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81. Home Page Regional bank branch in franklin, MA offering the usual personal and commercial services. http://www.benfranklinbank.com/ | |
82. Benjamin Franklin - Biografie Rasscass Translate this page benjamin franklin. Der Politiker, Naturwissenschaftler und Schriftsteller benjamin franklin war einer der größten Politiker Amerikas. http://www.rasscass.com/templ/te_bio.php?PID=1287&RID=1 |
83. Quick Biography Of Benjamin Franklin Concise illustrated biography covers the most important aspects of franklin's life. http://www.ushistory.org/franklin/facts/index.htm | |
84. Benjamin Franklin Forum devoted to discussing his life and works. http://hatteraslight.com/navy/BenjaminFranklinhall/mobydick.html | |
85. Biografía - Franklin, Benjamin franklin, benjamin Nacionalidad Estados Unidos Boston 1706 - Filadelfia 1790. Miembro de una http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/6471.htm | |
86. Endokrinologie Berlin (B. R. Deutschland). http://www.medizin.fu-berlin.de/endo/ | |
87. Benjamin Franklin The complete biography (with pictures) of benjamin franklin from the beginnings of the American Revolutionary war to the Treaty of Paris . . . http://www.americanrevwar.homestead.com/files/FRANKLIN.HTM | |
88. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN franklin, benjamin (17061790), American diplomat, statesman and scientist, was born on the 17th of January 1706 in a house in Milk Street, opposite the Old http://65.1911encyclopedia.org/F/FR/FRANKLIN_BENJAMIN.htm | |
89. Benjamin Franklin Discussion Port Forum and live chat devoted to discussing his life, inventions and achievements. http://classicals.com/federalist/BenjaminFranklinhall/wwwboard.html |
90. Willkommen Bei Der Patientenbibliothek Der Charité Campus Benjamin Franklin Die B¼cherei f¼r Patienten des Universit¤tsklinikum mit detaillierte Angaben der Verleihmodalit¤ten. http://www.medizin.fu-berlin.de/patbib/ | |
91. Brian W. Fairbanks/The Pattern American/The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin From a seven part essay by Brian W. Fairbanks that examines the profound impact he had in shaping the American character. http://angelfire.com/oh2/writer/Franklin.html | |
92. [pg/etext94/bfaut10.txt] The Autobiography Of Benjamin Franklin pg/etext94/bfaut10.txt The Autobiography of benjamin franklin July, 1994 Etext 148 This text is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY http://www.infomotions.com/etexts/literature/american/1700-1799/franklin-autobio | |
93. Meriden Public Schools/Welcome Page Student and administration information, calendar, clubs and departments of elementary school in Meriden. http://www.meriden.k12.ct.us/franklin/ | |
94. Benjamin Franklin Quotes | Quotes By Benjamin Franklin From Basic Quotations - F Quotations by Author Quotes by franklin, benjamin from Basic Quotations Born 170601-17 Died 1790-04-17 Biography Beware of small expenses; a small leak will http://www.basicquotations.com/index.php?aid=18 |
95. Benjamin Franklin: America's Original Entrepreneur Biography of the statesman, educator, inventor, author, printer, scientist and American hero. http://www.usdreams.com/Franklin4.html | |
96. Selections From Poor Richard's Almanac benjamin franklin's proverbs. http://www.uta.fi/FAST/US7/FOLK/poorrich.html | |
97. ThinkQuest : Library : Benjamin Franklin, The American Renaissance Man A comprehensive studentproduced loon at franklin's life, including a biography, quotations, anecdotes, interesting facts, and detailed descriptions of his inventions. http://library.thinkquest.org/22254/home.htm | |
98. Benjamin Franklin - Benjamin Franklin And Electricity benjamin franklin and his Times. from Holland Thompson. Page 4 benjamin franklin and Electricity. benjamin franklin s active http://inventors.about.com/cs/inventorsalphabet/a/Ben_Franklin_4.htm | |
99. Vitalog - The Book Of Life : Benjamin FRANKLIN (1706 - 1790) - Brief Resume Categorized site including biography, quotations and assessments as well as links to other sites, his works and bibliography. http://vitalog.com/cgi-bin/exploring/profiles.cgi?id=1575 |
100. Benjamin Franklin - Benjamin Franklin And His Scientific Reputation benjamin franklin and his Times. from Holland Thompson. Page 5 benjamin franklin s Scientific Reputation. In common with http://inventors.about.com/cs/inventorsalphabet/a/Ben_Franklin_5.htm | |
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