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         Freundlich Finlay:     more detail
  1. Cosmology (International Encyclopaedia of Unified Sciences) by E.Finlay- Freundlich, 1951-12
  2. Celestial Mechanics by E. Finlay-freundlich, 1958
  3. The foundations of Einstein's theory of gravitation. Authorised English translation by Henry L. Bros by Freundlich, Erwin Finlay, 2009-05-20
  4. The foundations of Einstein's theory of gravitation. Authorised English translation by Henry L. Brose; pref. by Albert Einstein by Erwin Finlay Freundlich, 2010-08-01
  5. Die Grundlagen der Einsteinschen Gravitationstheorie by Albert Einstein, Erwin Finlay Freundlich, 2009-10-03
  6. Analytische Funktionen mit beliebig vorgeschriebenem unendich-blättrigem Existenzbereiche (German and German Edition) by Erwin Finlay Freundlich, 2009-10-31
  7. Cosmology / by E. Finlay-Freundlich (Foundations of the unity of science) by Erwin Freundlich, 1971
  8. The foundation of Einstein's theory of gravitation, by Erwin Finlay Freundlich, 1922

41. 'Celestial' At ZVAB - Register Of Antiquarian Books (order Antiquarian Books Onl
finlayfreundlich, E. Celestial Mechanics. New York, London, Paris u. LosAngeles, Pergamon Press, 1958. With figures. VIII, 150, (1) S. Pp. At ZVAB ) you find a worldwide outstanding range of used and antiquarian books. Offerings from over 1400 sellers also include a broad selection of signed copies and autographs, as well as sheet music, graphics, periodicals and postcards. enter author title or any keywords
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by Finlay
Only one copy was recently found in the ZVAB register! (06.04.2004)
More copies of Celestial More books by Finlay Finlay-Freundlich, E.: Celestial

42. Holocaust
Translate this page Finkelstein, Bedrich, 1890, Finkelstein, Ilse, 1893, finlay-freundlich, Erwin,1885, Dr. finlay-freundlich, Klara, 1888, Finsches, Selma, 1889, Finsches, Walter,1887,
Fink - Fleischner
Last name First name Birthday
Maiden n. Fink Egon Fink Ernst Fink Ernst Fink Franz Isr Fink Franziska Fink Helene Fink Hermann Fink Hermann Fink Ivan Fink Ivan Fink Iwan Fink Julius Fink Julius Fink Julius Fink Karl dr.jur. Fink Karl dr. Fink Karl Fink Karl Dr. Fink Karl Dr. Fink Marie Fink Marie Freundenfeld Fink Marie Fink Marta Klein Fink Olga Fink Olga Fink Olly Olga Heller Fink Rudolf Fink Rudolf Fink Sigmund Fink Sigmund Fink Hermann Finkel Elisabeth Finkel Elisabeth Finkel Elisabeth Finkelgrun Anna Kraft Finkelgrun Martin Finkelgrun Martin Finkelgrun Martin Finkelgrun Martin Finkelstein Bedrich Finkelstein Ilse Finlay-Freundlich Erwin Dr. Finlay-Freundlich Klara Finsches Selma Finsches Walter Firkusny Rudolf Firkusny Rudolf Firkusny Rudolf Fisar Marie Fischel Alice Friedericke Fischel Alice Friedericke Sophie Fischel Anna Fischel Anton Fischel Arnold Fischel Arnold Fischel Berta Fischel Bertha Fischel Birte Fischel Charlotte Fischel Else Fischel Erika Fischel Eva Fischel Friedrich Richard Fischel Friedrich Richard Fischel Fritz Robert Fischel Gerta Fischel Hans Emil Fischel Heinrich Fischel Helene Fischel Ida Johanna Fischel Josef ing.

43. JLB - Mécanique - Bibliographie
finlay-freundlich. 1958, PergamonPress. Celestial Mechanics . E. finlay-freundlich. 1958, Pergamon Press.
I - Ouvrages de base.
  • "Classical dynamics of particles and systems"
    . R. Hakim. 1995, Armand Colin.
    . H. Goldstein. 1964, Presses Universitaires de France.

