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Fredholm Ivar: more detail |
61. Great Mathematicians Hadamard, Jacques, (18651963), France, Theory of Power Seriea, PDE.fredholm, Eric ivar, (1866-1927), Sweden, Integral Equations. Kutta http://www.sali.freeservers.com/engineering/maths.html | |
62. April 7 - Today In Science History (Erik) ivar fredholm. Born 7 Apr 1866; died 17 Aug 1927. Swedish mathematicianwho founded modern integral equation theory. W(ill) K(eith) Kellogg. http://www.todayinsci.com/4/4_07.htm | |
63. Matematiker - Susning.nu John Charles Fields (Fieldspriset); CarlErik Fröberg; Joseph Fourier;Adolf Abraham Fraenkel? ivar fredholm? Gottlob Frege. G http://susning.nu/Matematiker | |
64. Liste Alphabétique Des Mathématiciens Translate this page 1965). Fréchet (Maurice), Français (1878-1973). fredholm (Eric ivar),Suédois (1866-1927). Frege (Gottlob), Allemand (1848-1925). Frenet http://www.cegep-st-laurent.qc.ca/depar/maths/noms.htm | |
65. April Birthdays Xavier (1506); William Wordsworth (1770); Francis Cabot Lowell (1775); Walter ChaunceyCamp (1859); Will Keith Kellogg (1860); Erik ivar fredholm (1866); David http://www.umkc.edu/imc/aprilbir.htm | |
66. Seznam Publikaci Ann. 224 (1976), 173 178; ivar fredholm and the origins of functionalanalysis (Czech) (with J. Vesely), Pokroky Mat. Fyz. Astronom. http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~netuka/publikace.html | |
67. MATH 560-61 Methods Of Applied Mathematics (00F-01S) Green s Functions and Boundary Value Problems, 2nd ed., ivar Stakgold, 1998 of adjointdomains, Green s functions, convertibility to fredholm integral equations http://www.math.montana.edu/~pernarow/M560/2000/M560.html | |
68. Významní Matematikové V Historii (13) Erik ivar fredholm narozen 7. dubna 1866 ve Stockholmu, védsko zemrel17. ivar fredholm studoval v Uppsale, pozdeji ve Stockholmu. http://www.gymtc.cz/natura/2003/2/20030206.html | |
69. News fredholm,Erik ivar; 07.04.1866- 17.08.1927; @T(Stockholm/S; ebd.) www01b, 82.7 http://home.gelsen-net.de/ppose/mathe_news_ss2002.html | |
70. Www.iper1.com - Erik Ivar Fredholm EXPLORIT Science Center 1865, Zeeman, Pieter. 1866, Broom, Robert. 1866, fredholm, Eric ivar. 1866,Morgan, Thomas Hunt. 1866, Starling, Ernest Henry. 1867, Curie, Marya (Marie)Sklodowska. http://www.iper1.com/rime/index-asp--cerca-llll-Erik Ivar Fredholm.htm | |
71. Le Romain Des Mots-croisés. **Mathématiciens Translate this page SOVIETIQUE. VINAGRADOV (IVAN MATVEIEVITCH) NÉ, A, MILOLIOUB EN 1891. SUEDOIS.fredholm (ERIK ivar) NÉ, A, STOCKHOLM (1866-1927). SUISSES. http://www.mots-croisiste.com/19.html | |
72. Matematiska Institutionen:Historia unga begåvningar. Allra främst bland dem var Edvard Phragmén, ivar Bendixson,Helge von Koch och ivar fredholm. Alla blev internationellt http://www.math.su.se/matematik/Historia/Historia.html | |
73. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page Frank, Philipp (1884 - 1966) Franklin, Philip (1898 - 1965) Frechet, Maurice Rene(2.9.1878 - 4.6.1973) fredholm, (Erik) ivar (1866 - 1927) Frege, Friedrich http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
74. Births Which Occurred On An April 07 1866 ivar fredholm, Stockholm, Sweden, mathematician best remembered for his workon integral equations and spectral theory, and actuary, who died on 17 August http://www.ifrance.com/7aujourdhui/history/h4apr/h4apr07.html | |
75. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Franklin, Philip (1898 - 1965). Frechet, Maurice Rene (2.9.1878 - 4.6.1973). fredholm,(Erik) ivar (1866 - 1927). Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob (1848 - 1925). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
76. Matematiikan Historia; Muun Maailman Matemaatikot Translate this page Emile Picard, Vito Volterra Hermann Hollerith Alfred North Whitehead David HilbertJacques Hadamard Charles de la Vallée Poussin ivar fredholm Felix Hausdorff E http://solmu.math.helsinki.fi/2000/mathist/muumaa.html | |
77. Kiyoshi Shiraishi:N\ Translate this page 1868, Henrietta Swan Leavitt, 1921. 1867, Marie Curie, 1934. 1866, Erik ivar fredholm,1927. 1865, Jacques Salomon Hadamard, 1963. 1865, ·ªY, 1950. http://ha2.seikyou.ne.jp/home/Kiyoshi.Shiraishi/nemp.html | |
78. Loodus- Ja Täppisteadlaste Eluaastaid GER füüsik, optik ja astronoom) Fréchet, René Maurice (18781973) (FRA matemaatik)fredholm, Erik ivar (1866-1927) (SWE matemaatik) Frenet, Frédéric Jean http://www.physic.ut.ee/~janro/ | |
79. 0003090.htm ivar fredholm. 219. 1489.- Sur une classe d équations fonctionnelles; par M. ivar fredholm. 1561. http://gallica.bnf.fr/Fonds_Tables/000\M0003090.htm | |
80. Résultat De La Recherche Translate this page mathématiciens tenu à Stockholm, 22-25 septembre 1909 / publ. par G.Mittag-Leffler, ivar fredholm. Voir la notice, Consulter la notice. 22. http://gallica.bnf.fr/scripts/Catalog.asp?Sujet=Mathematiques |
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