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         Galileo Galilei:     more books (100)
  1. Galileo Galilei, His Life and Work by R. J. Seeger, 1979-11
  2. Giants of Science/Gigantes de Ciencia - Bilingual - Galileo Galilei by Michael Wright, 2005-07-11
  3. Galileo Galilei (German Edition) by Rudolf Kramer-Badoni, 1983
  4. Galileo Galilei His life and his works by raymond seeger, 1966
  5. Galileo Galilei (Caminos abiertos) (Spanish Edition)
  6. Galileo Galilei: a Biography and Inquiry Into His Philosophy of Science by Ludovico Geymonat, 1990-01-01
  7. Opere Di Galileo Galilei ... (Italian Edition) by Galileo Galilei, Vincenzio Viviani, et all 2010-06-13
  8. Memorie E Lettere Inedite Finora O Disperse, Part 1-2: Di Galileo Galilei (1818) (Italian Edition) by Giovanni Battista Venturi, 2010-05-23
  9. Galileo Galilei ed i suoi strumenti by Luigi Agostini, 2007-01-01
  10. I Dialoghi Di Galileo Galilei Sui Massimi Sistemi Tolemaico E Copernicano ... (French Edition) by Galileo Galilei, Francesco Vigo, et all 2010-03-22
  11. Galileo Galilei: a Biography and Inquiry Into His Philosophy of Science by ludovico geymonat, 1965
  12. Le Opere Di Galileo Galilei, Volume 5 (Italian Edition) by Eugenio Albèri, Vincenzio Viviani, et all 2010-02-22
  13. The recantation of Galileo Galilei;: Scenes from history perhaps (Harper colophon books/CN) by Eric Bentley, 1972
  14. Als die Welt still stand: Galileo Galilei - verraten, verkannt, verehrt (German Edition) by Atle Naess, 2005-12-05

101. Galileo
galileo galilei (1564 1642). Galileo undertook many experiments in mechanics, and discovered, among other things that object did
Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)
Galileo undertook many experiments in mechanics, and discovered, among other things that object did not fall at different rates, as Aristotle had believed. In 1609, he first used a telescope to study the sky. He realized that wherever he looked, he saw more and more stars. He also discovered:
  • Cratering on the moon. He noted that the Earth was not so dissimilar from celestial objects, therefore.
  • Sunspots. He noted therefore that the surface of the Sun was imperfect. He also noted the apparent motion of the spots across the Sun's disk implied rotation.
  • Moons of Jupiter. He was able to see 4 of them (now called the "Galilean satellites"). He noted that their orbital behavior was as predicted by Copernicus.
  • Phases of Venus : He noticed that when Venus wanes (becomes crescent), it becomes larger.
There is a special page on the life and times of Galileo at the Galileo site at Rice University. Note: this is an external link.

102. Galileo Galilei
galileo galilei 1564 - 1642. Hauptseite/Main Page. galileo galilei. galileo galilei. galileo galilei. galileo galilei.
Galileo Galilei
Hauptseite/Main Page
Deutsch English Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei ...
allRefer Reference - Galileo (Astronomy, Biographies) - Encyclopedia

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103. Galileo Galilei
Translate this page galileo galilei. © 1999. Carlos Andrés Carvajal T. Astrónomo Autodidacta. Galileo nació el 15 de Febrero de 1564 en Pisa (Italia
Principal Búsqueda Grupo Galería ... Constelaciones Galileo Galilei © 1999. Carlos Andrés Carvajal T.
Astrónomo Autodidacta.
Galileo nació el 15 de Febrero de 1564 en Pisa (Italia) en una familia de siete hijos. Su padre llamado Vicenzio era comerciante y músico culto. En el año de 1581 a la edad de diecisiete años ingresó a la Universidad de Pisa para estudiar Medicina. Cuando estudiaba en Pisa y estando asistiendo a un oficio religioso, observó la regularidad con que oscilaba la gran araña de la catedral midiéndola con su propio pulso. Este experimento lo realizó posteriormente con bolitas de plomo atadas a hilos de diferentes longitudes, con lo que descubrió que independientemente de la magnitud de la oscilación o el peso del plomo, la bolita necesitaba el mismo tiempo para completar un viaje de ida y vuelta y que sólo el cambio de la longitud de la cuerda afectaba el tiempo de la oscilación (periodo de vibración). Esta simple observación permitió la descripción de la ley fundamental del movimiento pendular que posteriormente permitió el desarrollo de los relojes. Fue expulsado de la universidad de Pisa en el tercer año de medicina principalmente por su actitud de libre pensador, regresando a Florencia donde fue discípulo del matemático Ricci y se distinguió muy pronto con un ensayo sobre el centro de gravedad de los sólidos.