  • "classical mechanics" , 2nd edition, 1980, Addison-Wesley.
  • "Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics" , M.G. Calkin. 1996, World Scientific Pub. Co.
    "The variational principles of mechanics"
    "Les principes variationnels"
    . M. Bonvalet. 1993, Masson.
III - Pour semi-pros.
  • "Mathematical methods of classical mechanics" . V.I. Arnold. 2nd edition, 1989, Springer-Verlag.
    "Mechanics. From Newton's Laws to deterministic chaos" . F. Scheck. 1990, Springer-Verlag.
    "Chaos in classical and Quantum mechanics" . M. C. Gutzwiller. 1990, Springer Verlag.
    "Basics of space flight"

  • Un petit bijou de sens physique. A lire absolument.
  • "Celestial Mechanics" . E. Finlay-Freundlich. 1958, Pergamon Press.
    "Solar System Dynamics" C.D.Murray and S.F. Dermott. 1999, Cambridge University Press.
    "Numerical Hamiltonian Problems"
    "Adventures in celestial mechanics"
    . V. G. Szebehely. 1989, University of Texas Press. "Response and stability. An introduction to the physical theory"

44. Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte In Der Astronomischen Gesellschaft - Astronomi
Translate this page wären folgende Namen zu erwähnen Christian Doppler (1803-1853), Josef Petzval(1807-1891), Ernst Mach (1838-1916), Erwin finlay-freundlich (1885-1964) und
Astronomie in und um Prag
English Version
Kolloquium des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte
im Rahmen der Tagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft
in Prag , Montag 20. September 2004
    Sonntag, 19. September 2004, ab 19 Uhr
    Wahrscheinlich wird vorher ein astronomiehistorischer Stadtrundgang angeboten. Montag 20. September 2004, 10 bis 17 Uhr
    Tagung in der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Prag, Vorlesungssaal Nr. 206, 2. OG, Raum Nr. 20
    Adresse: Akademie ved CR (Presidium), Narodni 3, Praha 1
    Der Arbeitskreis Astronomiegeschichte plant daher in diesem Zusammenhang ein Kolloquium mit dem Thema: ,,Astronomie in Prag'', das am Montag, dem 20. September 2004, stattfindet.
    Bei diesem Thema ,,Astronomie in und um Prag'' Technischen Nationalmuseum
    Aus der Barockzeit ist das Clementinum
    Koordinatoren der Tagung:

45. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï
10 May 1788 in Broglie, France Died 14 July 1827 in Villed Avray, France freundlich,Erwin finlay freundlich Born 29 May 1885 in Biebrich, Germany Died 24

46. A (very) Short Selection Of Assis S Work
inertia, the SeeligerNeumann term), the cosmological redshift (alternatives tothe Doppler interpretation of Hubble s law, the finlay-freundlich model), and
A (very) short selection of Assis's work:
  • A. K. T. Assis, "On Mach's principle," Foundations of Physics Letters, Vol. 2, pp. 301-318 (1989). Abstract: We propose the postulate that the resultant force acting on any body is zero. With this postulate and with a Weber law for gravitation, we obtain equations of motion and conclude that all inertial forces are due to gravitational interaction with other bodies in the universe, as suggested by Mach. We then obtain the same value for the advance of the perihelion of the planets as is given by general relativity. All this is accomplished in a strictly relational theory. Finally, we relate these points to topical questions of electrodynamics raised by the experimental studies of Graneau and Pappas. A. K. T. Assis, "On Hubble's law of redshifts, Olbers' paradox and the cosmic background radiation," Apeiron, Vol. 12, pp. 10-16 (1992). Abstract: We utilize the principle of conservation of energy in a model which explains the cosmological redshift, Olbers' paradox and the cosmic background radiation. The model is based on a hypothesis of absorption and emission of light by galactic and intergalactic matter, and a mean temperature of matter in the universe compatible with the background radiation. We also discuss the early works of Regener and Nernst related to these topics. Lastly we derive some known scaling laws for galaxies, i.e., luminosity to mass and luminosity to area, which had not been well understood up to now. All of this is accomplished supposing a boundless, stationary universe that is homogeneous on the large scale.
  • 47. Relativität
    Translate this page on the Einstein Tower, an architecturally historic observatory built in Potsdamin 1920 to allow the German astronomer Erwin finlay freundlich to attempt to
    Seite Suchen in: Alle Bücher US-Bücher Pop-Musik Klassik Song-Titel DVD Video Software Suchbegriffe: Suchen in: gesamtes Internet Suchbegriffe:
    • Rainer Oloff

