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         Friedmann Alexander:     more detail
  1. Alexander A Friedmann: The Man who Made the Universe Expand by Eduard A. Tropp, Viktor Ya. Frenkel, et all 2006-05-11
  2. Eine neue Heimat?: Judische Emigrantinnen und Emigranten aus der Sowjetunion (German Edition) by Alexander Friedmann, 1993
  3. Die Welt als Raum und Zeit. by Alexander Friedmann, Georg Singer, 2002-12-01
  4. Officieller Bericht Über Das Marinewesen Auf Der Weltausstellung 1873 Wien (German Edition) by Alexander Friedmann, 2010-04-02
  5. Psychotrauma: Die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (German Edition)
  6. Die Nationalbank Von Rumanien; Das Lombardgeschaft; Der Stahlkammervertrag (1908) (German Edition) by Alexander Cercel, Alfred Fahrenkamp, et all 2010-09-10
  7. Stadtplanungstheoretiker: Le Corbusier, Philipp Rappaport, Manuel Castells, Wolfgang Christ, John Friedmann, Christopher Alexander (German Edition)
  8. The Friedmann cosmological model by Robert L Cross, 1975
  9. Die Nationalbank Von Rumanien; Das Lombardgeschaft; Der Stahlkammervertrag (1908) (German Edition) by Alexander Cercel, Alfred Fahrenkamp, et all 2010-05-23
  10. Die Nationalbank Von Rumanien; Das Lombardgeschaft; Der Stahlkammervertrag (1908) (German Edition) by Alexander Cercel, Alfred Fahrenkamp, et all 2010-09-10

21. Friedmann, Alexander - Physik Lexikon - Friedmann, Alexander
Translate this page friedmann, alexander. friedmann, alexander Alexandrowitsch (1888-1925),auch Fridman, russischer Mathematiker und Physiker. alexander, Alexander

22. Holocaust Lists
09.1886 A Felsenburg, alexander 19.03.1881 A Felsen 07.1888 A friedmann, Albert 25.05.1872 A friedmann, alexander 21.02.1869 A friedmann, Alfred 07.09

23. Friedmann, Alexander - Physik Lexikon - Friedmann, Alexander
Translate this page friedmann, alexander. friedmann, alexander Alexandrowitsch (1888-1925), auchFridman, russischer Mathematiker und Physiker. friedmann, alexander., Alexander

24. F
S Mexico Fischer, Marie S Mulhouse, France Fischer, Marie H. 09.1886 A Felsenburg, alexander 19.03.1881 A Felsen 07.1888 A friedmann, Albert 25.05.1872 A friedmann, alexander 21.02.1869 A friedmann, Alfred 07.09

Translate this page Répertoire des professeurs experts. friedmann, alexander. DÉPARTEMENT/ ÉCOLE, Informatique. CHAMPS DE RECHERCHE, - intelligence artificielle.

En bref



Informatique CHAMPS DE RECHERCHE - intelligence artificielle

26. Alexander
For many more names, please Return to Edgar's Main Page. alexander. Gender Masculine. Language English. Etymology alexander is the English form of Alexandros, a Greek name. alexander was originally a title (Defender of Men) given to the goddess Hera, as well as to Prince Paris Aleksandr Aleksandrovich friedmann (18881025) Russian mathematician

27. Biografía De Aleksandre Aleksandrovich Friedmann
Translate this page El padre de friedmann era bailarín del ballet clásico y su madre era una pianista,pero se divorciaron cuando alexander tenía nueve años de edad.

28. El Modelo Relativista
Translate this page El físico matemático ruso Aleksandr Aleksandrovich friedmann (alexander friedmann)e independientemente el sacerdote físico belga Georges Lemaître

29. Kosmologika - Vetenskapsmännen
Translate this page Francis (1851-1901) Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph (1749-1827) Fowler, William (1911-1995)friedmann, alexander Alexandrovitch (1888-1925) Galois, Evariste (1811
På Kosmologikas sidor återfinns på många ställen länkar till kortare biografier över olika vetenskapsmän som har deltagit i utvecklandet av dessa spännande teorier. På denna sida finns länkar till alla dessa biografier samlade på ett enda ställe. Personerna är dels listade i både bokstavs- och födelsedagsordning men även efter nobelprisår (för de personer som har fått nobelpriset) samt i betydelsefullhetsordning för vetenskapen. Dessutom har jag nyligen lagt till Brucemedaljörer som är den högsta utmärkelsen inom astronomin, nobelpriset undantaget, samt Fields medalj som är matematikens nobelpris och som dessutom bara delas ut en gång vart fjärde år samt slutligen wolfpriset som är ett israeliskt pris som rankas steget under Nobelpriset men som ofta är åtminstone ett decennium snabbare med utnämningarna. Alfabetisk ordning Ahlfors, Lars (1907- )
Alembert, Jean le Ronde d' (1717-1783)

Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta (1908-1995)

Alpher, Ralph A. (1921- )
Zwicky, Fritz (1898-1974)

Födelsedagsordning Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665)

30. Friedmann6.html
Sixth alexander friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology28 June 3 July 2004 Cargèse. Institut díEtudes Scientifiques
Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on
Gravitation and Cosmology
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Classical and Quantum Gravity
Observational and Theoretical Cosmology
Gravitational theory with Extra Dimensions
Quantum Effects in Curved Space-time
Place Registration Travel ... Bulletin Science
Program Participants Secretary
(email) Administration General Local Science Scientific Organizing Committee M. Carmeli (Israel) - T. Damour (France) - N. Deruelle (France) - J. B. da Fonseca (Scientific Secretary, Brazil) B. Geyer (Germany) - Yu. N. Gnedin (Russia)- A. A. Grib (Russia) - G. L. Klimchitskaya (Brazil, Russia) V.N. Melnikov (Russia) - U. Mohideen (USA) - V. M. Mostepanenko (Vice Chairman, Brazil, Russia)- M. Novello (Brazil) - C. Romero (Brazil) - V. de Sabbata (Italy) - R. K. Tavakol (United Kingdom) - R. Triay (Chairman, France)

31. Friedmann6_Scope.html
Sixth alexander friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology 28 June 3 July 2004 Cargèse Such a tradition goes back to alexander friedmann.
Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on
Gravitation and Cosmology
Scientific Motivation
The scopes of the Friedmann Seminars are traditionally rather wide and include selected topics on classical gravity, observational cosmology, quantum effects in curved space-time, and quantum gravity. Nowadays, thanks to progress in modern astronomy, accurate observations (COBE, Boomerang, WMAP,Ö) enable us to test any theory of the primordial universe. For example, multidimensional gravity and cosmology is a candidate issue for understanding the birth of the universe. Over the past years different unified schemes with extra dimensions have been proposed. Other highlights are on the dark matter, the cosmological constant and the modern inflationary scenarios.
Practical :
Bulletin Place Registration Travel ... Bulletin Science : Program Participants back to home page

32. Autoren Bei Harri Deutsch: Alexander Friedmann
Translate this page Autor, alexander friedmann. Hauptarbeitsgebiet des russischen Mathematikersund Naturwissenschaftlers alexander friedmann (1888-1925
Verlag Programm Physik Die Welt als Raum und Zeit Autor
Alexander Friedmann
Verlag Harri Deutsch

33. Ostwalds Klassiker Des Monats: Mai 2001
Translate this page alexander friedmann Die Welt als Raum und Zeit. Portrait, Der gesuchteWissenschaftler war alexander friedmann (1888-1925). Mit den
Verlag Quiz Wer war es? Archiv ... Mai 2001
Alexander Friedmann:
Die Welt als Raum und Zeit
Der gesuchte Wissenschaftler war Alexander Friedmann (1888-1925).
Mit den Annahmen der globalen Isotropie und Homogenität des Universums konnte er die allgemeinen Einsteinschen Feldgleichungen der Gravitation auf eine Form reduzieren, die einen einfachen Skalenfaktor, die "Größe des Universums", als Funktion der Zeit beschreibt. Abhängig von der Materiedichte fand er Lösungen, die ein expandierendes oder oszillierendes Weltall beschreiben.
Der Ansatz, der in der Einsteinschen Theorie ein homogenes und isotropes Universum beschreibt, wird als Friedmann-Robertson-Walker-Metrik bezeichnet. Sie ist die theoretische Grundlage des modernen Urknall-Modells. Die hieraus folgende Gleichung für den Skalenfaktor ist heute als "Friedmann-Gleichung" bekannt.
Literatur und Links:
    Es gibt bisher fast keine deutschsprachige Literatur zu Alexander Friedmann - der einleitende Text von Georg Singer zur deutschen Ausgabe der " Die Welt als Raum und Zeit " schließt hier eine große Lücke.

