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         Galileo Galilei:     more books (100)
  1. Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography by Stillman Drake, 1995-08
  2. Galileo's Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love by Dava Sobel, 2000-11-01
  3. Galileo: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Stillman Drake, 2001-06-07
  4. The Church And Galileo (Studies in Science and the Humanities from the Reilly Center for Science Technology and Values)
  5. Galileo Galilei: First Physicist (Oxford Portraits in Science) by James MacLachlan, 1997-10-16
  6. Galileo: A Life by James Jr. Reston, 2000-01-20
  7. The Galileo Connection by Charles E. Hummel, 1986-02-17
  8. Galileo on the World Systems: A New Abridged Translation and Guide by Galileo Galilei, 1997-05-25
  9. Galileo and the Magic Numbers by Sidney Rosen, 1958-06
  10. The Galileo Affair: A Documentary History (California Studies in the History of Science)
  11. Galileo and the Universe (Science Discoveries) by Steve Parker, 1992-06
  12. Galileo Galilei and Motion: A Reconstruction of 50 Years of Experiments and Discoveries by Roberto Vergara Caffarelli, 2009-11-13
  13. Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht, John Willett, et all 1994-08-01
  14. Operations of the Geometric and Military Compass, 1606 (Dibner Library Publication, N0 1) by Galileo Galilei, 1978-06

21. The Galileo Project
The Galileo project This Internet site, maintained by Rice University, provides a hypertext source of information on the life and work of galileo galilei and the science of his time. Topics

22. Galileo Galilei
Test your knowledge of Galileo's life and work. Home About Bookmark us Tell a friend Related Sites Mercury


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23. Liber Liber: Biblioteca > Autori G > Galilei, Galileo
Testi e biografia di galileo galilei.
Liber Liber promuove il progetto Manuzio , biblioteca telematica ad accesso gratuito biblioteca Autori A B C D ... Tesi Opere A B C D ... Collaborare ti trovi in: Copertina Home Biblioteca Autori G Galilei, Galileo Note biografiche Galileo Galilei nacque a Pisa il 15 febbraio 1564 da Giulia Ammannati e Vincenzio Galilei, entrambi appartenenti alla media borghesia. Vincenzio, nato a Firenze nel 1520, ex liutista ed ex insegnante di musica, in passato era entrato in conflitto con la tradizione classica che attribuiva la consonanza tra tutti i suoni al controllo delle proporzioni numeriche ed aveva proposto idee proprie al riguardo. Note biografiche a cura di Maria Agostinelli. Gli e-book istruzioni e licenze titolo: bilancetta (La) e-text del: 4 marzo 1998 leggi subito: download: note: titolo: Capitolo contro il portar la toga e-text del: 4 marzo 1998 leggi subito: download: note: titolo: Due lezioni all'Accademia fiorentina circa la figura, sito e grandezza dell'Inferno di Dante

24. Galileo Galilei, Ms. Gal. 72
the Manuscript. List of Folio Pages. Indices. Propositions of the Discorsi in Ms. Gal. 72. About the Manuscript 72 of galileo galilei.
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Florence Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin
Ms. Gal. 72
Folios 33 to 196
Electronic Representation of the Manuscript
Version 2.2 Mon May 10 18:17:56 1999
How to Use the Electronic Representation of the Manuscript
List of Folio Pages
Propositions of the ... in Ms. Gal. 72
About the Manuscript 72 of Galileo Galilei
About the Electronic Archive Project
About the Present Version of the Electronic Representation

25. Galileo Galilei
galileo galilei. Who was galileo galilei? But, why did he recant? Who was this galileo galilei, this inventor, scientist, mathematician. . . .this man?
Galileo Galilei Who was Galileo Galilei? We know that Galileo believed and proved that the planets revolve around the sun and not around the Earth. We know that he faced the Inquisition for publishing and defending that idea. We know that, in the face of opposition from the Church that he loved and the Pope Urban who had been his friend, Galileo recanted his findings.
But, why did he recant? Who was this Galileo Galilei, this inventor, scientist, mathematician. . . .this man?
The purpose of this online curriculum is to discover Galileo Galilei. This curriculum will focus on Galileo, his world, and his work and their influences on us today. Take a look at other curriculum web sites found at