    • 15. Januar 2003

    • Vieweg Verlag
    weitere Infos...
    • Januar 1995

    • Wiley-VCH Verlag
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    Quantum Relativity. A Synthesis of the Ideas of Einstein and Heisenberg (Texts and Monographs in Physics)
    • David R. Finkelstein

    • 20. Februar 1997

    • Springer Verlag
    Over the past years the author has developed a quantum language going beyond the concepts used by Bohr and Heisenberg. The simple formal algebraic language is designed to be consistent with quantum theory. It differs from natural languages in its epistemology, modal structure, logical connections, and copulatives. Starting from ideas of John von Neumann and in part also as a response to his fundamental work, the author bases his approach on what one really observes when studying quantum processes. This way the new language can be seen as a clue to a deeper understanding of the concepts of quantum physics, at the same time avoiding those paradoxes which arise when using natural languages. The work is organized didactically: The reader learns in fairly concrete form about the language and its structure as well as about its use for physics.
    weitere Infos...

    48. Aa, Personal , Ahmet Kaya ,Þebnem Ferah , Göksel , Ebru Gündeþ
    Frenet, Jean (119) Frenicle de Bessy, B (411) Frenkel, Jacov (900*) Fresnel, Augustin(2040*) Freudenthal, Hans (1031*) freundlich, finlay (1701*) Friedmann

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    49. AIP Niels Bohr Library
    It includes scientific correspondence with theoretical physicists E. Schrödinger,E. finlay freundlich, L. Infeld, L. de Broglie, PAM Dirac, and M. Born.!22900~!0&profile=aip

    50. AIP Niels Bohr Library
    Item Information. More by this author. Einstein, Albert, 18791955. Subjects.freundlich, Erwin finlay, 1885-. Relativity (Physics). Browse Catalog. by author!2879~!0&profile=aipn

    51. A & A In The Czech Republic
    Republic mainly to the USA. Erwin finlayfreundlich who continuedto Manchester was one of them. A similar case was Zdenìk Kopal
    (ÈNKA) ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC ROOTS OF THE CONTEMPORARY CZECH ASTRONOMY Roots of astronomy in Bohemia reach into the history of Middle Ages. The astronomy and astrology was pursued on the royal courts of Czech Kings - well known examples are the richly illustrated manuscripts of king Wenceslas IV (14th cent.), the Al-Suphi atlas and others. Astronomy flourished at the Prague University (founded by the emperor Charles IV in 1348 as the first one in Central Europe) from the very beginning. It reached remarkable level e.g. in widely spread treatises "On the construction and On the use of astrolabe" by Cristannus de Prachaticz (1407) or in design of Prague Astronomical Clock (1410) by Johannes Schindel. The Prague astronomical school influenced its successors e.g. in Austria (Johannes von Gmunden) and Poland later highlighting the works of Regiomontanus and Copernicus respectively. In the times of Thirty Years War, Ioannes Marcus Marci the physician, physicist, astronomer and mathematician at the Prague University, carried out experiments with the spectral dispersion of solar light passing through the water-filled vessels of different shapes (including prisma), studied colours of rainbow, soap bubbles and oil layers on the water. He found also isochronism of a pendulum, conservation of momentum and a few other things. His books on optics and mechanics appeared in press in Prague during 1648, two decades before Newton published results of similar experiments. Marci was elected to the Royal Society of London, but the messengers arrived late, after his death in 1667.

