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         Fresnel Augustin:     more books (15)

21. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Augustin-Jean Fresnel
Physicist; b. at Broglie near Bernay, Normandy, 10 May, 1788; d. at Ville d'Avray, near Paris, 14 July, 1827.
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Augustin-Jean Fresnel
Napoleon from Elba ARAGO, (Paris, 1854), I, 107-185; VERDET, , introduction in vol. I (Paris, 1866); HELLER, Geschichte der Physik (Stuttgart, 1884), II. H. M. BROCK
Transcribed by Thomas J. Bress The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VI
Nihil Obstat, September 1, 1909.
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22. Fresnel, Augustin Jean
Pronunciation Key. fresnel, augustin Jean17881827, French physicist and engineer Library Science Desk Reference)Saturday, May 10 ( AP Worldstream)fresnel, augustin Jean (17881827)
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23. Fresnel Lens Discussion
The fresnel Lens. " The Shining Eye of the Lighthouse" America's first lighthouse used a system of silvered reflectors to intensify the main light source, a whaleoil lamp. new to U.S. the glorious, multiprismed lens invented in France by augustin fresnel (pronounced Fray-nell) in 1822
The Fresnel Lens
"The Shining Eye of the Lighthouse" America's first lighthouse used a system of silvered reflectors to intensify the main light source, a whale-oil lamp. But, by the 1850's, the government authorized use of a technology new to U.S.: the glorious, multiprismed lens invented in France by Augustin Fresnel (pronounced Fray-nell ) in 1822. It was a marvel....a complex array of dazzling glass prisms and bull's-eye lens mounted in a gleaming brass framework. Each lens cost $12,000 at the time plus shipping costs from France. The Fresnel lens was much more efficient at collecting and directing the light rays and produced a beam five times more powerful than the reflector system used previously. But, to take maximum advantage of the higher light intensity, the light had to be placed high enough to compensate for the curvature of the earth. When mounted at 100 feet above sea-level, it had a visible range of up to 18 miles at sea. The new lenses were ranked in six sizes called orders. The weakest, ranked sixth, was used in lights on lakes and in harbors while the largest, first-order lenses were used in lighthouses on fogbound coasts. A first-order lens, made up of over 1000 prisms, stood up to 10 to 12 feet tall and measured 6 feet in girth and could weigh up to 3 tons. Many lighthouses have their original Fresnel lenses in place though many are now unused having been replaced by aero-marine beacons. Many of these beautiful lenses have been removed from the lighthouses and placed in museums and other display areas where the public can view and appreciate the workmanship that went into them. Others, unfortunately, have been vandalized when the lighthouses were abandoned and left unguarded.

24. Lycee Fresnel 2003/2004
Calendrier et horaires d'ouverture. Conseils sur les fili¨res et pr©sentation du BTS commerce international.
77 rue Eustache Restout BP 1050 14020 Caen Cedex
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25. Fresnel, Augustin (1788-1827) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
Nationality. French. fresnel, augustin (17881827) conducted some of the same experiments as Young. fresnel showed that only a transverse wave theory of light could
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality French
Fresnel, Augustin (1788-1827)

French physicist who independently conducted some of the same experiments as Young . Fresnel showed that only a transverse wave theory of light could account for double refraction To derive the Fresnel equations of reflection and refraction he worked backwards from the known properties of light to derive a dynamical theory. Fresnel also developed the mathematical theory of refraction and polarization in anisotropic crystals. From this theory, William Rowan Hamilton predicted conical refraction which was subsequently discovered. In his model, light consisted of two components with electric fields at right angle to each other. In 1819, during the judging of Fresnel's paper on diffraction at the Paris Academy, Poisson argued that the consequence of Fresnel's theory was that the center of the shadow of a diffracting disk should be illuminated. This unexpected effect was subsequent observed, verifying Fresnel's theory. Fresnel also suggested that permanent magnets could be described by aligned currents circulating around molecules. Fresnel rejected the corpuscular theory of light in favor of a dynamical theory of "luminiferous

26. Fresnel, Augustin (1788-1827) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogr
fresnel, augustin (17881827), French physicist who independently conducted some of the same experiments as Young. fresnel showed
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality French
Fresnel, Augustin (1788-1827)

French physicist who independently conducted some of the same experiments as Young . Fresnel showed that only a transverse wave theory of light could account for double refraction To derive the Fresnel equations of reflection and refraction he worked backwards from the known properties of light to derive a dynamical theory. Fresnel also developed the mathematical theory of refraction and polarization in anisotropic crystals. From this theory, William Rowan Hamilton predicted conical refraction which was subsequently discovered. In his model, light consisted of two components with electric fields at right angle to each other. In 1819, during the judging of Fresnel's paper on diffraction at the Paris Academy, Poisson argued that the consequence of Fresnel's theory was that the center of the shadow of a diffracting disk should be illuminated. This unexpected effect was subsequent observed, verifying Fresnel's theory. Fresnel also suggested that permanent magnets could be described by aligned currents circulating around molecules. Fresnel rejected the corpuscular theory of light in favor of a dynamical theory of "luminiferous

27. Fresnel, Augustin
fresnel, augustin (17881827). French physicist who refined the theory of polarized light. fresnel realized in 1821 that light waves
Fresnel, Augustin French physicist who refined the theory of polarized light. Fresnel realized in 1821 that light waves do not vibrate like sound waves longitudinally, in the direction of their motion, but transversely, at right angles to the direction of the propagated wave.
Fresnel first had to confirm the wave theory of light. He demonstrated mathematically that the dimensions of light and dark bands produced by diffraction could be related to the wavelength of the light producing them if light consisted of waves. To explain double refraction, he then arrived at the theory of transverse waves.
Fresnel was born in Broglie, Normandy, and studied in Paris, becoming a civil engineer for the government. When Napoleon returned to France from Elba in 1815, Fresnel deserted his post in protest. He was placed under house arrest, taking advantage of this enforced leisure to develop his ideas on the wave nature of light into a comprehensive mathematical theory.
Napoleon's return proved to be short-lived and Fresnel was reinstated into government service.

