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         Friedmann Alexander:     more detail
  1. Alexander A Friedmann: The Man who Made the Universe Expand by Eduard A. Tropp, Viktor Ya. Frenkel, et all 2006-05-11
  2. Eine neue Heimat?: Judische Emigrantinnen und Emigranten aus der Sowjetunion (German Edition) by Alexander Friedmann, 1993
  3. Die Welt als Raum und Zeit. by Alexander Friedmann, Georg Singer, 2002-12-01
  4. Officieller Bericht Über Das Marinewesen Auf Der Weltausstellung 1873 Wien (German Edition) by Alexander Friedmann, 2010-04-02
  5. Psychotrauma: Die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (German Edition)
  6. Die Nationalbank Von Rumanien; Das Lombardgeschaft; Der Stahlkammervertrag (1908) (German Edition) by Alexander Cercel, Alfred Fahrenkamp, et all 2010-09-10
  7. Stadtplanungstheoretiker: Le Corbusier, Philipp Rappaport, Manuel Castells, Wolfgang Christ, John Friedmann, Christopher Alexander (German Edition)
  8. The Friedmann cosmological model by Robert L Cross, 1975
  9. Die Nationalbank Von Rumanien; Das Lombardgeschaft; Der Stahlkammervertrag (1908) (German Edition) by Alexander Cercel, Alfred Fahrenkamp, et all 2010-05-23
  10. Die Nationalbank Von Rumanien; Das Lombardgeschaft; Der Stahlkammervertrag (1908) (German Edition) by Alexander Cercel, Alfred Fahrenkamp, et all 2010-09-10

61. Homepage Of Gabriela Schranz-Kirlinger
Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, alexander friedmann, alexander Paul. GabrielaSchranzKirlinger. Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics
Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, Alexander Friedmann, Alexander Paul
Gabriela Schranz-Kirlinger
Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics
Vienna University of Technology
1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10
Turm A , 4.Stock, DA04L20 Freihaus,
Tel.: +43-1-58801x11518
Fax: +43-1-58801x11599
Current Research Interests
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Solutions of ODEs

Theoretical Analysis of Phase Transitions

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62. Homepage Of Gabriela Schranz-Kirlinger
Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, alexander friedmann, alexander Paul. GabrielaSchranzKirlinger. Univ.Ass. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat. Institute
Wolfgang Eppenschwandtner, Alexander Friedmann, Alexander Paul
Gabriela Schranz-Kirlinger
Univ.Ass. Mag.rer.nat. Dr.rer.nat.
Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics

Vienna University of Technology
1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10
Turm A , 4.Stock, DA04L20 Freihaus,
Tel.: +43-1-58801x11518
Fax: +43-1-58801x11599
Current Research Interests
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Solutions of ODEs

Thoeretical Analysis of Phase Transitions

Biomathematics Publications Courses back to top of page

63. Cheap Alexander Borodin - Classical Music Store, Consumer Reports Discounts, Cou
Borodin Symphony No2; Glinka Valse Fantaisie in Bm by AlexanderBorodin, Mikhail Glinka, Samuel friedmann 01 January, 1998. 325.
TITLE: Alexander Borodin Classical Music Cheapest Deals Consumer Reports Store at
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64. What IS Planning? - Relevant References
on the range of political interpretations regarding the appropriate place for planning(alexander 1992). The illustration responds to friedmann s own question

review or synthesis papers variety of perspectives planning and education ... a few links
I strongly believe that education should be a cooperative process. To play my small part, the following list (and attached notes) are references that seem most likely to be useful to others when considering this key question. They cover some of the very basic discussions regarding what planning is , what planning can be, and what planning should be. The list reflects my tendency toward the theoretical; the notes, my tendency toward the bigger, deeper questions. I hope you find both to be useful. To build on the cooperative possibilities - if any of you have favourite references (either because they resonate or because they are particularly clear, insightful, useful, or explanatory), I would gladly add them to the list. Any summaries, comments or notes, either regarding your own suggestions or to build on mine, will be appreciated and attributed. This 'page' is continually being 'built' by Beth Dempster . Most recent additions were made on Aug 3/00. REFERENCES