104. Galileo Galilei At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
galileo galilei, philosopher and scientist at Erratic Impact s Philosophy Research Base. Galileo is galileo galilei. Hypertext narrative

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Galileo Biography
Biography by Peter Landry at Excerpt: Galileo was an Italian. At the age of 19 he discovered the principle of isochronism that each oscillation of a pendulum takes the same time despite changes in amplitude. Soon thereafter he became known for his ideas on hydrostatic balance; and, further, his treatise on the center of gravity of falling bodies. He found experimentally that bodies do not fall with velocities proportional to their weights, a conclusion received with hostility because it contradicted the accepted teaching of Aristotle . Galileo discovered that the path of a projectile is a parabola, and he is credited with anticipating Isaac Newton's laws of motion. In 1609 Galileo constructed the first astronomical telescope, which he used to discover the four largest satellites of Jupiter and the stellar composition of the Milky Way, and in 1632 he published his

105. Scuola Media Statale Galileo Galilei
Translate this page Questo è il sito della Scuola Media Statale galileo galilei di Acireale, sede corsi EDA, in questa scuola vengono effettuati corsi per il rilascio della
Acireale Via M. Arcidiacono n°8 - 95024 - tel. e fax 095-604786 Sei il visitatore n° Ultimo aggiornamento Realizzazione del sito a cura del Prof. Giovanni Battiato Sperimentazioni: Informatica Bilinguismo Musicale Patente europea di informatica (ECDL) ... Corso di informatica per adulti Altre informazioni: Come contattarci Come raggiungerci Tutto il Personale della scuola 2002/2003 Il Consiglio di Istituto ... Perché scegliere la nostra scuola Per scriverci

106. Galileo Galilei
galileo galilei, Sidereus Nuncius ;
Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften
Galileo Galilei
Lateinische Texte:
Leben und Werk Werke (ital., bei Intratext) Galilei (1564-1642) (Uni Bern) Das Leben von Galilei (Galilei-Gymnasium Hamm) ausführliche Lebensbeschreibung, Daten (engl.) Poster Mathematik und Entdeckung von Planeten (engl.) Kurze Geschichte der Kosmologie (engl.) Galileo (Bert Brecht) The Art of Renaissance Science Galileo and the Mathematics of Motion PAIAS: The PAIAS GALILEO Vs. ARISTOTLE CHALLENGE! Catholic Encyclopedia: GALILEO GALILEI ... Wer ist es ? St.-Michaels-Gymnasium Metten

107. IMSS - Multimedia Catalogue - Biographies - Galileo Galilei
Online Museum Multimedia Catalogue Biographies galileo galilei 15641642 .. Born in Pisa on February 15, 1564, Galileo

108. ESVA: Galileo Mini-Exhibit
galileo galilei (15641642) Photo A8a; From The Life of galileo galilei, by JED Bethune (London, 1830) CREDIT University of Rochester
AIP home page Scitation AIP Publications AIP Journals Publishing Services History Center Statistical Research Center Career Services Science News Science Policy Site Index Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Photo A8a; From The Life of Galileo Galilei Children are told how Galileo confounded his elders by dropping a heavy rock and a pebble from the Tower of Pisa to show they hit the earth at the same time. It never happened. But Galileo did invent a new physics contradicting the "common sense" that heavy things must fall faster; he did love to publicly refute the old-fashioned philosophers; and to do that he did develop the method of systematic, practical experiments. Like many myths, the Tower of Pisa story is more true to the man than any single actual event. Click Here to Search for More Galileo Photos Next: Heisenberg Search Collection Fees ... History Center
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109. Galileo. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
2001. Galileo. (galileo galilei) (g l´´ l ´ ; gäl l ´ gäl l ´ ) (KEY) , 1564–1642, great Italian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist.
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110. I.E.S. Galileo Galilei Puertollano
Translate this page IES galileo galilei. C/ JAEN, 1 Tfno926430933 Fax926440068 13500-PUERTOLLANO CIUDAD REAL. Contacto/Sugerencias.
Tfno:926430933 Fax:926440068
CIUDAD REAL Bachillerato de ARTE Curso 2003/04 Breve Historia


