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         Freudenthal Hans:     more books (38)
  1. Algebraical and Topological Foundations of Geometry: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held in Utrecht, August, 1959 by Hans Freudenthal, 1962
  2. The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences Proceedings of the Colloquium Sponsored By the Division of by hans freudenthal, 1961-01-01
  3. Algebraical and Topological Foundations of Geometry: Proceedings of a Colloquium, Utrecht, Germany, 1959 by Hans (Editor) Freudenthal, 1962
  4. The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences. Proceedings of the Colloquium Sponsored By the Division of Philosophy of Sciences of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Sciences, Utrecht, 1960 (Synthese Library) by Hans Freudenthal, 1961
  5. 5000 JAREN INTERNATIONALE WETENSCHAP: REDE. by Dr. Hans. Freudenthal, 1946
  6. Vorrede zu einer Wissenschaft vom Mathematikunterricht (Mathematik, Didaktik und Unterrichtspraxis) (German Edition) by Hans Freudenthal, 1978
  7. Linear lie groups (Pure and applied mathematics; a series of monographs and textbooks 35) by Hans Freudenthal, H. de Vries, 1969
  8. Lie groups by Hans Freudenthal, 1961
  9. End (Topology): Topology, Mathematics, Topological space, Connected space,Infinity, Stallings theorem about ends of groups, CW complex,Homotopy, Proper ... product, HNN extension, HansFreudenthal
  10. The Legacy Of Hans Freudenthal by Hans Freudenthal, 1994
  11. Schrijf dat op, Hans: Knipsels uit een leven ([Informatief]) by Hans Freudenthal, 1987
  12. Mathematics as an Educational Task by Hans Freudenthal, 1973-01-01
  13. Mathematics as an Educational Task by Hans Freudenthal, 1973
  14. Working on Mathematics Education by Hans Freudenthal, Fred Goffree, 1992-11-01

21. Name Index
Translate this page Friede (Frida) freudenthal, Gian freudenthal, Gary freudenthal, Gustav, freudenthal,Hannchen, freudenthal, Hanne, freudenthal, hans freudenthal, hans Benjamin
Name index
d ...
w and z
Federlein, Herman,
Fletner, Kurt,

Fraifeld, Eduardo (Eddy) Mauricio,

Fraifeld, Samuel Louis, Fraifeld,
Freudenthal, Elsbeth,

F reudenthal, Emma,
Freudenthal, Ernst

Freudenthal, Ernest G

Freudenthal, Esther,
Freudenthal, Hannchen,

Freudenthal, Hanne, Freudenthal, Hans Freudenthal, Hans Benjamin, Freudenthal, Hedwig, and Freudenthal, Heinz Freudenthal, Hoely (Henry) Freudenthal, Herman Freudenthal, Hilde, Freudenthal, Hirsch, Freudenthal, Hulde Freudenthal, Ida Freudenthal, Ilse Freudenthal, Isak, Freudenthal, Isak Ludwig, Freudenthal, Jakob Freudenthal, Jedidja Freudenthal, Jettchen Freudenthal, Jiddel (Jette) , Freudenthal, Joan Conny Freudenthal, Johanna, Freudenthal, Jonathan, Freudenthal, Josef Freudenthal, Josef Isak (Jizchok), Freudenthal, Judith (Judy), Freudenthal, Judy Freudenthal, Julius Freudenthal, Justin Freudenthal, Kaete, Freudenthal, Karl, Freudenthal, Karl, Jekusel ben Jacob Gabriel Freudenthal, Karoline, Freudenthal, Fritz, Freudenthal, Kurt Freudenthal, Kurt Eugen Freudenthal, Kuro Ernesto Freudenthal, Kusel

22. The Legacy Of Hans Freudenthal
hans freudenthal (19051990) - a remarkable didactitian, educator, writer,mathematician. Here you can find a brief biography and his portrait.
Sine Language A great man and his legacy Hans Freudenthal (1905-1990) - a remarkable didactitian, educator, writer, mathematician. Here you can find a brief biography and his portrait . Among his books are: Revisiting Mathematics Education (China Lectures)
I am thinking about a new book. I have got the sub-title (China Lectures)
though I still lack a title
H. Freudenthal
From a letter to Alan J. Bishop, April 1988 ( you do the math
Weeding and Sowing (Preface to a Science of Mathematical Education) Mathematics as an Educational Task - 1973 (680 pages). Buy books of H. Freudenthal online Freudenthal Institute , at the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Created by Alexei Kassymov Sine Language home page.

23. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Hans Freudenthal
hans freudenthal Biography Ph.D. Universität Berlin 1930. According to our currentonline database, hans freudenthal has 6 students and 145 descendants.

24. The Legacy Of Hans Freudenthal|KLUWER Academic Publishers
Books » The Legacy of hans freudenthal. The Legacy of hans freudenthal. Add tocart. edited by Leen Streefland freudenthal Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Title Authors Affiliation ISBN ISSN advanced search search tips Books The Legacy of Hans Freudenthal
The Legacy of Hans Freudenthal
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edited by
Leen Streefland
Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands
The Legacy of Freudenthal
pays homage to Freudenthal and his work on mathematics, its history and education. Almost all authors were his scholars or co-workers. They testify to what they learned from him. Freudenthal himself contributes posthumously. His didactical phenomenology of the concept of force is both provocative and revealing in its originality, compared with what is usually found in physics instruction.
Freudenthal is portrayed as a universal human being by Josette Adda. He made considerable contributions to mathematics itself, e.g. on homotopy theory and Lie groups in geometry. The exposition of Freudenthal's mathematical life and work is on Van Est's account. Henk Bos discusses his historical work. The essay review of the 8th edition of Hilbert's Grundlagen der Geometrie serves as a vehicle of thought. The main part of the book, however, concerns Freudenthal's work on mathematics education. Christine Keitel reviews his final book

25. The Legacy Of Hans Freudenthal|KLUWER Academic Publishers
Books » The Legacy of hans freudenthal. The Legacy of hans freudenthal editedby Leen Streefland freudenthal Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands

26. 11 Literaturliste
Translate this page freudenthal, hans, Mathematik als pädagogische Aufgabe. Band 1, Stuttgart 1973.freudenthal, hans, Mathematik als pädagogische Aufgabe. Band 2 Stuttgart 1973.
Bücher Elschenbroich Hans Jürgen, Geometrie beweglich mit GEOLOG. Arbeitsblätter für computerunterstützten Geometrieunterricht mit • GEOLOG–DOS und
• GEOLOG–WIN, Bonn 1998. Elschenbroich Hans Jürgen, Dynamisch Geometrie entdecken. Elektronische Arbeitsblätter mit Euklid, Klasse 7/8, Köln 1999. Elschenbroich Hans Jürgen, Neue Ansätze im Geometrieunterricht der S I durch elektronische Arbeitsblätter. Neuss o.J. Freudenthal Hans, Mathematik als pädagogische Aufgabe. Band 1, Stuttgart 1973. Freudenthal Hans, Mathematik als pädagogische Aufgabe. Band 2 Stuttgart 1973. Gawlick Thomas (Hg.), Lernprozesse mit Dynamischer Geometrie-Software. Workshop an der Hochschule Vechta, 07.01.2000, Beitragsausarbeitungen, Vechta 2000. Gawlick Thomas, Zum Erwerb geometrischer Grundbegriffe mit bzw. ohne DGS im regulären Mathematikunterricht. Eine Vergleichsstudie, Vechta o.J. Hischer Horst (Hg.), Mathematikunterricht und Computer. neue Ziele oder neue Wege zu alten Zielen? Bericht über die 11. Arbeitstagung des Arbeitskreises „Mathematik und Informatik“ in der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik e.V. vom 08. bis 10. Oktober 1993 in Wolfenbüttel, Hildesheim 1994. Hischer Horst (Hg.), Geometrie und Computer. Suchen, Entdecken und Anwenden, Bericht über die 15. Arbeitstagung des Arbeitskreises „Mathematik und Informatik“ in der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik e.V. vom 24. bis 27. September 1997 in Wolfenbüttel, Hildesheim 1998.

