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         Freudenthal Hans:     more books (38)
  1. WEEDING & SOWING by Hans Freudenthal, 1980
  2. An ICMI Report Change in Mathematics Education Since Rhe Late 1950's Ideas and Realisation by Hans, Ed. Freudenthal, 1978
  3. Lie groups and foundations of geometry by Hans Freudenthal, 1959
  4. Collected Works by Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer, 1976-01
  5. The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Scie by Hans (Organizer) Freudenthal, 1961-01-01
  6. Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical by Hans Freudenthal , 1986-11-30
  7. The Concept and The Role of the Model in Mathematics and by Hans FREUDENTHAL, 1961
  8. Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Socia by Hans Freudenthal, 1961
  9. Review of Lincos by Hans Freudenthal (Social sciences working papers, 16b) by Louis Narens, 1973
  10. Lincos: Design of a Language For Cosmic Intercourse, Part I [Studies in Logic and The Foundations of Mathematics] by Dr. Hans Freudenthal, 1960

41. OCLC Western Cooperative Library Services -- NetLibrary Shared Academic EBook Co
(US), 2002, Multivariate analysis. Didactical phenomenology of mathematical structures,freudenthal, hans. Revisiting mathematics education, freudenthal, hans.

42. - Free Online Encyclopedia - Encyclopedia Books.
hans Fischerkoesen, hans Florine, hans Frank. hans freudenthal, hansFritzsche, hans Geiger. hans Gerhard Creutzfeldt, hans Globke, hans Gmür.
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43. ICME
The ICMI Felix Klein and hans freudenthal medals for 2003. The InternationalCommission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), founded
The ICMI Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal medals for 2003 The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), founded in Rome in 1908, has, for the first time in its history, established prizes recognizing outstanding achievement in mathematics education research. The Felix Klein Medal, named for the first president of ICMI (1908-1920), honors a lifetime achievement. The Hans Freudenthal Medal, named for the eight president of ICMI (1967-1970), recognizes a major cumulative program of research. These awards are to be made in each odd numbered year, with presentation of the medals, and invited addresses by the medalists at the following International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME). These awards, which pay tribute to outstanding scholarship in mathematics education, serve not only to encourage the efforts of others, but also to contribute to the development, through the public recognition of exemplars, of high standards for the field. The awards represent the judgment of an (anonymous) jury of distinguished scholars of international stature, chaired by Prof. Michèle Artigue of the University Paris 7. ICMI is proud to announce the first awardees of the Klein and Freudenthal Medals.

44. Alibris: Hans Freudenthal
Alibris Click here to find books by this author! - Translate this page Tom L. Freudenstein, Reinhold freudenthal, Alfred M. ~ freudenthal, Alfred Martin~ freudenthal, Gad ~ freudenthal, Gideon ~ freudenthal, hans Freuler, Gaudenz, Hans
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Browse for author " Hans Freudenthal " matched 9 titles. Sometimes it pays off to expand your search to view all available copies of books matching your search terms. Page of 1 sort results by Top Selling Title Author Used Price New Price Weeding and Sowing: Preface to a Science of Mathematical Education more books like this by Freudenthal, Hans buy used: from buy new: from The Legacy of Hans Freudenthal more books like this by Freudenthal, Hans buy new: from Revisiting Mathematics Education: China Lectures more books like this by Freudenthal, Hans buy used: from Mathematics observed more books like this by Freudenthal, Hans buy used: from The language of logic.

45. From (John Baez) Subject M-theory, E8 And
Not only did he do important work on Lie groups and topology, he also designed alanguage for communicating with extraterrestrials freudenthal, hans, 1905.
From: (John Baez) Subject: M-theory, E8 and the octooctonions Date: 12 Sep 2000 23:29:35 GMT Newsgroups: sci.physics.research Summary: [missing] In article , Aaron Bergman

46. 032 - Didaktik Der Analytischen Geometrie Und Der Linearen Algebra
Translate this page haben. Literatur freudenthal, hans Mathematik als pädagogische Aufgabe,Band 2, Kap. 16, S. 375/469, Klett Verlag. Lehmann-Schmidt