    52. Bulletin Plus 1/2003
    tzv. Einsteinova vež, jejímiž autory byli architekt Erich Mendelsohna astronom Erwin finlay –freundlich. Mezi povinnosti
    Bulletin plus Pozn¡mky
    k pobytu Alberta Einsteina v Praze
    Doc. RNDr. Martin Å olc, CSc.
    Astronomick½ ºstav UK
    Matematicko–fyzik¡ln­ fakulta Mezi nejv½znamnějÅ¡­ osobnosti, kter© kdy působily v Klementinu, patř­ bezpochyby Albert Einstein. V letech 1911–1912 nastoupil na m­sto profesora teoretick© fyziky na pražsk© německ© univerzitě a předn¡Å¡el hlavně v Klementinu, i když pracovnu a semin¡Å™ měl v budově univerzity ve Viničn© ulici na Nov©m Městě. Jmenov¡n­ profesorem i vlastn­ pobyt v Praze prov¡zela řada zaj­mav½ch okolnost­, kter½m je věnov¡n tento čl¡nek. Jako zdroj informac­ posloužil zejm©na Einsteinův životopis z pera Phillipa Franka (Einsteinova n¡stupce na pražsk© univerzitě), materi¡ly německ© univerzity v Praze z archivu Ministerstva vnitra, Einsteinova korespondence a vzpom­nky pamětn­ků. ve V­dni. I přes poukazy na tehdy již světov½ ohlas Einsteinov½ch prac­ mini-sterstvo kultu vybralo druh©ho uchazeče Gustava Jaumana, ž¡ka Ernsta Macha a rakous-k©ho st¡tn­ho př­sluÅ¡n­ka. Jauman se o sv© dru-h© pozici v doporučen­ komise dozvěděl a pro-fesuru v Praze uraženě odm­tl.
    Mezi povinnosti nově jmenovan©ho profesora v Praze patřilo vykonat zdvořilostn­ n¡vÅ¡těvy u ostatn­ch profesorů, jichž bylo na 40. Phillip Frank p­Å¡e, že Einsteinovi to připadalo zbyteč-n©, na n¡vÅ¡těvy chodil podle seznamu a sp­Å¡e proto, aby poznal město; a stejně s t­m brzy přestal. NenavÅ¡t­ven­ kolegov© si to nevyložili v dobr©m, netuÅ¡ili, že důvodem bylo buď jejich zařazen­ ke konci seznamu anebo bydliÅ¡tě v nezaj­mav© čtvrti města. Raději než mezi kole-gy chodil do německ©ho př­rodovědn©ho spol-ku “Lotos”, kde měl s¡m 24. 5. 1911 předn¡Å¡ku o principu relativity; na seznamu členů je jeÅ¡tě v roce 1913. Diskutovat

    53. Uni...G
    Translate this page Stuttgart 1994, S. 201-208. Emin finlay freundlich and testing Einsteins theoryof relativity. Archive for History of exact Science 47,2 (1994) S. 143-201.
    Division of the History of Science
    Deutsches Nationalkomitee Naturwissenschaftsgeschichte und Technikgeschichte in Deutschland 1993-1996.
    Eine Übersicht über Forschung und Lehre an den Institutionen von Wolfhard Weber Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Technikgeschichte, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Webmaster: Universitäten, Technische Hochschulen, Fachhochschulen
    Die "Universitäten, Technische Hochschulen, Fachhochschulen" und "Außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen" wurden nochmals untergliedert. Hauptordnungskriterium ist dabei wie in der Druckfassung der Heimatort der entsprechenden Institution, also nicht ihr Name! A B C D ... F G H I/J K L ... M N O P/Q R S ... T U/V W X/Y/Z Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald:
    - Institut für Mathematik und Informatik

    - Institut für Pharmazie, Abteilung Geschichte der Pharmazie

    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Philosophische Fakultät
    Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
    Fachgebiet: Wissenschaftsgeschichte
    Anschrift: Humboldtallee 11, D-37073 Göttingen, Tel +49-551-399467, Fax +49-551-399748

    54. Références
    Escoubet Philippe 2001. Etwöös. Feynman. finlayfreundlich 1953. Frommert Harmut- Christine Kronberg 2001. Frommert Hartmurt - Christine Kronberg 1999. Gamow 1953.

    55. Chapitre 11
    Translate this page Hot Big Bang, et avant Gamow par Guillaume (1896), Eddington (1926), Regener (1933),Nernst (1933), McKellar et Herzberg (1941), finlay-freundlich (1953) et

    56. Ursan Kirjasto - Kirjaluettelo
    Redshift of Spectral lines in the Sun s Chromosphere 9.09×10 14 . The number of collisions N c in the finlay-Freundlichobservations 11 is then 11. From (4) and (5) we find This is E

    57. Big Bang Cosmology Meets An Astronomical Death
    Observational values of Adam (1948) and finlayfreundlich (1954). The redshiftis given in wavelength units of 10 -13 meters on the y-axis.
    Big Bang Cosmology Meets an Astronomical Death
    By Paul Marmet New paper related to the same problem Click here Return to: List of Papers on the Web Go to: Frequently Asked Questions