27. Basic Library List-Education
Press, 1991. freudenthal, hans. Mathematics as an Educational Task Norwell,MA D. Reidel, 1973. freudenthal, hans. Didactical Phenomenology
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Education: Policy
* Cockcroft, Wilfred H., ed. Mathematics Counts London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1982. Ellerton, N.F. and Clements, M.A., eds. School Mathematics: The Challenge to Change Geelong, Australia: Deakin University, 1989. * Howson, A. Geoffrey and Kahane, J.-P., eds. The Popularization of Mathematics New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1990. * Howson, A. Geoffrey and Wilson, Bryan. School Mathematics in the 1990s New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1986. * Kilpatrick, Jeremy. Academic Preparation in Mathematics: Teaching for Transition From High School to College New York, NY: College Board, 1985. * Madison, Bernard L. and Hart, Therese A. A Challenge of Numbers: People in the Mathematical Sciences Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1990. ** Mathematical Sciences Education Board. Reshaping School Mathematics: A Philosophy and Framework for Curriculum Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1990. Mestre, Jose P. and Lochhead, Jack. Academic Preparation In Science: Teaching for Transition From High School To College

28. ICMI
The ICMI Felix Klein and hans freudenthal Awards for 2003, ICMI The InternationalCommission on Mathematical Instruction The International

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The ICMI Felix Klein and Hans Freudenthal Awards for 2003 ICMI The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction

The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), founded in Rome in 1908, has, for the first time in its history, established prizes recognizing outstanding achievement in mathematics education research. The Felix Klein Medal, named for the first president of ICMI (1908-1920), honors a lifetime achievement. The Hans Freudenthal Medal, named for the eight president of ICMI (1967-1970), recognizes a major cumulative program of research.
These awards are to be made in each odd numbered year, with presentation of the medals, and invited addresses by the medallists at the following International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME).
These awards, which pay tribute to outstanding scholarship in mathematics education, serve not only to encourage the efforts of others, but also to contribute to the development, through the public recognition of exemplars, of high standards for the field. The awards represent the judgment of an (anonymous) jury of distinguished scholars of international stature, chaired by Prof. Michèle Artigue of the University Paris 7.

29. The International Commission On Mathematical Instruction
THE ICMI FELIX KLEIN AND HANS FREUDENTHAL AWARDS FOR 2003 The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI), founded in Rome in 1908, has, for the first time in its history, established prizes recognizing outstanding achievement in mathematics education research. The Felix Klein Medal, named for the first president of ICMI
(1908-1920), honors a lifetime achievement. The Hans Freudenthal Medal, named for the eigth president of ICMI (1967-1970), recognizes a major cumulative program of research. These awards are to be made in each odd numbered year, with presentation of the medals, and invited addresses by the medalists at the following International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME).
These awards, which pay tribute to outstanding scholarship in mathematics education, serve not only to encourage the efforts of
others, but also to contribute to the development, through the public recognition of exemplars, of high standards for the field. The awards
represent the judgment of an (anonymous) jury of distinguished scholars of international stature, chaired by Prof. Michèle Artigue of the

30. Project: Hans Freudenthal (1905-1990) And The Didactics Of Mathematics (NIWI)
Project hans freudenthal (19051990) and the didactics of mathematics. switch tonl. mutation. Titel, hans freudenthal (1905-1990) en de didactiek van de wiskunde.
Login NIWI (en) Research Information NOD - Dutch Research Database ... Powered by from "Project: Hans Freudentha..." entire NIWI site (en)
Project: Hans Freudenthal (1905-1990) and the didactics of mathematics
Titel Hans Freudenthal (1905-1990) en de didactiek van de wiskunde Period Status completed Dissertation Yes Related organisations
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  • : culture, philosophy of life and leisure activities : mathematics : history

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Last modified: 02-11-2001 00:00

31. UniKIK / DASU - Archiv
Translate this page freudenthal, hans Was beweist die Zeichnung? In mathematik lehren, Heft17/ 1986. Heymann, hans-Werner Allgemeinbildung und Mathematik.