Allgemeines Forschung Personen ... Mathematik Titel der Veranstaltung: Veranstalter: Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie und der Linearen Algebra
Tietze-Klika-Wolpers: Mathematikunterricht in der Sek. II, Band 2, Didaktik der Analytischen Geometrie und Linearen Algebra, Vieweg Braunschweig/Wiesbaden 2000 Spezielle Literatur zu den einzelnen Veranstaltungen wird bei der Themenvergabe genannt. Erste Vorbesprechung und Themenvergabe: Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2004 um 17.15 Uhr und Freitag, 6. Februar 2004 um 11.30 Uhr im Raum W1 1-125. danach in meinen Sprechstunden. Seite empfehlen Druckversion Christof Hellweg Uni ... Uni - Suche

47. Lehrveranstaltungen ECTS - Informationen
Translate this page Literatur freudenthal, hans Mathematik als pädagogische Aufgabe,Band 2, Kap. 16, S. 375/469, Klett Verlag Lehmann-Schmidt (Hsg

48. Findus Der Kreisbücherei Pfaffenhofen A. D. Ilm
Translate this page freudenthal, hans, Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik Oldenbourg, München(1975), Tbm FRE, Sachbuch, Ja, ist verfügbar. freudenthal, hans,

49. Biblioteques UAB. Sabadell. Novetats 1/30.04.2004
Translate this page freudenthal, hans Didactical phenomenology of mathematical structures / hans freudenthal. Dordrecht etc. D. Reidel Publishing Company, cop. 1983.
Novetats 1/30.04.2004
Comas Martínez, Josep
Macroeconomia : teoria i problemes / Josep Comas. Vic : Eumo, 1997. 220 p. ; 23 cm. (Itinerari d'empresarials ; 8). ISBN 84-7602-290-5
1. Macroeconomia Problemes, exercicis, etc. Sabadell 330.101.541(07) Com Gaudemar, Jean-Paul de
El Orden y la producción : nacimiento y formas de la disciplina de fábrica / Jean-Paul de Gaudemar. Madrid : Trotta, cop. 1991. 190 p ; 23 cm. (Colección estructuras y procesos. Serie trabajo y organización). ISBN 84-87699-17-0
1. Treball Organització 2. Treball Productivitat 3. Disciplina laboral Sabadell 331.14 Gau Pérez Herrero, Luis María
Fiscalitat aplicada a la petita i mitjana empresa : introducció i fiscalitat indirecta / Luis Pérez Herrero. Girona : Universitat de Girona, 2001. 255 p. ; 30 cm. (Publicacions docents / Universitat de Girona ; 22). ISBN 84-8458-100-4
1. Programa de Millora de la Docència 2. Empreses petites i mitjanes Impostos Espanya Sabadell 336.2:658 Per

50. Het Humanistisch Archief
54. Faber, P. (Humanitas) blz. 18 Fiege, W. blz. 56, 61, 68, 143, 189 freudenthal,hans blz. 144 Fromm, Erich blz. 206. Galen Last, F. van blz.

51. Bibliography
35 hans freudenthal, Oktaven, Ausnahmegruppen und Oktavengeometrie, mimeographednotes, 1951. 36 hans freudenthal, Zur ebenen Oktavengeometrie, Indag. Math.
Next: Octonions Online Up: The Octonions Previous: Acknowledgements
6. Bibliography
John F. Adams, Lectures on Exceptional Lie Groups , eds. Mahmud and Mamoru Mimira, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996.
Michael Atiyah and Friedrich Hirzebruch, Bott periodicity and the parallelizability of the spheres. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.
Helena Albuquerque and Shahn Majid, Quasialgebra structure of the octonions, preprint available as math.QA/9802116
Chris H. Barton and Anthony Sudbery, Magic squares of Lie algebras, preprint available as math.RA/0001083
Arthur L. Besse, Einstein Manifolds , Springer, Berlin, 1987, pp. 313-316.
F. van der Blij, History of the octaves, Simon Stevin
F. van der Blij and Tonny A. Springer, Octaves and triality, Nieuw Arch. v. Wiskunde
Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci.
Raoul Bott and John Milnor, On the parallelizability of the spheres, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
Robert B. Brown, Groups of type Jour. Reine Angew. Math.
Sur la structure des groupes de tranformations finis et continus
, ed. J. Molk, 1908, 329-468.