26. Galileo
galileo galilei. Many scholars trace the birth of modern science back to galileo galilei (15641642), who used instruments to observe
any scholars trace the birth of modern science back to Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), who used instruments to observe nature and experiments to understand it. Like Copernicus, he began training for a career in medicine, but later switched to a subject more to his liking, mathematics. Galileo long accepted Copernicusí idea that Earth and the other planets orbited the sun, but he was the first able to prove it based on his observations with a telescope. Many people think Galileo invented the telescope, but thatís not true. Spectacle makers in Europe had probably discovered how to make distant objects appear closer well before Galileo. The first telescope to arouse interest, however, was made in 1608 by the Dutch optician Hans Lippershey. When Galileo heard of it, he quickly made his own and turned it on the heavens. Within a few months he had discovered four moons orbiting Jupiteródestroying the Greek idea that Earth was the center of all motionóand the phases of Venusó overturning Ptolemyís concept that the Sun and planets all orbited Earth. He wrote of his sensational discoveries in Italian rather than academic Latin so the general public could read about them. His observations improved our knowledge of the universe we live in and helped turn science into an experimental endeavor. For his efforts, and their devastating effect on the religious dogma of the time, he was forced to recant his findings before the Inquisition and spent the last decade of his life under house arrest.

27. Erreur: Document Introuvable
Informations sur le contenu des diff©rents volumes de oeuvres compl¨tes de Galil©e. PDF et TIFF.

28. Galileo Galilei's Notes On Motion
galileo galilei's Notes on Motion This site contains photographic and translated versions of Galileo's 72nd manuscript on motion. compadre.org357

29. Galileo Galilei - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
galileo galilei. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Galileo.png. Enlarge galileo galilei s discovery of the moons of Jupiter.
Galileo Galilei
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Galileo Galilei February 15 January 8 ), was a Tuscan astronomer philosopher , and physicist who is closely associated with the Scientific Revolution . He has been referred to as the "father of modern astronomy " (a title to which Kepler has perhaps a stronger claim), as the "father of modern physics ", and as "father of science ". His experimental work is widely considered complementary to the writings of Bacon in establishing the modern scientific method . Galileo was born in Pisa and his career coincided with that of Kepler . The work of Galileo is considered to be a significant break from that of Aristotle ; in particular, Galileo placed emphasis on quantity , rather than quality Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Experimental science
2 Astronomy

3 Physics

4 Mathematics
Experimental science
In the pantheon of the scientific revolution Galileo occupies a high position because of his pioneering use of quantitative experiments with results analyzed mathematically. There was no tradition of such methods in European thought at that time; the great experimentalist who immediately preceded Galileo, William Gilbert , did not use a quantitative approach. (However, Galileo's father

Un dels fundadors de l'astronomia moderna. Biografia, textos, abjuraci³ i l'autor vist per altres fil²sofs.
GALILEO GALILEI: CIÈNCIA, MÈTODE I FE. ELS FUNDADORS DE L’ASTRONOMIA MODERNA. Quatre savis genials – Copèrnic, Kepler, Galileu i Newton- són considerats els fundadors de l’astronomia moderna. Però l’envergadura de la seva obra sobrepassa de molt l’àmbit de la nova física per tal d’influir decisivament en la imatge que els humans tenen no tan sols del món sinó d’ells mateixos. Entre el llibre de Copèrnic (1543) i el de Newton (1687) transcorren menys de cent cinquanta anys, però la ciència i la comprensió de l’home i del món passen per una profunda mutació que en bona part cal atribuir a aquests quatre pioners. Abans estem encara al món de l’Antiguitat, que conserva les idees dels grecs clàssics: hi ha un món celestial i un món sublunar; la terra és el centre de l’Univers, els seus materials són impurs i obeeixen a regles capricioses. Els cossos celestials, en canvi, són purs i els seus moviments són perfectes i eterns. Això no vol dir que tots els astrònoms medievals fossin platònics o aristotèlics. La major part de savis seriosos de l’època sabien que la gran quantitat d’hipòtesis ad hoc necessàries per salvar el geocentrisme era poc elegant i massa complexa. Hi ha discussions inacabables, però s’oblida interrogar la Naturalesa. I no es disposava tampoc d’un mètode matemàtic prou treballat.