34. Heinze Christiankunstwerk Dassow_im_internet Musiker Friedmann-hahn Alexander He
Translate this page Köster-caspar felicitasbiografie Köster-caspar felicitasbio Köster-caspar felicitasbiographi,musiker friedrich caspar david musiker friedmann-hahn alexander.
Heinze christianbild dassow_kunstgalerien_realismus renaissance bildung comenius epoche Heinig martinkunstwerke
dassow_online dassow_im_internet Heere lucas debilder dassow_kunstgalerien_kultur
Heisig johannesbiografie dassow_online renaissance bildung comenius fruehchristliche Heinig martinbio indem Heinze christiangemälde Heinze christianbild dassow_im_internet Heere lucas degemälde König friedrichbiografie König friedrichbio König friedrichbiographi König friedrichwerke König friedrichkunstwerke König friedrichkunstwerk dassow_im_internet König friedrichbild König friedrichbilder König friedrichgemälde Köster-caspar felicitaskünstler Köster-caspar felicitasbiografie Köster-caspar felicitasbio Köster-caspar felicitasbiographi
musiker friedrich caspar david
musiker friedmann-hahn alexander Köster-caspar felicitaswerke Jacobs roelkunstwerke Jacobs roelkunstwerk Jacobs roelbild Jacobs roelbilder Jacobs roelgemälde Jacobsen arnekünstler Jacobsen arnebiografie Jacobsen arnebio Jacobsen arnebiographi Jacobsen arnewerke Jacobsen arnekunstwerke Jacobsen arnekunstwerk Jacobsen arnebild Jacobsen arnebilder Jacobsen arnegemälde Köhler jürgenkünstler
Köhler jürgenbiografie
Köhler jürgenbio
Köhler jürgenbiographi
Köhler jürgenwerke
Köhler jürgenkunstwerke
Köhler jürgenkunstwerk
Köhler jürgenbild
Köhler jürgenbilder Köhler jürgengemälde König friedrichkünstler Heinze christiankunstwerk Heisig johannesbio

35. Proceedings Of The Third Alexander Friedmann International Seminar On Gravitatio
Proceedings Of The Third alexander friedmann International Seminar On GravitationAnd Cosmology, St.Petersburg (Russia), July 4th 12th, 1995.
Proceedings Of The Third Alexander Friedmann International Seminar On Gravitation And Cosmology, St.Petersburg (Russia), July 4th - 12th, 1995 The Organizing Committee of the Third A.Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology is glad to inform you that the Proceedings of the Seminar are ready, now. The Proceedings volume is published by the Friedmann Laboratory Publishing in hard cover. It includes 32 main reports, 376 pages, ISBN 4-87852-021-4.
With all the problems concerning the Seminar's volume, please, contact Vladimir Mostepanenko by his Brazil e-mail address:
The cost for one copy of the volume is US$ 30 + US$ 3 for mailing (or the equivalent amount in DM, 50 at the moment).
Please, send your order to:
Dr. M. Bordag, Leipzig University, Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Augustusplatz 10, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
A e-mail is sufficient. Back to the home page M. Bordag , 07 May, 1997

36. Friedmann Laboratory
alexander friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics Conferences.In 1988 the First alexander friedmann International Seminar on
Alexander Friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics Conferences
In 1988 the First Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology devoted to the centenary of his birth took place in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Proceedings were published in A. A. Friedmann Centenery Volume ed. M. A. Markov, V. A. Berezin and V. F. Mukhanov (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989). There a decision was made to organize Alexander Friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics in St. Petersburg which formally was realized in 1991.
In September 12 - 19, 1993 Alexander Friedmann Laboratory of Theoretical Physics together with Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo of Russian Academy of Sciences organized in St. Petersburg the Second Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology and Proceedings of the Second Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology (Ed. Yu. N. Gnedin, A. A. Grib and V. M. Mostepanenko, Central Astronomical Observatory at Pulkovo of Russian Academy of Sciences and Friedmann Laboratory Publishing, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1994) were published.
The Third Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology took place in July 4 - 12, 1995 in St. Petersburg and was organized by the same organizations as the Second one and Proceedings of the Third Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology (Ed. Yu. N. Gnedin, A. A. Grib and V. M. Mostepanenko, Friedmann Laboratory Publishing, St. Petersburg, Russia, 1995) were published.

37. Friedmann Laboratory
In 1988 the First alexander friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmologydevoted to the centenary of his birth took place in Leningrad (now St.
General information about Friedmann Laboratory
In 1988 the First Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology devoted to the centenary of his birth took place in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Proceedings were published in A. A. Friedmann Centenery Volume, ed. M. A. Markov, V. A. Berezin and V. F. Mukhanov (World Scientific, Singapore, 1989). There a decision was made to organize Alexander Friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics in St. Petersburg which formally was realized in 1991.
Vol. 17, No 29

The Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology will take place at Cargese Institute (Corsica) during a period 28.06.2004 - 03.07.2004. All the details concerning participation can be found in Internet site:

Since 2002 year A. Friedmann Laboratory is a part of Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology of People's Friendship University of Russia (Moscow).
Main page

38. PhysicsWeb - Events - Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar On Gravita
Search for events, CLEO 2004. Sixth alexander friedmann International Seminar onGravitation and Cosmology. Such a tradition goes back to alexander friedmann.