    Published by: 21 st Century, Science and Technology, P.O. Box, 17285, Washington, D.C. 20041. Vol. 3, No. 2 Spring 1990, P. 52-59.
    More and more astronomical evidence points to the absurdity of the theory that the universe started with a Big Bang. A Canadian Astrophysicist presents this evidence and explains how the cosmic redshift is caused by gaseous matter in space, not by the Doppler effect. Caption for Crab Nebula.
    Interstellar matter, seen here in the Crab Nebula in Taurus, has its counterpart on a larger scale in the rarefied intergalactic medium. The intergalactic medium was first shown to exist in the 1970s. It is impossible, the author says, for the light we see from distant galaxies not to interact with this medium as it passes through it. 1 - Introduction.
    We are all so accustomed to reading that the universe "began" once a time in the Big Bang that most people no longer think it necessary to question or scrutinize it. A detailed analysis of the Big Bang theory, however, leads to consequences and implications that are irrational, or are contradicted by astrophysical observations, including important ones.
    At the same time, one of the pillars of the model, the all important cosmic redshift- the shifting of spectral lines toward the red end of the spectrum, in proportion to the distance of the source from us- can be explained without invoking the Doppler velocity interpretation

    58. Himmelsmechanik
    Translate this page 1957, IX, 174 S. x. Hm 39, finlay-freundlich, Erwin, freundlich, Erwin F.-, Celestialmechanics, London ua Pergamon Press 1958, VIII, 150 S. graph. Darst. x.
    Hm 1 Oppolzer, Theodor von Bahnbestimmung des Planeten 64
    vorgelegt in der Sitzung vom 12. Maerz 1863, Aus: Sitzungsberichte der mathemat.-naturw. Classe der kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften ; Wien Gerold 1863,
    15 S. x
    Hm 2 Gauss, Carl F. Theorie der Bewegung der Himmelskoerper, welche in Kegelschnitten die Sonne umlaufen
    Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis solem ambientium , Aus d. Lat. uebers. Hannover Meyer 1865,
    Getr. Zaehlung : Ill. x
    Hm 3,1 Oppolzer, Theodor von, Oppolzer, Theodor R. von Lehrbuch zur Bahnbestimmung der Kometen und Planeten
    Leipzig Engelmann,
    x Hm 4 Bruennow, M. F. Tradado de astronomia esferica y practica Dresde [u.a.] Teubner 1871, 2. ed. XX, 592 S. x Hm 5 Klinkerfues, Wilhelm Theoretische Astronomie Braunschweig Vieweg 1871, XII, 473 S. x Hm 6 Schultz, Herman Sferiska astronomins grundbegrepp Upsala Berling 1879, V, 180 S. x Hm 7 Bruennow, F. Lehrbuch der sphaerischen Astronomie Berlin Duemmler 1881, XVI, 587 S.

    59. New Statesman: At Another Eclipse, A Star Was Born - Albert Einstein - Brief Art
    Years before the theory was published, Erwin finlay freundlich, a German astronomer,planned to test it by observing an eclipse from southern Russia in August
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    IN all publications this publication News Automotive Business Computing Entertainment Health News Reference Sports
    YOU ARE HERE Articles New Statesman August 9, 1999 Content provided in partnership with
    Print friendly
    Tell a friend Find subscription deals At another eclipse, a star was born - Albert Einstein - Brief Article
    New Statesman
    August 9, 1999 by Anne Boston
    Stephen Hawking may be popular now but, in 1919, Einstein was even more so. The solar eclipse on 11 August should reveal stars shining close to the sun. Those stars will not be where they seem to be. We know this because of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, and it was the solar eclipse of 1919 that tested the theory and found it to be true. The eclipse also made Einstein, almost overnight, into the world's most famous scientist. His theories were incomprehensible to almost everyone, but that, if anything, increased his popularity, not unlike Stephen Hawking with his Brief History of Time decades later. Every factor helped to make an inspirational news story for the general public: the timing of the eclipse soon after the armistice ending the first world war; the dramatic corroboration of a revolutionary theory that could "overturn" Newtonian physics; the hopeful precedent of AngloGerman scientific collaboration; and the photogenic, convention-defying man of genius himself

    60. January In Chemistry
    Herbert Max finlay freundlich born 1880 colloids (stabilization byelectrolytes) and surfaces (freundlich adsorption isotherm).
    January in Chemistry
    Links in these month-by-month files are revised only yearly, when the events are posted on This Week in the History of Chemistry . Click here to view principal sources. January 1 January 2

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