Marie-Curie Gymnasium Neuss
Geometrie-Unterricht und DGS
Werkzeuge im Geometrie-Unterricht:
  • Zirkel, Lineal, Geodreieck Geometrie-Software der 1. Generation Dynamische Geometrie-Software (DGS)
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  • Gefahren und Vorbehalte
  • Wichtig: Standard themen in moderner Sicht!
    In der Fachwissenschaft: Erkenntnis -Aspekt. Im Unterricht: -Aspekt.
    Allgemeinbildende Ziele.
    Konzept des inhaltlich-anschaulichen Beweises.
  • Experimentelle ‚Beweise' Inhaltlich-anschauliche Beweise Formale (‚wissenschaftliche') Beweise
  • Blum und Kirsch:
    handlungsbezogene Beweise
    Beweise Winter:
    Siehe -Beweise
    Bewegliche Geometrie
    E. Castelnuovo legte "Wert auf die Feststellung, dass das Werkzeug beweglich sein muss." Biguenet erstellte "bewegliche Modelle zur Veranschaulichung des Geometrieunterrichts" und betonte deren Modellcharakter. "Eine Figur ist bereits ein Modell." Stetige Bewegungen bzw. Verformungen haben eine wichtige Funktion bei anschaulichen elementar-geometrischen Beweisen. (Bender)
    Dynamik: (k)eine neue Idee
    das Beweglichmachen der Teile einer Figur ... ."

    32. Lincos
    A language for extraterrestrial communication developed by hans freudenthal, Professorof Mathematics at the University of Utrecht. 1. freudenthal, hans.
    The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology, Astronomy, and Spaceflight
    "Lingua Cosmica". A language for extraterrestrial communication developed by Hans Freudenthal, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Utrecht. Details of it are presented in Freudenthal's book published in the Netherlands in 1960. Lincos represents an extension of the logistic language of mathematics developed by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell. It is intended to be conveyed by unmodulated radio signals of varying duration and wavelength which represent phonemes. The signals would be combined to make up concepts or words. See mathematics, as a universal language
    References 1. Freudenthal, Hans. Lincos, Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse . Amsterdam: North-Holland (1960).
    2. Hogben, Lancelot. Science in Authority . New York: W.W. Norton (1963).
    For more:
    var site="s13space1234"

    33. - Statistik
    Translate this page freudenthal, hans - Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik. Mchn., Oldenbourg . 23 Abb. freudenthal, hans - Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik.
    English Deutsch Fran§ais Kategorie:
    Architektur Belletristik Comics ... Psychologie Stichtwort: Autor: Titel: ISBN: Preisbereich: zu Buchposition: Grossbritannien Irland Deutschland Frankreich USA Resultate 101-120 von 500 M¼nchen Amt f¼r Statistik und Datenanalyse der Landeshauptstadt M¼nchen (Hg.): - M¼nchener Statistik Jahrgang 1971;
    277 S. mit 7 Faltkarten, mehreren Tabellen und Text-Figuren + 299 S. mit 25 Text-Fig. und Karten-Skizzen sowie 127 Tabellen; goldgepr¤gt. OLn.(24x17cm); R.Oldenbourg M¼nchen 1971 a.d.Inhalt: 'Neuordnung der Geschlechtskrankenstatistik', 'Die Geburtenziffern', 'Die F¼hrerscheinpr¼fungen', 'Wohngeldempf¤nger in M¼nchen', 'Die Tag- und Nachtbev¶lkerung in M¼nchen', 'Arbeitsst¤tten und Besch¤ftigte in M¼nchen' u.v.m. (Einband leicht verkratzt)
    Preis: EUR 31.00 - mehr info
    Buchposition: Deutschland
    Kroepfl B. u.a. - Angewandte Statistik

    235S. kart. eine Einfuehrung f¼r Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Informatik : 108 Abbildungen:9 Tabellen
    Publizierte: Muenchen: Hanser, 1994

    34. Matemática Hoje - Educadores
    Translate this page hans freudenthal nasceu em 1905 na cidade alemã de Luckenwalde, filhode um professor judeu. hans freudenthal (1905 - 1990). hans

    35. Encyclopedia: Hans Freudenthal
    hans Translate this page freudenthal, hans Was beweist die Zeichnung? In mathematik lehren, Heft 17/ 1986.Kautschisch, Hermann Wie kann ein Bild das Allgemeingültige vermitteln?