review or synthesis papers

variety of perspectives

planning and education
Definitions from Ph.D students

65. Prof. Friedmann
Translate this page E-Mail der National University of Ireland inGalway (Irland) im Rahmen des Feodor-Lynen-Programms der alexander von Humboldt
Prof. Dr. Arne Friedmann
  • Universitätsstraße 10, 86135 Augsburg Phil. Gebäude (5 E, Ebene 3), Raum 3038 Tel.: 0049 (0)821 598-2262 Fax: 0049 (0)821 598-2264 E-Mail:
C3-Professur für Physische Geographie am Lehrstuhl für Physische Geographie des Institutes für Geographie an der Universität Augsburg Vertretung der C3-Professur für Physische Geographie am Institut für Geographie der Universität Augsburg Gastforscher an der Palaeoenvironmental Research Unit der National University of Ireland in Galway (Irland) im Rahmen des Feodor-Lynen-Programms der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Habilitation, Verleihung der Venia legendi für das Fach Geographie, Privatdozent Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter an der Universität Freiburg im DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm: „Wandel der Geo-Biosphäre in den letzten 15000 Jahren“. Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat. an der Universität Freiburg M.A. in Geographie, Geologie und Mineralogie Studium der Geographie, Geologie und Mineralogie an der Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg
Einsemestriges Auslandsstudium der Quartärforschung am Glaciological and Arctic Sciences Institute der University of Idaho in Juneau, Alaska, USA.

66. Projekt "Angst In Virtuellen Umgebungen"
Translate this page Thomas Schubert, Frank friedmann, alexander Böhme, Samuel Kreß.Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Psychologie.
[T. Schubert F. Friedmann]
Angst und Presence in virtuellen Räumen
Experiment zur Entwicklung von Höhenangst und Presence in einer Virtuellen Realität Thomas Schubert, Frank Friedmann, Alexander Böhme, Samuel Kreß Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Psychologie Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, igroup - Atelier, virtual Wir danken den Mitgliedern der igroup Holger Regenbrecht, Jan Springer, Martin Kohlhaas und Thore Schmidt-Tjarksen, die dieses Experiment überhaupt erst möglich gemacht haben. Unser Dank gilt weiterhin Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Miltner, Prof. Dr. Eckardt Straube und Dipl. Psych. Sven Waldzus, die entscheidende Hinweise für die Gestaltung des Experimentes gaben. Die Tatsache, daß sich all dies in einem künstlichen Raum abspielte, war völlig unerheblich. In einem künstlichen Raum künstlich mit einer künstlichen Laserwaffe erschossen zu werden, ist genauso effektiv wie eine Erschießung im wirklichen Leben, weil man immer so tot ist, wie man sich fühlt. Douglas Adams: Einmal Rupert und zurück Wirklich ist das, was wirkt.

67. Trio Tzigane
Veda has performed in masterclasses with Emanuel Hurwitz, Leon Spierer (Berlin Philharmonic),Leonard friedmann, alexander Baillie, The Alberni String Quartet
Trio Tzigane is an exciting new piano trio based in Scotland comprised of professional musicians, performing a broad repertoire of classical, romantic and twentieth century trio music as well as musicals, gypsy/folk music, Scottish music and popular music. Our ensemble provides the highest quality background music. Anything you want, we can play.
About Us
Players Venues
Violin Veda-cher Runge was awarded consecutive MacFarlane scholarships to study in the junior department of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama before studying there full time with Peter Mountain and subsequently with Simon Fischer and Miles Baster.
Customers Availability
She graduated in 1992 with the Diploma in violin performance and received a scholarship from RSAMD to continue studies in chamber music performance. Veda has performed in masterclasses with Emanuel Hurwitz, Leon Spierer (Berlin Philharmonic), Leonard Friedmann, Alexander Baillie, The Alberni String Quartet, Talich String Quartet, Vanburgh String quartet, and the Coull Quartet. She has performed in the International String quartet week and in the International Youth String Orchestra under the direction of the late Sir Yehudi Menuhin and was a finalist in the Shell Expro International music competitions, (solo concerto and chamber music). Veda has freelanced with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Scottish Ballet, Opera North, Northern Ballet, and Scottish Opera.

