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         Frege Gottlob:     more books (100)
  1. Frege: An Introduction to the Founder of Modern Analytic Philosophy by Sir Anthony Kenny, 2000-10-10
  2. Frege's Theory of Sense and Reference: Its Origin and Scope (Modern European Philosophy) by Wolfgang Carl, 1994-11-25
  3. Begriffsschrift Und Andere by Gottlob Frege, 1995-06-30
  4. Studies on Gottlob Frege and Traditional Philosophy by I. Angelelli, 2010-11-02
  5. Gottlob Frege. by Verena Mayer, 1996-04-01
  6. Gottlob Frege. Une Introduction (Cahiers de Logique et d'Epistemologie) (French Edition) by M Stepanians, 2007-10-17
  7. The Metaphysics of Gottlob Frege: An Essay in Ontological Reconstruction (Martinus Nijhoff Philosophy Library) by E.H.W Kluge, 2010-11-02
  8. Gottlob Frege zur Einführung by Markus S. Stepanians, 2001
  9. Gottlob Frege: Kontext-Prinzip und Ontologie (Symposion) (German Edition) by Ulrike Kleemeier, 1997
  10. Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege by Max Geach Peter / Black, 1966
  11. A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Gottlob Frege by Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock, 2006-09
  12. Gottlob Frege: Eine Einfuhrung in Sein Werk (de Gruyter Studienbuch) by Franz Von Kutschera, 1989-07
  13. Philosophical and Mathematical Correspondence of Gottlob Frege by Gottlob Frege, 1980-04-01
  14. Gottlob Freges "Logische Untersuchungen": Darstellung und Interpretation (Werkinterpretationen) (German Edition) by Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz, 1995

21. 23033. Frege, Gottlob. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996
ATTRIBUTION gottlob frege (1848–1925), German mathematician, philosopher. Letterto Bertrand Russell. From frege to Godel, p. 127, ed. J. van Heijenoort.
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23. Frege, Die Moderne Logik Und Jena
Translate this page Werner Stelzner. gottlob frege Jena und die Geburt der modernen Logik. gottlobfrege (1848-1925). gottlob frege wurde damit zum Begründer der modernen Logik.
Rahmendarstellung Werner Stelzner Gottlob Frege
und die Geburt der modernen Logik
Gottlob Frege
Diese Homepage ist Gottlob Frege gewidmet,
Person, Werk und Wirkungsort Freges vorzustellen,
ist das mit dieser Homepage verfolgte Anliegen. Jena Wirken Gottlob Freges an der
Herausbildung der modernen Logik
Jena auf dem Weg zur Industriestadt

und Ernst Abbe
Der Aufbau der wissenschaftlich fundierten
optischen Produktion
Abbes Stiftungswerk
... Die Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Freges Wohnhaus Ibrahimstr. 29 Ernst Abbe Gottlob Frege im Jenenser Umfeld Freges akademischer Weg in Jena Ernst Abbe und Gottlob Frege Geschichte der Logik vor Frege ... Bibliographie der Schriften Freges Links zur inneren Außenwelt Links zur inneren Außenwelt Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic Homepage/Download Zur Frege-Homepage der Stanford University Hinweise bitte an folgende Adresse: Zugriffe auf diese Seite (Letzte Aktualisierung 10. 10. 2000)

24. Gottlob Frege
Translate this page gottlob frege Biographisches. gottlob frege (1848-1925). FN4 Vgl. frege,gottlob Nachgelassene Schriften und wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel.
Gottlob Frege
Biographisches Gottlob Frege
Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Jena besucht. Karl Snell Ernst Abbe
zum Dr. phil.
seit den 60er Jahren des 19. Jh.
1879 erschien in Halle/Saale das erste Hauptwerk Freges, die Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete Formelsprache des reinen Denkens Begriffsschrift 1884 erschien das zweite Hauptwerk Freges Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik Alfred Frege (geb. Fuchs).
Freges Wohnnaus
in Jena, Ibrahimstr. 29,
vormals Forstweg 29