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    36. Biography Of Heinz Freudenthal, Nuremberg
    Organ Rolf Groeschel Choir hans Sachs Chor, Nürnberg (Leitung Wolfgang Riedelbauch)Speaker Werner Galas Directed by Heinz freudenthal (Recorded in 1982
    Heinz Freudenthal, Nuremberg
    (April 25, 1905 in Danzig - May 29, 1999 in Munich)
    How could a classical musician and conductor be honored more adequately than by one of his works, in particular if it has a special connection to his own life? For this reason RIJO decided not to include a conventional brief biography of Heinz Freudenthal, the son of Nuremberg’s long-term chief rabbi Dr. Max Freudenthal, but to introduce his 1982 recording "A Sabbath service in the former main synagogue of the Jewish congregation in Nuremberg" to the visitors and to cite a text written by him in this context.
    Heinz Freudenthal: Curriculum Vitae
    born in Danzig moved with his family to Nuremberg first public appearance as a solo artist in Nuremberg’s former St. Katharina cloister ("Katharinenbau") studies in Wuerzburg solo viola player with the state orchestra in Meiningen (Thuringia) solo viola player with the symphonic orchestra in Goeteborg (Sweden) chief conductor of the symphonic and radio orchestra in Norrkoeping (Sweden) chief conductor of the Israeli state radio orchestra director of the municipal music school in in Karlstad (Sweden) municipal musical director in Kristiansand (Norway), after that working as free lance conductor, chamber musician and pedagogue

    37. KLI Theory Lab - Authors - Hans Freudenthal
    search. hans freudenthal (19051990) . Dutch mathematicianand educational reformer. freudenthal, H., ed. 1961.
    Hans Freudenthal Dutch mathematician and educational reformer.
    Freudenthal, H.
    , ed. 1961. The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences. Dordrecht: Reidel. Keyword: modelling Submit your own bibliography Submit corrections and additions Send us other comments Comments are welcome:

    38. The KLI Theory Lab - Authors - F
    Translate this page Gottlob Fregenal-Martínez, MA Frehland, Eckart French, Peter A. French, Robert M.Frenken, Koen Frenz, Dorothy A. Freud, Sigmund freudenthal, hans Frey, Bruno
    Faber, R. J.

    Fabian, A. C.

    Fairtlough, G.

    Faith, Joe
    ... Send us other comments Comments are welcome:

    39. Aufgaben Des Freudenthal-Instituts
    Translate this page Gründer des Institutes war hans freudenthal (1905-1990), der als Deutscherjüdischen Glaubens aus Deutschland emigrieren musste.
    Neue Medien im Mathematikunterricht betreut durch Volker Kampmeier Home Angebot: Home Forum Suche E-Mail ... Info
    Was sind die Aufgaben des Freudenthal-Instituts?
    Wir stellen uns vor Medieneinsatz im Mathematikunterricht
    - unsere Beispiele
    Anregungen zum sinnvollen Umgang mit Medien ...
    Links und Literatur
    (Freudenthal, 1970) Das Freudenthal-Institut in Utrecht erforscht Aspekte der mathematischen Erziehung und des Lehrens der Mathematik. Ziel ist es, das Lehren und Lernen des Rechnens und Mathematik auf allen Stufen der Bildung vom Kindergarten bis zur Berufsausbildung zu verstehen und zu verbessern.
    • Curriculumentwicklung auf verschiedenen Ebenen der Konkretisierung, Untersuchung von Lehr- und Lernprozessen im Mathematikunterricht bis hin zur Entwicklung von Unterrichtsmaterialien
    • Vergleichende Studien zum Lernerfolg
    • Auseinandersetzung mit internationalen Studien (u.a. TIMSS, PISA)

    40. Search Results
    The Legacy of hans freudenthal Compare. The Legacy of hans freudenthal, hans. See all stores prices. Sale from $153.20.

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