68. Author Data -- F
Forbes, William alexander 18551882 Third presctor of the Zool.Soc.Of Lond. friedmann, Herbert 1900-1987 US Nat Mus, LA Co. Mus
Author data F
Faber, Frederik 1795-1828 Falla, Robert Alexander 1901-1979 N.Z. Farkas, Tibor Tibor Farkas born and educated in Budapest, Hungary. Left after the revolution of 1956. Lived in S. Africa. Died several years ago. Fatio, Victor 1838-1906 Died: March 19, 1906 Ferrari-Perez, Eduardo Mex. Ferussac, Andre-Etienne-Just-Pascal-Joseph-Francois d'Audeberd (de) 1786-1836 Filhol, Henri 1843-1902 Filippi, Filippo de 1814-1867 Fischer (von / de) Waldheim, (Johann) Gotthelf 1771-1853 Moscow Fisher Fitzinger, Leopold Joseph Franz Johann 1802-1884 Fleischer [? Johann Gottlieb F. 1797-1838 botanist ] Fleming, John, D.D. 1785-1857 Fleming, J.H. Forbes, William Alexander 1855-1882 Third presctor of the Zool.Soc. Of Lond. Coll.trips Americas (1881), and W. Africa(1882) where he died on Upper Niger Riv. Forbes-Watson, A 1767-1844] [Forster 1767-1844] Forster, (Johann) Georg Adam 1754-1794 Forster, Johann Reinhold 1729-1798 Forster,Thomas Ignatius Maria, M.D. 1789-1860 Britain Forster, Thomas F.

69. Alexander Borodin Classical Music
Glinka Valse Fantaisie in Bm. Borodin Symphony No2; Glinka Valse Fantaisie inBm by alexander Borodin, Mikhail Glinka, Samuel friedmann 01 January, 1998.

70. Popular Music: Samuel Friedmann
Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin by Pyotr Il yich Tchaikovsky, Samuel friedmann, GalinaBabitcheva, Farit Hussainov, Ludmilla Ladynskaya, alexander Lebedev, Alexei Friedmann/3/
HELP ABOUT US CONTACT US SITE MAP ... Music Posters JAZZ AND CLASSICAL Enjoy your visit! Popular Music:



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J.S. Bach



... Weill Performers: Cecilia Bartoli Leonard Bernstein Andrea Bocelli Sarah Brightman ... Luciano Pavarotti Samuel Friedmann Sort this page listing by: Bestselling Featured Items Original Release Date Alphabetical (A-Z) Artist Name Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.2/Romeo and Juliet by: Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky Samuel Friedmann 01 January, 1998's Price: prices subject to change. Read more about this product... you can always remove it from your Amazon Shopping Cart at a later date... Russian Symphonic Miniatures, Vol. 2 by: Alexander Borodin Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky Mikhail Glinka Samuel Friedmann 01 January, 1998's Price: prices subject to change. Read more about this product... you can always remove it from your Amazon Shopping Cart at a later date... Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5/Slovonic March/Coronation March

71. Music: Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin
by Pyotr Il yich Tchaikovsky, Samuel friedmann, Galina Babitcheva, Farit Hussainov,Ludmilla Ladynskaya, alexander Lebedev, Alexei Levitsky, Ivan Potritsayev
HELP ABOUT US CONTACT US SITE MAP ... Music Posters JAZZ AND CLASSICAL Enjoy your visit! Music:



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J.S. Bach



... Weill Performers: Cecilia Bartoli Leonard Bernstein Andrea Bocelli Sarah Brightman ... Luciano Pavarotti Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin by: Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky Samuel Friedmann Galina Babitcheva Farit Hussainov ... Vladimir Vasiliev Our price: Availability: Usually ships within 10 to 14 days Media: Audio CD Read more about this product... you can always remove it from your Amazon Shopping Cart at a later date... Product Details Sales Rank: Release Date: 01 January, 1998; Media: Audio CD; Tracks: Act 1, Scene 1: Prld - Novosibirsk State Opr Orch/Samuel Friedmann Act 1, Scene 1: No.1 Duet And Qt - Ludmilla Ladynskaya/Yelena Zelenskaya/Olga Obuchova/Galina Babitcheva/Alexander Lebedev... Act 1, Scene 1: No.2 Peasants' Chor And Dance - Ludmilla Ladynskaya/Yelena Zelenskaya/Olga Obuchova/Galina Babitcheva/Alexander Lebedev... Act 1, Scene 1: No.3 Scene And Arioso - Ludmilla Ladynskaya/Yelena Zelenskaya/Olga Obuchova/Galina Babitcheva/Alexander Lebedev... Act 1, Scene 1: No.4 Scene - Ludmilla Ladynskaya/Yelena Zelenskaya/Olga Obuchova/Galina Babitcheva/Alexander Lebedev...

72. Benedek Therese, Geb. Friedmann
friedmann, Händler,Mutter B. erhielt Einladung von Franz alexander, Direktor des 1932 von ihm
Benedek Therese, geb. Friedmann
Psychiaterin und Psychoanalytikerin Geb. Eger, Ungarn, 8.11. 1892
Gest. Chicago/Illinois, USA (Chicago, USA), 27.10. 1977 Emigrationspfad: 1920 D, 1936 USA Herkunft, Verwandtschaften:
LebenspartnerInnen, Kinder:
1919 verheiratet mit Tibor Benedek; 1 Sohn, Thomas (*1926), 1 Tochter, Judith (*1929) Ausbildungen:
ab 1921 psychoanalytische Praxis,
in den folgenden Jahren Aufbau des psychoanalytischen Arbeitskreises Leipzig;
1924 ordentliches Mitglied der Berliner Psychoanalytischen Gesellschaft (DPG),
ab 1933 Lehr- und Kontrollanalytikerin des Berliner Psychoanalytischen Instituts,
Ausz., Mitgliedschaften, Kooperationen: Ferenczi; Franz Alexander, Karen Horney Die Zusammenarbeit mit Franz Alexander am Chicagoer Institut war wesentlich durch die gemeinsame ungarische Herkunft bestimmt spez. Wirkungsbereich: eine der Leitfiguren des Chicagoer Psychoanalytischen Instituts und in den USA im psychoanalytischen Kontext weiterhin bekannt ist Th. B.

73. Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin By Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky, Samuel Friedmann, Galin
Tchaikovsky Eugene Onegin by Pyotr Il yich Tchaikovsky, Samuel friedmann, GalinaBabitcheva, Farit Hussainov, Ludmilla Ladynskaya, alexander Lebedev, Alexei
Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin by Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky, Samuel Friedmann, Galina Babitcheva, Farit Hussainov, Ludmilla Ladynskaya, Alexander Lebedev, Alexei Levitsky, Ivan Potritsayev, Vladimir Vasiliev Books Software DVDs ... Prev Page Baby Books Cameras Computers DVDs Electronics Home Magazines Music Office Software Tools Toys Videos Video Games Wireless Phones Wireless Accessories
Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin
Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky, Samuel Friedmann, Galina Babitcheva, Farit Hussainov, Ludmilla Ladynskaya, Alexander Lebedev, Alexei Levitsky, Ivan Potritsayev, Vladimir Vasiliev
Arte Nova Records
Opens new window on Amazon Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin Audio CD ( January, 1998)
add to cart Prev Page Baby Books Cameras Computers DVDs Electronics Home Magazines Music Office Software Tools Toys Videos Video Games Wireless Phones Wireless Accessories
abusinessbee © 2003