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quick search Search for events Sixth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology 28 Jun 2004 - 03 Jul 2004 Cargese, Corsica, France Subject area: General Relativity Organiser: Roland C Triay ( Contact details Dr Roland Triay Centre de Physique Theorique CNRS Luminy Case 907 Marseille F-13288 France E-mail: Tel: 0033491269519 Fax: 0033491269553 Edit this event e-mail alerts Sign up to our FREE events alerting service E-mail address Subscribe Unsubscribe Home News Physics World PhysicsJobs ... Legal Notice

39. Cosmologia
Translate this page Isso constituiu a primeira evidência para a expansão do Universo, já preditapelo russo alexander friedmann (1888-1925) em dois artigos publicados no
O Universo como um Todo
Lei de Hubble O Paradoxo de Olbers Teoria de Relatividade Big Bang ... Microlentes Gravitacionais
Deslocamento Espectral para o Vermelho
O Universo em Grande Escala
Humason e Hubble
Friedmann (1888-1925) em dois artigos publicados no em 1922 e 1924, e pelo belga (1894-1966) em 1927, no Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles
bolo com passas Note que em geral precisamos utilizar o efeito Doppler relativístico para estimar a velocidade a partir do deslocamento das linhas espectrais das galáxias,
Modelo do bolo de passas:
Num tempo t i =0, as distâncias das passas em relação a uma passa de referência são:
  • passa A: d i
  • passa B: d i
  • passa C: d i
Após 1 hora, o bolo dobra de tamanho, e as distâncias entre as passas serão:
  • passa A: d f
  • passa B: d f
  • passa C: d f
Portanto as velocidades são:
  • passa A: v=1cm/h
  • passa B: v=3cm/h
  • passa C: v=8cm/h
Se nesse momento fizermos um gráfico da velocidade de afastamento das outras passas em funçáo de suas distâncias, acharemos uma reta com uma declividade constante igual a C = (1cm/h)/2cm = (3cm/h)/6cm = (4cm/h)/8cm = 0,5/h

40. El Universo De Friedmann
Translate this page A principios de los años 20, el físico y matemático ruso alexander friedmann fuela primera persona que abrazara la idea de que las ecuaciones de la teoría
A principios de los años 20, el físico y matemático ruso Alexander Friedmann fue la primera persona que abrazara la idea de que las ecuaciones de la teoría general de la relatividad de Einstein llamaban a un Universo en movimiento. Einstein (y la mayoría de los otros científicos, de esa materia) creyeron que el Universo era estático, y él modificó sus ecuaciones incluyendo una constante cosmológica para mantener el Universo estático. Friedmann hizo dos asunciones simples sobre el Universo: que cuando es visto a grandes escalas, aparece el mismo en cada dirección y en cada localización. De estas asunciones (llamadas el principio cosmológico) y de las ecuaciones de Einstein, él desarrolló el primer modelo de un Universo en movimiento. El Universo de Friedmann comienza con una gran explosión y se continúa ampliando en la etapa actual. Pero después de un período de tiempo suficientemente largo, la atracción gravitacional mutua de toda la materia retardará la extensión hasta detenerse. El Universo entonces, comienza a caer adentro de sí mismo, jugando de nuevo la extensión, pero al revés. Toda la materia se derrumba eventualmente dentro de una singularidad, en la que los físicos tiene el gusto de llamar el Big Crash (Gran Contracción). Aunque Friedmann encontró solamente una solución, llamada un Universo cerrado porque el tamaño del Universo es finito, dos soluciones similares existen. En un Universo abierto, aquí no hay bastante materia para detener la expansión. Las galaxias continúan apartándose una de otra, aunque más lentamente con el tiempo. Todas las estrellas eventualmente se apagarán, y el Universo se convierte en frío y oscuridad. El intermedio entre el Universo abierto y cerrado es el Universo plano. En este caso, el Universo se amplía por siempre, pero la velocidad en la cual las galaxias se separa eventualmente decae hasta cero. ¿En qué clase de Universo vivimos? Las observaciones de la densidad del Universo deben decirnos en cual de las tres posibilidades. Hasta ahora no contamos con suficiente evidencia para decir si es cerrado, abierto y plano.

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