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Freundlich Finlay: more detail | |||||||||
21. History finlay freundlich was a student of Klein and because of his reputation for veryaccurate astronomical measurements, was sought after by Albert Einstein to http://public.lanl.gov/alp/plasma/history.html | |
22. History Of Astronomy: Persons (F) Math.); Short biography (Eric Weisstein s Treasure Trove). freundlich,Erwin finlay finlayfreundlich, Erwin (1885-1964) Short biography http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_f.html | |
23. History Of Astronomy: What's New At This Site On January 28, 2000 Fowler, William Alfred (19111995) Very short biography. freundlich,Erwin finlay (1885-1964) Very short biography; Find more about http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/new/new000128.html | |
24. Bodec - Krtek 1886, 10.11. 1966, astronom. Franta, Jan, 18.04, 1913, 16.03. 1978, astronom. freundlichfinlay,Fritz, Erwin, 29.05. 1885, 24.07. 1964, astronom, pedagog. Fric, Jan, 13.02. http://hisec.astro.cz/astronomove.htm | |
25. Europawahl 1999 - Bewerber Und Ersatzbewerber - Partei: PASS - Alphabetisch Translate this page Bogen, Andreas, 12, Schadenregulierer, 1966. Calder, Maria Gabriele,6, Übersetzerin, 1940. finlay-freundlich, Thomas, 16, Ingenieur grad.1946. http://www.bundeswahlleiter.de/wahlen/kandeu/d/t/PASS_a.htm | |
26. Erwin Findlay-Freundlich Erwin Findlayfreundlich (May 29, 1885 - July 24, 1964) Scottish name finlay was an German astronomer, businessman, and a pupil of Felix Klein. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/erwin_findlay_freundlich | |
27. CIENCIA HOY 41 - ARTÍCULO - Der Einsteinturm - 2 Translate this page El segundo fue Erwin finlay freundlich, prácticamente el único astrónomoalemán que respondió al llamado de Einstein de que se comprobaran http://www.ciencia-hoy.retina.ar/hoy41/derein2.htm | |
28. History Of 2.7 K Temperature Prior To Penzias And Wilson We also discuss finlayfreundlichs and Max Borns important research on thistopic. finlay-freundlich, E., 1953, Göttinger Nachrichten, 7, 95-102. http://www.dfi.uem.br/~macedane/history_of_2.7k.html | |
29. Tarihçe Fen Fakültesi bünyesinde Astronomi Enstitüsü olarak Ord. Prof. Dr. Erwin finlayfreundlich tarafindan kurulmustur. Dr. finlay freundlich, Ord. Prof. http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/fen/astronomy/tanitim/tarihce/tarihce.htm | |
30. History Our department had been established by Ord.Prof.Dr. finlay freundlich,Ord. Prof. Dr Hans Rosenberg, Ord.Prof.Dr. Thomas Royds, Ord http://www.istanbul.edu.tr/fen/astronomy/tanitim/tarihce/history.htm | |
31. Diplomarbeit ZUR SONNE EMPOR Von Markus Nachtrab finlay freundlich 1924, http://www.design.fh-potsdam.de/fb4/projects/dufke/diplome/2002/einsteinturm/ | |
32. Stanford University Press on the Einstein Tower, an architecturally historic observatory built in Potsdamin 1920 to allow the German astronomer Erwin finlay freundlich to attempt to http://www.sup.org/cgi-bin/search/getmoreinfo.cgi?bookid=2824 &q=para1 |
33. Famous Colloid & Interface Scientists freundlich, Herbert Max finlay (18801941) A colloid and interface scientist knownfor contributions in flocculation, electrokinetics and rheology (he coined http://www.ucalgary.ca/~schramm/biogrs.htm | |
34. Zdenek Kopal - Conference Of Stars And Men Závika (18791945) and Vojtech Dolejek (1895-1945) and the astronomers WácslavVladimír Heinrich (1884 -1965), Erwin finlay-freundlich (1885-1964) and http://www.litomysl.cz/zdenekkopal/?lang=en&menu=b |
35. Zdenek Kopal - Konference O Hvezdách A Lidech Frantiek Závika (18791945) a Vojtech Dolejek (1895-1945) a astronomovéWácslav Vladimír Heinrich (1884-1965), Erwin finlay-freundlich (1885-1964) a http://www.litomysl.cz/zdenekkopal/?lang=cz&menu=b |
36. Natural Philosophy 1953 Gamow, using the Big Bang model, predicted that the temperature of the Universeshould be 7 K. 1953-1954 - finlay-freundlich proposed a tired light http://www.naturalphi.blogspot.com/ | |
37. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 1018*) Frege, Gottlob (317*) Freitag, Herta (382*) Frenet, Jean (119) Freniclede Bessy, B (86) Fresnel, Augustin (106*) freundlich, finlay (132*) Friedmann http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
38. PSIgate - Browse Results Erwin finlay freundlich This site provides a biography of finlay freundlich(18851964). freundlich worked with Einstein, and his http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psibrowse.pl?limit=0&toplevel=policy&subj |
39. PSIgate - Full Record For 2004210-1612 Home Search Options Full record. Erwin finlay freundlich This siteprovides a biography of finlay freundlich (18851964). freundlich http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psifullrecord.pl?handle=2004210-1612 |
40. Frank Freud, Sigmund. freundlich, Erwin finlay. Frey. Freycinet, Charles de. Fretum Herculeum.Freud, Anna. Freud, Lucian. Freud, Sigmund. freundlich, Erwin finlay. Frey. http://www.slider.com/Enc/F/Frank.htm | |
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