28. Fresnel
Biography of augustin fresnel (17881827) Main index. augustin fresnel's parents were Jacques fresnel and augustine Mérimée Jacques fresnel was still working on de Broglie's estate when his
Augustin Jean Fresnel
Born: 10 May 1788 in Broglie, France
Died: 14 July 1827 in Ville-d'Avray, France
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Augustin Fresnel We should note that Jacques and Augustine Fresnel were Jansenists; that is they were followers of Cornelius Otto Jansen (1585-1638) who led the Roman Catholic reform movement named after him. Jansen argued that men cannot achieve salvation through their actions since it is predestined who Christ will lead to eternal life, the select few, and who are doomed to damnation, the multitude. Augustin was brought up with strict Jansenist values in a stern atmosphere which would strongly influence him for the rest of his life. The French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 when Augustin was one year old. Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793 and there followed the reign of terror. In 1794, when Augustin was now six years old, the political situation in France was so difficult that the construction work on the harbour at Cherbourg had to be halted. The Fresnel family went to Mathieu, a village north of Caen. There young Fresnel spent the rest of his childhood years, and there his elementary education was provided by his parents. There is no record of any educational achievements by the young boy at this stage and, although it may be a little harsh on his parents to say so, it appears that they completely failed to bring out their son's talents.

29. Augustin-Jean Fresnel --  Encyclopædia Britannica
Cite this article. augustinJean fresnel. born May 10, 1788, Broglie, Fr. MLA style " augustin-Jean fresnel." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004

30. MSN Encarta - Fresnel, Augustin Jean
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31. Augustin-Jean Fresnel (1788-1827)
augustinJean fresnel (1788-1827) This is a biographical sketch of augustin-Jean fresnel. augustin-Jean fresnel was a nineteenth century French physicist, most often remembered for the invention

32. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Optics
Faraday, Michael. fresnel, augustin Jean. Hamilton, Sir William Rowan. Kastler, Alfred. quotation. refractive index. units of measure. fresnel, augustin Jean.
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33. Biografia De Fresnel, Augustin
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Fresnel, Augustin (Chambrais, 1788-Ville d'Avray, 1827) Físico francés. Miembro de la Academia de Ciencias francesa y de la Royal Society. Consagrado al estudio de la óptica, demostró experimentalmente la naturaleza ondulatoria de la luz y explicó los fenómenos de polarización y de doble refracción. Inventó el biprisma de franjas ( biprisma de Fresnel ), con el que se pueden estudiar los fenómenos de interferencia, y el sistema formado por dos espejos planos en ángulo ( espejos de Fresnel ), con el que se obtienen focos de luz coherente. Ideó un método geométrico ( construcción de Fresnel ) para determinar la amplitud y el ángulo de fase de un movimiento oscilatorio resultante de otros dos de igual frecuencia y fases diferentes, en el que las amplitudes de los movimientos componentes son consideradas como vectores y se obtiene su suma por la regla del paralelogramo. Las llamadas ecuaciones de Fresnel permiten relacionar la intensidad de un haz luminoso con la intensidad de los haces reflejado y refractado. Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

34. Fresnel, Augustin Jean
Pronunciation Key. fresnel, augustin Jean17881827, French physicist and engineer Weaving Rainbows, part 2.) ( Weatherwise)fresnel, augustin Jean (17881827)
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35. Fresnel, Augustin Jean (1788-1827) X1804
Translate this page fresnel, augustin Jean (1788-1827) X1804. Après des études à l’Ecole centrale de Caen, à l’Ecole polytechnique (où il entre
Fresnel, Augustin Jean (1788-1827) X1804
Arago (X1803)

36. Fresnel, Augustin Jean - Physik Lexikon - Fresnel, Augustin Jean
Translate this page fresnel, augustin Jean. fresnel, augustin Jean (1788-1827), französischer Ingenieur und Physiker, der der Wellentheorie des Lichtes zum Durchbruch verhalf., Augustin Jean

37. Fresnel, Augustin Jean. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. fresnel, augustin Jean. ( güst N´ zhäN fr n l´) (KEY) 1788–1827, French physicist and engineer.
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38. Fresnel, Augustin Jean. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Langua
fresnel, augustin Jean. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000. 2000. fresnel, augustin Jean. SYLLABICATION Fres·nel.
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39. - Fresnel, Augustin Jean

40. Fresnel, Augustin Jean
fresnel, augustin Jean. French physicist who refined the theory of polarized light. fresnel realized in 1821 that light waves do
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Or search the encyclopaedia: Fresnel, Augustin Jean French physicist who refined the theory of polarized light . Fresnel realized in 1821 that light waves do not vibrate like sound waves longitudinally, in the direction of their motion, but transversely, at right angles to the direction of the propagated wave. Fresnel first had to confirm the wave theory of light. He demonstrated mathematically that the dimensions of light and dark bands produced by diffraction could be related to the wavelength of the light producing them if light consisted of waves. To explain double refraction, he then arrived at the theory of transverse waves.
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