31. Galileo Galilei
Lo sviluppo delle sue teorie come nascita del pensiero scientifico moderno.
This page has been moved to: galilei_pag1_it.html

32. Recantation Of Galileo Galilei In 1633
I, galileo galilei, son of the late Vincenzo Galilei, Florentine, aged seventy years, arraigned personally before this tribunal, and kneeling before you, most
Recantation of Galileo (June 22, 1633) Concluding portion of Galileo's Recantation (or Abjuration)
I, the said Galileo Galilei, have abjured, sworn, promised, and bound myself as above; and in witness of the truth thereof I have with my own hand subscribed the present document of my abjuration, and recited it word for word at Rome, in the Convent of Minerva, this twenty-second day of June, 1633. I, Galileo Galilei, have abjured as above with my own hand. [Galileo's Recantation excludes two points included in the original formula for abjuration presented to him by the Cardinals. These two points, objected to by Galileo, would have had him declare that he was not a good Catholic and that he deceived others in publishing his book.]
Trial of Galileo Homepage

33. Galileo - Vikipedio
Prezento de la itala sciencisto.
El Vikipedio, la libera enciklopedio.
Astronomio kaj Astrofiziko Astronomoj > Galileo Galileo GALILEI ) estis tre grava itala sciencisto kiu estis fondinto de moderna scienco (kun Bakono kaj Kartezio ). Malsimile al la antikvuloj, Galileo ne nur observas kaj pensas logike pri naturo, sed ankaŭ faris eksperimentojn kaj aplikis matematikon al sia observado. Per siaj eltrovoj, li ŝancelis la mondbildon de la Okcidento. En Galileo inventis la pendolon. Li fariĝis profesoro de matematiko ĉe Pizo en , kaj en iris al la Universitato de Padovo por instrui matematikon. En li inventis termometron. En li malkovris la leĝon de falantaj objektoj kaj observis novan stelon. Nova stelo eble ŝajnas eta afero al vi, sed en la tago de Galileo, ambaŭ la universitatoj kaj la Eklezio kredis la fizikon kaj astronomion de Aristotelo kaj Ptolemeo . Laŭ tio, Tero estas la centro de la Universo kaj, plue, ĉio super la luno la Suno, la planedoj, la steloj, ktp estas eterna, sendifekta kaj malŝanĝebla. Tial nova stelo maleblas. Sed tamen tio ja estas. Ĉi tiu eltrovo, same kiel multe de aliaj de Galileo, ekfrakasis la antikvan mondbildon de la Okcidento. En , li aŭdis pri teleskopo inventita en Nederlando kaj konstruis tian ilon por si mem. Lia vera

34. Galilei-Gymnasium: Galileo Galilei - Einleitung
Biografie und Werk des italienischen Naturforschers vorgestellt vom GalileiGymnasium Hamm.
Das Leben des
Galileo Galilei
von Florian Kwasniok und Ersan Sallabas Galileo Galilei war ein begabter Mathematiker sowie Physiker und Astronom. Durch Beobachtungen und Experimente war er der erste Wissenschaftler, der seine Forschungen nur aus diesen Methoden bezog. Damit leistete er auch einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Methoden. Quellen:
Titelbild: "Galilei" von Johannes Hemleben
Der schiefe Turm von Pisa, Bild und Text: "Data-Becker-Lexikon", 1998
Die Erfindung des Fernrohres, Bild: "Galilei" von Johannes Hemleben
Der Gefängnisaufenthalt, Bild: "Galileo Galilei - Und sie bewegt sich doch!" von Jean-Pierre Maury Kontakt mit dem Webmaster
Galilei-Gymnasium Hamm 1997/98, 2001

Galileo Galilei
  • Nace: El 15 de febrero de 1564 en Pisa, Italia
  • Muere: El 8 de enero de 1642 en Arcetri, cerca de Florencia, Italia

Translate this page Sala galileo galilei, actuaciones en directo todos los días, música, humor, magia, etc. Sin duda la mejor Sala de Madrid, con mil opciones para divertirte.
Sala Galileo Galilei, actuaciones en directo todos los días, música, humor, magia, etc. Sin duda la mejor Sala de Madrid, con mil opciones para divertirte.