74. Department Of Economics
Donald L. alexander, 5416 friedmann, (269) 3875526, Alvi, 5422 friedmann, (269) 387-5547,
DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS FACULTY MEMBERS Donald L. Alexander 5416 Friedmann Eskander Alvi 5422 Friedmann Sisay Asefa 5455 Friedmann Bassam Harik 5311 Friedmann Matthew Higgins 5313 Friedmann Emily Hoffman 5317 Friedmann Kevin Hollenbeck 5408 Friedmann Wei-Chiao Huang 5424 Friedmann William Kern 5301 Friedmann Jean Kimmel 5430 Friedmann Donald Meyer 5414 Friedmann Debasri Mukherjee 5426 Friedmann Jon Neil 5428 Friedmann Susan Pozo 5315 Friedmann Michael Ryan 5418 Friedmann Werner Sichel 5441 Friedmann Edward VanWesep 5420 Friedmann Mark Wheeler 5453 Friedmann Huizhong Zhou 5434 Friedmann

75. ‹IˆÉš ‰®‘“XBookweb:—m‘ƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹ƒŠƒXƒg
Die Story von Janis Joplin German by Friedman, Myra, Die Welt als Raum undZeit German by friedmann, alexander, Wo fahren Sie hin, Herr Kirschenzeit?
—m‘ƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹ƒŠƒXƒg Respektvoll reisen - Gezielt vorbereiten, Heikle Reiseziele,
by Friedl, Harald A.
Tourismusethik - Theorie und Praxis des umwelt- und sozialve

by Friedl, Harald A.
by Friedl, Johanna
by Friedl, Johanna
by Friedl, Johanna
by Friedl, Paul
Im Hollerbachtal [German]

by Friedl, Paul
Das Kreuz am Acker [German]
by Friedl, Paul by Friedl, Paul by Friedl, Wolfgang/ Krusche, Harry by Friedlaender, Otto Web-Projektmanagement - Systematisches Vorgehen bei der Plan by Friedlein, Ashley by Friedler, Eric/ Siebert, Barbara/ Kilian, Andreas Die betriebliche Karriereplanung - Konzeptionelle Grundlagen by Friedli, Vera by Friedman, Kinky Kapitalismus und Freiheit - Mit e. Geleitw. v. Horst Siebert by Friedman, Milton Die Story von Janis Joplin [German] by Friedman, Myra Die Welt als Raum und Zeit [German] by Friedmann, Alexander Wo fahren Sie hin, Herr Kirschenzeit? - Gedichte [German] by Friedmann, Herbert Auch ein Meerschwein braucht mal Urlaub - Klaras Abenteuer [ by Friedmann, Susanne Numerik, m. CD-ROM - Digitalisierung und iteratives Rechnen by Friedrich, Alfred Arbeitszeitflexibilisierung und Selbstorganisation - Analyse by Friedrich, Andrea

76. Fried
In the early 1920s, Russian physicist and mathematician alexander friedmann becamethe first person to embrace the idea that the equations of Einstein’s
FRIEDMANN UNIVERSE I n the early 1920s, Russian physicist and mathematician Alexander Friedmann became the first person to embrace the idea that the equations of Einstein’s general theory of relativity called for a universe in motion. Einstein (and most other scientists, for that matter) believed that the universe was static, and he modified his equations by including a “cosmological constant” to keep it so. Closed Universe: The Big Bang’s momentum is offset by gravity, producing a “Big Crunch.” Friedmann made two simple assumptions about the universe: that when viewed at large enough scales, it appears the same both in every direction and from every location. From these assumptions (called the cosmological principle) and Einstein’s equations, he developed the first model of a universe in motion. The Friedmann universe begins with a Big Bang and continues expanding for untold billions of years—that’s the stage we’re in now. But after a long enough period of time, the mutual gravitational attraction of all the matter slows the expansion to a stop. The universe then starts to fall in on itself, replaying the expansion in reverse. Eventually all the matter collapses back into a singularity, in what physicist John Wheeler likes to call the “Big Crunch.”
Albert Einstein
Big Bang Universe Cosmological Constant Oscillating Universe
Open Universe: There is not enough matter to stop the universe from expanding forever.