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111. Striden Om Galilei
Eppur si muove Alikevel beveger den seg. Disse ordene som det blir hevdet galileo galilei (1564 - 1642) har sagt maner frem bildet av vitenskapens første
Striden om Galilei
En Catholic Answers -artikkel, oversatt fra engelsk av Even Flood "Eppur si muove - Alikevel beveger den seg." Disse ordene som det blir hevdet Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) har sagt maner frem bildet av vitenskapens første "martyr": En gammel mann som blir tvunget til å tilbakekalle sin egen korrekte lære til fordel for Den katolske Kirkes vranglære - det er i alle fall hva mange tror. Det er vanlig (og feilaktig) å hevde at Galilei var forfulgt av Den katolske Kirke for å forlate et geosentrisk (jorden som senter) syn på solsystemet til fordel for et heliosentrisk (solen som senter). Saken mot Galilei beviser, for mange anti-katolikker, at Kirken avskyr vitenskap, nekter å forlate foreldet lære og helt klart ikke er ufeilbarlig. For katolikker er episoden en kilde til skam og frustrasjon. Den trenger ikke være noen av delene. Denne artikkelen vil gi en kort forklaring på hva som egentlig hendte med Galilei og vil vise at Den katolske Kirke ikke "forfulgte" ham eller satte urimelige krav til vitenskapsmenn i alminnelighet.

112. Der Fall Galileo Galilei
Translate this page Der Fall galileo galilei. Ein italienischer Gelehrter namens galileo galilei blickte durch sein Fernrohr und entdeckte Unerhoertes
Der Fall Galileo Galilei
Der groesste Physiker unseres Jahrhunderts sagte ueber Aristoteles: "Man kann kaum moderne Atomphysik betreiben, ohne die griechische Naturphilosophie zu kennen. Am Beispiel dieses Zitats zeigt sich, wie die Philosophie des Aristoteles, obwohl sie nach heutigen Erkenntnissen voll Fehler ist, bis ins 20. Jahrhundert heraufwirkt. Ihre Geschlossenheit, ihr harmonisches Bild vom Kosmos, ihre kristallenen Himmelssphaeren, ihre zentrale Lage der Erde im Weltall, ihr Mensch als Mittel- und Hoehepunkt der Schoepfung, all das und noch viel mehr war so attraktiv, dass kleine Ungereimtheiten gerne verziehen wurden. So behauptete Aristoteles, dass Fliegen 8 Beine haetten (ein genauer Blick zeigt, dass es 6 sind) oder dass das Gehirn des Menschen ein blosses Organ zum Kuehlen des Kopfes sei. Aristoteles war jahrhundertelang einer der Lieblingsphilosophen der katholischen Kirche. Der Grund ist leicht verstaendlich, deckte er doch weite Bereiche der Naturwissenschaften ab, die von der Bibel eher spaerlich behandelt werden. Der Mittelpunkt des Kosmos war die Erde. Dies war eine der zentralen Aussagen des Aristoteles, und diese Aussage wurde bis ins 16. Jahrhundert nicht in Zweifel gezogen. 1543 veroeffentlichte der Kanonikus und Bistumsverweser Nikolaus Kopernikus sein an Papst Paul III gerichtetes Hauptwerk "Sechs Buecher ueber die Umdrehungen der Himmelskoerper". Kopernikus konnte keine Beweise im heutigen Sinne vorlegen, daher argumentierte er philosophisch. Fuer Kopernikus lag der Mittelpunkt der Welt in Sonnennaehe. Die Spoetter stellten sich bald ein, und die aristo- telische Physik genuegte ungeprueft allemal, um Kopernikus als laecherlich hinzustellen. Die Kirche akzeptierte Kopernikus' Ideen als "Hypothese", und die Causa wurde rasch ad acta gelegt.

