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21. Untitled Translate this page 1592. frisi paolo, Scritti di idraulica fluviale e di canalizzazione,a cura di Cristiana Fischer, Firenze, Giunti-Barbera, 1970, pp. 100. http://archivi.beniculturali.it/Divisione_V/ras41-94_html/schedeF4.html | |
22. Foreign Members (main_a03) Translate this page 1850 Fries Elias Magnus (Sweden). 1756 frisi paolo, abbot (Italy). 1877Froehner Wilhelm (in France - Chretien-Edouard-Louis-Guillom) (France). http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/gallery/fma_ma03.htm | |
23. All Members (main_a05) Fries Elias Magnus. 1946 Corr.Member Frish Sergei Eduardovich. 1756 Foreign Mem.frisi paolo, abbot. 1838 Academician Fritzsche Yulli Fiodorovich (Karl Yulii). http://hp.iitp.ru/eng/gallery/xxa_ma05.htm | |
24. Paolo Frisi -- Encyclopædia Britannica Encyclopædia Britannica. frisi, paolo. Encyclopædia Britannica Article paolo frisi. born April 13, 1728, Milan, Austrian Habsburg domain Italy http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=36122 |
25. Liceo Scientifico "Paolo Frisi" - Monza Presentazione degli studi offerti dall'istituto, aspetti didattici, culturali ed attivit sportive, area studenti e forum. http://www.liceofrisi.monza.net/ | |
26. The Civil Engineering Portal - Famous Engineers - Frisi Indexing and cataloging quality Internet resources in civil engineering and technology. Famous Engineers / frisi. Name paolo frisi. Years 1728 1784 paolo frisi. Britannica.com frisi, paolo. April 11 http://www.icivilengineer.com/Famous_Engineers/Frisi | |
27. Liceo Scientifico Statale "Paolo Frisi" - Monza sito del liceo scientifico P. frisi. AVVISO 2124 febbraio 2004 News. News dal frisi. 26/11/2003 29/11/2003 - frisi day. Dal 22/12/2003 al 06 http://liceofrisi.altervista.org/ | |
28. Biography-center - Letter F www.grandprix.com/gpe/drvfargiu.html. Farinati, paolo. www.getty.edu/art/collections/bio/a2973- 1.html 1969/frisch-autobio.html. frisi, paolo. www-history.mcs.st-and.ac http://www.biography-center.com/f.html | |
29. References For Frisi References for paolo frisi. Biography Books G Barbarisi (ed.), Ideologiae scienza nell opera di paolo frisi (17281784) (Milan, 1987). MT http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Frisi.html | |
30. PAOLO FRISI frisi, paolo (17281784), Italian mathematician and astronomer, was born at Milan on the I3th of April 1728. He was educated at the Barnabite monaster Verri, Memorie . . . del Signor dom paolo frisi (Milan, 1787), 4to; Fabbroni, Elogj http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FR/FRISI_PAOLO.htm | |
31. Paolo Frisi -- Encyclopædia Britannica frisi, paolo Encyclopædia Britannica Article. , frisi, paolo Italian mathematician,astronomer, and physicist who is best known for his work in hydraulics. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=36122&tocid=0&query=hydraulics |
32. Frisi Biography of paolo frisi (17281784) paolo frisi. Born 13 April 1728 in Milan, Austrian Habsburg (now Italy) paolo frisi entered the Barnabite Monastry around 1746, a religious Order devoted http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Frisi.html | |
33. PAOLO FRISI frisi, paolo (17281784), Italian mathematician and astronomer, wasborn at Milan on the I3th of April 1728. He monaster. paolo frisi. http://83.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FR/FRISI_PAOLO.htm | |
34. FRISI, Paolo., A Treatise On Rivers And Torrents; With The Method Of Regulating Nigel Phillips. frisi, paolo. A Treatise on Rivers and Torrents; withthe method of regulating their course and channels. To which http://www.polybiblio.com/phillips/1291.html | |
35. FRISI, Paolo., A Treatise On Rivers And Torrents; With The Method Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller Inc. frisi, paolo. A Treatise on Riversand Torrents; with the Method of regulating their Course and http://www.polybiblio.com/jahill/HillBibl-Selections325.0.html |
36. Biografia De Frisi, Paolo Translate this page frisi, paolo. (Milán, 1728- id., 1784) Matemático italiano. Fue profesorde astronomía, de filosofía y de matemática en Novara, Milán y Pisa. http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/f/frisi.htm | |
37. Jonathan A. Hill Catalogue 158W - Section 1, Items 1 - 17 Selections324. frisi, paolo.A Treatise on Rivers and Torrents; with the Method of regulating their Course Selections-325. frisi, paolo.A Treatise on Rivers and Torrents; with http://www.bookmarque.net/J.Hill/PageGenerator.cfm?CFID=89131&CFTOKEN=132480 |
38. Liceo Scientifico Statale "Paolo Frisi" - Monza paolo frisi - Monza Feedback Form All comments andsuggestions about this web site are very welcome and a valuable source of http://liceofrisi.altervista.org/modules.php?name=Feedback |
39. Via Paolo Frisi Di Melegnano Translate this page denominazioni Via Romea, Contrada del Ponte, ed anche Contrada del basso, via Provincialeper Lodi, Via del Ponte, Via Umberto I° ed infine Via paolo frisi. http://www.melegnano.net/pagina004fzk.htm | |
40. Antenati: Paolo Frisi Translate this page Storia della letteratura europea - Torna in homepagepaolo frisi. paolofrisi. Di paolo frisi (nato a Melegnano nel 1728, morì a Milano http://www.girodivite.it/antenati/xviiisec/_frisi.htm | |
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