52. Descripteur - 03A05
Translate this page Livre. freudenthal, hans DORDRECHT D. Reidel , 1961, p. 194. Livre. freudenthal,hans AMSTERDAM NORTH-HOLLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY , 1960, p. 224.
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    CODES MSC : Codes 01-: 01-XX: 03-06:
Ajouter au panier Imprimer Envoyer par mail Livre Les Usages de l'argumentation Livre Le Raisonnement par l'absurde Livre Handbook of philosophical logic. Volume II : extensions of classical logic Livre Livre PROCEDES DE LA PENSEE MATHEMATIQUE Livre

53. Editeur - Elsevier
Translate this page Livre. freudenthal, hans AMSTERDAM LONDON NEW YORK Elsevier , 1965, p. 139. Livre.freudenthal, hans AMSTERDAM LONDON NEW YORK Elsevier , 1966, p. 105.

54. Nu Is De Welt Platt!: Low Saxon / Low German Language And Culture: Freudenthal-G
Translate this page freudenthal-Priesdregers freudenthal-Preisträger. 1957, Adolf Woderich, Hamburg,Hamburg, Deutschland. 1958, hans-Henning Holm, Hamburg, Hamburg, Deutschland.
Freudenthal-Pries För dat Jahr 2004 schrifft de Freudenthal-Gesellschaft to'n 49. Maal den Freudenthal-Pries för de best nedderdüütsche Arbeid ut (Poesie, Prosa, Speel). De Pries ward elk Johr geven. De Winner kriggt € 2500 (Euro), or mehr as een Winner deelt sik den Pries. Dat Geld ward vun de Kreissparkasse Verden in Achim stiftt. Intoschicken is wat bet 31. Mai 2004 an: Freudenthal-Gesellschaft
Poststr. 12
D-29614 Salta/Soltau
Tel.: 05191/82205 Bi't Mitmaken kummt dat in'n inkelten op dit an:
  • Vörleggt warden künnt bloots nedderdüütsche Gedichten, Kortgeschichten, Höörspeelen oder Theaterstücken, de noch nich ünner de Lüüd kaamen sünd. Bi lütte Saaken schüllen dat tominnst fief Texten wesen, bi groote Arbeiden - so as Novell oder Speel - langt een Text. Alltohoop droevt dat nich mehr as 25 Schrievmaschinensieden DIN A4 mit ca. 40 Reegen pro Siet ween. All de Texten moet süssmaal vörliggen.

55. Revistas: ESM - Volume 25
with Reality is Cut freudenthal on the Foundations of Geometry around 1900 WTVAN EST hans freudenthal (17 September 1905-13 October 1990) hans freudenthal
Educational Studies in Mathematics - Advanced Mathematical Thinking
Volume 25, No.1/2 1993
Editorial: The Legacy of Freudenthal
Une lumière s'est éteinte. H. Freudenthal - Homo Universalis
HF: Working on Mathematics Education
'The Bond with Reality is Cut' - Freudenthal on the Foundations of
Geometry around 1900
Hans Freudenthal (17 September 1905-13 October 1990)
HANS FREUDENTHAL Thoughts on Teaching Mechanics. Didactical Phenomenology of the Concept of Force A. TREFFERS Wiskobas and Freudenthal: Realistic Mathematics Education L. STREEFLAND The Design of a Mathematics Course. A Theoretical Reflection J. DE LANGE Between End and Beginning. Mathematics Education for 12-16 Year Olds: l9X7-2002 Book Review Hans Freudenthal, Revisting Mathematics Education. China Lecturers, Mathematics Education Library, Volume 9, 1991 (CHRISTINE KEITEL) Atualizada em: 30/06/97

