboren und starb im Alter von nur 20 Jahren in Paris bei einem Duell Er begründete die Galoistheorie , die sich mit der Faktorisierung von Polynomen befasst. Wesentliche Beiträge zur Gruppentheorie und Körpertheorie Er lieferte auch die Grundlagen für Beweise zur Unlösbarkeit von zwei der drei klassischen Probleme der antiken Mathematik
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16. Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois. 18111832. Evariste Galois parents were both intelligent and well educated in philosophy, classical literature and religion.
Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois' parents were both intelligent and well educated in philosophy, classical literature and religion. His mother served as Galois' sole teacher until he was 12 years old. She taught him Greek, Latin and religion where she imparted her own scepticism to her son. Galois' father was an important man in the community and in 1815 he was elected mayor of Bourg-la-Reine. His school record is good, and he received several prizes. However Galois was asked to repeat one year because his work in rhetoric was not up to the required standard. In 1827, Galois enrolled in his first mathematics class. He quickly became absorbed in mathematics. His school reports began to describe him as singular, bizarre, original and closed. In 1828, Galois took the examination of the Ecole Polytechnique but failed. He worked more and more on his own researches and less and less on his schoolwork. He studied Legendre's and the treatises of Lagrange. In 1829, Galois had his first mathematics paper published on continued fractions, and he submitted articles on the algebraic solution of equations. Cauchy was appointed as referee of Galois' paper. Later that year, his father committed suicide. Galois was deeply affected by his father's death and it greatly influenced the direction his life was to take. A few weeks after his father's death, Galois presented himself for examination for entry to the Ecole Polytechnique for the second time, and again failed. Galois therefore resigned himself to enter the Ecole Normale.

17. Evariste Galois - Encyclopedia Article About Evariste Galois. Free Access, No Re
encyclopedia article about Evariste Galois. Evariste Galois in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Evariste Galois. Galois
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Evariste Galois
Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Evariste Galois October 25 October 25 is the 298th day of the year (299th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 67 days remaining.
  • 1415 - The army of Henry V of England defeats the French army at the Battle of Agincourt
  • 1662 - King Charles II of England sells Dunkirk to France
  • 1760 - George III becomes King of Great Britain
  • 1828 - St Katharine Docks opened in London

Click the link for more information. Centuries: 18th century - 19th century - 20th century Decades: 1760s 1770s 1780s 1790s 1800s - Years: 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 -
  • February 5 - George, Prince of Wales becomes Regent because of the perceived insanity of his father, King George III of the United Kingdom.He is known as the Prince Regent. This is the beginning of the period known as the English Regency.

Click the link for more information. May 31 May 31 is the 151st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (152nd in leap years). There are 214 days remaining.
  • 1578 - Martin Frobisher sails from Harwich, England, destined to mine fool's gold at Frobisher Bay, which is used to pave streets in London.

18. Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois(18111832) was born on October 25, 1811 in Bourg-la-Reine, near Paris, France, into a well-educated family. Galois
Evariste Galois (1811-1832) was born on October 25, 1811 in Bourg-la-Reine, near Paris, France, into a well-educated family. Galois received his early education from his mother. His father was director of a school. He read Legendre's at a very young age and mastered it in one reading. He then read Lagrange's work, acquiring a solid background. In 1828, he started reading recent works on the theory of equations and the theory of elliptic functions. Abel's recent death and Abel's last published memoir, which contained a number of results which Galois himself had obtained and presented to the Academy. Cauchy advised him to revise his work, taking into account Abel's results. (It was for this reason that Cauchy did not present a report on Galois's memoir.) Galois then wrote a new text and submitted it to the Academy in February 1830. Fourier was assigned to report on it, but Fourier died before reading it and the memoir was lost. On January 17, 1831, Galois presented to the Academy a new version of his memoir. Poisson reviewed it and declared much of it incomprehensible. It was a time of great political unrest in France. Galois joined the National Guard, a republican party. He was in and out of prison. Arrested during a republican demonstration on July 14, 1931, he was placed in detention. There he revised his memoir on equations and worked on the application of his theory of elliptic functions. Later he was transferred to a nursing home because of a cholera epidemic. There he resumed his work and wrote several essays on the philosophy of mathematics. He also became involved in a love affair. He was challenged to a duel. Badly wounded, he died on May 30, 1832. On May 29, the day before his death, he wrote a letter to his friend Auguste Chevalier, sketching his principal results. He scribbled comments on the margin of his documents such as, "I have no time," and asking Jacobi and

19. Galois
Evariste Galois. Q When you were growing up, did you enjoy math? A Well, I was home schooled by my parents until I was 12. Galois, Evariste. Encarta Online.
Evariste Galois Q: When you were growing up, did you enjoy math? A: Well, I was home schooled by my parents until I was 12. In 1823, I was enrolled in Louis-le-Grand, a boarding school near Paris. I immediately disliked the prison-like atmosphere of the school and the harshness of its dictatorial headmaster. Although my schoolwork showed some promise at first, I soon tried of the repetitive memorizing that was required. The only subject that interested me was arithmetic, but it was considered unimportant by the school staff. However, as the years passed, I become more and more fascinated with mathematics. When I was 14, I pored over the works of Lagrange and the Norwegian, Abel. Q: What was the turning point in your life? Q; Why did you wish to apply to Ecole Polytechnique, the leading university in Paris? A: I wanted to go to Polytechinque for two reasons: the first and obvious reason is for academic reasons, and the second reason was because of the strong political movements that existed among its students, especially with me as an ardent republican. Q; How did you feel when you were rejected from Polytechinque?

20. Evariste Galois
Evariste galois evariste Galois (25 oktober 1811 31 mei 1832) was een Frans wiskundige Weinig wiskundigen zijn zó legendarisch geworden als Evariste Galois.
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Evariste Galois
Evariste Galois 25 oktober 31 mei ) was een Frans wiskundige Weinig wiskundigen zijn zó legendarisch geworden als Evariste Galois . Zowel zijn levensloop als zijn wiskundige ontdekkingen hebben daar sterk aan bijgedragen. Op slechts twintigjarige leeftijd overleed hij aan de gevolgen van een duel. Hij had toen al een wiskundige theorie ontwikkeld, die nu zeer algemeen wordt toegepast en die de geschiedenis is ingegaan als Galoistheorie. Over het leven van Galois zijn vele boeken geschreven, in veel daarvan worden de gebeurtenissen enigszins overdreven en geromantiseerd. Desondanks is het leven van Galois een interessante maar tragische episode uit de geschiedenis van de wiskunde. Evariste Galois werd geboren op 25 oktober 1811 in Bourg-la-Reine, een dorpje enkele kilometers ten zuiden van Parijs , als kind van Nicolas-Gabriel Galois en Adelaide Marie Demante. Evariste had één oudere zus, Nathalie-Théodore en een jongere broer, Alfred. Zijn ouders kwamen beide uit welgestelde families en waren ook hoog opgeleid. De eerste twaalf jaar van zijn leven kreeg Evariste thuis les van zijn moeder, er was toen nog geen schoolplicht, die hem voornamelijk Grieks, Latijn en godsdienst leerde. De ouders van Evariste Galois waren verwoede republikeinen en grote aanhangers van de ideeën van de Franse Revolutie en van Napoleon. Napoleon werd echter verslagen en na de machtsovername van Lodewijk XVII, die , die zich in zeer korte tijd impopulair maakte, werd Nicolas Galois gekozen tot burgemeester van Bourg-la-Reine, wat hij gedurende veertien jaar zou blijven.

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