77. Böhlau Verlag Wien - Friedmann, Gutmann, Lieben, Mandl Und
Translate this page Bankhäuser. alexander friedmann hat ein Patent für Motoren-Einspritzpumpen,sein Sohn Max ist Großindustrieller und Politiker. Die

78. Ken Silverstein, Alex Friedmann, Human Rights Watch | US Prisons Are Private Gul
by Alex friedmann. CCA s connection with local politics began when the Nashvillebasedcompany was formed during Governor Lamar alexander s administration.
Prison in the United States of America Free-Enterprise slave labour, racial discrimination and human rights violation in the Gulags of the Land of the Free Home Political
Contents Source of information on this page The most Profitable Industry in the US: America's Private Gulag (by Ken Silverstein) Strange Bedfellows: Political corruption in the US Gulag business (by Alex Friedmann) Massive racial discrimination in the US prison business ... Other basic constitutional rights under threat in the USA
America's Private Gulag
What is the most profitable industry in America? Weapons, oil and computer technology all offer high rates of return, but there is probably no sector of the economy so abloom with money as the privately-run prison industry. Consider the growth of the Corrections Corporation of America, the industry leader whose stock price has climbed from $8 a share in 1992 to about $30 today and whose revenue rose by 81 percent in 1995 alone. Investors in Wackenhut Corrections Corp. have enjoyed an average return of 18 per cent during the past five years and the company is rated by Forbes as one of the top 200 small businesses in the country. At Esmor, another big private prison contractor, revenues have soared from $4.6 million in 1990 to more than $25 million in 1995.

79. Picus Verlag Neuerscheinungen - Sachbuch
Translate this page alexander friedmann Elvira Glück David Vyssoki (Hg.) Überleben der Shoah - unddanach Spätfolgen der Verfolgung aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht 240 Seiten, 14
Alexander Friedmann
David Vyssoki (Hg.)
240 Seiten, 14,5 x 22 cm
Leinen mit Schutzumschlag
ISBN 3-85452-426-9
E 21,90/sfr 38,70
: Brigitte Bailer, Elitsur Bernstein, Gerhard Botz, Haim Dasberg, Yitzhak Elzas, Karl Fallend, Alexander Friedmann, Eberhard Gabriel , Nol A. J. de Jong, Hans Keilson, Tamar Langbeheim, David J. de Levita, Micha Neumann, Gabriele Rosenthal, Hans Stoffels, Brigitte Ungar-Klein, Binjamin Wilkomirski

80. Miscellaneous Quotations On Big Bang Cosmology
In 1927, unaware of alexander friedmann s work, Lemaître published a paper in anobscure Belgian journal in which he drew a mathematical theory that linked
    M iscellaneous Q uotations o n B ig B ang C osmology The Whole Shebang n That was Cosmos , New York: Ballantine Books, 1993, pp. 200-201. terra incognita The Whole Shebang The Very First Light , New York: Basic Books, 1996, p. 36. must be expanding. His hypothesis was two years before Hubble's announcement that he had discovered galaxies in recession. must have originated in a primordial explosion. Nature The Very First Light , New York: Basic Books, 1996, pp. 41-42. A Brief History of Time , New York: Bantam Books, 1998, p. 9. The Whole Shebang The Very First Light , New York: Basic Books, 1996, pp. 30-31. big bang Wrinkles in Time The Very First Light , New York: Basic Books, 1996, pp. 49-50. Penzias In Search of the Big Bang , New York: Penguin Books, 1998, p. 161. Times science writer, had heard about the detection of the cosmic microwave background from an editor at the Astrophysical Journal . He called [Arno] Penzias for the details. Neither Penzias nor Wilson had thought much would come of Sullivan's call. In his article, Sullivan correctly explained the importance of Penzias and Wilson's discovery of isotropic radiation at approximately 3 Kelvin with a wavelength of just over 7 centimeters: the fact that the radiation was isotropic meant it was the same across the sky. This was precisely what those astronomers who supported the Big Bang hypothesis had expected.

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