113. "GALILEO GALILEI" GG Small Mission Project
galileo galilei GG. ASI Logo. A small satellite to test the Equivalence Principle of Galileo, Newton and Einstein to 1 part in 10 17.
"GALILEO GALILEI" GG A small satellite to test the Equivalence Principle of
Galileo, Newton and Einstein to
1 part in 10 anna nobili
Last edited aprile 01, 2004 This page is being reorganized ....
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114. Galileo Galilei
galileo galilei. Only rarely humankind is fortunate to witness the birth and flourishing of a mind as keen and fertile as Galileo s.
Next: Galilean relativity Up: Galileo and Newton Previous: Introduction
Galileo Galilei
Only rarely humankind is fortunate to witness the birth and flourishing of a mind as keen and fertile as Galileo's. To him we owe our current notions about motion and the concepts of velocity and acceleration. He was the first to use the telescope as an astronomical tool. Galileo was also creative in devising practical machines: he invented the first accurate clock, an efficient water pump, a precision compass and a thermometer. These achievements distinguish him as the preeminent scietist of his time. Galileo's research in the exact sciences banished the last vestiges of Aristotelian ``science'' and replaced it with a framework within which the whole of physics would be constructed. These changes were not achieved without pain: Galileo was judged and condemned by the Inquisition and died while under house arrest after being forced to recant his Copernican beliefs. Underlying all the discoveries made by Galileo there was a modern philosophy of science. He strongly believed, along the Pythagorean tradition, that the universe should be described by mathematics. He also adopted the view, following Ockham's razor (Sect. ), that given various explanations of a phenomenon, the most succinct and economic one was more likely to be the correct one. Still any model must be tested again and again against experiment: no matter how beautifuland economical a theory is, should it fail to describe the data, it is useless except, perhaps, as a lesson.

115. Biografia De Galileo Galilei
Translate this page galileo galilei. (Pisa, actual Italia, 1564-Arcetri, id., 1642) Físico y astrónomo italiano. Fue el primogénito del florentino
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116. Quotes - Galileo Galilei , Galileo Galilei Quotations, Galileo Galilei Sayings -
galileo galilei Quotes, galileo galilei Quotations, galileo galilei Sayings Famous Quotes About use. galileo galilei. All
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These quotes have been contributed and attributed by members of the Famous Quotes and Famous Sayings Network and many were previously posted to The Famous Quotes Mailing List. Please let me know if you find any errors or omissions or if you want to contribute. I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
Galileo Galilei All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Love Quotes Main Love Quotes 1 Love Quotes 2 Love Quotes 3 ... P. J. O'Rourke Quotations

117. Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)
Galilei, Galileo. Born February 2); History of Science Museum, Florence, Room IV galileo galilei; History 333 Galileo in Context; The
History of Astronomy Persons Persons (G)
Galilei, Galileo
Born: February 15, 1564, Pisa
Died: January 8, 1642, Arcetri (near Florence) Physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, inventor Note: Often called simply Galileo. This have to be taken into account when searching the Web or data bases.
External documents
Biographies, bibliographies and references

118. Dipartimento Di Fisica Dell'Università Di Padova
galileo galilei . via F. Marzolo, 8 - 35131 PADOVA (ITALY) Tel. (39) (49
Dipartimento di Fisica "Galileo Galilei" via F. Marzolo, 8 - 35131 PADOVA (ITALY)
Tel.: (39) (49) 8277088 (Centralino) 8277102 (Fax)
Direttore : Prof. Antonio Bassetto Direzione Amministrazione Corso di Laurea in Fisica Servizio di Calcolo ... Servizio Informativo Studenti (SIS) e Tutorato Dottorato Perfezionamenti Master ... Collegamenti Utili

Pagine curate da : Matteo Menguzzato e Massimo Gravino
Ultimo aggiornamento : 3-Novembre-2003
accessi a questa pagina dal 29/3/99.

119. Galileo: Animated GIFs
galileo galilei some animated GIFs
Galileo Galilei
some animated GIFs Law of Falling Bodies
The Moons of Jupiter
Some Galileo Sites

Galileo Project: Rice University

The Art of Renaissance Science: Galileo and Perspective

Joseph W. Dauben Tycho Brahe Johannes Kepler

120. Galileo Galilei
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