1896 wurde Frege in Jena zum ordentlichen Honorarprofessor berufen. Gottlob Frege hat in Jena von 1874 bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1918 ein umfangreiches Lehrpensum absolviert, das nur selten unterbrochen wurde. mit Mittel der Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung von 1906 bis 1908 errichtet Freges akademischer Weg in Jena Ernst Abbe und Gottlob Frege Ernst Abbe
Logik und Mathematik. Frege-Kolloquium Jena 1993. Berlin/New York, 218-225. Detaillierte Informationen zu Leo Sachse, seiner Verbindung zu Gottlob Frege und den philosophischen Auffassungen Leo Sachses sind in dem Band (33-40), Torsten Heblack:

25. Gottlob Frege --  Encyclopædia Britannica
gottlob frege born November 8, 1848, Wismar, MecklenburgSchwerin died July 26, 1925,Bad Kleinen, Germany APA style gottlob frege. Encyclopædia Britannica.

26. Gottlob Frege --  Britannica Student Encyclopedia
frege, gottlob Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , frege, gottlob (1848–1925).A German mathematician and philosopher, gottlob frege of mathematics

27. Biografia De Frege, Gottlob
Translate this page frege, gottlob. (Wismar, actual Alemania, 1848-Bad Kleinen, id., 1925)Matemático, filósofo y lógico alemán. Hijo de un humilde
Inicio Buscador Utilidades Recomendar sitio
Frege, Gottlob Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

28. Frege, Gottlob | 20. Jahrhundert | Philosophie | Wissen Nach Themen | Lernen & N
Wissen nach Themen Philosophie 20. Jahrhundert frege, gottlob.

Musik DVD Video ...
Wittgenstein, Ludwig

EUR 13,50 Gottlob Frege zur Einführung
Markus S. Stepanians
Junius Verlag, September 2001
EUR 20,00 Wahrheit, Gedanke, Subjekt
Gabriele Mras
Passagen Verlag, Dezember 2001
EUR 42,00 Gottlob Frege, Werk und Wirkung
Gottfried Gabriel , Uwe Dathe Mentis-Verlag, April 2000 EUR 60,00 Absolute Wahrheit und endliches Wahrheitsbewußtsein Roderich Barth Mohr Siebeck, Juni 2004 EUR 19,80 Gottlob Freges Briefwechsel mit D. Hilbert , E. Husserl , B. Russell sowie ausgewählte Einzelbriefe Freges. Gottlob Frege , Gottfried Gabriel , Friedrich Kambartel , Christian. Thiel Meiner, Hbg., 1980 EUR 11,50 Gottlob von Frege Verena Mayer C.H.Beck, April 1996 EUR 24,00 Gottlob Frege Ulrike Kleemeier Alber, August 1964 EUR 48,00 Gottlob Frege - Leben, Werk, Zeit Lothar Kreiser Meiner, April 2001 EUR 48,00 Gottlob Frege - Leben, Werk, Zeit Lothar Kreiser Meiner, April 2004

29. Frege, Gottlob | 19. Jahrhundert | Epochen | Philosophie | Fachbücher | Frege,
Translate this page gottlob frege zur Einführung Markus S. Stepanians Fachbücher Philosophie Epochen19. Jahrhundert frege, gottlob. Bücher, Musik, DVD, Video, Spiele, Software.