56. Livres Numérisés / Digitalized Books : Bibliothèque Nationale De France, Corn
Translate this page Faerber, Carl (1), Finsler, Paul (1), Frenet, Jean Frédéric (1).Faifofer, Aureliano (1), Fischer, Arthur (1), freudenthal, hans (1).
LiNuM L ivres Nu mérisés M athématiques
Cellule MathDoc
Bibliothèque nationale de France - Collection Gallica Cornell University Library Digital Math Books Collection Michigan University Library Making of America and Historical Math Collection Göttinger Digitalisierungszentrum Mathematica
Index auteurs (ouvrages en accès libre)
Author index (books with free access)
Abat, Bonaventure Allen, Joseph Appell, Paul Émile Abbott, Edwin Abbott ... von Lilienthal, Reinhold

57. Auteur - Freudenthal, Hans
Translate this page Auteur freudenthal, hans, 1 document trouvé. Ajouter au panier, Imprimer,Envoyer par mail, Liste détaillée. Ouvrage LEJ Brouwer collected

58. Morris Kline's, Why The Professor Can't Teach: Bibliography And Index
Washington, DC US Government Printing Office, 1950. freudenthal, hans. Mathematicsas an Educational Task. Boston Reidel Publishing Co., 1973.
HomePage Prof Morris Kline Bibliography and Index BIBLIOGRAPHY Alder, Henry L. "Mathematics for Liberal Arts Students." The American Mathematical Monthly Allendoerfer, C. B. "The Narrow Mathematician". The American Mathematical Monthly Ashby, Eric. Adapting Universities to a Technological Society . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1974. Axelrod, Joseph. The University Teacher as Artist . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc., 1973. Baker, Liva. I'm Radcliffe! Fly Me! The Seven Sisters and the Failure of Women's Education . New York: Macmillan, 1976. Barzun, Jacques. "The Cults of "Research" and "Creativity". Harper's Magazine , October 1960, 69-74. _Teacher in America. New York: Doubleday and Co., 1954.
_ The House of Intellect. New York: Harper and Bros., 1959.
Bell, Eric T. Review of The Poetry of Mathematics and Other Essays The American Mathematical Monthly Berelson, Bernard. Graduate Education in the United States . New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. Bidwell, James K., and Clason, Robert G. Readings in the History of Mathematics Education.

59. References
J. Polynesian Society 964190. freudenthal, hans. 1960. Lincos Design of a Languagefor Cosmic Intercourse. Amsterdam NorthHolland. Glazer, J. Henry. 1985.
  • Birdsell, Joseph B. 1957. Some Population Problems Involving Pleistocene Man. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology 22:47-69.
  • .1979. Ecological Influence on Australian Aboriginal Social Organization. In Primate Ecology and Human Origins, ed. 1. S. Bernstein and E. 0. Smith, 11715 1. New York: Garland.
  • Birdsell, J. B. 1985. Biological Dimensions of Small, Human Founding Populations. in Interstellar Migration and the Human Experience, ed. Ben R. Finney and Eric M. Jones, 110- 119. Berkeley: Univ. of Calif. Press.
  • Bluth, B. J. 1981. Soviet Space Stress. Science 81, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 30-35.
  • Carr, Gerald Paul. 1981. Comments from a Skylab Veteran. The Futurist 15:38.
  • Cheston, T. Stephen; Charles M. Chafer; and Sallie B. Chafer. 1984. Social Sciences and Space Exploration. NASA EP-192.
  • Clearwater, Yvonne. 1985. A Human Place in Outer Space. Psychology Today 19 (7): 34-43.
  • Cocconi, Giuseppe, and Philip Morrison. 1959. Searching for Extraterrestrial Communication. Nature 184:844.
  • Costello, Jan C. 1984. Spacedwelling Families: The Projected Application of Family Law in Artificial Space Living Environments. Seton Hall Law Review 15 (1): 11-51.

60. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of FRE
Translate this page Freudenberg, Karl, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1926. freudenthal, hans, UniversitätBerlin, 1930. freudenthal, Kurt, Technische Universität München, 1935.

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