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         Galileo Galilei:     more books (100)
  1. Galileo Galilei: A Life of Curiosity (Pull Ahead Books) by Jennifer Boothroyd, 2006-12-19
  2. Galileo's Glassworks: The Telescope and the Mirror by Eileen Reeves, 2008-01-31
  3. Discourse on Bodies in Water (Phoenix Edition) by Galileo Galilei, 2005-09-22
  4. The Hinge of the World: In Which Professor Galileo Galilei, Chief Mathematician and Philosopher to His Serene Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and His Holiness Urban VIII by Richard N. Goodwin, 1998-06
  5. The Crime of Galileo by Giorgio de Santillana, 1978-06-15
  6. Life of Galileo (Penguin Classics) by Bertolt Brecht, 2008-05-27
  7. Galileo: Decisive Innovator (Cambridge Science Biographies) by Michael Sharratt, 1996-04-26
  8. Truth on Trial: the Story of Galileo Galilei by Vicki Cobb, 1979
  9. Le Opere Di Galileo Galilei, Volumes 3-4 (Italian Edition) by Eugenio Albèri, Vincenzio Viviani, et all 2010-02-16
  11. Galileo Galilei. In Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten by Johannes Hemleben, 2002-10-01
  12. Galileo Galilei: Sa Vie Son Proces Et Ses Contemporains (1862) (French Edition) by Philarete Chasles, 2010-09-10
  13. Vita E Commercio Letterario Di Galileo Galilei, Nobile E Patrizio Fiorentino, Volume 1 (Italian Edition) by Giovan Battista Clemente Nelli, 2010-02-23
  14. The Importance of Galileo Galilei by Deborah Hitzeroth, Sharon Heerboth, 1992-09

41. Galilei - The Rockopera By Labermaier/ohmart
Steve, a student of our time composes a rockopera about galileo galilei and then meets him As Galilei's student he discovers the telescope, planets

42. Modern History Sourcebook: The Crime Of Galileo: Indictment And Abjuration Of 16
Text of the Inquisition's charges against galileo galilei, provided by the Modern History Sourcebook.
Back to Modern History SourceBook
Modern History Sourcebook:
The Crime of Galileo:
Indictment and Abjuration of 1633
  • The proposition that the sun is in the center of the world and immovable from its place is absurd, philosophically false, and formally heretical; because it is expressly contrary to Holy Scriptures. The proposition that the earth is not the center of the world, nor immovable, but that it moves, and also with a diurnal action, is also absurd, philosophically false, and, theologically considered, at least erroneous in faith.
  • 1630 A.D. [See note below. The date should be 1633] Important Note: I have been unable to locate a printed source for the above text. A different translation, with the text of Galileo's abjuration,was posted by Evan Soule, 10/18/1998 at . Again this is without a printed source, but with the correct date of 1633. See the Galileo Timeline at Rice University The following are excerpted portions from the Sentence of the Tribunal of the Supreme Inquisition against Galileo Galilei, given the 22nd day of June of the year 1633

    43. Institute And Museum Of The History Of Science - Florence, Italy
    Includes an important section about galileo galilei. Very large website with a virtual visit 3D of a Galilei's room.
    Archive IMSS The Premises Laboratories ... Educational Workshops
    Materials for education and research on the instruments and discoveries of Galileo Galilei. A virtual itinerary through the rooms of the museum Advanced Search Site Map ... Credits Piazza dei Giudici 1 Florence, ITALY