Musik DVD Video ...
Russell, Bertrand

EUR 13,50 Gottlob Frege zur Einführung
Markus S. Stepanians
Junius Verlag, September 2001
EUR 20,00 Wahrheit, Gedanke, Subjekt
Gabriele Mras
Passagen Verlag, Dezember 2001
EUR 42,00 Gottlob Frege, Werk und Wirkung
Gottfried Gabriel , Uwe Dathe Mentis-Verlag, April 2000 EUR 60,00 Absolute Wahrheit und endliches Wahrheitsbewußtsein Roderich Barth Mohr Siebeck, Juni 2004 EUR 19,80 Gottlob Freges Briefwechsel mit D. Hilbert , E. Husserl , B. Russell sowie ausgewählte Einzelbriefe Freges. Gottlob Frege , Gottfried Gabriel , Friedrich Kambartel , Christian. Thiel Meiner, Hbg., 1980 EUR 11,50 Gottlob von Frege Verena Mayer C.H.Beck, April 1996 EUR 24,00 Gottlob Frege Ulrike Kleemeier Alber, August 1964 EUR 48,00 Gottlob Frege - Leben, Werk, Zeit Lothar Kreiser Meiner, April 2001 EUR 48,00 Gottlob Frege - Leben, Werk, Zeit Lothar Kreiser Meiner, April 2004

30. Frege, Gottlob Definition Of Frege, Gottlob In Computing. What Is Frege, Gottlob
Computer term of frege, gottlob in the Computing Dictionary and Thesaurus.frege encyclopedia. Provides search by definition of frege, gottlob., Gottlob
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31. LookSmart - Directory - Gottlob Frege
gottlob frege Find biographies of the founder of mathematical logicpresented with excerpts from his books and essays. Directory
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Gottlob Frege - Find biographies of the founder of mathematical logic presented with excerpts from his books and essays.
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  • allRefer Reference - Gottlob Frege (1848-1925)
    Look through details on the life, works, and philosophy of the German philosopher and mathematician who founded modern symbolic logic.
    Frege, Gottlob - Chronology

    German mathematician, logician and philosopher who died in 1925. Reading list, with short chronology and brief article on Frege's work in logic.
    Frege, Gottlob - History of Math

    Introduction to Gottlob Frege concentrates on his contributions to the world of mathematical theory. Includes a portrait, quotes, and links.
    Frege, Gottlob - Links

    Follow links to several biographies of the philosopher, books and essays about him, a list of translations of his work, and related sites.
    Frege, Gottlob - Rainer Born's Page
    Introductory look at Frege places his life and work in a scientific context, offering a time-line of his major theories. Frege, Gottlob - Stanford
  • 32. Bücher - Frege, Gottlob >> Buch / Literatur / Günstig
    frege, gottlob Was suchen Sie? . PRODUKTFINDER , Bücher - frege, gottlob.
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    33. MSN Encarta - Frege, Gottlob
    Advertisement. frege, gottlob. frege, gottlob (18481925), German mathematicianand philosopher, the founder of modern mathematical logic.
    MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Money Web Search: logoImg(''); Encarta Subscriber Sign In Help Home ... Upgrade to Encarta Premium Search Encarta Tasks Find in this article Print Preview Send us feedback Related Items formalized language of logic influence on others more... Magazines Search the Encarta Magazine Center for magazine and news articles about this topic Further Reading Frege, Gottlob News Search MSNBC for news about Frege, Gottlob Internet Search Search Encarta about Frege, Gottlob Search MSN for Web sites about Frege, Gottlob Also on Encarta Have sports records become unbreakable? Compare top online degrees Democrats vs. Republicans: What's the difference? Also on MSN Outdoor BBQ: Everything you need Quest for Columbus on Discovery Channel Switch to MSN in 3 easy steps Our Partners Capella University: Online degrees LearnitToday: Computer courses CollegeBound Network: ReadySetGo Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Encyclopedia Article from Encarta Advertisement document.write(''); Frege, Gottlob Frege, Gottlob (1848-1925), German mathematician and philosopher, the founder of modern mathematical