37. ThinkQuest : Library : Astronomy: Seek The Stars!
Image galileo galilei. Image Credit Encarta Encyclopedia. Galilei Galileo (15641642) an Italian physicist and astronomer, was greatly
Index Astronomy
Astronomy: Seek the Stars!
What's the difference between a comet and a meteor? What might a black hole look like? How hot is it on the planet Mercury? These are some of the questions answered at this visually pleasing web site. There are also brief biographies of famous astronomers. Unfortunately, most of the links are broken, and the bulletin board section does not work. Visit Site 1998 ThinkQuest Internet Challenge Languages English Students Seth Boston Latin School, Boston, MA, United States Molly Nashua Senior High School, Nashua, NH, United States Coaches Ginny Boston Latin School, Boston, MA, United States Want to build a ThinkQuest site? The ThinkQuest site above is one of thousands of educational web sites built by students from around the world. Click here to learn how you can build a ThinkQuest site. Privacy Policy

38. Liber Liber: Biblioteca > Autori G > Galilei, Galileo
Translate this page Galilei, Galileo. galileo galilei nacque a Pisa il 15 febbraio 1564 da Giulia Ammannati e Vincenzio Galilei, entrambi appartenenti alla media borghesia.
Liber Liber promuove il progetto Manuzio , biblioteca telematica ad accesso gratuito biblioteca Autori A B C D ... Tesi Opere A B C D ... Collaborare ti trovi in: Copertina Home Biblioteca Autori G Galilei, Galileo Note biografiche Galileo Galilei nacque a Pisa il 15 febbraio 1564 da Giulia Ammannati e Vincenzio Galilei, entrambi appartenenti alla media borghesia. Vincenzio, nato a Firenze nel 1520, ex liutista ed ex insegnante di musica, in passato era entrato in conflitto con la tradizione classica che attribuiva la consonanza tra tutti i suoni al controllo delle proporzioni numeriche ed aveva proposto idee proprie al riguardo. Note biografiche a cura di Maria Agostinelli. Gli e-book istruzioni e licenze titolo: bilancetta (La) e-text del: 4 marzo 1998 leggi subito: download: note: titolo: Capitolo contro il portar la toga e-text del: 4 marzo 1998 leggi subito: download: note: titolo: Due lezioni all'Accademia fiorentina circa la figura, sito e grandezza dell'Inferno di Dante

39. Galileo Galilei, "Sidereus Nuncius": Copertina
TRATTO DA Opere di galileo galilei, Casa Editrice Riccardo Ricciardi Collana La Letteratura Italiana.
Il "Sidereus Nuncius", composto intorno al 1609, è l'opera per mezzo della quale Galileo Galilei dà notizia della scoperta dei quattro satelliti principali di Giove: Io, Europa, Ganimede e Callisto. Tali satelliti sono conosciuti collettivamente come "medicei", dal nome di Cosimo II dei Medici, al quale Galileo dedicò la sua scoperta. L'opera, presente in questo archivio sia nella versione latina sia in quella italiana, contiene le annotazioni quotidiane degli spostamenti dei quattro satelliti rispetto al pianeta Giove. Fai click qui per leggere la versione in latino dell'opera. Fai click qui per leggere la versione in italiano dell'opera. Note sull'edizione NOTE: Si ringrazia la Casa Editrice Ricciardi per aver consentito l'uso della traduzione italiana di Luisa Lanzillotta. DIRITTI D'AUTORE: TRATTO DA: Opere di Galileo Galilei, Casa Editrice Riccardo Ricciardi Collana La Letteratura Italiana. Storia e Testi a cura di Ferdinando Flora, 1953 CODICE ISBN: 1a EDIZIONE ELETTRONICA DEL: 3 aprile 1998 INDICE DI AFFIDABILITA': legenda ALLA EDIZIONE ELETTRONICA HANNO CONTRIBUITO: Catia Righi

40. Index.html
Instituto de Educaci³n Secundaria de C³rdoba el centro, la comunidad educativa, proyectos y actividades.
I.E.S. Galileo Galilei
Calle Francisco Pizarro, 16
14010.- Córdoba

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