    Translate this page Su vida. galileo galilei nació en Pisa en 1564, en el seno de una antigua familia florentina perteneciente a la burguesía. En 1581
    GALILEO (1564-1642)
    Si las grandes dotes de observador de Tycho Kepler , la obra de Galileo Newton Al igual que y que Kepler Galileo
    • Su vida
    Galileo Galilei
    a pesar de considerar a la de Por otra parte, si Kepler Galileo Tras observar con su telescopio las fases de Venus y los Giordano Bruno Dialogo sopra i due massimi del mondo, y Galileo como
    • Descubrimiento del telescopio
    Galileo Saggiatore, Galileo a posteriorl y Galileo Kepler , que en su Paralipomena ad Vitellionem
    • Descubrimientos con el telescopio
    Los primeros descubrimientos que hizo con el telescopio, se encuentran expuestos en el Sidereus Nuncius, Kepler breve, Disertatio cum Nuncio Sidereo, Galileo En el Sidereus Nuncius, Galileo describe el telescopio y explica sus primeras observaciones:
    • y de las cabelleras y fulgores Galileo Kepler El Sidereus Nuncius se concluye con el Kepler
    heliocentrismo , que pueden ser enumeradas del siguiente modo: Tycho al modelo de Vemos, en definitiva que las pruebas en favor del heliocentrismo Galileo , como Tycho o Kepler , es un observarlas . No elucubra sobre si Venus debe moverse o no alrededor de la Tierra. Sencillamente

    45. Francesca's Home Page
    Introduzione all'orientamento, l'uso della bussola, il Gruppo Sportivo Orienteering galileo galilei.
    Qualche definizione
    La mia società sportiva
    Gruppo Sportivo Orienteering Galileo Galilei
    mail to: Sei il visitatore n°:

    46. Galileo Galilei Quotes - The Quotations Page
    Quotations by Author. galileo galilei (1564 1642) Italian astronomer physicist more author details. galileo galilei - More quotations on Truth.

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    Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642)

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    All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
    Galileo Galilei
    - More quotations on: Truth
    I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
    Galileo Galilei
    I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.
    Galileo Galilei
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    (c) 1994-2004 and Michael Moncur . All rights reserved Please read the

    47. Benvenuti Nel Sito Del Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei" Di Alessandria
    Informazioni ufficiali dall'istituto scolastico.

    48. Ansprache Von Papst Johannes Paul II. über Galileo Galilei
    Ansprache von Papst Johannes Paul II. an die P¤pstliche Akademie der Wissenschaften am 31. Oktober 1992 ¼ber galileo galilei.
    Ansprache von Papst Johannes Paul II.
    I. II. 5. Bei der Auseinandersetzung, in deren Mittelpunkt Galilei stand, ging es um eine doppelte Frage. (Brief vom 21. Dezember 1613, Werk. Bekannt ist ferner sein Brief an Christina von Lorena, 1615, der einem kleinen Traktat zur Hermeneutik der Bibel gleichkommt, ebd., S.307-348). Dei Verbum (Brief an R.A. Foscarini, 12. April 1615, vgl. zit. Werk, Band XII, S.172). (Brief 143; n.7; PL 33, col Vor einem Jahrhundert hat Papst Leo XIII. diesen Gedanken in seiner Enzyklika Providentissimus Deus Acta, vol. XIII, 1894, S.361). III. (Gaudium et spes,
    deutsche Fassung entnommen aus: deutscher L'Osservatore Romano, 13.11.1992, S. 9-10

    The Galileo Project

    Zur Leitseite WWW.STJOSEF.AT Gemeinschaft vom heiligen Josef

    49. Galileo Galilei
    galileo galilei (15641642) was the oldest of seven children born to Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammanati. galileo galilei s accomplishments. 1597.
    Galileo Galilei was the oldest of seven children born to Vincenzo Galilei and Giulia Ammanati. He entered the University of Pisa in 1581 to study medicine. Soon he realized that his interests were not in medicine, but mathematics. After only a year in the university, he made his famous discovery of the isochronal movement of pendulums. He then continued an independent study of science and mathematics while trying to convince his father to allow him to study science and math. In 1586 Galileo withdrew from the University of Pisa without a degree and headed back to live with his family. For the next few years he continued his study of science and gave a series of lectures on the Inferno of Dante's The Divine Comedy at the Florentine Academy. Galileo had many influential friends who were able to help him gain an appointment as a lecturer of mathematics at the University of Pisa in 1859 and then as the chair of mathematics at the University of Padua in 1592. Galileo Galilei's accomplishments
    Constructed a military compass. Brought him acclaim and a substantial income. Built a "telescope" (although he was not the first to do so.) This enabled him to:

    50. Galileo Galilei
    Translate this page galileo galilei La nascita del pensiero scientifico moderno di Davide Bucci. Introduzione. galileo galilei è un personaggio al quale
    Galileo Galilei
    La nascita del pensiero scientifico moderno
    di Davide Bucci
    La Terra e le sfere celesti, una raffigurazione da , codice miniato degli inizi del XVI secolo.
    Gli anni della giovinezza
    (1568) ed il (1581). Il giovane Galileo intraprese nel 1581 a Pisa gli studi di medicina che tuttavia interruppe senza laurearsi, ma venendo comunque a contatto con studiosi di grande levatura come Francesco Buonamici, un buon commentatore di Aristotele, ed acquisendo privatamente un considerevole bagaglio culturale nel campo della geometria.
    De revolutionibus orbium coelestium
    infatti, se si poteva appurare di aver assistito ad un fenomeno celeste e non metereologico,
    Disegni effettuati da Galileo durante le sue osservazioni della Luna. Sidereus Nuncius
    Il commento di Galileo su questa pesante sconfitta fu tanto breve quanto significativo:
    Note: 2 - Da [Feynman]

    51. Página Nueva 5
    Institut pºblic, a on s'imparteixen ensenyaments d'ESO i batxillerat. A Nou Barris.
    Esta página usa marcos, pero su explorador no los admite.

    52. Liceo Scientifico Statale GALILEO GALILEI, Trieste - Homepage
    Trieste Sito ufficiale del Liceo.
    B E N V E N U T O nel sito del Liceo Scientifico Statale GALILEO GALILEI - Trieste
    Ultimo aggiornamento del sito: 31/05/2004
    Statistiche n. visitatori back top Posizione nel sito:: Homepage

    53. Instituto Galileo Galilei Para A Educação - IGGe
    Translate this page INSTITUTO galileo galilei para a EDUCAÇO INSTITUTO galileo galilei para a EDUCAÇO INSTITUTO galileo galilei para a EDUCAÇO. visitante número.
    P ROJETOS A STRONOMIA ... Destaques: Escola Pública SP - Ensino tem Muito a Aprender Sistema de Ciclos Esconde Baixa Qualidade do Ensino Artigo: a sala ambiente na escola contemporânea PCN-MEC - sugestões de trabalho para todas as disciplinas do ensino fundamental Presidente
    Cassiano Carvalho Neto
    Noriyasu Omote
    Secretário Geral
    Luis Fábio Simões Pucci
    Membros do Conselho
    Marisa Cavalcante
    Nery G.Leite Rachel Gevertz Secretário Regional - Rio Grande do Norte
    Jerônimo Freire da Silva
    Fundado em fevereiro de 1997, o Instituto Galileo Galilei para a Educação é uma Organização Não-Governamental (ONG) sediada em São Paulo e dedicada a criar e a realizar projetos educacionais nos mais diversos níveis do conhecimento. Difundir novas metodologias para o ensino das Ciências no ensino fundamental e médio é a principal prioridade. Neste campo, o Instituto fornece assessoria para escolas e Diretorias de Ensino e ministra cursos diversos, capacitando e atualizando professores e educadores. Já foram executados programas de educação continuada do Projeto Física Vivencial e cursos de preparo para utilização de software educacionais na Rede Pública de São Paulo. No Projeto Física Vivencial, é importante o destaque para o treinamento e difusão dos usos de