    34. MSN Encarta - Search View - Frege, Gottlob
    Search View, frege, gottlob, Article View, To find a specific word,name frege, gottlob. frege, gottlob (18481925), German mathematician
    Search View Frege, Gottlob Article View To find a specific word, name, or topic in this article, select the option in your Web browser for finding within the page. In Internet Explorer, this option is under the Edit menu.
    The search seeks the exact word or phrase that you type, so if you don’t find your choice, try searching for a key word in your topic or recheck the spelling of a word or name. Frege, Gottlob Frege, Gottlob (1848-1925), German mathematician and philosopher, the founder of modern mathematical logic. Frege was born in Wismar, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. He studied at the universities of Jena and G¶ttingen, later joining the mathematics faculty at Jena. Frege sought to derive the principles of arithmetic from the principles of logic. Faced with the ambiguity of ordinary language and the inadequacy of available logical systems, he invented many symbolic notations, such as quantifiers and variables, thus providing the foundation for modern mathematical logic. His work greatly influenced the British philosopher Bertrand Russell. Conceptual Notation (1879; trans. 1972) is regarded as the most important of his publications, which also include

    35. Frege, Gottlob
    gottlob frege (b. 1848, d. 1925) was a German mathematician, logician,and philosopher who worked at the University of Jena. frege
    Frege, Gottlob Gottlob Frege (b. 1848, d. 1925) was a German mathematician, logician, and philosopher who worked at the University of Jena. Frege essentially recreated the discipline of logic by constructing the first `predicate calculus'. In this calculus, Frege developed a new analysis of atomic and quantified statements and formalized the notion of a `proof' in terms that are still accepted today. Frege then demonstrated that one could use this calculus to resolve theoretical mathematical statements in terms of simpler logical and mathematical notions. One of the axioms that Frege later adopted for his system, in the attempt to derive significant parts of mathematics from logic, proved to be inconsistent. Nevertheless, his definitions (of the predecessor relation and of the concept of natural number ) and methods (for deriving the axioms of number theory) were insightful and constituted a significant advance. To ground his views about the relationship of logic and mathematics, Frege conceived a comprehensive philosophy of language that many philosophers still find insightful. However, his lifelong project, of showing that mathematics was reducible to logic, was not successful.
    Frege's Life
    • 1848, born November 8 in Wismar (Mecklenburg-Schwerin)

    36. Frege, Gottlob
    encyclopediaEncyclopedia frege, gottlob, gôt lOp frA gu PronunciationKey. frege, gottlob , 1848–1925, German philosopher and mathematician.
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    37. FREGE, GOTTLOB - Meaning And Definition Of The Word
    Search Dictionary frege, gottlob Dictionary Entry and Meaning. Computing Dictionary.Definition gottlob frege. COPYRIGHT © 20002003 WEBNOX CORP., gottlob
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    Computing Dictionary Definition: Gottlob Frege HOME ABOUT HYPERDICTIONARY

    38. Dictionary Of Philosophy Of Mind - Frege, Gottlob
    frege, gottlob (b. 1848,Wismar, Germany, d. 1925, Bad Kleinen, Germany,Ph.D. mathematics - geometry, University of Göttingen, 1873).
    Frege, Gottlob Tadeusz Zawidzki References Frege Site Last updated: May 11, 2004

    39. Gottlob Frege From FOLDOC
    Free Online Dictionary of Computing. frege, gottlob . gottlob frege. person, history, philosophy, mathematics, logic, theory (1848, Gottlob

    40. Frege_Note
    gallery index. gottlob frege. He created mathematical logic all byhimself in order to give firmer foundations of arithmetic. His
    Gottlob Frege He created mathematical logic all by himself in order to give firmer foundations of arithmetic. His studies on logic and the nature of language led to a new method of philosophy, now called "linguistic" or "analytical". However, his program for reducing arithmetic and mathematics in general to logic (Logicism in the philosophy of mathematics) turned out to have great difficulties: the concept of set is needed even for defining natural numbers, and logic alone is not sufficient for defining it; a naive definition leads to a contradiction, as the Russell paradox shows (see Russell BACK TO FREGE PICTURE BACK TO GALLERY INDEX Last modified March 28, 1999. (c) Soshichi Uchii

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