    54. DIGILAND
    Presentazione ed attivit , le iniziative sulle risorse naturali, culturali, sportive e gastronomiche dell'arcipelago, proposte dalla scuola media statale.
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    55. Galileo Galilei
    galileo galilei. Born 15 Feb 1564 in Pisa (now in Italy) Died 8 Jan 1642 in Arcetri (near Florence) (now in Italy). galileo galilei
    Galileo Galilei
    Born: 15 Feb 1564 in Pisa (now in Italy)
    Died: 8 Jan 1642 in Arcetri (near Florence) (now in Italy)
    Galileo Galilei was an Italian natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method. His formulation of (circular) inertia, the law of falling bodies, and parabolic trajectories marked the beginning of a fundamental change in the study of motion. His insistence that the book of nature was written in the language of mathematics changed natural philosophy from a verbal, qualitative account to a mathematical one in which experimentation became a recognized method for discovering the facts of nature. Finally, his discoveries with the telescope revolutionized astronomy and paved the way for the acceptance of the Copernican heliocentric system, but his advocacy of that system eventually resulted in an Inquisition process against him. Early life and career Galileo was born in Pisa, Tuscany, on February 15, 1564, the oldest son of Vincenzo Galilei, a musician who made important contributions to the theory and practice of music and who may have performed some experiments with Galileo in 1588-89 on the relationship between pitch and the tension of strings.

    56. Galileo Galilei, Sidereus Nuncius
    Translate this page SIDEREUS NUNCIUS galileo galilei. SERENISSIMO. COSMO MEDICES II. MAGNO ETRURI DUCI IIII. Prêclarum sane atque humanitatis plenum
    Galileo Galilei SERENISSIMO COSMO MEDICES II MAGNO ETRURI DUCI IIII Datum Patavii, 4 Idus Martii, MDCX. Addictissimus Servus
    Galileus Galileus. Gli Eccellentissimi Signori Capi dell'Ecc. Cons. de' X infrascritti, avuta fede dalli Signori Reformatori del Studio di Padova per relazione delli due a questo deputati, cioË dal Rever. P. Inquisitor, e dal circospetto Secretario del Senato, Gio. Maraviglia, con giuramento, come nel libro intitolato: SIDEREUS NUNCIUS etc. di D. Galileo Galilei non si trova alcuna cosa contraria alla Santa Fede Cattolica, Prencipi e buoni costumi, e che Ë degno di stampa, concedono licenza che possi esser stampato in questa Cittý. Datum die primo Martii 1610. D. M. Ant. Valaresso
    D. NicolÚ Bon Capi dell'Ecc. Cons. de' X
    D. Lunardo Marcello Illustrissimi Consilii X Secretarius
    1610, a dÏ 8 Marzo. Regist. in libro a car. 39. Ioan. Baptista Breatto off.
    Con. Blasph. Coad. ASTRONOMICUS NUNCIUS OBSERVATIONES RECENS HABITAS NOVI PERSPICILLI BENEFICIO IN LUN FACIE, LACTEO CIRCULO STELLISQUE NEBULOSIS, INNUMERIS FIXIS, NECNON IN QUATUOR PLANETIS MEDICEA SIDERA NUNCUPATIS, NUNQUAM CONSPECTIS ADHUC, CONTINENS ATQUE DECLARANS Altercationes insuper de Galaxia, seu de Lacteo circulo, substulisse, eiusque essentiam sensui, nedum intellectui, manifestasse, parvi momenti existimandum minime videtur; insuperque substantiam Stellarum, quas Nebulosas hucusque Astronomorum quilibet appellavit, digito demonstrare, longeque aliam esse quam creditum hactenus est, iocundum erit atque perpulcrum.

    57. ITCG "Galilei" - Canicattì
    Presenta struttura, piano formativo, progetti ed attivit  scolastica, area studenti.
    La pagina corrente utilizza i frame. Questa caratteristica non è supportata dal browser in uso.

    58. Modern History Sourcebook: Galileo: Letter To Grand Duchess
    Back to Modern History SourceBook. Modern History Sourcebook galileo galilei Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615.
    Back to Modern History SourceBook
    Modern History Sourcebook:
    Galileo Galilei:
    Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615
    To the Most Serene Grand Duchess Mother: Some years ago, as Your Serene Highness well knows, I discovered in the heavens many things that had not been seen before our own age. The novelty of these things, as well as some consequences which followed from them in contradiction to the physical notions commonly held among academic philosophers, stirred up against me no small number of professors-as if I had placed these things in the sky with my own hands in order to upset nature and overturn the sciences. They seemed to forget that the increase of known truths stimulates the investigation, establishment, and growth of the arts; not their diminution or destruction. Showing a greater fondness for their own opinions than for truth they sought to deny and disprove the new things which, if they had cared to look for themselves, their own senses would have demonstrated to them. To this end they hurled various charges and published numerous writings filled with vain arguments, and they made the grave mistake of sprinkling these with passages taken from places in the Bible which they had failed to understand properly, and which were ill-suited to their purposes. These men would perhaps not have fallen into such error had they but paid attention to a most useful doctrine of St. Augustine's, relative to our making positive statements about things which are obscure and hard to understand by means of reason alone. Speaking of a certain physical conclusion about the heavenly bodies, he wrote: "Now keeping always our respect for moderation in grave piety, we ought not to believe anything inadvisedly on a dubious point, lest in favor to our error we conceive a prejudice against something that truth hereafter may reveal to be not contrary in any way to the sacred books of either the Old or the New Testament."

    59. Benvenuti Al Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei
    Alessandria Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto.
    Liceo Scientifico "Galileo Galilei"
    Spalto Borgoglio, 49 - Alessandria
    Le immagini relative agli ambienti della scuola sono state realizzate a partire da un videotape (creato con una videocamera), digitalizzandole mediante una scheda di cattura video. Le rimanenti immagini sono state acquisite con uno scanner Tamarack ArtiScan 8000C. Le elaborazioni sono state effettuate su un PC Server IBM 330, collegato ad una rete locale di 18 computer IBM Aptiva. Ritorna alla pagina principale

    60. Galileo Galilei
    Uno sforzo di proporre in chiave critica cristiana galileo galilei.
    storia islam accademia
  • introduzione alla filosofia
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  • le origini gli ionici Eraclito Parmenide ... Epicuro
  • medioevale
  • filosofia medioevale S.Agostino Dionigi pseudo-Areopagita Scoto Eriugena ... Duns Scoto
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  • l'Umanesimo la scienza Campanella Tommaso Moro ... Maritain
  • Galileo
    segnalibri esposizione giudizio testi
    Galileo è considerato il fondatore della scienza moderna. A lui infatti si attribuisce la prima sistematica formulazione del metodo scientifico, che poi sarebbe stato universalmente seguito, ossia il metodo di applicare la matematica al dato osservabile. Nato a Pisa, il 15 febbraio 1564, ebbe un temperamento ironico e battagliero. Abbandonò gli iniziali studi di medicina, a cui il padre lo voleva destinare (1581) e che trovò essere condotti sulla base di testi di autorità piuttosto che sull'osservazione. Si volse agli studi di matematica (sotto Ostilio Ricci, discepolo di Tartaglia, uno dei più grandi matematici moderni), che includevano anche la physica, alla scuola di Francesco Buonamici, che criticava sì le tesi aristoteliche sul moto, come impetus non naturale, ma sempre a partire da un metodo scolastico. A tele impostazione scolastica Galileo preferiva il rigore della matematica (seguendo il principio "ut dicenda semper ex dictis pendeant"), osservando con la sua ironia come non sia detto che chi ha inventato la logica l'abbia poi anche saputa applicare: veri logici per lui sono i matematici, non i filosofi (Dialogo, 1a giorn.).

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